
Chapter 2138

Chapter 2138
Three days later, the barbarian merchant ship quietly left the port after loading and unloading the goods according to the schedule, and arrived at the gate of the world after driving in the sky for half a day.The guards at the gate of the monster clan here are monks from the Huofeng clan and the Huojiao clan, but none of the ninth-level monsters in the clan have been seen, and all the eighth-level guards are here to check.

The Manjiao Chamber of Commerce gladly accepted the inquiry.Even the president Wan Jiaolan personally came forward to negotiate with those high-ranking garrison monster clans. As for Yi Tian, ​​he didn't need to pay attention to these matters at all. When those monster clan monks walked outside the door of the VIP room, he just quietly revealed his spiritual pressure. The fluctuations frightened the opponent.Afterwards, those monster monks naturally retreated tactfully and did not dare to disturb them any more.

After being checked by the boundary gate, the merchant ship sailed straight into the passage leading to the hell realm.A halo lit up and enveloped the entire merchant ship, and a dazzling aura suddenly flashed at the stern of the ship.

Then the merchant ship turned into a spiritual light and quickly shuttled through the interface channel. Although there were interface storms all around, under the blessing of the protective formation, the merchant ship flew straight ahead without moving.After flying for about half a day, the monk sitting in the cabin felt a slight tremor, and Shaoqing returned to normal.

Yi Tian looked out through the window of the cabin and saw that the merchant ship had already passed through the interface channel and came to the hell realm.

The sky outside was so dark that it looked like dusk.There are wild rocky mountains everywhere on the ground, and there are many sulfur lava pools.

There are a lot of vegetation growing on these stone mountains, but most of them are black and red.It is probably because of the sulfur lava that is everywhere in the hell world, and Yi Tian recorded all the situations here one by one as a supplement to his travel experience.

On the contrary, Yan Wenxiong's face moved slightly after looking at him with a slightly excited expression: "It's been hundreds of years since I left here, and I'm finally back."

"Oh, Wenxiong, how old were you when you left and how old were you?" Yi Tianlai asked with interest.

"Master, I left hell 700 years ago. At that time, I was three hundred years old, and my cultivation was in the late stage of Jindan," Yan Wenxiong replied respectfully.

"How do you feel after you come back this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"Times have changed, and I don't want to go back to the Huangquan clan anymore. I don't know what happened to the clansmen who were expelled from me at the same time," Yan Wenxiong said with a sigh.

"I heard that there are many monks like you among the casual cultivators in hell, what do you think about the leaderless casual cultivators in this realm?" Yi Tian asked in a persuasive manner.

"I don't know what the master means, but you want me to integrate this force?" Yan Wenxiong was not a fool to realize the problem in an instant.

"When I come to this world, I may face Yan Qiu of the Huangquan tribe. It would be the best if I can suppress his clan power," Yi Tian said: "The rise of the barbarian tribe is unstoppable, after all, there are Huangquan tribes. The relationship between the guards is there. And the new grandson of the Nether Emperor has obtained the orthodox approval of the Nether Dynasty, and soon there will be earth-shaking changes in the Nether Realm."

"Master, do you mean Cousin Wenjing?" Yan Wenxiong asked in surprise, "Cousin Wenchang told me about this when I was in the demon world."

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Remember not to get too close to Wen Wenjing. Although his luck is strong, it seems that he may die prematurely. I think that Wenchang's luck is not weak. Now he is practicing in Jiuxian Mountain. Maybe it will be over time. I have the opportunity to return to the Nether Dynasty and become the helm of the new generation."

Yan Wenxiong was surprised when he heard the words, and then he was so excited that he couldn't even speak.His eyes flashed and he saw that the master's face seemed not to be fake, and then he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed deeply, "May I ask the master to reveal the strangeness of this?"

"Wanzhongliu made such an arrangement when he brought Nian Wenjing and Nian Wenchang to see me," Yi Tian sighed and said, "The old fox Wanzhongliu made two preparations, so he did not hesitate to use Huangquan to guard three One-fifth of the material is the price for me to come forward and recommend Yan Wenchang to Jiuxian Mountain."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong gasped, thought for a while before asking: "Is it possible that the two cousins ​​have the possibility of aspiring to the position of the great treasure, and the guards of Huangquan also want to make a bilateral bet?"

Yi Tian nodded and said: "He thought well back then, although it cost me a little to prevent me from personally asking about this matter."

"Could it be that the guards of Huangquan offered generous gifts afterwards?" Yan Wenxiong asked in surprise.

"What's a big gift?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "The guards of Huangquan paid for the life of the second elder Ji Ruilin in order to let me take action, and made me owe a favor that I can't refuse."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong was surprised and couldn't say anything, but Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "In exchange for the life of Yuan Ruilin who is less than a thousand years old in the late stage of fusion, it seems to be a disadvantage, but in the long run, it is the guards of Huangquan and even The Nether Dynasty behind him has taken advantage of it."

At this moment, Yan Wenxiong looked solemnly and thought for a while before he said seriously: "I don't know what the master has ordered, but please come, the disciples dare not refuse."

Looking down at him, Yi Tian felt a little relieved and said, "Actually, accepting you as a disciple in the Buddhist world was just a temporary idea, but now it seems to be very correct. Now I am in the hell world, and there are many things that I can't do by myself. , so I will give you a false hand."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong hurriedly replied: "Master, rest assured that this disciple will do his best to do what you ordered. However, my cultivation base is not high, I'm afraid there are some things that I have more energy than I can do."

"You don't need to worry about this. I will inform Wan Gang to let the Horn Clan cooperate with you. In addition, people from the Xinglin Sect will show your favor for my sake. They want to gather the casual cultivators to form a Alliances are by no means difficult."

"Master, do you want me to unite all the casual cultivators in this world?" Yan Wenxiong asked puzzledly: "To be honest, most of these casual cultivators are profit-seeking people, and it's really hard to get them to work obediently. It’s as hard as climbing the sky.”

"I also know this, but the purpose of forming loose cultivators is to fight against the Huangquan tribe," Yi Tian said meaningfully: "As far as I know, there are not a few casual cultivators who are hostile to the Huangquan tribe in the hell world. You can contact them first to establish the prototype of the Loose Cultivation Alliance."

Yan Wenxiong's eyes lit up, and he said immediately: "Master, you want me to use this as a basis to win over those casual cultivators who hate the Huangquan tribe, and then gradually form a casual cultivator alliance. But there is one most fundamental thing that I can't do." solve."

"But it doesn't matter," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Without the presence of high-ranking monks, this Loose Cultivator Alliance will not be successful," Yan Wenxiong expressed his concerns.

"Wan Gang's barbarian tribe can give you the greatest help in the initial stage of the formation of the casual repair alliance, and even he himself will help him personally, but his identity is sensitive and he can't do it frequently, so you have to improve your cultivation as soon as possible , at least within a thousand years to refine the late stage of transformation or advanced stage of distraction," Yi Tian said with a serious expression.

Yan Wenxiong said with a distressed expression: "The disciple's cultivation base is at least five stages away from the late stage of transformation, and there is still a catastrophe to be crossed. I really dare not expect to be in the realm of the distraction stage."

"Wenxiong, you have to be determined. I was still in the lower realm when I was in your state, and I had to go through the Ascension Tribulation after I entered the God Transformation." Yi Tian said seriously: "Actually, your situation now is more favorable than mine back then. point, and I support you behind the scenes. It may not be impossible to advance to the distraction stage within a thousand years. Moreover, life is a struggle against adversity. Are you willing to be suppressed by the Huangquan clan for the rest of your life, or Do you want to go to the Huangquan clan to seek justice for yourself one day?"

After talking about Yan Wenxiong's pain point, Yi Tian didn't stop, then he closed his eyes silently and waited for his reply.In the room, only Yan Wenxiong was seen bowing his head in thought for a long time, and his face also changed several times.

After a long time, he let out a sigh, and then I saw Yan Wenxiong's eyes cleared once, and he stood up with a straight expression and bowed his hands to Yi Tian in front of him, saying: "Master, please accept The apprentice bows, this teaching is actually a warning to the disciple, from now on the disciple has a goal in his heart, and he will definitely live up to the high expectations of the master."

Slowly opened his eyes, Yi Tian looked at it and said, "Why have you figured it out?"

"I figured it out," Yan Wenxiong nodded solemnly and said, "Although the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, none of us monks survived adversity by overcoming obstacles. Just like what the master said, you only had to break through obstacles before you could cultivate. So far, and the conditions alone are much more difficult than I am now."

"Yes, it's rare to see a breakthrough in your state of mind. Compared with the future, you will definitely be able to advance to a higher level on the road," Yi Tian said with satisfaction.

"Master, don't worry, now that I return to the hell world, I want to wash away the shame of the past and find justice for myself," Yan Wenxiong said: "I know that the master has unavoidable difficulties, so he chose me as the spokesperson to appear in this world. But with the secret help of the Horn tribe and the face-to-face instruction you gave me, master, it is not difficult to integrate the casual cultivator forces in this world."

"Okay, you can make up your mind," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Actually, when I saw you for the first time, I already saw something extraordinary. You were originally a piece of beautiful jade, but it's a pity that it's hidden deep in the stubborn stone without carving. , I taught you the exercises and put pressure on you, which is also a test for you. In the future, there will be earth-shaking changes in the world of the underworld and even the world of the underworld. It is absolutely impossible to show your ambitions or seek justice."

Yan Wenxiong asked hurriedly with a trembling face: "Master, what do you mean, there will be severe turmoil in the future of the Huangquan clan in the hell world?"

"I'm just talking about the facts," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Yan Qiu still treats today's things with old ideas, and his blood lineage theory has long been outdated."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian opened his eyes and glanced at Yan Wenxiong who was beside him, seeing that he seemed to agree with this, and then continued: "The mixed-race children of the Huangquan clan have extremely high talents, not only possessing the talents of the monks of the Huangquan clan. Talent, but also has the ability of other races. If you can get enough resources, your achievements will definitely not be lower than pure Huangquan monks."

"Master also thinks so?" Yan Wenxiong said happily: "Actually, if I can get enough resources, I can definitely cultivate to the stage of becoming a god now, and I am also qualified to compete for the position of the young patriarch in the Huangquan clan. "

"Wenxiong, look a little further," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You are satisfied with just a young patriarch of the Huangquan clan, so how can you lead the future trend of the hell world in the future?"

"I don't know what you mean, master?" Yan Wenxiong asked with a surprised expression.

"The dominance of any race in the hell world cannot properly solve the problems in this world," Yi Tian said solemnly: "Even the rise of the barbarian tribe is temporary, and there will definitely be a day of decline in the future."

"Master, didn't you say that the Loose Cultivator Alliance still relies on the Horn Clan behind the scenes?" Yan Wenxiong asked with a dazed expression.

"It's all temporary. If the barbarian tribe grows bigger, it can constrain the forces of all parties, but it is also a threat. With Wan Gang's knowledge, he naturally knows that the inside is powerful, so he will definitely not repeat Yan Qiu's mistakes. "Yi Tian explained: "This is also the main reason why I let the Barbarian Horns participate in the cooperation. Wan Gang is not very ambitious, and he is much more tolerant than Yan Qiu, so it is naturally the best cooperation candidate."

"Then what about the other clans?" Yan Wenxiong said.

"Only I can communicate at the level of high-level monks, but at the lower level, you need to consider and deal with the relationship between them in the future," Yi Tian said.

"Master, do you have something to leave?" Yan Wenxiong said.

Taking out the Jade Slips of Cultivation Techniques that had been prepared a long time ago from the storage ring, Yi Tian gently handed them over and said: "This is the Cultivation Techniques that I have sorted out and are suitable for your cultivation. Speaking of which, I am a spirit You come from the Jieli Fire Sect, but you are not allowed to pass on the sect's direct lineage techniques to you, so here is a summary of the foreign skills that I have collected."

Yan Wenxiong's face darkened when he heard the words, he naturally knew the meaning of the words, so far he can only be regarded as a registered disciple who can't make it to the stage.

Knowing what he was thinking, Yi Tian smiled and said, "This inner cultivation method is a supernatural power that is specially cultivated in conjunction with the hell world, and it comes from the same source as the cultivation of the second elder of Huangquan Guard, He Ruilin."

"Is that so?" Yan Wenxiong didn't change his face, but the surprised look in his eyes had already betrayed all the joy in his heart at the moment.

"Although the sulphurous fire of the Huangquan tribe is powerful, the 'flame prison transformation' and the matching supernatural powers in this jade slip are even more powerful," Yi Tian explained: "As long as you practice to the level of Dacheng, you will meet in the future." The Huangquan tribe is not afraid of monks who are better than you, and with the 'regional flame prison escape speed' in it, you can escape even if you can't beat it."

"It's so powerful, how can I have the power to fight against the high-level monks of the Huangquan clan in the future?" Yan Wenxiong said excitedly.

"After you cultivate to the middle stage of distraction, basically no one will be your opponent except Yan Qiu from the Huangquan clan," Yi Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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