
Chapter 217

Chapter 217
The places with the largest trading volume in Tianjian City are Duobaozhai and the street market in the city. Basically, you can get all the black iron in these two places. As long as you don’t do too much, you can order it every time So far, there will be no panic in the market due to the massive acquisition of this material.

Shuidong City is also quite familiar with the lower Jiuliu places. Basically, as long as there is black iron in every street market, he will go up and buy half, or even about [-]%. After more than a month, the materials are all ready. .

This time, Dugu Ao got [-] spirit stones when he made a move, which greatly alleviated the shortage of funds in Shuidong City.But the next thing is that the acquisition of krypton gold mine is not so smooth.

One is that it is a grade [-] material, and there are not many places where it can be sold in the market.The second is that the demand is high this time, but wherever there are krypton gold mines, Shuidong City has also tried it.But most of the bidders are some craftsmen, they are rich and powerful, Shuidong City has failed several times, so they come to Yi Tian to discuss.

The four of them were walking on the street, Yi Tian's face was ashen. According to the materials handed over by Shuidongcheng, the krypton gold was at least [-]% short.After looking around for a while, Yi Tian said displeasedly: "Brother Dongcheng, is there no other place in Tianjian City where you can buy krypton gold mines besides Duobaozhai and street stalls?"

Shuidong City also has a look of helplessness, now there are nearly 20 spirit stones in hand, plus the [-] newly added by Dugu Ao, a total of [-].There is no shortage of spirit stones, but they are out of stock.Moreover, they may not be able to compete with others, this is the biggest problem in Shuidong City.

After the two were silent for a while, Tong Yan who stood aside said: "I have a way, but I don't know if it will work or not."

Yang Ling said hastily, "Your job is all based on luck, you can't decide."

Shuidong City also nodded frequently and said: "Yes, yes, we only have so many spirit stones in total, how can it be enough for the cost?"

Now Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "Is there any way Fairy Tong can let us find enough krypton gold in a short period of time, you might as well say it clearly and listen carefully."

Tong Yan saw that Yi Tian was moved, and the other two remained silent, so she became more courageous and said, "Go to the stone gambling shop to gamble on ore. As far as I know, many rough ore can be mined with rare minerals. .”

After hearing so much, Yi Tian also showed a gloomy expression, betting on stones is either the 'boss' or the 'floor', not [-]% or at least [-]%.But looking at the few people in front of me, they don't seem to have any specialties. If they go, they will be in vain.

Seeing that the three of them were silent, Tong Yan was also in a hurry, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Yi Tian, ​​she could see now that this matter was completely decided by the master in front of her, and Shuidong City was just doing odd jobs together.

After receiving Tong Yan's voice transmission, Yi Tian also looked at her in surprise, and then thought about it thoughtfully.A moment later, the two of them started talking with each other through sound transmission on the street, completely ignoring Shui Dongcheng and Yang Ling around them.

After a while, Tong Yan seemed to stop thinking about something, and after weighing the gains and losses, she nodded helplessly towards Yi Tian.Although he didn't know the content of the conversation between the two, Shui Dongcheng saw that Yi Tian's frown was relaxed, and Tong Yan also smiled softly, and gradually let go of the doubts in his heart.

Generally speaking, this should be a good thing, at least Yi Tian approved Tong Yan's proposal, and dealt with the matter of looking for krypton gold mines first.

Half an hour later, in the living room of Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop branch in Tianjian City, Yi Tian and Tong Yan were sitting face to face, and the room was startled and soundproofed.I saw Yi Tian staring at Tong Yan for a long time before saying: "Is what Fairy Tong just said on the street true?"

Tong Yan, who was sitting opposite, just shook her temples with her hands a little, and then said in a coquettish voice: "I am not completely sure whether it is feasible or not, but this is always a way. Collect so much krypton gold."

Seeing that Tong Yan pushed the topic to himself again, Yi Tian also had a big head. Just now Tong Yan proposed to gamble on stones, but Yi Tian disagreed at the beginning.But then the other party said that he had practiced a pupil technique, and he could roughly distinguish whether there was material in the ore.

Now Yi Tian wondered, this spell is definitely useful, but why didn't Tong Yan gamble with stones?It is estimated that this pupil technique must have many limitations, and the effect will definitely not be as good as Tong Yan said.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also chuckled and said, "I'm a little moved by Fairy Tong's proposal, but I still need some evidence to convince me. If it doesn't work, I'd better go shopping around with Brother Dongcheng and Brother Yang. "

Everyone who has practiced to this level is a good person, and many things cannot be discussed without being open and honest.Seeing this, Tong Yan knew that she had to show her skills, so she said, "You Daoist Yi can find some raw ore, let's try it and find out."

Real gold is not afraid of fire, this is what Yi Tian waited for.After listening to it, he smiled and said: "Such a child fairy, please wait a moment."

There are a lot of raw ores in Zheng's refining shop, Yi Tian went to the shop and randomly selected four pieces and brought them into the living room for Tong Yan to try.

Looking at the large and small rough stones on the table, Tong Yan also smiled, holding up the formula with both hands, and saw a slight blue light in her eyes, and then stared at the ore in front of her for half a stick of incense. , with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "This is the Chijing copper mine," and after finishing speaking, he winked at Yi Tian triumphantly.

Ignoring the other party's actions, Yi Tian took out a small knife, raised the knife and knocked off a corner of the rough stone, revealing the purple-red copper ore inside.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian pointed to the three pieces of ore next to him and said, "Tong Fairy, please check these pieces as well."

Now it was Tong Yan's turn to be stunned, and then she sat cross-legged on the chair and began to adjust her breath to recover.Yi Tian who was on the side asked puzzledly: "Tong Fairy, is your spell still hindered? Can't it be used continuously?"

Tong Yan replied helplessly: "I haven't practiced this spell for a long time, and I haven't reached the level of Xiaocheng, so it takes half an hour to recover after each use."

Now Yi Tian's complexion is a bit ugly, no wonder Yang Ling said on the street just now that it is not good to gamble with stones, and he has to wear gangs to go like this.The shopkeepers of the Gambling Stone Shop are all good people, how can they let customers choose once in half an hour, if the tricks in it are discovered, at least they will be kicked out and their reputation in Tianjian City will be stink.

Yi Tian walked back and forth in the living room for a few steps, and asked again and again: "Can Fairy Tong let me check out your spell?"

After all, it would be embarrassing to directly ask people to borrow spells, but now she doesn't care so much, Tong Yan nodded and agreed after listening.

A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian carefully read the jade slips handed over by Tong Yan, but there was no surprise on the back, but he was really happy in his heart.This childish face is empty of the treasure mountain and cannot be used. This volume called "Qingling Famu" clearly records that the practitioner must have wood-type aura. If other auras are used instead, the effect will not be good.

Just now when Tong Yan performed it, the blue light flashed in her eyes, which meant that she was a water-type aura. No wonder she had to rest for half an hour after watching it once.

Tong Yan is also an old man, and the spells given to Yi Tian are only the first half volume, which is enough if it is to distinguish ore.Yi Tian also made up his mind to squeeze something out of her, and later put the jade slip down and said, "Fairy Tong, this spell is pretty good, but it's a pity that the fairy's aura attribute is wrong, so the effect is much worse."

When Yi Tian hit the nail on the head, Tong Yan also blushed and returned to normal in an instant, and then said helplessly: "I can't help myself, why don't I go to the doctor in a hurry. Why don't we go to gamble every time?" I only take one piece of stone, and it’s enough to go a few more times.”

Yi Tian couldn't help laughing, thinking that this childlike face is also considered whimsical, so frequent going in and out of the stone gambling shop, isn't it because there is no silver 300 taels here, and he is not asking for it.After three laughs, Yi Tian threw out a sentence: "Tong Fairy is still short of the one hundred thousand Lingshi's entry fee for joining this time, right?"

As soon as the words came out, Tong Yan's face changed, but he realized in an instant that the person in front of him was thinking about it.Now that the other party has drawn down the line, let's see how to pick it up, Tong Yan pretended to be surprised and said: "I am also troubled by this matter, one hundred thousand spirit stones are also [-] to [-]% of the net worth for a foundation cultivator. I wouldn’t plan to spend this money if it wasn’t for the sake of this expedition. I don’t know if Daoyou Yi thinks that the spell of ‘Qing Ling Dharma Eye’ can be worth [-] spirit stones?”

After calculation, the market price of this spell is about the same, but what Yi Tian wants is the sincere cooperation in the future, so it is understandable to give some sweetness.After thinking for a while, he said: "I think this jade slip only has half of the spells, how about you give me the other half, and I will waive the entry fee for you this time."

Hearing that such a childish face showed a satisfied smile, this is already the best result, and the next big thing is to find ores. With the help of this person in front of me, I don't need to spend too much effort.

"The first half of the 'Clear Spiritual Eyes' was handed over to Fellow Daoist Yi directly, and I haven't had time to develop the second half. However, it will take ten and a half months to get Yang Ling's help to go back and forth. Can Fellow Daoist wait in time? ?”

Upon hearing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to agree first.Anyway, this matter is not in a hurry, and while Yang Ling and Tong Yan are out, I can just practice the 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye'.Even if there is no second half, at least it is no problem to go to the mine after practicing the first half.

After the agreement was reached, Tong Yan also suggested that Yang Ling's help would be needed in this matter, so whether to waive part of his entry fee.Seeing that she looks like a businessman, Yi Tian just smiled and said: "Then let's get half of it off, this is my biggest concession."

Two hours later, Shuidong City and Yang Ling came to meet them at the appointment. After explaining the assignment of the characters, Yang Ling was of course full of joy.Just one run saved fifty thousand spirit stones. He would be a fool not to hurry up. He hurriedly took out a bag of spirit stones and ordered fifty thousand spirit stones to hand over to Shuidong City.

After the two of them left, Shui Dongcheng looked at the spirit stone in his hand and said with a worried expression, "You Daoist Yi, are there not enough spirit stones?"

"Brother Dongcheng, don't worry, you don't need to collect krypton gold mines for the time being. After I finish cultivating the 'Qing Ling Dharma', I will go to the stone gambling shop and get back my money with interest."

After hearing these words, Shuidongcheng felt a little relieved, this person in front of him was not a good man or a believer, his eyes were poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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