
Chapter 2134

Chapter 2134
In the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, there are regular flights between various worlds, and most of these merchant ships will appear in front of the world in the form of commercial names.But in essence, it still serves the great forces of other worlds, such as the "Single Horn" transport ship of the Barbarian Chamber of Commerce in front of it.

Although the merchant ship is fully loaded, [-]% of it belongs to the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, and the remaining [-]% ​​will be provided to other monks who want to go to other worlds.Although the final destination of this ship is the Manjiao City, the headquarters of the Manjiao Clan in the Hell Realm, it will also stop once at the Ten Thousand Demon City in the Demon Realm and the Outer Yan Airport of the Emperor Huangquan in the Hell Realm for supplies along the way.

There are many foreign monks on board, but most of them can only stay in the space at the bottom of the cabin or on the deck outside.Only the monks of the barbarian tribe or those high-ranking monks of foreign races can enter the luxury private rooms on the upper floor or the top floor to rest.There is a special VIP box here for high-level monks to stay temporarily, and there is a formation barrier inside. The spiritual power in the formation is rich and does not belong to those prefecture-level caves.

As for the top floor of the merchant ship, there are two top-level luxury boxes that are comparable to heaven-level caves.On weekdays, these two boxes are only used when the chief of the Manjiao clan, Wan Gang, travels.

But today one of the doors has a forbidden aura lit up, and many monks of the Horn tribe thought that the patriarch was in the cabin.Only Wan Jiaolan, the captain and treasurer who was informed of the inside story, knew who lived there.

Wan Gang, the patriarch of the barbarian tribe, had quietly left more than half a year ago.Although he didn't know what was going on with him, but seeing his expression hastily arranged the affairs of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce and then returned to Wanjiaolan on his own, he knew that something important had happened.

After a few months, Yi Tiancai, who had lived in the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce for a long time, suddenly told Wan Jiaolan that he wanted to go to the base camp of the Manjiao Clan in hell.Hearing this, Wan Jiaolan naturally didn't dare to object, not to mention that the patriarch repeatedly asked everything to obey Yi Tian's arrangement before leaving.

That's why Wanjiaolan will go out in person this time when the transport ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce travels, and he doesn't feel at ease if someone else handles it, for fear that he will accidentally neglect that master.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way, except that the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce on the territory of the Buddha and Spirit Realm later came to the Demon Realm, and it was quite popular.Although it only stopped at the Wan Yao City halfway, it is obviously more tolerant of those alien races under the joint control of the demon clan.The transport ship will stop at the airport outside Wan Yao City for three days to prepare for loading and unloading cargo. Many monks who arrive at the station will disembark directly, and after three days, some monks from other races will board after paying the full fee. The transport ship went to hell together.

Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting in the VIP cabin, looked at the outside world through the crystal wall window of the cabin, and then sighed.This is the first time he has come to the realm of Yaozu, so naturally he has a lot of interest in it.

After Yi Tian saw it, he smiled slightly and asked, "What do you think of Wen Xiong?"

"It's rare for my disciple to come to the demon clan's land once. I wonder if the master can allow me to go to Wan Yao City for half a day so as to see the customs of the demon clan?" Yan Wenxiong said expectantly.

It is reasonable to say that I don't want to cause any trouble during this trip, but this is the city of ten thousand demons in the demon world, and the security inside is not bad.After a hundred years of management, this camp has been built into the largest comprehension town in the demon world.

At this point, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and lightly injected a spiritual light into Yan Wenxiong's back, and then said: "Forget it, you can go to Wan Jiaolan and ask her to take you to the city. Anyway, there are still three days to stop in Hong Kong. Speaking of which, I just remembered An old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time is also in town and needs money to pay a visit."

Yan Wenxiong was overjoyed when he heard the words and hurriedly got up and waited: "Thank you for your understanding, Master, I will remember to try not to cause trouble." After speaking, he turned around, opened the forbidden barrier in the room, and ran out to the main cabin like a gust of wind I went to Wan Jiaolan to lead the way.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then his figure gradually became lighter and lighter until he disappeared into the room.The next moment, Yi Tian's figure had already appeared somewhere in the city. Speaking of which, this time, he remembered the Poison Master that he had met back then.This person is rooted in hell, it would be easier to ask him about some things.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed all the way to the temporary residence of the high-ranking monks in the city. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pinched a formula to hide his figure and then sneaked into it.

I remember that Poison Master and Yao Weng lived in the same cave mansion back then, Yi Tian came out of the mansion that belonged to them at that time based on his memory.After looking carefully, he found that the prohibition outside the door was still flashing, indicating that there were still people inside.

After quietly shooting a spiritual light towards the restriction, Yi Tian said indifferently: "Is the old friend visiting the Unknown Poison Master Daoist, can you be safe?"

Ten breaths later, the barriers in front of him were wide open, and with a sound of 'Zhi', the front door of the courtyard opened a crack, and a seven-year-old Taoist poked his head out and said: "Master is not at home, if you dare to ask who is the guest, please leave your name." I’ll let him know when he comes back.”

"Not at home," Yi Tian muttered a few words, and then took out a famous post and handed it over from the air: "Please turn this post around to Fellow Daoist Poison Master, he will naturally know when he sees it."

"I don't know where the distinguished guest lives, how can I find it when the master comes back?" the Daotong asked.

"I'm temporarily staying on the barbarian transport ship in the airport outside the city, and I'm leaving the port in three days. If Fellow Poison Master Daoist arrives in time, please go there," Yi Tian left a message before turning around and leaving.

Although it was unfortunate that he didn't see the face of Poison Master this time, he left a name card.If he didn't come back after three days, he could only miss him.

Yi Tian returned to the main road in the city and then walked straight towards the direction of the airport outside the city.Yi Tian didn't want to miss the opportunity to go back to Wan Yao City once in a while, so he started to stroll slowly in the city.After walking for about an hour, he suddenly frowned slightly, and his spiritual sense found that the sensory aura he had left on Yan Wenxiong had responded.

This is probably because of Yan Wenxiong and whoever made the move. Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly. In the city, there is Wan Jiaolan looking after him, and something happened, which means that the opponent's strength should at least reach the late stage of distraction. .

After thinking about it, he quickened his steps and disappeared directly on the street. After following the tracking light on Yan Wenxiong's body, Yi Tian took three breaths and locked his position.

At this moment, he should be in the middle of the busy city in the west district of the city, Yi Tian frowned slightly, it seemed a bit strange to do something on the street, and he didn't know who Yan Wenxiong met.

After a while, Yi Tian flashed to the front of an eighteen-story building.Look up and see the words 'Eighteen Heavens' written on the beam of the gate, it turns out it is a restaurant.

The divine mind stretched out again and saw that there was a restriction flashing outside the building here to isolate the outside world from detection. In desperation, Yi Tian had no choice but to show his figure on the side, suppressing his cultivation base in the appearance of transforming gods, and walked towards the 'ten Yachongtian' walked to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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