
Chapter 2137 Power 2

Chapter 2137 Force II

After Yi Tian inquired about the Poison Master in the cave of Yunwu Mountain, he had a better understanding of the distribution of forces in the Underworld Realm. He did not expect that the Black Feather Clan would be distributed in the Nether Realm and the Hell Realm.

As for the other two major forces in the hell world, the Stone Clan and the Dark Beast Sea Clan, they don't know how they exist.Yi Tian was also very interested in this and asked.

Hearing the words, the Poison Master smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the monks of the Stone Clan are a very strange race in the Underworld. Their bodies are extremely hard but their souls are very weak. They have a strong body and strength but no brains." Often they are treated as pitiful."

"Since this is the case, how can their soul power be so weak and become a big force?" Yi Tian asked in puzzlement.

"The key lies in the large number of them," Poison Master said with a smile: "The sulfur pools all over the hell are the best breeding grounds for these stone tribe people, so you can see a large number of stone tribe monks gathering in the hell realm. The emperor of the stone clan is a hundred times stronger than ordinary clansmen, and his body alone can resist the monks of the fusion stage, so he can be called the third largest force not weaker than the wild horn clan and Huangquan clan."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian suddenly said: "This is winning by the number of people. It is expected that the number of Stone Clan in the hell world can be compared to the sum of the populations of the other major races."

Poison Sage stretched out two fingers and said: "Yes, it will be doubled, and you will understand when you arrive."

"Then what kind of force is the Dark Beast Sea Clan?" Yi Tian asked.

"They grow in all the seas in the hell world," said the poisonous hand: "In the hell world, it is either extremely cold or extremely hot. These stone tribes are the products of extreme heat, and the dark beast sea tribe is the product of extreme heat." A foreign race that grows in a cold environment."

"Then what's the difference between them and ordinary sea people?" Yi Tian said.

"I heard that the Beast Emperor of the Dark Beast Sea Clan has the blood of an ancient ice dragon, but no one has seen his prototype," said the Poison Master, "Ordinary Dark Beast Sea Clan cultivators and the Sea Clan from the Demon Realm should belong to the same family, but they are all ice dragons." The mutated monsters with attributes are much stronger than those here in the demon world."

After hearing this, Yi Tian also breathed a sigh of relief, since it only has a little more ice attribute, it's easy to deal with.But the Poison Master said with a solemn expression: "Friend Daoist Yi, don't be careless. The natural attributes of the Beast Emperor of the Dark Beast Sea Clan restrain you from the Fire Palace. It is said that the contemporary Beast Emperor still cultivates in the 'One Yuan Heavy Water'. The lost supernatural power still poses a lot of threats to you."

"Thank you fellow daoist for your reminder, Yi will keep this matter in mind, but whoever sees the Dark Beast Sea Clan Beast Emperor will naturally not provoke him easily," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

"That's the best, but the Dark Beast Sea Clan has the ultimate treasure of the hell world 'Biluo Qiongye', which can greatly extend the lifespan of a monk. Drinking three drops of a monk at the fusion stage can extend the lifespan of 5000 years. In fact It is the most important treasure in hell world," said Poison Master without reason.

"If Fellow Daoist Yi is lucky enough to obtain it, I'm willing to pay a lot of money to buy just one drop," Poison Sage continued.

"Yes, there is such a spiritual object, but it seems that it is not easy to obtain this object," Yi Tian said with a look of distress: "If it is so easy to obtain, I think fellow Taoists will not open their mouths to get rid of me Bar".

"That's true, so I don't have extravagant expectations. If you Daoyou Yi has the opportunity to obtain this treasure, please give me a drop of it, and I will be rewarded," said the Poison Master with a moved expression.

"I don't think Daoist Shouyuan Youchang doesn't need this thing for the time being, and how much use can it be if you just put a drop on it?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

The Poison Master laughed and said: "I have a prescription called 'Biluo Yishou Pill'. Every time I take one, it can prolong my life for thousands of years. The most important thing is that it has no side effects and drug resistance."

"How many elixirs can be refined from that drop of 'Bi Luo Qiong Yew'?" Yi Tian asked.

"Usually there are three to five drops," said the Poison Sage, "It's not hard to find the excipients of the elixir, but the only thing missing is the main medicine."

"One to three doesn't seem to work well," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you've got the effect. Although it's one to three, the effect has indeed increased by [-]%, so after refining a drop of spiritual liquid, the effect is almost four times the original effect," explained the Poison Master.

"So that's it. I don't know how much 'Biluo Qiongjiang' can be produced at one time?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

"Ten drops at most, and sometimes there are four or five drops if there is less," said the poisonous hand, "I have seen this kind of spiritual liquid at the exchange meeting of monks in the fusion period in the hell world, but I didn't buy it because the price was too high. Opportunity to bag it."

"Well, I will definitely pay attention to the words of fellow Taoists if I have the opportunity to talk to you," Yi Tian said.

Poison Master showed satisfaction, and then asked: "Is there anything else Yi Daoyou wants to know?"

"I don't know how much information about the Huangquan clan do you know?" Yi Tian turned around and asked.

"Do you mean the general news in the market, or the gossip?" The Poison Master smiled.

"I know a lot of information about the Huangquan clan, but it's all superficial. I don't know what's going on with this gossip?" Yi Tian said.

"The interior of the Huangquan clan is not as monolithic as it looks. Although Yan Qiu, the patriarch of the Huangquan clan, rose to power by relying on his strength, he offended many people in the clan, and even exiled some royal families," said the poisonous hand Said lightly.

Those who say these words do not intend to hear them, but in Yi Tian's ears, it can confirm Yan Wenxiong's mention of his life experience.Then I heard the Poison Master say: "Originally there were more mixed races left from the intermarriage between the Huangquan clan and other groups, but Yan Qiu's philosophy is still relatively conservative. Clan."

"I've heard about this matter a little bit, but I didn't expect Yan Qiu to make such a ridiculous decision on his own." Yi Tian sighed: "My new apprentice Yan Wenxiong has half of the blood of the Huangquan clan. It must also be the group of people who were expelled from the Huangquan clan back then."

Poison Master's eyes lit up and said: "Friend Daoist Yi, you have picked up a treasure. Usually, the mixed races of the Yellow Springs can inherit their racial talents to the maximum extent, and their strength is not weaker than the pure children of the Yellow Springs. Plus People with blood from other races in their upper body often have amazing strength after training, which will pose a strong threat to the orthodox Huangquan monks."

"So this is the main reason why Yan Qiu expelled those mixed race people," Yi Tian sighed: "Are these people displaced now?"

But the Poison Sage shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Yan Qiu's bad move has led to the emergence of a new force of casual cultivators in the hell world. Many of these casual cultivators are scattered around the Huangquan tribe. If it is inconvenient for Fellow Daoist Yi to go to the hell world, you can ask them to take action on your behalf," said the Poison Sage, took out a jade tablet and handed it over: "This is the contact token of the casual cultivator forces. You Daoyou Yi can hide behind you and don’t need to do everything yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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