
Chapter 2133 Negotiation

Chapter 2133 Negotiation
The battle outside Wansha City came to an end, and Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao stayed for a while after Putian and Yishun left.Half a day later, the two of them set up the light and flew straight towards the location of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Along the way, the two of them didn't mean to rush, but they chatted and laughed along the way.Yi Tiancai calmed down the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body when he was within ten thousand miles of the Ten Thousand Buddhas City, and then separated from Xiong Erbao.

I don't like to show my face, and now there is Yan Qiu from the Hell Race in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and it's better not to reveal the secret conversation between me and Wan Gang, so as not to cause unnecessary suspicion.

After quietly entering the city from the south gate of Wanfo Temple, Yi Tian walked directly towards the foreign trade area in the city.Along the way, he did not attract anyone's attention even after he used his concealment technique to lightly pass by the passers-by.

When I came to the entrance of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, I suddenly saw a group of low-level monks gathered at the entrance, as if they were arguing about something.Yi Tian was not interested in their movements at all, and then he stepped into the lobby of the firm through the side door.

Then he walked through the long corridor on one side and walked directly towards the rear courtyard.There are at least four restrictions encountered along the way, but for the monks in the fit period, they are just like paper.

After doing a little trick, he quietly broke through the restriction and walked in. After arriving at the other courtyard in the back chamber, the divine sense slightly poked out and found that at this time, several caves in the depths of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce were lit with restrictions. .

One of them is the place where I lived temporarily before, needless to say, it should be Yan Wenxiong who is practicing inside at this time.Hundreds of feet away from his cave, there is a residence lit with a forbidden barrier, needless to say, it should be Wan Gang's temporary place to stay.

This time I rushed back to discuss with him how to sneak into the hell world. After all, if I act alone in an unfamiliar environment, I will still be restrained everywhere.It would be different if there was a familiar person leading the way, at least it would be much more convenient and save myself a lot of trouble.

Flying quietly to the entrance of Wan Gang's cave, he stretched out his hand and pointed towards the restriction, and then made a fist-sized opening.Yi Tian moved his lips slightly and sent the sound transmission in.After ten breaths, there was a hole in the restriction, and Yi Tian stepped in without hesitation.

After a while, he entered the cave mansion and found that Wan Gang was waiting for him in the reception room of the mansion hall.After walking a few steps to the cave hall, Yi Tianji bowed first and said, "I'm taking the liberty to bother fellow Taoist Wan."

Wan Gang hurriedly stood up and returned the salute: "You Daoist Yi, you are being polite, I think your matter has been settled?"

Smiling and nodding, Yi Tian walked forward to find an empty seat and sat down slowly. After the two of them sat down, he said, "It's a surefire thing to stop the madness this time in the world of Buddha and spirit."

"I don't know if it's the Bi Luo Yaoji or the Nether boy?" Wan Gang asked hastily.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian replied: "Neither, I didn't expect that there is a fourth clone of the compassionate old man, and now this beast has been taken into custody in the Daleiguang Temple."

After hearing this, Wan Gang said with emotion: "I didn't expect that Daleiguang Temple can really tolerate people, even monks from the nether world can be accepted into the sect."

There was a burst of sighing in his mouth, but Yi Tian said with feeling: "Buddha sect's practice is also the righteous way of heaven and earth, so naturally it can tolerate everything."

"Then don't you know what news fellow Yi Daoist can find out from that avatar?" Wan Gang asked again.

Immediately, Yi Tian picked up some information from the compassionate old man and briefly said it, and Wan Gang also had a dignified expression on his face when he heard it.It took a long time before he replied: "It seems that this savage body is really a mystery. I am afraid that no one will know its real existence except that Nether Boy."

"So this is the big trouble," Yi Tian replied with a sigh: "If you want to face the furious body, you must first find his location, but it is definitely not easy for that Nether boy to catch him if he is elusive. I don’t know if Wan Daoyou knows the rules of this Nether boy’s appearance or disappearance?”

Wan just lowered his head and pondered hard, then raised his head and said nonuo: "I only saw him twice, and it was said that he was taken by Yan Qiu of the Huangquan clan. As for the Nether boy, if there is no important matter It won’t show up easily either.”

"I heard from the compassionate old man that among the four furious clones, only Nether boy was refined using orthodox methods, so the supernatural powers, exercises, etc. have completely inherited the characteristics of his real body," Yi Tian said: "As for Biluo Yaoji, It’s like the compassionate old man, who is usually a clone made by attaching his mind and flesh and blood to other living beings to take over his soul.”

After hearing this, Wan just thought hard, and Shaoqing asked with a look of surprise: "I don't know what is wrong with what Daoist Yi said?"

"Since this merciful old man has a different heart, there is no guarantee that Biluo Yaoji will do the same, so why not ask her to make plans," Yi Tian said lightly.

"You Daoist Yi, this is seeking skin from a tiger. Please forgive me for not agreeing with this matter," Wan Gang said hastily, "How can you say that this Bi Luo Yaoji is a savage avatar, and her deity can clearly understand her every move in an instant. I understand that once you get in touch with his deity, you will know how to cooperate in planning?"

"You Wan Daoist is in love," Yi Tian said with a smile: "If I can let Biluo Yaoji go to the hell world, then I will have a way to communicate with her without being discovered by her deity."

Wan Gang shook his head with a bitter face and said: "Biluo Yaoji sits in the capital of Naluo in the nether world, and never goes out. It is as difficult as heaven to get her to come to hell."

It turned out that the excitement on Yi Tian's face slowly faded when he heard the words, and then he asked: "Will the Biluo Yaoji be there when you met the Nether Boy before?"

"That's not true," Wan Gang replied: "I found that the Biluo Yaoji never left the imperial capital of Naluo for a radius of [-] miles. If there is any trouble in the depths of the Nether Realm, the Nether Boy will take action. Remember the last time It is because I want to explore the fragments of the fairy world in the depths of the Nether World that I met the Nether Boy."

"Shards of the fairy world?" Hearing this, Yi Tian's expressionless face was actually startled, and at the same time, he remembered the map in his storage ring.

It is said that there is also the shadow of Luo Tianxian Palace in the kung fu performed by this madman. If it is said that he really has nothing to do with the sect, Yi Tian himself does not believe it.It's just that he didn't know what he found in the fragments of the fairy world in his previous life, but why he wanted to check the fragments of the fairy world again in this life.

After thinking about it, he said with a serious face: "I don't know if you all went to find the fragment of the fairy world last time?"

"Indeed," Wan Gang nodded in affirmation, and later said with a blushing face, "To tell you the truth, we didn't even find the entrance to the fragments of the fairy world that we all had no clue about. It took several years to search the depths. In the end, everyone broke up unhappy."

"Is there no map guide, or that the Nether Boy didn't give a clear direction?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It would be easier if there was a map," Wan Gang said with a sneer, "The four of us searched around like headless chickens, but in the end we ended up with nothing."

"Is the Nether boy still worried about this?" Yi Tian asked: "I guess he is the person in charge and he will not let it go."

"So what if you're not reconciled," Wan Gang said disdainfully, "He managed to narrow down the search range to within a radius of 3000 miles according to the memory of his previous life, but it is difficult to find an entrance to a fragment of the fairy world in such an area." Ascend to the sky. And the entrance is not always open, usually the entrance will only be revealed once in [-] years."

"I wonder when was the last time you went to explore?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"According to the calculation, the time gap is less than 3000 years. It is estimated that there will be at least 50 years before I will receive an order from the Nether Boy to explore again," Wan Gang replied helplessly.

"I wonder who will go this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"Youming Boy, Yan Qiu, me, Pu Jin from the Nether Realm, and Wu Heng from the Black Feather Clan in the Hell Realm," Wan Gang said after thinking for a while.

"Isn't there only five people?" Yi Tian asked puzzled, "Is there another one?"

"Shi Xiu of Shizhu passed away thousands of years ago, so he will definitely not participate this time," Wan Gang said immediately.

"In this way, there is still one less number of people. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to participate this time," Yi Tian laughed.

After hearing this, Wan Gang frowned and said: "This is a bit troublesome. Speaking of which, the choice of this person is not up to me, and Yi Daoyou and the savage deity are in the same situation. Whether you agree or not is another matter. Besides, if you sneak into the Netherworld alone, aren’t you afraid of being tricked by the Nether Boy?"

"As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, you can't get a tiger's cubs," Yi Tian said with a calm expression, "I was still a little afraid of the savage deity, but after many investigations, I can be sure that his deity is being killed by something at the moment. Contained the timeless avatar to deal with me."

"But even in this way, it is impossible for Nether Boy to continue to cooperate with you. You must know that the strength of this clone is already comparable to that of you, Daoyou Yi," Wan Gang said with a worried expression on his face.

"How could I do something I'm not sure about," Yi Tian smiled lightly and took out a simple map.Gently unfold the map and reveal one-third of the content recorded in it for Wan Gang to read.

Then he said: "This map was assembled after I traveled around several planes. Even I can't break through the material of this map. It is naturally extraordinary."

"Could it be that this map guides the location of the fragments of the fairy world in the nether world," Wan Gang asked in surprise.

"I guess it should be in all likelihood," Yi Tian said, "You just need to spread the news, and you can tell the truth from the fake with the knowledge of the Nether boy."

After speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the side of the map, on which was written 'You Li Mountain' in gold seal characters.Wan Gang really didn't understand these words and hurriedly raised his head and asked suspiciously: "I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi for advice."

Yi Tian didn't say much and directly took out the blank jade Jane, wrote down a piece of information, put it away, and stamped the unique mark of Luo Tianxian Palace on the seal.Then he handed it over to Wan Gang and said, "Just hand over this jade slip to Boy Youming. I think he will try to contact me after reading it."

"Just like that, fellow Daoist Yi, are you sure that the Nether boy will put aside his past suspicions and cooperate with you?" Wan Gang asked puzzled.

"I can't stand him like this," Yi Tian said with a calm expression, "He only knows that there is such a thing but he doesn't have a map. Although he can spend a little time searching, the entrance and exit of the fragments of the fairy world appear every 3000 years , each time is only a whole day. If there is no map, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to explore the land within a radius of [-] miles in one day. So he will definitely come to me to cooperate."

"Then I can get some light this time," Wan Gang said with a smile, "Since that's the case, I don't know if you have any other demands, you can put them up, and at the same time, you can let the Nether boy know."

"You can send a message for me. It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate with me. I have a map in my hand and I can find the entrance at the first time." Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "If he thinks I can't enter That is a big mistake in the Nether World. Besides, even his body cannot monitor the entire Nether World in the divine mind, not to mention his body is too busy to take care of himself at this time. I also see it for the sake of the same origin That’s why I reluctantly cooperated with him once.”

After hearing this, Wan Gang's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked, "Does Yi Daoyou have a relationship with the madness of the Nether Emperor?"

"You just need to tell my crazy clone exactly what I said, and he will naturally understand what I mean with his knowledge," Yi Tian said with a smile: "But speaking of it, the exercises he practiced are different from those of my sect. There are some origins, that's why I said this."

After hearing this, Wan just showed a look of surprise, and then asked: "If there is a reply from Luan Kuang, how should I contact you, or is it on the side of the Buddha Spirit Realm?"

Yi Tian thought for a while and took out two pieces of communication jade talisman, divided half of it and handed it over: "This thing is a cross-boundary communication talisman, but it can only be used once. You give the thing to Nether boy, and if the other party agrees, then take it out Just contact me after activating it. The calculated time is within 50 years, if I don’t hear from you, I will naturally find another place.”

Wan just listened to the result of the cross-boundary communication talisman and put it in the storage ring, and then said: "It's such a great kindness, it's the best to be able to join hands in the investigation. As for how to deal with the madman in the middle of the inner circle, please ask for instructions?"

"You don't need to worry too much, Wan Daoist. After entering the fragment of the fairy world, you can rely on your own ability. You don't have to worry about other things when you go to find your fairy fate." Yi Tian thought for a while and replied: "I can roughly guess the purpose of the mad clone, so Under chance, he will never act rashly, and I also need to look for that opportunity. But before that, I still have to go to the guards of Huangquan to meet the great elder. To be honest, I have some doubts about the identity of this great elder. There is also a connection with the ferocious deity."


(End of this chapter)

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