
Chapter 221

Chapter 221
A group of eight people flew in the direction of Fengjunling in the air. Du Heiyi took the lead. This guy is very active now, rushing to do everything. If Yi Tian and Shuidongcheng are silent, he really looks like a leader look like.

Shuidong City was flying among the crowd. After seeing the strength of these people, they sighed along the way.Who told him to find Yang Ling and Tong Yan who were the worst in strength, and the most feared thing was that their strength was unbalanced when they went out to explore. Fortunately, he still trusted Yi Tian's character, but even this could not make him completely at ease.

It was Yi Tian who flew at the end, and his heart kept beating along the way.It's not that he has any concerns about the adventure, but the childlike attitude in the refining room made Yi Tian feel a little uneasy.

Fortunately, Yi Tian is also a person who has seen big scenes. After finishing the matter, he took the jade slip of "Qing Ling Fa Mu" and didn't talk too much with Tong Yan. He ran to the side and began to study the formula , leaving her there alone to sacrifice the token.Looking at Tong Yan afterwards, she also had a look of shame on her face, but more doubts.

It took the group of eight people a day to fly over Fengjun Ridge. Du Heiyi also stared blankly at the sight of a white mist covering a radius of [-] miles. It was not his turn to break the formation. This big boss is rough.

Seeing that everyone was standing in the air, Yi Tian didn't refuse, and flew directly to the front, then took out an array hub with his left hand, and hit a spell with his right hand.He was also chanting words, and after ten breaths, the surrounding white mist gradually became clear, and a two-foot-wide passage appeared in front of everyone.

Yi Tian was the first to fly in, and he didn't forget to shout: "Everyone follow, I will restart the formation after entering."

The other seven people also nodded tacitly, and then flew in one by one. Now everyone faintly regarded Yi Tian as the leading brother.After traveling through the white mist for nearly half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian got his bearings and led a few people to the place where the original ruins were.

After the cloud head fell, Du Heiyi and Shui Dongcheng walked forward to find the stone tablet corresponding to the formation.Even Duguao and Xing Yuan started to cheer up, everyone knew that they would see each other soon.Although the two of them explored together, they were still wary of each other in their bones. After all, they were competitors in the future.

Yan Zhaoxue has been pointing at Yi Tian from time to time since she found the position of the big formation, and she was sent to go up and play with it herself.On the contrary, Yang Ling and Tong Yan stood there and looked around. Although there was not much joy on their faces, the bright eyes in their eyes swept the entire formation several times.

After coughing lightly to attract everyone's attention, Yi Tian walked forward without hesitation and said, "Everyone, we are here. Next, I will start to distribute the method of opening the big formation."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Du Heiyi who was on the side, and he said: "Everyone, everyone should have been informed when we came here before, this time I, Master Yi and Shuidongcheng have priority in it." Pick one treasure, and we will share the rest equally, this is what everyone agreed to before."

After hearing this, Xing Yuan and the others also nodded understandably, only Yan Zhaoxue yelled, "I know, stop talking nonsense and listen to Xiao Yizi how to start a large formation," a sentence directly suppressed what Du Heiyi was going to say later gone back.

Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, it seems that this little girl is really competing with him, and he thought that breaking the formation in front of him is a big deal, he turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone has tokens in their hands Already, then everyone will find the stele corresponding to their token, and then stand with the token and wait for my order."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian didn't care about other people, took out the token with the word "gan" and walked to the stone tablet in the northwest corner, and took his place. When everyone saw this, they didn't bother, and hurriedly found the corresponding one according to the name of the token in their hands. Stele.

Then I heard Yi Tian shout: "Put the token into the groove of the stele, and then activate it with all your strength." Slowly push the token into the groove with his right hand until it fits perfectly, and then keep the spiritual power in his hands Pour into.

Shuidongcheng and Du Heiyi on one side were also very familiar with each other. They entered with a formula respectively, and then saw three gates of the entire formation lit up.The rest of the people knew that they needed to open it at the first sight, and everyone imitated the three of them to embed the tokens in their hands and then activate them.

All of a sudden, the rest of the gates of the entire formation began to light up slowly, and it turned out that the three of them were the original ones, and the effect was better, and they were activated instantly.The stele in front of the other five people was slowly lit up after three breaths.Yi Tian also breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, it was re-engraved according to the inscriptions on the array and tokens, and the effect is definitely not as good as the original ones.

Fortunately, he still has confidence in his own craftsmanship, not to mention that Yi Tian has also reinforced each re-engraved token according to the inscriptions on the array.Although there were some flaws when opening the big formation, the result did not affect everyone's mood at all. Only Yan Zhaoxue kept muttering a few words there, but was completely ignored by everyone.

After the other five stone tablets were activated, all eight beams of light converged and shone on the stone dragon at the eye of the formation. After receiving the baptism of the eight rays, the eyes of the Panlong lit up, and then the whole body seemed to become transformed after receiving the spiritual energy. Gotta be angry.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Panlong slowly rose after absorbing enough spiritual energy. After about three feet from the ground, the Panlong turned around and opened its mouth to shoot a golden light towards the cliff directly in front. There is a stone gate on the cliff. It appeared out of thin air, and then Panlong roared in the air, and the stone door opened in response.

Everyone saw such a relieved smile on their faces, only to hear Yi Tian said: "If you don't enter now, when will it be, I will finish it at the end."

Hearing this, Shui Dongcheng and Du Heiyi rushed in first, and then Duguao, Xing Yuan and Yan Zhaoxue also rose from the ground, each using their escapism to catch up.Yang Ling on the side followed closely behind with a pause, while Tong Yan glanced at Yi Tian, ​​and then followed into the door with a chuckle.

When none of the seven people entered the door, Yi Tian manipulated with both hands, and picked up objects from the air to put away all the eight tokens.Looking at the eight tokens in his hand, he raised a bright flame in his right hand, and quickly sacrificed on each token in turn.After being re-sacrificed, the eight tokens all revealed a dark golden color.

Yi Tian was overjoyed that the formation foundation of the eight-door golden lock formation was completed in this way. He really got the treasure before he entered Baoshan. According to the formation score, it can resist high-level opponents under the complete formation of the foundation-building period. The attack of the monks.

After putting all the tokens into the storage ring, Yi Tian found that the Panlong in the sky was starting to crumble, and the stone gate became a little unstable.With a flash of blue light all over his body, Yi Tian controlled the Wind Escape Technique and leaped into the door for the last one.

After five breaths, without the support of the stele's light beam, the stone pan dragon slowly fell back to its original place, and the whole dragon's body returned to its original state, and the gate on the cliff was closed and hidden again.

Walking into the stone gate on the cliff, Yi Tian flew continuously for nearly half a quarter of an hour. During this period, he found that the passage behind the gate could only accommodate two people in parallel, and it was still pitch black. Only the exit not far away was still there. Through the light.

It is enough to maintain a certain speed of the wind escape technique under the feet, and Yi Tian doesn't want to be too active, let those stunned youths touch the wall first, and then he will show up to help out.

After flying leisurely for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tianyi jumped out from the exit, and then came to a cave ten feet square.After stopping and looking around, a group of eight people were there, but they seemed to be arguing about something.

When everyone saw that Yi Tian had followed in, everyone stopped talking temporarily.Shui Dongcheng ran forward and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi, you are finally here, I will trouble you to break the formation just after you come here," and pointed to the eight light gates in the surrounding stone chambers.

Yi Tian nodded slightly and just replied: "I want to see the situation before I talk." Turning around and looking around, this stone room is not big, except for the door that came in, there are eight other doors carved on it There are gossip symbols, marking what kind of door this is.There is a round stone platform in the middle of the stone room, and there are eight chairs beside it.

Seeing this, Yi Tian said: "Everyone, please find a seat to sit down and then discuss." After speaking, he found a seat and sat down on his own.

Everyone on the side also echoed and sat down step by step.Only Yan Zhaoxue yelled coquettishly: "I went in through the word 'Dui' just now, but came out through the word 'Kun'. Is this a maze?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Tian just smiled and replied: "Fairy Yan, don't worry, the most important thing in Tianyun Gate today is sincere cooperation. I expect that the first few levels after entering the gate should test the teamwork of eight people. As for the choice of entering the gate, It should have something to do with the round platform in front of you."

After listening to Yi Tian's words, even the calmest Xing Yuan nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, since Daoist Yi is in a formation, everyone will have a way to lead us to break the formation, Yan Zhaoxue, you should be smarter and stop poking trouble. "

With Xing Yuan taking the lead, the others also nodded in agreement. The scene was one-sided, and Yan Zhaoxue also muttered and sat down in the last seat.

After the eight people sat around, Yi Tian saw that there was a round protrusion on the corresponding stone platform in front of each seat, so he stretched out his right hand to put it on it, and then slowly poured his strength into it.In an instant, the stone platform seemed to be activated, and dim words slowly appeared on it.

Everyone beamed with joy when they saw it, and imitated Yi Tian's example and stretched out their hands to touch the place corresponding to the stone platform in front of the general's seat.The words in the center of the stone platform became more and more clear after absorbing the force, until the words appeared in order of 'Tianhuo Tongren', 'Earth Water Master', 'Mountain Wind Gu' and 'Ze Lei Sui'.It seems that the hint to enter the door is here, Yi Tian said happily: "Brother Dugu walks through the door with the word 'dry', and Fellow Daoist Xing walks through the door with the word 'li'. The two of you may have a test after entering, and we will talk about it when we meet at the next stop." .”

After hearing this, the two nodded to Yi Tian and said "Take care", and then walked in their respective directions.After people walked into the light door, the halo in that door darkened, leaving only an outline on the wall.

Yang Ling who was on the side said happily: "This should be the technique of Xumi space of Tianyunmen. Every door represents this test. People in Tianyunmen always like to use these things to test future generations. We have hit it this time." Treasure."

Du Heiyi said from the side: "I've been digging my grave all my life, and I finally met a big one today. Hurry up, Brother Yi, I can't wait to go in."

Yi Tian frowned and said with a smile: "Okay, let's speed up, Brother Dongcheng uses the character 'Kun', Brother Du uses the character 'Kan', Yang Ling uses the character 'Gen', Fairy Tong uses the character 'Xun', Fairy Yan uses the word 'Dui', and I use the door of 'Zhen'. Everyone must follow the instructions on the stage to enter at once, and don't mess up the order."

After arranging all the paths in one mind, everyone non-stop found their corresponding lights according to the assigned directions, and then went in one by one.

The light doors in the stone room darkened one by one, and after Yi Tian entered, the whole stone room became quiet again.

(End of this chapter)

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