
Chapter 218 Interlude

Chapter 218 Interlude
Tianjian City is like a metropolis for mortals. Restaurants, restaurants, and teahouses are easy to do business, but the most lively place is the casino.The casinos here are all owned by the Excalibur Sect. The Stone Gambling Shop is regarded as a sideline of the casino, and it is also opened on the busiest South Street.

Yi Tian and Shui Dongcheng are standing in front of the shop called 'Stone in Jade', which is said to be the biggest gambling shop in Tianjian City.

Ten days ago, Tong Yan took out the spirit formula of 'Qing Ling Fa Mu' as a substitute for the entry fee. After Yi Tian checked the spell back and forth, he found that it was not difficult to practice.As long as the aura attributes match, it only takes nine days to practice the first level of 'identification'.

To be on the safe side, after nine days of closed-door training, Yi Tian practiced extensively in the shop. Anyway, there are a lot of raw ores of low-grade materials in the Zheng family smelting shop.Seeing that Zheng Fu was in a hurry during this time, Yi Tian decided to buy all the low-level raw ores in the shop, and then experimented with his new spells, solving all expected ones.

This is a hard time for Zheng Fu, often Yi Tian glances over the rough stone, and then directly cuts a corner with a knife, and Zheng Fu is responsible for all the subsequent work of dissolving the stone.

Fortunately, strong generals do not lack hungry soldiers, and Yi Tian also knows the way to control people, so he gave Zheng Fu [-]% of the labor cost according to the value of each piece of ore.Now Zheng Fu seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and spent the whole day soaking in the warehouse to work non-stop.

After unlocking the last rough stone, Yi Tian gave him two thousand spirit stones with a wave of his hand.The ores that were solved were all in Yi Tian's pocket. In total, the ores in the store cost [-] spirit stones, plus Zheng Fu's labor costs, a total of [-], but those ores are estimated to be The market price is about [-] or so.

With these experiences, Yi Tian's confidence increased greatly, and the next day he sent a message to Shuidong City, and took 20 spirit stones to the Gambling Stone Shop to sweep the goods.Shuidong City is an old man in Tianjian City. He knows where the stone gambling shop is the most reasonable, and the ore production rate is high.After listening to Yi Tian's narration of the experiences of the past few days, even he felt that there was something to do.

In this way, the two rushed to the shop of 'Shi Zhongyu' ready to show their skills.As soon as they entered the door, they heard someone arguing about something in the store. A group of people were still watching, but no one dared to stand up and say a word.Yi Tian followed the voice, and saw a female revisionist arguing with the shopkeeper.

Shui Dongcheng took a glance at the side and hurriedly dragged Yi Tian inside, and said in a low voice: "Why is this aunt, don't mess with her, or you won't be able to eat."

Now Yi Tian is excited, since Shui Dongcheng said so, it seems that the female cultivator has a background, but I don't know the reason, so I asked, "Brother Dongcheng, you know that girl, it seems that you are still quite scared." Is it the other party's?"

This time, Shui Dongcheng's face twitched and he said: "You don't know, her name is Yan Zhaoxue, and she is from the Girls' School, and casual cultivators like us can't be provoked."

After savoring Xiashui Dongcheng's words carefully, it seems that he has suffered a lot from the Maiden School, no wonder the resentment is so deep in his heart, and he can't hide it if he can't provoke it.

After calming down, Yi Tian was busy thinking about the matter in hand, so the two walked around the crowd and walked to a counter, and the monks who had received them came up to ask.Under Yi Tian's signal, Shuidongcheng directly mortgaged 20 spirit stones, and then a special guy led them to the warehouse behind to see the goods.

The warehouse of 'Stone in Jade' is several times larger than the main hall in front. Along the way, Yitian found that there are still many customers like himself looking for rough mineral stones under the leadership of the staff.Most of these people wore a badge of a craftsman on their chests, and everyone in Shuidong City was full of envy.

According to the guy who led the way, the raw ore here is divided into several categories. Some of the high-grade minerals can be identified in zone A, and the middle and low-grade minerals are in zone B.There are relatively few ores here. Although the type of ore has been determined, the amount that can be mined varies.

Yi Tian looked around, then pointed to the area with the most people and said to the buddy: "There are the most rough stones there, can we take a look?"

"The guest officer's place is the main area C of our trip. All the rough ores that have not been proven ore are piled up there. Most of the guests who come here are aimed at the raw ores in the C area. In Tianjian City, we count the ones in our shop. There are the most complete types of rough stones, please choose carefully, sir, and tell me which one you choose, and the price of the ore is all there.” After speaking, the guy pointed to the shelves in area C, and then stood aside respectfully waiting for orders .

Now Yi Tian winked at Shuidong City, and the two walked leisurely into the ward.Shuidong City pretended to be picking ore, but in fact Yi Tian was doing all the work.Standing behind him, Yi Tian slowly used the 'Qingling Famu', because every time he used it, his eyes would flash a little blue light. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the two of them discussed it before coming in.

Shuidong City is responsible for attracting the attention of the staff, while Yi Tian is taking the opportunity to inspect the ore. The owner behind this 'Jade in the Stone' is a Jindan cultivator, and the two of them don't want to cause trouble.

I scanned the rough stones on the shelf with my spiritual sense, each piece was original and had a label on the front with the price stated.Yi Tian quickly scanned with the 'Qing Ling Fa Mu', and memorized all the expected rough stones one by one.Most of them are grade [-] raw ores. If calculated according to the market price, they basically make a lot of small profits and big losses.Yi Tian had no choice but to laugh it off, it would be impossible to bet on stones, otherwise there would be no profit.

Yitian selected a total of nearly ten pieces of raw ore after all the shopping, and the base price of each piece was exactly 20 yuan.Yi Tian figured it out, and basically picked krypton gold mines, even smaller ores.Rough calculations should be about the same, as long as there are no moths when these ores are refined.

After a sound transmission came down, Shuidongcheng hurriedly greeted the buddy to keep the account, then turned his head and smiled at Yi Tian knowingly, the two of them kept silent.

The store clerk didn't care about so many, he just found a storage bag to store the selected raw ores one by one, and then led the two of them to the main hall to settle the settlement.

When the two returned to the main hall, they found that the person who had quarreled just now was still there, but now the shopkeeper was going to settle the matter and send the plague god out, but that Yan Zhaoxue refused to leave.

Yi Tian just smiled at this and then went to the counter to check out with Shui Dongcheng.The buddy took out ten pieces of raw ore one by one and showed them to the monk on the counter for inspection.Seeing the badge of a fourth-level craftsman pinned to the monk's chest, Yi Tian felt a little nervous. If someone with a heart saw him collecting so many krypton gold mines at once, he would be unable to argue.

Speaking of being afraid of something, the refiner picked up the raw ore and looked at it one by one, then his brows became more and more frowned, and he looked at the two people in front of him from time to time, as if he wanted to see through them, and said after a while: "Fellow Daoist picked out all the raw krypton gold ores in my shop, what should we do next?"

Seeing trouble coming, Yi Tian hastily stepped forward and explained: "I am a smelter stationed at the branch of the Zheng family smelting shop. This time, I mainly bought a few krypton gold mines to try to refine a fifth-level spiritual weapon."

After hearing this, the craftsman looked at the identity token that Yi Tian took out, and he was relieved.Since they are all subordinate properties of the Excalibur Sect, then everyone does not look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, as the Elder Jin Dan is there to look at them, so there is no need to turn against each other over trivial matters.

The speaker didn't care, and the listener meant it. Yan Zhaoxue, who was arguing on the side, paused obviously when she heard Yi Tian's words, and then showed a little smile on her face.After the quarrel stopped, Yan Zhaoxue walked lightly to the side of Shuidong City and said, "You sneaky guy, how do you have the money to gamble on Shixing?"

Yan Zhaoxue was dressed as a young girl. She looked 16 years old and wore a blue shirt. Her cultivation base was similar to her own. There were traces of Gang Qi all over her body. She must have practiced extremely powerful skills.

Seeing the other party's aggressive look, Shui Dongcheng also obediently hid behind him without saying a word.At this time, Yi Tian had no choice but to come to Shuidong City and had a bad relationship with her, so he had to come forward and said, "I asked Brother Dongcheng to lead me to gamble on stones. I don't know what advice the fairy has. ?”

Yan Zhaoxue also knew that the one in front of her was the real master, so she took a look and said, "It happens that I also want a few krypton gold mines. If it's convenient for you, can you part with me?"

This time, he was in a hurry to enter Shuidong City, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to wait for Yi Tian to speak.The clerks in the nearby shops also seemed to be wandering, while the big shopkeeper was laughing and hurriedly urging Yi Tianyun to come out for two dollars.

According to his previous temper, Yi Tian insisted on asking the other party for advice, but now he is not familiar with the place, and besides, this Yan Zhaoxue is also a member of the three sects, so there is no need to get into trouble for a small matter.After weighing again and again, Yi Tian nodded helplessly, and said, "Well, for the sake of the shopkeeper, I agree to the release of the two krypton gold mines, but this time is not an example."

Seeing that Yi Tian was so knowledgeable, everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief, especially the shopkeeper hurried forward to help pack.Even the craftsman who made the settlement for Yi Tian and the others looked at Yi Tian with approval.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian and Shui Dongcheng finally came out of the stone gambling shop, and the raw ore in their hands was still less than one person's share.This time, Shuidong City volunteered to buy the rest, even if it was [-] spirit stones, it would be more than enough.

Regarding this, Yi Tian just said lightly: "Go and come back quickly, I will go back to the store to purify the ore, and then I will wait for news from Du Heiyi."

After the two agreed on a contact time, Shuidongcheng happily went shopping with [-] spirit stones.Yi Tian also knows that this guy will drill wherever there is oil and water, and he will probably lose [-]% of the [-] spirit stones, but no matter how you say it, the materials for this time's refining token are finally close to each other .

At present, according to the level of mineral extraction by oneself, this finished product should be enough.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out his identity jade badge, found Xing Yuan's contact information, and then bluntly told what happened to him.For a straight man like Xing Yuan, it's better to explain things directly, this is also Yi Tian's confidence in his knowledge of people.

Even if he knows that Duguao, his future competitor, is among the people in the same company, I believe that Yi Xingyuan's character will definitely not refuse, and Yi Tian will still look up to someone like him who values ​​love and righteousness.

(End of this chapter)

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