
Chapter 2135 Meeting

Chapter 2135 Meeting

He boarded the barbarian merchant ship with his newly recruited apprentice Yan Wenxiong, sailed all the way to Wanyao City in the demon world, and then temporarily landed for supplies.Considering that there were about three days during this period, Yi Tian also wanted to visit the Poison Master. After all, the other party lived in the hell realm all year round and naturally knew the situation there better.

Unexpectedly, after visiting the door, he found that the Poison Master was not at home, so Yi Tian was in vain, and had no choice but to leave a name card, then turned around and prepared to return to the transport ship.Unexpectedly, there was an induction in his mind, and the imprint left on Yan Wenxiong's body fluctuated slightly.

So far, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and rushed all the way in the direction of the induction mark, and found Yan Wenxiong's trace in front of the Shibachongtian Restaurant in the commercial area of ​​the city.

After restraining his cultivation level to the stage of transforming gods, he walked in slowly, then glanced around and found that the monks received in the eighteenth floor building were only at the stage of Jindan stage.However, all kinds of alien races, including spiritual cultivators, demon cultivators, and alien cultivators, gathered here.

The ground floor of the restaurant is about a hundred feet square, and it is full of people.After seeing the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on their body, these low-level monks all stepped out of the way one after another.

After walking up the stairs to more than half of the floors, I realized that this is the place exclusively for the Nascent Soul stage monks.Walking up to about the fifteenth floor, all the monks sitting here are the cultivators of the stage of transforming gods, and the spiritual sense slightly poked out and found that Yan Wenxiong followed Wan Jiaolan and it seemed that he had reached the top floor.But when I reached the stairs between the seventeenth and eighteenth floors, a monster waiter came up and stopped him, saying: "The ones above are specially designed to receive monks in the distraction period. Only the identity certificate of a big business or sect can go up."

After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled slightly, and then took out a jade card from the elder Keqing of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce and handed it over.After the Yaozu waiter took over and inspected it for a long time, his eyes were full of suspicion.It stands to reason that generally only monks in the Distraction Stage would be regarded as elder guest officials by major firms, and the person in front of them seemed to be only at the Transformation Stage cultivation level, but this guest official jade card was indeed true.

Moreover, the big shopkeeper of the barbarian tribe also brought someone up, so it is reasonable to find this person.After handing back the elder Ke Qing's jade token, the Yaozu waiter respectfully moved out of the way.

Yi Tian took back the jade tablet with his expression unchanged, and then walked up slowly.In fact, in his divine sense, he already noticed that although there was some movement upstairs, there was no big fight.At this time, Wan Jiaolan and Yan Wenxiong seemed to be confronting the three monster monks, and the opponent's strength was also in the middle of distraction.

After arriving at the top floor, Yi Tian glanced over and saw that there were several VIP boxes here, all of which were lit with restrictions.And two-thirds of the area outside is an open lobby. It seems that the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce and the other party are vying for the VIP room.Looking over the three demon cultivators, I saw that they were all wearing uniform Zongmen costumes, and they were the disciples of Jiuxian Mountain.

There are many monster races and casual cultivators of other races all around who looked sideways at these five people, but as for themselves, they selectively ignored them.

Yan Wenxiong said with a dignified expression: "I would like to ask the three of you to do me a favor, but I am related to a disciple of the noble sect. It is rare for me to see you so I naturally want to get to know each other."

But the leader of Jiuxian Mountain said disdainfully: "My junior brother has a special status and is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily get in touch with. This fellow Taoist sees that you are also an important figure in the Manjiao clan. I will not embarrass you. As long as you It's okay to fade away obediently, if you disturb me again, don't blame me for being rude."

The speaker was a monk in the distraction period, and his strength was stronger than that of Wan Jiaolan behind Yan Wenxiong.After all, it is enough to give the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce a lot of face. You must know that Jiuxian Mountain is the leading sect force in the demon world, and it is already very face-saving to be able to do this.

Yan Wenxiong turned his head helplessly to look at Wan Jiaolan behind him, the latter also changed slightly, she knew the identity of the master in front of her.Although he promised to take good care of people when he came out, it seems a bit difficult to ride a tiger in the current situation.

Immediately Wan Jiaolan lowered her head and said a few words to Yan Wenxiong through voice transmission in private, but a trace of helplessness flashed across Shaoqing's face.Then he forced himself to bite the bullet and walked forward to salute the other party, then moved his lips a few times, as if he was discussing something via sound transmission.

The other party's disciple from Jiuxian Mountain also changed his face slightly, but he quickly shook his head as if he disagreed with Wan Jiaolan's proposal.

When the two sides were at a stalemate, they suddenly heard a voice from the box behind the three of them: "Brother, please be patient, let the young man come in and talk."

The three of Jiuxianshan's expressions tightened, and then they sighed and raised their hands and said to Yan Wenxiong, "Your Excellency, please."

But when Wan Jiaolan was about to leave, she was stopped directly. Seeing such a situation, she could only stop.

When Yan Wenxiong entered the VIP box, he saw two people sitting face to face. One of them was the disciple of the Nine Immortals Mountain Transformation Stage that he had met before. At this time, he was very respectful to the other with his back turned to him. The person pouring tea, as for the background of that person is very familiar with him is his master.

After the restraint was closed, Yan Wenxiong hurried forward and first bowed to Yi Tianji and said, "Master Unknown has arrived."

"It's not embarrassing enough for you to engage in such a big battle here, just sit down and talk," Yi Tian snorted coldly.

The disciple of Jiuxian Mountain on the side was the Wenchang who was brought by the elder Wan Zhongliu, the guard of Huangquan, and he recognized it immediately after Yi Tian quietly broke through the restraint and came into the house.Then he followed the instructions and directly opened his mouth to let Yan Wenxiong in.

In fact, Yi Tian also expected one or two, since Yan Wenxiong said that he was related to the grandson of Emperor Youming, it is better to confirm it.

Immediately, Yan Wenxiong bowed his hands to Wenchang and said: "Cousin Wenchang, can you deny me?"

Yin Wenchang looked at it carefully and then showed surprise: "Could it be that the third son back then, why are you here? Didn't you go back to the Huangquan clan with your aunt?"

Speaking of this, Yan Wenxiong's eyes darkened, and then he told him all the experiences he had suffered over the years.

While listening, Yi Tian also verified his words one by one in his heart, and verified that they were indeed consistent with what he said before.

Shaoqing coughed lightly and said, "It's fate that you two met today, but each has a mission. Let's talk about it yourself, but don't forget the business."

After hearing this, Yan Wenchang and Yan Wenxiong hurriedly got up and clapped their hands and replied: "I respect you, Senior Yi, master's instruction."

Seeing this, Yi Tian slowly stood up, turned around, opened the door and walked out.After coming outside, the three people in Jiuxian Mountain were obviously taken aback, while Wan Jiaolan showed a knowing look on her face.

After three breaths, the leader of Jiuxian Mountain seemed to recognize that the person in front of him was about to bow his hands and salute, but he heard a sound transmission in his ear, and then stopped alive.

(End of this chapter)

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