
Chapter 2132 Interrogation 2

Chapter 2132 Interrogation II

After restraining the compassionate old man, the four of them descended from the clouds and found a gap on a lone peak to interrogate on the spot.According to the original plan, after restraining the furious clone of Emperor Youming, he still couldn't kill it directly.

Master Huisheng of Daleiguang Zen Temple asked him to be taken back to the sect and imprisoned in the place of atonement to get rid of his demon nature.Yi Tian and the others naturally dare not have any intention of violating this, but those things that should be asked should be inquired clearly first.

Looking at the appearance of the merciful old man, he knew that he was not a clone who was sacrificed according to the appearance of the mad emperor of the Nether Emperor. Normally, clones with this appearance were used as tools and thugs.

After hearing himself tell his origin, the merciful old man praised him for no reason, but Yi Tian knew in his heart that this kind of method was exactly the Luo Tianxian Palace he had seen in the jade slip left by Master Feng Lingzi One of the avatar secrets.

Usually the caster is unwilling to do it himself, so he will breed a clone similar to a flesh and blood puppet.It needs to take its own flesh and blood and cultivate it in the living body.After Dao Dao is fused, wipe out the soul's mind, and then deposit a wisp of divine will to refine a clone.

However, the avatar produced by this kind of sacrifice also has many disadvantages. Although it is to erase the wisdom of the original creature, the avatar will also undergo abnormal changes after being stored for a long time.Over time, it may want to break away from the control of the ontology and evolve into an independent individual.

Therefore, this method of avatar sacrifice training is considered a forbidden technique in Luotian Immortal Palace, and generally any true immortal who is a little normal will not practice this technique.Moreover, there are still many restrictions on the use of this clone secret technique. The most troublesome thing is that you need to find a flesh and blood body comparable to your own strength as a guide.

Looking at the compassionate old man in a blink of an eye, Yi Tian was also full of admiration for the wild handwriting.This compassionate old man was obviously bred by fusing his flesh and blood with Kui Niu.It is estimated that Luan Kuang didn't find a live Kui Niu at that time, but just attached the flesh and blood to the Kui Niu's dead bones, so the strength of the bred avatar was naturally not as strong as expected.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, but Yi Tian asked with a smile, "Since you said you haven't seen the savage deity, then you should have seen Biluo Yaoji or Youming boy, right?"

"I don't know Biluo Yaoji, but Youming Boy must know," said the compassionate old man with a look of resentment on his face, "In fact, most of the time, Youming Boy waits for Luankuang to give orders. In fact, the ruler of the world has already had a different heart, but she dared not show it under the suppression of the Nether boy."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian didn't change his face, but he was a little surprised in his heart.Unexpectedly, Biluo Yaoji, as the second clone of the savage, would have the idea of ​​betrayal.Needless to say, the refining situation of her avatar should be similar to that of the compassionate old man in front of her.

After a pause, Yi Tiancai said, "Why did you say that? Could it be that you have discovered some private matter about the Bi Luo Enchantress?"

"Although Biluo Yaoji governs the Netherworld on behalf of Rage, she is just a doppelganger refined by secret techniques like me," said the compassionate old man, "And her fused body turned out to be a Taoist companion of Rage. I guessed that although her sanity was wiped out, there was a mutation after combining with the violent spirit, so she had a double heart."

If the Netherworld is really as savage and self-absorbed as the compassionate old man said, then I can save a lot of trouble by using my strength to deal with him in the future.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at the three people around him, and Yi Tian also saw the shock in their eyes.Then he turned his head and continued to ask: "Could it be that Biluo Yaoji told you her thoughts?"

"That's not necessarily the case, it's all my guess," said the compassionate old man, "But I'm about seventy-eight percent sure about the birth. Combined with Biluo Yaoji's cousin in the Netherworld, it's at least ninety percent certain." Cheng is sure that she is just waiting for an opportunity."

After speaking, the compassionate old man raised his head and stared at Yi Tian for a while, then said: "I guess the opportunity of Biluo Yaoji will come soon."

"I don't need to worry about you now," Yi Tian asked in a deep voice, "How much do you know about the Nether boy?"

"This person is elusive, and only he knows the exact location of the furious deity," the compassionate old man replied.

"How often can you see him?"

"It's hard to tell. Sometimes it happens every few hundred years, and sometimes it happens every few months," said the compassionate old man. "Usually it's the Nether boy who comes here to spread the message for Luan Kuang."

"Have you ever seen him make a move?" Yi Tian asked, "What trick did he use?"

"It's just one time, it's the ghostly will-o'-the-wisp," said the compassionate old man.

"This is exactly the same as the information given by Wan Gang," Yi Tian immediately thought about it.If the Nether Boy is the strongest among the four furious clones, it must be refined in a conventional way.Only in this way can the strength of its deity be preserved to the maximum extent, and the savage deity must also be the ghostly ghost fire and other tricks of cultivation.Usually, avatars like You Ming Boy are powerful and caring, and they will never rebel.

I guessed that there is a limit to the savage division of spirits and souls, and it would be so costly to sacrifice four clones of spirits and spirits.Therefore, Luan Kuang will also target the main souls in the Nether Boy and rely on him to give orders.But the specific executors are Biluo Yaoji and the compassionate old man in front of him. They complement each other in the open and in the dark, but they can properly handle the affairs in the nether world.

If Luan Kuang is still so mysterious as a monk in the Mahayana period, there must be something unknown, and Yi Tian is also convinced of this.If you want to deal with him, this aspect can be used.

Then he asked: "Do you have the contact information of Nether Boy?"

The compassionate old man shook his head and replied, "It's usually he who contacts me, and I can't track down his whereabouts at all."

After listening to Yi Tian's mind, it would be futile to ask further questions. Since Luan Kuang deliberately treated the avatar differently, the benevolent old man in front of him should be the most unpopular one.But after talking with him, I can understand the current situation in the nether world, and the mad deity seldom interferes with the affairs of this world.Generally, it is in charge of Biluo Yaoji's avatar.And this Biluo Yaoji seems to be the next breakthrough, but one thing is certain that there must be something wrong with the ferocious body, so that she has to hide in the depths of the Netherworld.

However, with the strength of Biluo Yaoji, the strength of Huangquan's guards cannot be shaken, so there is a temporary balance in the Netherworld.

As for that Nether Boy, who is elusive and invisible, we can't trace his whereabouts, but if we want to find the savage body, we must start from him.

Then he turned to Putian and said, "Okay, basically I understand almost everything, senior brother can escort him to Daleiguang Temple."

After hearing this, Putian nodded and stretched out his hand to form the seal quickly, and then raised up the dots of the ten thousand-character Buddha seal on the compassionate old man, and took his people straight to the direction of the Daleiguang Temple.

Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "Brother, don't you want to go to Wansha City?"

Putian stabilized his figure in the air and then replied: "It's okay for me to have Master Jie Ding take action, and the soul boy who led Zhixing to the Tao is also worshiped under his sect, presumably he will test the soul boy's character Right. It is estimated that this meeting should set off with the soul boy and walk to the Daleiguang Temple to show the sincerity and Buddha heart."

It turned out that this was the case, Yi Tian also understood when he heard the words, and immediately sent Putian away with a salute.Turning his eyes to Yishun who was standing on the side, he saw that he had recovered his human form at this time, but he was wearing a red cassock and was dressed as a Buddhist disciple.After seeing his gaze, Yishun said first, "I haven't seen you Daoist Yi for many years. His strength is astonishing and he has cultivated to such a level. I'm afraid he is not far away from that level."

Yi Tian hurriedly replied, "It's really a sin to disturb fellow Taoist Yishun's cultivation this time. Fellow daoist has also made rapid progress in strength since he entered the Buddhist sect. At this time, he probably has entered a state of stability in the mid-term."

"You Daoist Yi has sharp eyes. Since I entered the Daleiguang Temple, I have been appointed as the elder of the sect by the abbot Yizhen Master. The cultivation of these years has also worn away a lot of anger in my heart," Yishun said with a smile. .

"The Hualong Pond in the Daleiguang Temple must be quite effective. I noticed that you, fellow Taoist Yishun, don't have any evil spirits on you now, so it must be due to the water in that pool," Yi Tian tried to ask.

Yi Shun nodded slightly, then sighed, "I used to think that only relying on the power of the blood can quickly improve my cultivation, but I ignored the original intention of cultivation. Now I have understood the true meaning of cultivation from what Master Huisheng said. , after integrating the power of Buddha sect into oneself, it can avoid the confusion of the power of blood for many years."

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Yishun for finally finding a path. I expect that after a thousand years, your cultivation will definitely be able to advance to the later stage. Compared with the traditional way of cultivating the Yaozu, it will be much better," Yi Tian sighed. .

"Thank you fellow Daoist Yi for auspicious words," Yishun said with another salute: "The merits and virtues of going out of the mountain have been completed, and I will hurry back to the sect. If others are destined, let's get together and chat."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and saluted Xiong Erbao, then used his agility to fly into the air and chase after Putian in the direction where Putian left.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that if his heart entered Buddhism, he would no longer be nostalgic for the emotions and desires in the world, and then he bowed his hands and said goodbye.As for Xiong Erbao, he showed dissatisfaction on his face and said: "Let's go now, we finally got together and chatted a few words. And boy Yi, you said that Yishun's strength has improved rapidly compared to me, which one is better? ?”

Knowing that he wanted to compare with Yishun, Yi Tian smiled wryly, "Of course it's the second treasure, you are slightly stronger."

"I mean after a thousand years?" Xiong Erbao was really dissatisfied.

"It doesn't take a thousand years for his cultivation to be the same after 300 years, to beat you after 500 years, and to overwhelm you after a thousand years," Yi Tian explained.

Although Xiong Erbao may find it unpleasant to say this, but Yi Tian knows that his shortcoming is to tell the truth.

After ten breaths, Xiong Erbao's suppressed expression suddenly relaxed, and then he laughed heartily and said, "You're right, I can also faintly feel it, but it's more convincing to say it through your mouth."

"Oh, what do you think about this?" Yi Tian smiled.

"The Yaozu only has a cultivation system of the Yaozu. Yishun was rescued by us in a catastrophe back then. It was his good fortune to be able to worship in the Daleiguang Temple. I am really happy for him from the bottom of my heart," said Xiong Erbao Open your mouth and say.

"The Yaozu already had the desire to win. I see that you often go to Jiuxian Mountain to pay respects to Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape, so your mood has improved a lot now," Yi Tian asked.

"You can even see this point," Xiong Erbao replied carelessly: "Senior Chibeard said that the affairs of the demon world can only be borne by the descendants of the demon clan. If you encounter any troubles, you can ask the spirit world or the Buddha The monks from the spirit world came to help."

"Indeed, with the strength of Senior Red Beard, sooner or later he will reach the Mahayana stage and ascend to the Immortal Realm," Yi Tian sighed, "I think he is already planning for the future, and you happen to be Jiuxian Mountain and You are the best contact person in the spirit world and the Buddha spirit world, and you may be entrusted with many things about the monster race in the future."

After hearing this, Xiong Erbao nodded undeniably and said: "You are right. These things may be my responsibility given by the gods. As my elder brother said, the iron-eating beast clan will be entrusted to me sooner or later, and the demon world There will definitely be great changes in the future of the forces, so I need to communicate with them in various ways and make good plans for the future."

"You can rest assured about this matter," Yi Tian said with a smile: "At present, you can rest easy with your connections."

"I wonder if I should ask something?" Xiong Erbao said without reason.

"With the fateful friendship between you and me, what can't be said on the stage," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

"You have planned for a long time to deal with Luan Kuang, but he is in the Netherworld, so you will definitely be involved in dangerous places in the future," Xiong Erbao said.

"It's rare that you, the second treasure, are still concerned about my safety. I appreciate it," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression, "But dealing with the madness is something I must do. Back then, the second elder of the guard of Huangquan, Ji Ruilin, sacrificed his life to save me. I was already doomed at the time that I had to do this funeral for him, just like what you said just now, maybe this is God's will, how can manpower change it easily."

"I know you have a guilty conscience, that's why you have to do this," Xiong Erbao also said seriously: "Although I can't easily enter the Netherworld with my current status, but as long as you need anything, just ask, on behalf of the monster race, I will Commit to it."

Yi Tian's heart warmed when he heard the words, and then he stared at Xiong Erbao for a while before saying: "Speaking of which, I happen to have something to ask for your help. Maybe I can only do it through the way of the monster clan. Although He Wanzhongliu and others are related to my interests, I still prefer to trust you and your friends from the Yaozu at critical moments."

Xiong Erbao grinned and stretched out his hands to pat his chest and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your business is my business. As long as I can help you, I will definitely take care of it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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