
Chapter 219 Copy

Chapter 219 Copy
Sitting in his secret room, Yi Tian thought about the preparations for this expedition from time to time.Judging from the present, it is smooth sailing, at least the two people I found here have promised to accompany them there.

Glancing at the contact message in his hand, Dugu Ao is recuperating and adjusting now, it is estimated that the "True Demon Blood Blade" has tormented him enough, he just bite the bullet and hold on, but according to his message, he can train for another three or four years It will be fine in a day or so.

And Xing Yuan is also easy to talk to. Just now Yi Tian contacted him directly, and first asked about the situation of his Taoist companion.Afterwards, Yi Tian also straight to the point and directly explained to him about the expedition to the ruins, and Xing Yuan also wanted to repay the favor, so he agreed after a little thought.It's just that Xing Yuan asked to wait two days to arrange the affairs at hand before coming to meet Yi Tian.

The personnel on my side are basically ready, and Yang Ling and Tong Yan brought by Shuidong City are probably coming back soon, so all they have to do is wait for news from Du Heiyi.

The materials for refining tokens in hand are still short of one. Yi Tian knows that with the ability of Shuidong City, it is no problem to find a part of materials in Tianjian City.Anyway, there is still time, and I just took the opportunity to adjust my breath, and study the formation map by the way, and then helping those five people to refine tokens is also a tiring job.

According to the eight-door golden lock array that was corrupted from Xiao Linhang's hand, the large array sealed outside the ruins is an upgraded version of the eight-door golden lock array, but Yi Tian is also able to understand Bailiming. The basis remains the same.Taking out the array map, Yi Tian carefully studied it back and forth, and it took a long time to put down the jade slip, then a smile appeared on his face, but there was a look of determination in his eyes, thinking in his heart that he still didn't know how to get there Thank you Xiao Linhang.

This large formation was originally the wealth left by the Tianyunmen to the disciples of the sect, and there must be a lot of treasures hidden in it.This time Yi Tian was disrespectful, but thinking about the style of Tianyunmen, there must be some twists and turns in this relic, at least cooperation is indispensable to break the formation.

Now these eight tokens are definitely more than just tokens in Yi Tian's view. According to the formation diagram, eight people holding tokens need to act at the same time to open the eight-door golden lock formation.And the spirit patterns on the eight tokens were originally the formation patterns of the 'Eight Doors Dunlong Stake'.With these eight tokens, Yi Tian can quickly set up a small defensive formation, and with enough time, he can also set up a full set of eight-door golden lock formation.

Recalling that many years ago in Dong Ao, the three of them teamed up to kill three purgatory dogs. At that time, Xiao Linhang used eight copper coins to set up the formation. Originally, Yi Tian thought that his formation technique was extraordinary.But now it seems that Xiao Linhang is also playing tricks, and will replace the "Eight Gates Dunlong Pile" with a copper coin. The power comes, but it really shocked Yi Tian at that time.

Looking at the things in his hands, Yi Tian is now full of confidence in the expedition, and now he only needs to wait for news from Du Heiyi.He casually took out Du Heiyi's summons jade token and looked at it, but there was no response yet.Yi Tian also knew that everything should not be too anxious, this is two points, whoever is anxious will be passive, so he put the jade tablet on the table in front of him and entered the meditation state again.

Three days later, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the futon in the secret room, was in meditation when suddenly the jade tablet in front of him emitted a white light.Yi Tian opened his eyes and saw that it was Du Heiyi's summons. He said that the person had been found, and he was willing to pay one hundred thousand spirit stones or the same amount of materials as the entry fee, and then asked Yi Tian what to do next?
There was also a message in Shuidong City. In the past few days, he went out to scan the goods. Although it was not very smooth, he finally bought purified krypton gold in Duobaozhai in Tianjian City at a price [-]% higher than the market price.According to Yi Tian's original weight, there is still [-]% more, which is counted as fire consumption, and Yi Tian is willing to come to this, anyway, these fire consumption is not what he said in the end.

After reading these summons, Yi Tian was overjoyed, and it seems that things have been going well so far.After making some calculations, he sent a direct message to Duguao, Xing Yuan and Shuidongcheng to ask them to meet directly at the refining area of ​​Xiding Volcano.

Although there was some movement there last time, Yi Tian didn't want to face the Golden Core cultivator again, but the equipment of the Zheng family's refining shop is still lacking.Going to Yitian this time can be regarded as an acquaintance, the big deal is to spend a little more on the cost, and try to get it done once.

By the way, directly inform Yang Ling and Tong Yan to meet at Xiding Volcano directly, and the 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye' in their hands is a good thing that Yi Tian dreams of.Although the discount of 15 spirit stones is a bit painful, the effect is still impressive.

After getting clear replies from everyone, Yi Tian got up and left the secret room.Zheng Fu was still the same, listlessly on duty in the shop every day.Yi Tian was amused when he saw it, and he took out an extra storage bag in his hand, and then told Zheng Fu that he would go out for a few days, and it would take two or three months before he came back.

During this period of time, Zheng Fu could be considered to understand that this Master Yi in front of him is definitely a caring master.As a result, the smile on Zheng Fu's face became even brighter after he used his spiritual sense to reach into the storage bag and sweep it.No one will have trouble with Lingshi. After listening to Yi Tian's instructions, Zheng Fu patted his chest and said, "Master Yi, please do your own thing. The little ones at the main store will handle it by themselves. Just say that the master has retreated for three months. Please do not disturb."

Seeing that he was so knowledgeable, Yi Tian also smiled slightly, then stepped out of the shop, and went to the market to buy some spare supplies for adventure and pathfinding spirit beasts.

Five days later, when Yi Tian came to the refining area of ​​Xiding Volcano again, he saw the same Jindan cultivator at the registration office.Although the last time I made some noise here has been missed by interested people, but this time I have to use the high-end refining room, so Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask.

The Golden Core cultivator, who was sitting at the registration office with his eyes closed, opened his eyes after Yi Tian entered the lobby.When Yi Tian stepped forward to inquire, he said first: "Old man Sun Deqing is the chief officer of the Excalibur Sect stationed at Xiding Volcano."

As soon as the other party reported his family name, Yi Tian hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Young Qing Yi Tian, ​​who is a master of the Zheng family's weapon refiner, has met senior. Last time I disturbed you, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, my Divine Sword Sect likes those rising stars and monks with special skills. Since they are all a family, it is easy to talk. What big news are you going to make this time?"

Yi Tian laughed and said: "Senior, don't worry, this time I'm just helping a few friends to refine some gadgets, and I will definitely not let the senior worry about it. The seven friends who are waiting for me later, please come to the senior. Let them go up, I'll wait for them in the refining room." After finishing speaking, he took out five thousand spirit stones and asked for a refining room near the front.

After getting the access control token, Yi Tian turned his hand and looked at it. On the front side of the token was written the word 'land' and on the back was the word 'two'.Surprised in my heart, it seems that the last thing I wanted to happen still happened. It seems that Sun Deqing, a Jindan cultivator, is still thinking about his crafting skills.

Regardless of so much for the time being, Yi Tian also directly left a message to everyone and said that he would wait in Dizi No. [-] Refining Room, as long as everyone arrived, go to the registration office to find Sun Deqing to get a pass.

Slowly walking up Xiding Mountain, Yi Tian searched the way and found the No. [-] room in Dizi.This is already close to the West Top Crater, and you can feel the scorching heat even standing outside.Going up from this winding mountain path is the refiner of Tianzihao, and only Jindan monks are qualified to use it.Yi Tian also sneered at this, he also used the Tianzihao room when he was in the Chiyang faction, except for the temperature of the fire, everything else was about the same.

After using the access control jade token to open the restriction, Yi Tian quickly walked in. The facilities inside are basically the same, but the temperature of the fire is higher than the previous one.

After sitting on the ground, Yi Tian began to meditate and adjust his breath. After that, he would be busy enough to practice five tokens.Before coming in, Yi Tian also notified Shuidong City first, and sent all the materials in as soon as the people arrived, and then five people went into the refining room to help.

After working for three hours, Yi Tian heard someone summoned from outside the refining room. After opening the restriction, he saw that the first one was Xing Yuan.He was still holding a storage bracelet from Shuidong City in his hand. After entering the door, the two greeted each other first, and then Yi Tian took the storage bracelet as soon as possible, took out the materials, and started smelting.

Originally, Yi Tian thought that he only needed to refine it by himself, but after looking through the array, he found that the five tokens to be copied had to be refined by the user himself.In this way, Yi Tian had to let them in to help. Yi Tian could complete the work of smelting, shaping and engraving in the early stage, and the final step of completion was still up to the user himself.

Fortunately, the whole process wasn't too difficult, but none of them were born in weapon refining, so there would be delays during the sacrifice.Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't care about it, and took out the black iron fine gold and krypton gold and divided them into five shares according to the method of refining tokens.

Xing Yuan on the side also received a voice transmission from Yi Tian, ​​knowing that the last step before the completion of the project still needs to be done by himself.Immediately, he found an empty place to sit down, informed Yi Tian, ​​and then began to close his eyes and meditate.

While Yi Tian and Xing Yuan were refining tokens, several people came one after another at the door of Dizi No. [-] refining room.As the initiators, Shui Dongcheng and Du Heiyi are naturally familiar with the road, but when they saw the people behind them, they were both stunned.Especially the bitter melon look on Shui Dongcheng's face, on the contrary Duguao looked like he had nothing to do with him.

A day later, after the door of No. [-] refining room was opened, several people only saw Xing Yuan strolling towards him, holding a token with the word 'Zhen' in his hand.Now Du Heiyi hastily stepped forward to look at it again and again, and even took out his own token for comparison, then he laughed and said, "Master Yi is indeed a good crafter."

Shuidong City on the side also showed joy after scanning the token with the word 'Zhen' with his spiritual sense, so the matter is considered half done.

(End of this chapter)

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