
Chapter 220 Tokens

Chapter 220 Tokens
Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the refining room, looked helplessly at the female cultivator in blue shirt.Originally, helping Xing Yuan and Dugu Ao to refine the tokens went relatively smoothly, and the two of them were recruited by themselves, and they generally cooperated very well.After the token was refined, they all came up to complete the final sacrifice immediately.

The third person who came in was the helper Du Heiyi had found. At first, Yi Tian didn't think so, but when he saw someone, he felt tricky.It was none other than Yan Zhaoxue who asked herself to share two pieces of ore in the 'Stone Jade' gambling shop.

I heard from Shui Dongcheng before that Yan Zhaoxue from the girl group is not easy to mess with, she has a temper like a big lady, she has to point out everything, and she will also ask questions.

Yi Tian could only be speechless about this, and with the idea of ​​refining the token quickly, Yi Tian also tried to talk to her as little as possible.With the experience of the previous two times, the smelting and inscriptions in his hands are done in one go.It should have seemed to be going well, but Yan Zhaoxue herself had also cultivated the Extreme Yin True Fire of the Girl School. When she started to use the sacrificial training, the token with the word "kan" couldn't stand it. The yin fire burned, and it suddenly became soft and muddy.

Now Yi Tian was dumbfounded, and after careful inspection, he found that the problem was Yan Zhaoxue.After deliberating over and over again, Yi Tian had no choice but to discuss: "Fairy Yan, your yin fire is too powerful, and the krypton gold tokens I refined can't bear it, can you please use other methods to sacrifice?"

"It's not up to you to dictate what method Miss Ben uses, I'll talk about engraving the token if I have the ability," Yan Zhaoxue replied with a look of disdain.

Seeing this young lady's temper, Yi Tian also has nowhere to vent his anger, and he can't be as knowledgeable as a little girl.Taking back the token and putting it in his hand for a closer look, he realized that Yan Zhaoxue was really proud, the palm-sized token was deformed under the extreme yin and real fire.

Yi Tian knows how hard the tokens smelted from krypton gold and black iron fine gold are. Fortunately, they are all smelted with the real fire in the center of the earth in the refining room. From this point of view, Yan Zhaoxue's extremely dark real fire must be Higher-level spells are more powerful.

I felt amused for a while, and I didn't know what plan Du Heiyi was planning to find such a troublesome person.Ask yourself if Yi Tian doesn't use his hole cards, he is definitely not Yan Zhaoxue's opponent. Based on this move alone, Xing Yuan and Dugu Ao are probably not enough.

The three major sects of the Western Wilderness are really capable people, the pity is that these casual cultivators, under the same cultivation level, are not one or two points weaker.

After taking a look at Yan Zhaoxue sitting there, Yi Tian also shook his head, raised the real fire in the heart of the furnace to the extreme, and then threw the token in again to smelt it again. Fan.This time, Yi Tian also kept an eye out, and controlled the real fire in the center of the earth to the maximum, which made the temperature of the entire refining room rise.

It is probably because of Yan Zhaoxue's practice of exercises, obviously she doesn't like the scorching heat environment.When the ambient temperature rose, a bluish-white film of light gradually appeared around Yan Zhaoxue's body.

In Yi Tian's eyes, a bright white flame with his right index finger was also secretly lit into the fire. Fortunately, the action was secretive, and Yan Zhaoxue didn't notice anything. Now, he used the Xuanyang fire to smelt it quietly. Yi Tian really wanted to be with her. Competing.

Two hours later, a brand new 'kan' token appeared in front of Yan Zhaoxue.Yi Tian, ​​who was at the side, said lightly: "Fairy Yan, I have re-engraved the token, please refine it next."

With Yi Tian's finger, the token slowly floated in front of Yan Zhaoxue and suspended in mid-air.

It must be unique for the Girls' School to become one of the three major sects of the Western Wilderness. Yan Zhaoxue, as a leader of the Girls' School's foundation-building monks, certainly has her lonely side.There is nothing wrong with the token that Yi Tian smelted just now, but Yan Zhaoxue couldn't understand Yi Tian's way of not getting in, so he used his special skills to burn the token into ooze .

She never thought that the craftsman in front of her was very persevering, and Yan Zhaoxue felt uncomfortable just looking at it from the bottom of her heart.After a slight smile, she pointed at the token with her hand, and a group of blue-white flames instantly enveloped the token.

This time Yan Zhaoxue was determined to take the opportunity to ridicule Fan Yitian, but after the flames burned around the token for half an hour, the surface of the token did not appear to be deformed, but it was the whole body that had been calcined. A trace of dark gold appeared on the token.

Yi Tian saw Yan Zhaoxue's appearance and laughed in his heart, but he always kept a line in everything, and everyone couldn't bear it if he overdid it.After a while, Yi Tian said: "Thank you Fairy Yan for helping me re-smelt it. This token should be fine. Please sacrifice it quickly. There are still two people waiting."

Yan Zhaoxue pouted, and said like a little girl: "You just talk a lot of nonsense, I just check to see if you have cut corners, and now I will start the sacrifice." .

Three hours later, there were five people sitting outside the handicraft refining room, each with a token in his hand, and everyone sat in meditation and rested in a very tacit understanding.At this moment, Shuidongcheng Kankan contacted Yang Ling and Tong Yan. The two probably traveled a long distance, but fortunately they caught up. However, Du Heiyi could be regarded as having heard of the names of these two people, especially Tong Yan. Notorious, she can be regarded as a flirtatious female cultivator, so he still has some complaints about Shuidong City finding such two people.

After a contact, Yang Ling and Tong Yan finally came to Xiding Mountain. After seeing everyone at the entrance of the cave, Yang Ling entered the refining room first.Shuidongcheng kept chatting with Tong Yan, anyway, the other four people were out of sight and out of mind.Here, the people in Shuidong City have the least background, and everyone knows it well.

For some reason, Yang Ling didn't come out until two days after he went in.When I first came out, I was still sweating profusely, and my whole body was soaked. Fortunately, I also took out a token with the word 'Gen' in my hand.

Seeing this, Shuidong City hurried up to greet him and said, "Brother Yang, why did you delay for so long, the token should be fine."

Yang Ling panted and replied: "There was a small incident during the sacrifice, and Master Yi did it again, so it was delayed. Forgive me." Then he turned around and looked at Tong Yan, and gave him A reassuring look.

Seeing this, Shui Dongcheng hurriedly urged Tong Yan to go in, seeing the disdainful expressions of the others, Tong Yan also snorted coldly, even the provocative look in Dugu Ao's eyes seemed not to follow her words.

After Tong Yan walked into the refining room in three or two steps, the entire restriction was restored as before, but I don't know how long it will be delayed this time.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the room, was also depressed for a while. He didn't expect that the people recruited by Shuidong City were really bad, and it would take two days to sacrifice a token.But fortunately, I took the opportunity to adjust my breath and take a rest.

Yi Tian also opened his eyes after seeing Tong Yan in purple clothes come in, and then said leisurely: "Tong Fairy has been waiting for me so long, why have you been here for so long?"

After approaching, Tong Yan sat down slowly, and then said: "The two of us encountered something on the road, so we were delayed for a while, but fortunately, it was resolved smoothly."

After listening to it, Yi Tian didn't doubt it, and continued: "Tong Fairy, don't play tricks this time, I hope you can keep your word, this expedition of the 'Eight Gates Golden Lock Panlong Formation' is a crisis Heavy, things from Tianyunmen are not so easy to get, we still have to be honest and honest, so as not to cause some misunderstandings and make everyone feel bad."

Tong Yan smiled and said: "Master Yi's words are very true, I am also willing to cooperate sincerely and strive to enter Baoshan as soon as possible and return."

After hearing this, Yi Tian had a smile on his face, and without saying much, he stretched out his hand and smelted the last piece of material.The whole process has been repeated several times, and it is easy to do.

Tong Yan was watching from the side, with beautiful eyes, seeing every movement of Yi Tian.After about three or four hours, the last token with the word 'Dui' was engraved.Yi Tian pointed the token towards Tong Yan, and saw the token slowly falling in front of her, and there was still a little warmth on the token after the fire had just faded.

Tong Yan stretched out her right hand and held the token in the palm of my hand, looking at it again and again: "This is the first time I see such an inscription, I wonder if Master Yi can explain it to me?"

Yi Tian frowned after hearing this, and asked back, "Didn't Shuidong City make it clear to you?"

"Shui Daoyou just talked about it with my concubine in general, how can Yi Daoyou, who is the leader of everyone, explain it clearly, not to mention that I also want to understand this matter thoroughly, so as not to be passive at all times," Tong Yan replied.

Yi Tian only thought that she was afraid of the disciples of the three sects, so she asked this question, and Yi Tian didn't want to talk about how she met Du Heiyi and Shuidongcheng, and then the three of them went to the scene to investigate together and came to the same conclusion. And said the next.The seal at the back of this formation should be a treasure of Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou. The sealing method is all unique to Tianyunmen, so it needs so many people to help open it together.

Before this survey, everyone agreed that after entering, Yitian, Shuidongcheng, and Du Heiyi all have the right to choose an item first, and then everyone will share it equally.

After the explanation, Yi Tian also mentioned: "What's the matter with Yang Ling, his cultivation is not so weak, it takes so long to refine a token, you are familiar with him, and you know how he responds." What's the matter?"

After hearing this, Tong Yan's expression obviously tightened, and then she smiled and said, "It's probably because Yang Ling was in a hurry to travel these days, so he consumed too much spiritual power, and it took so long."

Yi Tian turned around and said to Tong Yan: "Fairy Tong, I've fulfilled the 15 Lingshi reduction you mentioned for you, so when will you fulfill what I mentioned next?"

This time it was Tong Yan's turn to be stunned. Seeing Yi Tian waiting for his answer, Tong Yan seemed to hesitate, and then as if she had made up her mind, she slowly stepped forward and held Yi Tian's hand Said: "You Daoist Yi, why rush for a while, isn't it enough for us to have two days here? I will definitely do what I promised you," after speaking, her face was full of peach blossoms, and her big watery eyes turned to From Yi Tian's point of view.

(End of this chapter)

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