
Chapter 2136 Power 1

Chapter 2136 Force [-]
Walking out of the VIP box on the top floor of the [-]th floor, Yi Tian's figure appeared in front of everyone, which made many monks of different races look slightly changed.Previously, they only saw a disciple from Jiuxian Mountain enter, but they did not see any trace of this person.

A few distracted monks on the floor didn't know what was going on, so they got up and left first.

When a high-ranking monk suddenly appeared, he naturally had to retreat first, so as not to cause trouble.On the contrary, the leader of Jiuxian Mountain seemed to recognize Yi Tian's figure, and hurried forward to Jishou to pay his respects, but a sound transmission sounded in his ear: "Are you Xuanjizi's disciple?"

"Disciple Chibeard Spirit Ape Clan, Lingbei has seen Senior Yi," the leader of the Monster Clan also hastily replied via voice transmission.

"Let Wen Wenchang have a detailed chat with my disciple inside," Yi Tian said, "Just wait outside."

"I would like to obey Senior Yi's order, may I inform my Master?" Ling Bei asked tentatively.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian shook his head and said, "No need, I'm also passing through the demon world this time, and I'm going to go to the hell world later. You can pass a letter to Xuanjizi for me."

After finishing speaking, he took out a blank jade slip and wrote down some information, then closed it, pasted his own unique mark on the seal, and handed it over to Lingbei.

Suddenly a ray of spiritual light flew through the air and stopped a foot away in front of him. Yi Tian carefully looked at the message sent to him by the Poison Master.After reaching out to take it, Yi Tianshen scanned and read through the above content. At this time, the Poison Master is refining pills in the "Yunmeng Mountain" three thousand miles away from Wanyao City. If you want to meet with him, you can Head there to meet.

After reading, a flash of joy flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and then he whispered to Wan Jiaolan: "I have something to visit an old friend, just wait here to escort Yan Wenxiong back."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied respectfully: "Senior Yi, please rest assured, but you have been told that Jiaolan will do her best."

Immediately, Yi Tian's body flashed and disappeared in place. Those casual cultivators upstairs saw this, but they didn't know that the one in front of them should be an old monster in the fusion period, and then looked at the people from Jiuxian Mountain and Manjiao Chamber of Commerce in front of them. There was also a look of fear in his eyes.

After leaving Wan Yao City, Yi Tian took out the map of the demon world in the air, found the position of Yunmeng Mountain on it, and flew straight towards it.A mere [-] li journey was nothing more than a few breaths of time for me. When I came to the sky above Yunmeng Mountain, I found my spiritual sense and found that the cloud and mist surrounded my spiritual sense.

Hiding here to practice alchemy is really a paradise, and will not be disturbed by outside monks.If he hadn't been to the mansion of the poisonous sage first, he would not have known that he would hide here.

After thinking about it, he took out the messenger talisman in his hand and injected it with spiritual power, activated it and sent it out.A moment after the magic talisman entered the cloud, the voice of the poison sage said: "You Daoist Yi is a rare visitor who has come from a long way, so I don't have time to greet you, please come to my cave for a while."

After the words fell, there was a faint crack in the cloud and mist, and Yi Tian flashed through it for a lifetime.

After ten breaths, he landed on the top of the mountain, and his divine sense reached out again to find the location of the cave where the Poison Sacred Hand was, then turned around again and fell straight to the entrance of the cave.

The door was forbidden to open, Yi Tian saw that he walked in, walked through the long corridor and came to the reception room in the cave.Spiritual Mind stretched out to explore the cave, only to see that there was a forbidden enchantment outside a alchemy room at the end of another long corridor in the reception room.Apparently the Poison Master was refining the elixir there, and Yi Tian also knew that it was inconvenient to disturb him, so he found a vacant seat by the stone table in the middle of the reception room and sat down and waited.

About two days later, Yi Tian frowned slightly after sitting here quietly, and then he noticed the ban outside the alchemy room of the Poison Master in the depths of the cave, and then a light and shadow flew out of it and landed not far in front of him.

Standing up, Yi Tian took a closer look at the appearance of Poison Master himself, and his cultivation was almost the same as when he met hundreds of years ago, but the power of flames on his body seemed to have improved.

I saw the poison sage first cupped his hands and said: "You Daoist Yi is negligent, please sit down and discuss in detail."

"Poison Master, it seems that your alchemy skills seem to have improved over the years," Yi Tian said after looking at it.

"It's easy to say, please," Poison Master replied with a smile.

After the two of them sat down, Yi Tian said, "I'm taking the liberty to disturb you this time. I went to your mansion in Wan Yao City first. I didn't expect fellow Taoists to clean up here."

"Where, stay away from worldly troubles to concentrate on one's mind, not to mention the alchemy journey can't tolerate being disturbed by others, so I hid here in Yunwu Mountain," Poison Sage replied.

"I'm here this time and I have something to ask for advice, and I hope fellow Taoists will not hesitate to give you advice," Yi Tian said.

"Don't dare to take it seriously, fellow Daoist Yi came to ask in person, must there be something urgent?" Poison Sage asked immediately.

Nodding, Yi Tian looked straight and said: "I'm about to set off for hell to meet with the elders guarding Huangquan, but I don't know much about the form of hell and the relationship between the major races and the nether world. Thinking of friends living in hell for a long time That's why Jie came here to inquire."

"So that's how it is," replied Poison Sage with a slight smile on his face, "I don't know what kind of situation Daoist Yi wants to ask about the hell world?"

"I don't know if there are any large-scale forces in the hell world besides the Huangquan tribe and the wild horn tribe?" Yi Tian said straight to the point.

Presumably this is something that the Poison Master is familiar with. After a little thought, he opened his mouth and replied: "Apart from the two major races that are biased towards the Netherworld, there are several neutral forces, namely, the branch of the Black Feather Clan, the Stone Clan, and the Dark Beast Aqua Clan. , and my Xinglin faction can also be regarded as one."

Among them, I heard that Wan Gang once mentioned that the Black Feather Clan's integrated stage monk had also cooperated with the Nether Boy to explore the entrance of the fairy world fragments in the Nether World.I just don't know what is going on with the branch of the Black Feather Clan in the Hell Realm, so I immediately asked: "I heard that the Black Feather Clan also has a branch in the Nether Realm, but I don't know how it is different from the branch in the Hell Realm? ?”

The Poison Sage smiled and said: "Actually, they were all descended from the same branch, but they were divided into two factions after the destruction of the Nether Emperor tens of thousands of years ago. Although there are few contacts nowadays, their strength should not be underestimated. It's fixed."

Yi Tian didn't care about such power, even Wan Gang, the patriarch of the Huangquan Clan, couldn't compare to it, and it wouldn't pose any threat to him. "What about the strength of the Stone Clan and the Dark Beast Sea Clan?" Yi Tian asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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