
Chapter 216 Personnel

Chapter 216 Personnel
The Foundation Establishment disciples of the Excalibur Sect in Tianjian City usually meet in the Juxian Tower, while the outside sect disciples and casual cultivators mostly meet in the Yunlai Tower.These places can also be said to be the gold-selling nests of cultivators. The teahouses not only provide elegant room transactions, but also special gambling and entertainment.Just talking about renting an elegant room costs a thousand spirit stones, and a pot of top-quality Yunwu Xianzhan costs eight hundred spirit stones.

In the elegant room on the top floor of Yunlai Building, Yi Tian and Duguao sat face to face. After toasting each other a cup of tea, they each took a sip.Duguao's face was full of joy, although his voice was as flat as water, the sparkle in his eyes still betrayed the excitement in his heart.

Yi Tian who was sitting opposite said with a smile: "Brother Dugu, this time the spiritual tool 'True Demon Blood Blade' crossed the catastrophe, you are really admirable for resisting three lightning strikes."

Dugu Ao said with a look of admiration: "Brother Yi is a real person who doesn't show his face, your spiritual weapon can actually attract two purple fire sky thunders, it must be absolutely not ordinary, I also admire the master's skill. "

Ten days ago, at three quarters in the afternoon, outside the Dizihao refinery room of Xiding Volcano, a blood-red steel knife flew out of the restraint.Before Dugu Ao got it in his hand, before he could be happy, he heard Yi Tian's words from the ban: "The top level of the fifth level, 'True Demon Blood Blade', recognize the master by dripping blood, and the spiritual weapon will pass the catastrophe."

After the clouds of catastrophe gathered in the sky, Dugu Ao crossed the catastrophe with his sword. Although the first two thunder tribulations were easily resisted, it was obvious that he was a little weak when he waited for the third one.In the end, relying on his profound cultivation base, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then urged the secret method to resist. Afterwards, he just looked a little overdrawn with spiritual power.

After landing, Dugu Ao urged the magic formula to directly put the 'True Demon Blood Blade' into his dantian, then sat down on the ground, took out a bottle of Tianmomen's secret medicine, the magic marrow pill, and took two capsules directly, and then sat down The ground quickly melted away the medicinal power and recovered the spiritual power.

Unexpectedly, the robbery cloud in the sky has not dissipated for a long time, and a group of refining masters who were watching from a distance were still wondering, and saw that the entire refining room was restricted.Yi Tian flew out with a spiritual weapon in his hand, and then the thunderclouds in the sky turned purple, and two purple fire thunders that were as thick as a baby's arm were struck down one after another, hitting the spiritual weapon in Yi Tian's hand.

Everyone only saw Yi Tian's right hand with a ball of flames protecting the spirit weapon, and then caught the purple fire thunder with the thickness of his arms twice, which shocked everyone below with fear.Unexpectedly, after the three breaths, Yi Tian slowly fell from the sky as if nothing had happened, with a smile on his face, as for the spirit weapon in his hand, he put it away in an instant.

Now the refined doll has already been inhaled into the dantian to warm up, and after the recognition of the owner with a drop of blood, the doll looks like Yi Tian, ​​just like a pocket version of Yi Tian.And he could clearly feel that his luck had been secretly and closely connected with this double doll.Now the seal in the dantian is still suspended at the top, and below is a doll that looks like Yi Tian floating above the spiritual liquid.

According to the description on the remnants of Tiangong Artifacts, this stand-in doll is only of true color now, as long as it is warmed up for a period of time, it will become the corresponding color after absorbing Yi Tian's aura, and then it will automatically resist for Yi Tian every time. After a fatal injury, a crack will appear, and as long as it continues to be warmed in the body for more than ten years, it can be restored to its original state.

As for Duguao's natal spirit weapon, he thought it would be similar to his own. This time, both of them got what they wanted, and Yi Tian also earned the favor of Duguao and Wish, which can be regarded as a bumper harvest.

The two were talking, suddenly Yi Tian felt a message from the communication token in his storage bracelet.Taking it out casually, it turned out to be a contact from Shuidong City.After Yi Tian finished reading it carefully, he realized that it turned out that Shuidong City had already found a partner in the same industry, and hoped to bring it to Yi Tian to see and meet.Yi Tian didn't hesitate, and wrote back to him directly, and asked Shui Dongcheng to bring someone to meet at Yunlai Building immediately, and then discuss the next thing.

After sending the message, Yi Tian also thought about it, and then glanced at Duguao in front of him.When he saw this, he thought that Yi Tian had something important to do, but suddenly seeing Yi Tian's serious face, Dugu Ao knew that there must be something to ask for.

Yi Tian said: "Brother Dugu, you and I met by chance, but we hit it off right away. I originally wanted to ask someone to help me with this matter. If you are interested, can you please listen to me next."

Having said that, Duguao can no longer just stand by and think in his heart: "It's always a good thing to have a chance to repay a favor. If you can't do it, don't rush to agree." ’ After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and replied: "Brother Yi, please tell me, as long as you can help, please speak."

In this way, Yi Tian took out the token and handed it to the other party, and then explained the cooperation between himself, Shuidong City, and Du Heiyi.Dugu Ao was still a bit skeptical at first, but after taking the token and carefully observing the pattern on it, he became interested. This thing is at least a thousand years old. At this time, Yi Tian took it out. Naturally it goes without saying.

For people who know the goods, Yi Tian is not going to hide it, after all, people like them are born with extremely keen sense of smell and observation.A cultivator is fighting for his life with the heavens, so exploring the relics and caves is a no-brainer.Although everyone knows that there are many crises, but the risks and profits are directly proportional.

A moment later, when Yi Tian had fully narrated the matter, Dugu Ao laughed and said, "I thought it was difficult, but don't worry about it, brother Yi, we will advance together and retreat together."

Seeing that the other party was so straightforward, Yi Tian also smiled and said: "Brother Dugu will take care of you at that time, as for the matter of breaking the formation, I will take care of it next time."

Half an hour later, the two heard some people arguing at the outer door of the top floor of Yunlai Building. After Yi Tian opened the door of the elegant room, he saw that it was Shuidongcheng who was being waited on by the stairs at the top floor with a man and a woman. blocked.

After listening carefully, I realized that the rules of this Yunlai Building are that anyone who comes to the top floor has to pay the entrance fee per person, three hundred spirit stones per person.As a foundation-building cultivator, Shuidong City would not take this matter seriously, and besides, he was only here to find someone, so there was no need to waste money.

And the buddies on the top floor also stopped them and insisted on collecting the spirit stones before letting them go up. Moreover, the backstage boss of Yunlailou was considered a respectable figure in Tianjian City.

When the few people couldn't argue, they heard Duguao's voice saying: "These people came to look for me, so let's count them all on my account."

Seeing this, Shui Dongcheng angrily led the two people behind him towards the elegant room. Before leaving, he still gave the guy a vicious look. He didn't even think about it. Li, walked away with a look of disdain, and said weakly: "If you refuse to pay three hundred spirit stones, why are you pretending to be a master?"

After hearing this, Shui Dongcheng staggered ahead, almost losing his breath and pace.Based on the most important thing in front of him, he didn't wait too long with the idlers, and directly led the people into the elegant room.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, they saw two people sitting across from each other in the room. Yi Tian got up when he saw the visitor and said, "Brother Dongcheng brought him here, please introduce him." He pointed to Duguao and said: " This is a friend I found, so fellow Daoist Dugu will also get to know you."

Unexpectedly, the three of them became extremely restrained after sitting down, and even Shui Dongcheng, who was always talkative, acted extra cautiously.This made Yi Tian very puzzled, but fortunately, the purpose of this time was just to introduce people.

After closing the door, Yi Tian opened a sound-proof barrier, then Shui Dongcheng calmed down and pointed to the two people around him: "These two are Yang Ling and Tong Yan, they are the partners I found."

When meeting Yi Tian for the first time, he always had to know something about this partner. He looked at the two of them up and down. Yang Ling was a dull man who looked to be in his 40s. Stealing treasures and solving difficult problems for others.After asking in depth, Yi Tiancai knew that Yang Ling was an amateur killer, and this kind of person's cultivation should be considered passable.

As for Tong Yan sitting on the side, her eyes kept scanning everyone present. Although she looked like a 25-year-old young woman in a skirt, she was dressed like a charming lady, making people think she was a delicate lady. A weak woman who wants to drip.Shuidongcheng's sound transmission explained: "Tong Fairy is a great expert in tracking. She has just reached the late stage of foundation establishment and is resourceful."

But she looked around and avoided Duguao intentionally or unintentionally. Seeing Yi Tian's eyes on this appearance, she was also amused in her heart. Knowing that the two of them can be regarded as understanding people, at least they can assess the situation.

Yi Tian didn't care much about the people in Shuidong City, and said casually: "Have those two understood this matter?"

Yang Ling glanced at Duguao, and then said with a smile: "We all understand that this operation can be accompanied by descendants of the Heavenly Demon Palace, so the probability of success will be greatly increased. Of course, we have to explain in advance, except for the first three. Except for picking one item, the rest must be shared equally."

Tong Yan also echoed from the side: "Yes, yes, then don't use cultivation to suppress people."

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to burst out laughing, it seems that he guessed right, this Dugu Ao is also a ruthless character, but he knows less about him.

Shuidong City hastily stepped forward to smooth things over and said, "That's not going to happen. Don't worry, you two. We're all about unity when we investigate the ruins together. We won't do things that create internal conflicts."

Dugu Ao sneered, then took out a storage bag and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "This is the [-] spirit stones needed to refine the token to open the door, so let's take a step first, Brother Yi and others get it together After that, just notify me when you need to refine tokens."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the gazes of the three people, he got up directly, opened the door and left.

Yi Tian had no choice but to reply, it seems that Duguao's reputation outside is quite ruthless, at least the three people in front of him are very afraid of him.This is also good, the stronger the people Yi Tian finds, the more beneficial it will be for the next exploration.

After the people left, the three people in Shuidong City finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Master Yi, why do you ask him for help?"

After getting the bottom line in his heart, Yi Tian smiled and patted Shui Dongcheng and replied: "Don't worry, it's okay, he won't eat you. By the way, I also found a helper, a monk from the Excalibur Sect, named Xing Yuan. "

This time, the tea cup held by Shui Dongcheng fell to the table with a bang, but his eyes widened and he looked at Yi Tiandao: "Who else did you say you were looking for?"

"Xing Yuan, he should be a family-friendly person."

"Do you know who they are?" Shui Dongcheng called out.

"Brother Dongcheng, don't be impatient. I have come into contact with Xing Yuan, and I feel that it is quite reliable, and Dugu Ao also recognizes him."

Now Shui Dongcheng laughed angrily: "Can they not know each other? These two are the foundation-building disciples of the Divine Sword Sect and the Tianmo Sect. They will be rivals in the competition between the two factions 20 years later. Duguao's skill is more than enough to hit me and two, and he has a fierce reputation, people on the road call him a little blood demon, and he is not lenient when killing people."

"What about Xing Yuan?"
Shuidong City looked at Yi Tiandao helplessly: "He is the leader of the Seven Absolute Swords of the Excalibur Sect, Xing Yuan with a cultivation level like me can hit three with one."

Yi Tian paused and said: "It seems that Xing Yuan is better, but after Dugu Ao refines the spirit weapon, it should be a tie. I really want to see the duel between the two of them."

Now even Yang Ling and Tong Yan looked at Yi Tian helplessly, and then looked at Xiashui Dongcheng, which means that your friend recruited such fierce people, how can you mess around if you call us casual cultivators? ah.

(End of this chapter)

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