
Chapter 2131 Interrogation 1

Chapter 2131 Interrogation One
In the air thousands of miles away from Wansha City, Yi Tian, ​​together with Xiong Erbao and Yishun, surrounded the furious fourth clone of Emperor Youming there.At the same time, he also took out the talisman treasures refined by the monks in the Mahayana period, and after offering sacrifices, they isolated the world from this area.

To put it bluntly, in the area covered by this talisman, even the ferocious body cannot detect the situation of its clone.Not to mention the cross-boundary use of supernatural powers to open the gaps in the interface and rescue people back.

When planning, Yi Tian had thought it over and over again before asking Xiong Erbao and Yishun to ask Master Huisheng for advice.Today's game is clearly about capturing alive or catching the crazy doppelgänger, so it would be God's will if someone ran away with such thoughtfulness.

Behind the dead bones of Kui Niu that surrounded the compassionate old man, a golden light rose from the ground in the direction of Wansha City, and after three breaths, it flew straight towards the area where the four of them were fighting.

The figure of Putian was wrapped in that golden light, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Bold gangsters from the nether world dare to run wild on the Buddha's territory, and even disturbed the Buddha's business and alarmed the soul boy. Today, you will be killed Surrender and take him to the sect."

Originally, the compassionate old man was restrained by the three of them and couldn't move his whole body, but now another monk from the fusion period of Daleiguang Temple came.For a moment, the compassionate old man's body couldn't help but tremble, trying to break free from the area shrouded in golden light by forcefully exercising.

But the more this happened, the more and faster the golden Buddha power absorbed by his body, and at the same time, the ghostly energy in Kui Niu's bone overflowed and was directly purified.After a while, the aura of the compassionate old man weakened by more than three points.

After flying into the area covered by the talisman, Putian took a string of rosary beads from his neck and offered them in his hands, and poured spiritual power into it after chanting something.Shaoqing stretched out his hand and said, "Feng." The string of Buddhist beads disintegrated into one hundred and eight pieces in the air after he let go of his hand, stretched in the wind and became the size of a fist and flew towards Kui Niu's dead bone.

As soon as those Buddhist beads touched the bones, they turned into a series of ten thousand-character Buddha seals, suppressing the ghostly aura on his body.After three breaths, the compassionate old man's figure slowly shrunk until he returned to his human form.At this time, golden light was all over his body, and even a large ten thousand-character Buddha seal appeared on the Niwan Palace on his forehead.

It seemed that it was completely restrained, and the three Yi Tian who were beside them looked at each other, then put away the magic spells in their hands and slowly flew forward.

The four integrated stage monks in the air surrounded the compassionate old man in the middle, and after looking at it for a while, Putian shot a golden light in his hand and directly covered the compassionate old man, leading him to the mountain below.

After landing, Putian turned around and said, "Junior Brother Yi, if you have anything to do next, you can ask directly."

"Thank you, Brother Putian, I wonder if Lingtong is safe now?" Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

"Junior Brother Jieding is in charge of the overall situation there, so don't worry, Junior Brother Yi," Putian said, "Besides, this time, Junior Brother Zhixing was ordered by Master, so please rest assured that Junior Brother Jieding will handle it well."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was determined, he knew the details of Monk Jie Ding very well, and it would be best if he took action.This time, the merits and virtues were finally completed and everything was handled properly. I was a little worried about the family of seven reincarnated soul boys.If something goes wrong, it's not a fun thing, at least in the future when facing Zhixing's reincarnation, I can't absolve myself of the blame.

He turned his head and looked at the furious avatar in front of him. At this time, the compassionate old man had returned to his original appearance, with a faint golden light shining all over his body, and the skin of his body showed a thousand-word Buddha seal.It is absolutely impossible for him to come back under such pressure.

Then Yi Tian secretly integrated the power of the eight sounds of heavenly thunder into his own voice and asked: "Merciful old man, you are doomed this time. Don't expect your real deity to come to the Buddhist spirit world to rescue you." .”

"Then what are you going to do? I believe you will never do unnecessary things?" The compassionate old man replied without changing his expression.

"Sure enough, you have the demeanor of a sage, even a clone is still so stubborn under restraint," Xiong Erbao said disdainfully: "It will take some more pressure to make you submit obediently, to torture the clone of a monk in the Mahayana period There are not many opportunities, let me come this time."

Yi Tian gave him a blank look, it would be no good for this guy to make a move, but speaking of it, he didn't want to kill his clone.Such a ferocious deity would be aware of it even in the Netherworld.

Turning his head, Yi Tian asked Putian and Yishun, "I don't know how Master Huisheng will deal with it?"

Putian didn't make a sound, but Yishun said: "Take him to the place of atonement in Daleiguang Temple, and use Buddhism to influence him."

"It's so good," Yi Tian said comfortingly. Speaking of how to deal with the compassionate old man, he really doesn't have any big ideas. It would be great if Master Huisheng came forward to deal with it.

Then he turned around and asked, "Your death penalty for today's matter is inevitable, but if you can answer my question well, maybe you can alleviate your pain a little."

Seeing this, the compassionate old man said coldly: "You probably want to understand the condition of my body, right?"

"Sure enough, he is an old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years. It's good that we are wise and don't talk dark words," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I heard that the mad emperor of the Nether Emperor rarely appears in front of the world. What I want to ask is Have you ever seen his true self?"

After hearing this, the compassionate old man shook his head lightly and said: "I haven't seen it, I haven't seen the appearance of this deity since I became conscious."

"Then how did he contact you?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"Every time something happens, the deity will directly communicate with me through telepathic communication, even this time when I come to collect scattered souls," the compassionate old man replied without hesitation.

After hearing this, Xiong Erbao who was on the side showed an angry face and said: "Nonsense, how can there be a situation where the avatar has never seen the deity, could it be that you are waiting for me?"

"Now I'm serving the fish and you're the knife, do I still need to frame you?" The compassionate old man said disdainfully.

This kind of rhetoric is also reasonable. After the four people present looked at each other, they didn't have much opinion, and then they only listened to Yi Tian and asked again: "I heard that there is a secret technique of avatar, which is to remove a piece of the deity's body. It is cultivated with flesh and blood combined with a trace of the power of the soul. The avatar produced by sacrifice can be changed in ever-changing ways without inheriting the original appearance, it seems that Luankuang should have used this method to sacrifice you."

The compassionate old man shivered, and then stared at Yi Tian in front of him for a while before he sighed and said: "Your Excellency is really knowledgeable, I didn't expect to know such a little-known supernatural power and secret technique, I really admire it .”

(End of this chapter)

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