
Chapter 2139 Meeting

Chapter 2139 Meeting
As the transport ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce arrived at Manjiao City in the hell realm, Yi Tian entrusted Yan Wenxiong's life to Wanjiaolan.Although this is the main city of the Manjiao Clan, there are also many casual cultivators of other races gathered here. For Yan Wenxiong, now that he has skills and help, he can naturally show his strength here.

Moreover, the instructions I gave him were to practice kung fu within a thousand years to raise the level of cultivation to the stage of the late stage of transforming gods and even the stage of distraction.At the same time, it is necessary to contact scattered cultivators everywhere to integrate them.

With the help of the Barbarian Horns, there is no need to worry about the harassment of the Huangquan Clan, and they can also rely on their power to raise a banner to continuously absorb those weak casual cultivators.

According to Yi Tian's estimate, a thousand years is an unimaginably long time for low-level monks, but it is nothing for monks who have cultivated above the stage of transformation into gods. At the same time, it can also make them re-examine the forces in the hell world and select Attribution.

When I was teaching Yan Wenxiong face-to-face, I also emphasized the fact that the forces in the hell world now, the Huangquan clan should be suppressed, but not too much.It is not the result I want to see if I suppress it too much and cause the barbarian tribe to grow.

The idealized result is for Yan Wenxiong to become a pivotal existence in the hell world after integrating the casual cultivator forces, and he can also befriend the Xinglin Sect, and reach a tacit agreement with the Manjiao tribe in private Several ethnic groups.

After arriving in Manjiao City, Yi Tian explained what he was doing and then turned and left alone. In the hell world, there are three other major forces besides the Manjiao Clan, Huangquan Clan and Xinglinmen.Among them, the Black Feather Clan and the Dark Beast Sea Clan can be ignored for the time being. After all, although these races are strong, the suzerain power is far away, and they will not be involved in the suppression of the Huangquan Clan for the time being.

As for the Stone Clan, it is an extremely difficult existence at the moment. In Manjiao City, Yi Tian has seen many Stone Clan monks intentionally or unintentionally.These huge adult Stone Clan monks are at least one foot tall, and the skin and flesh all over their bodies are made of sulfur rocks unique to hell.

On the whole, the monks of the Stone Clan are a strange existence. The flesh and blood all over their bodies are made of rocks. As for the power of the soul in the head, it does not match their appearance.

Compared with the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage, the monks of the Stone tribe have a much weaker soul, so most of the monks of the low-level Stone tribe will be enslaved as a trend of coolies.

These Stone Clan monks are all acting as brute force laborers, specializing in pulling carts and transporting goods. As for Manjiao City, there are no Stone Clan monks above the Nascent Soul Stage.

After consulting in private, I learned that these Stone Clan monks will grow up a lot after their cultivation base reaches the stage of transforming gods, so naturally they will not be willing to be enslaved.

However, there are a large number of Stone Clan monks, and their population reproduces rapidly under the specific environment in hell, and their total population far exceeds the number of foreign monks, so it is not surprising that there are some enslaved Stone Clan.

Yi Tian received a summons in Manjiao City, and Wan Zhongliu asked him to meet at the 'Hell Brazier' near the 'Fire and Sulfur Pond'.Although he didn't know what his intention was, Yi Tian also made preparations first.In the city, I bought a more detailed map of the hell world, and after scanning it with my spiritual sense, I found that the "bath of fire and sulfur pool" was considered to be a relatively large source of sulfur that had been mined in the hell world.

Because the area occupied by the 'Fire and Sulfur Pond' is about tens of thousands of miles, and nearly one-third of the area is occupied by the Stone Race.The rest belong to the uninhabited area, and the 'Hell Brazier' can be regarded as a relatively remote area there, and meeting there can be regarded as reasonable.

After leaving Manjiao City, Yi Tian restrained the fluctuation of spiritual pressure around his body, stabilized his figure in the air, and directly performed the skill of integrating god and demon to transform his spiritual power into a state of yellow energy.In the environment of the hell world, the surrounding spiritual power is mixed with a lot of miscellaneous energy, which is really not a good place for spiritual practice.On the other hand, switching to the state of magic cultivation can absorb the spiritual power here without hindrance.

After his whole body turned into a purple-black ray of light, Yi Tian turned around and flew straight towards the direction where the 'Fire and Sulfur Pond' was located.

The scope of the hell world is far beyond what one thinks, and it is not much better than the spirit world.Yi Tian flew in the air for several days before he found a large sea of ​​flames in front of him. His divine sense slightly protruded and checked there.

Since he entered the area of ​​the 'Fire and Sulfur Pond', Yi Tian didn't dare to push it too far. It's not what he wanted if he entered the Stone Clan's territory by mistake and caused unnecessary misunderstandings.

Following the direction shown on the jade slip map, Yi Tian bypassed the territory of the Shizu and maintained a distance of at least [-] miles. After flying in the 'Fire and Sulfur Pond' for half a day, he finally found the meeting place 'Hell Brazier' '.

After sweeping far away with his spiritual sense, he found that there was a weak fluctuation of spiritual power there, and he was overjoyed and hurriedly lowered the cloud head to fly at a low altitude and galloped towards that place.

Ten breaths later, when he came to the sky above the sulfur fire pool, he glanced over and saw a figure standing on a protruding rocky island in the lava pool below, waiting.Scanning his mind, he saw that Wan Zhongliu was looking at himself with a smile on his face at this time, and then he clasped his hands together and said: "You Daoist Yi appeared in front of me like this, I really didn't expect it."

Putting away the escape technique on his body, Yi Tian slowly landed on the isolated island below, and did not stabilize his figure until three feet away from Wanzhongliu's body.Then he bowed his hands and returned the salute: "I have to do it myself, and I can only show the second form of my deity so far. I hope Fellow Daoist Wan will forgive me."

Wan Zhongliu glanced at him carefully and his expression remained unchanged, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. After taking three breaths, he sighed and said, "If I'm not mistaken, the second form of Yi Daoyou is The body of the Demon Cultivator, moreover, the deity that has actually absorbed the original power of the Demon Sha, is not inferior in terms of strength to the clone of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely."

"Accepted, Taoist Wan really has a bright eye, and I admire him very much," Yi Tian said in his mouth, but he also had a high opinion of Wan Zhongliu in his heart.Sure enough, these elders guarding the underworld are human beings who have lived for thousands of years. It is not easy to make such accurate judgments on their own demon cultivators in such a short period of time.

After the two greeted each other, it was Wan Zhongliu who spoke first, "This hasty meeting was unavoidable, please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Yi."

"Why did Fellow Daoist Wan say that?" Yi Tian asked with a slight frown.

Wan Zhongliu looked solemn and said: "Now the second elder, Ji Ruilin, is missing from the guards of Huangquan, and the strength of his control is not as good as before. The old man has to take charge of the overall situation in the Nether Dynasty, and he has to supervise and protect the Nether Emperor at all times, so he can It took a lot of trouble for the avatar to come."

"Could it be that in the nether world, the force guarding Huangquan is still being suppressed by the savage guy?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"It's not just a matter of a day or two," Wan Zhongliu sighed and said, "Now that Biluo Yaoji is taking action on behalf of Luan Kuang, she is gradually letting go of her subordinates, and she is more powerful than she was a thousand years ago in every respect." It's tough. It's only been eased a little in the last few decades so I have the leeway to get away."

Yi Tian heard the words and began to think quickly in his mind. According to Wan Zhongliu's words, Biluo Yaoji's frequent attacks should be after the death of the second elder of Huangquan guards, Huo Ruilin.Presumably her source of information is also very reliable to make this move.As for the slight slowdown in the past few decades, it may have something to do with the fact that he solved the frenzied avatar in the Buddhist world.

After thinking about it, he asked: "I don't know if you have met the Biluo Yaoji face to face, and how strong is it?"

Wan Zhongliu replied indifferently: "The old man and Biluo Yaoji only met once a thousand years ago, and have not seen each other since. Since the death of the second elder, Huo Ruilin, I expected to be suppressed by her, but I don't know why. Its frequent shots suddenly stopped a few years ago."

"That's the fourth clone of Luan Kuang that I intercepted in the Buddha Spirit Realm," Yi Tian said.

"Why does he have a fourth clone?" Wan Zhongliu blurted out in surprise, "What kind of existence is he?"

"Why did Fellow Daoist Wan also notice the problem?" Yi Tian joked.

Wan Zhongliu turned serious and asked, "Isn't Fellow Daoist Yi joking about this?"

"Do you think I look right?" Yi Tian asked back: "This matter is a bit strange, but it is absolutely true." After that, Yi Tian encountered Kun Lingzi and Pei in the Buddha Spirit Realm. Things about Tie and Monk Zhixing were slowly revealed.Then he told the story of monk Zhixing's reincarnation secret method in an attempt to cut himself off from the rampant spirit. During this period, he also met the fourth clone of the rampant compassionate old man.

After listening to it, Wan Zhongliu's face turned livid, and he fell into deep thought.This information involved too many things for him, and he couldn't digest it all for a while.

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Wan Zhongliu let out a slow sigh, then raised his head with a flash of light in his eyes and said, "Thank you, fellow Daoist Yi, for your help."

"This is my job, and it's our common goal to deal with the madness," Yi Tian hastily replied.

Wan Zhongliu raised his head and said with a chuckle: "Friend Yi Daoist, you don't know that after the fall of the furious fourth avatar, his real body must have been seriously injured. Now I know why Biluo Yaoji suddenly stopped. The forces under him have all withdrawn to the capital of Naraku."

"Did Daoist Wan discover anything from it?" Yi Tian asked.

"Although Furen is strong, he is not a complete soul. I think Fellow Daoist Yi should know this," Wan Zhongliu explained.

"That's true, and I didn't expect that even though the former Nether Emperor had fallen, he would still scatter the souls." Yi Tian sighed for a while: "Although Luan Kuang is the main soul, he can't see the rest of the scattered souls. The complete collection is naturally his biggest obstacle."

"Indeed," Wan Zhongliu said excitedly, "Does Yi Daoyou know who the Great Elder I am guarding in Huangquan is?"

"I heard that he was born in the Huangquan clan, and now Yan Qiu's ability to dominate the hell world has a deep relationship with this mysterious elder," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

"Yi Daoyou is right. In fact, there are unknown secrets in it." Wan Zhongliu sighed and said, "The elder of Huangquan guards is named Yan Yunjing, who was born in the Huangquan clan, but he still has a secret that is unknown to everyone." His identity is one of the scattered souls of the former Nether Emperor."

"What," Yi Tian said, his complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, his pupils froze and he said, "Your Daoist Wan is just joking, right?"

"Yi Daoyou, do you think I will talk nonsense about such things?" Wan Zhongliu said seriously.

"Then why didn't Luan Kuang absorb his soul?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"It's not that you don't want to, but that you can't?" Wan Zhongliu said with a smile on his face.

"Why not?"

"The madness is the paranoid side of the original Nether Emperor in his previous life, who advocated that he should come down to rule the Nether world, and even the other worlds such as the Yellow Springs," Wan Zhongliu explained.

"Then Yan Yunjing is the obsession left by the change of dynasty in the heart of the former Emperor Youming," Yi Tian tried to ask.

"That's right," Wan Zhongliu said: "So this is also the root cause of the confrontation between the guards of Huangquan and the mad man for thousands of years. If you want to absorb Yan Yunjing's soul back, it will definitely have a great impact on his own soul. It has a big impact. He also saw this point, so he has been holding back and not doing anything."

"I think it's not that he doesn't want to do something, but he's waiting for Yan Yunjing's lifespan to be exhausted, and only when he escapes into reincarnation can he capture his soul." Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "It must have been the time to absorb his soul." Side effects are minimized."

"It seems that Daoist Yi knows far more about the mystic arts than others," Wan Zhongliu said in admiration, "The Great Elder also mentioned this, so he is wasting time with Luankuang now. It would be great to be promoted to the Mahayana stage, and then you can turn the guest into the master and absorb the part of the scattered soul that is violent."

"I think this matter needs to be discussed, at least from the current point of view, the strength of the madman is far better than that of the great elder Yan Yunjing guarded by Huangquan," Yi Tian analyzed: "Unless there is a great threat to the existence of the two, it is absolutely I will never see the moment when the spirit and soul merge."

"Who knows," Wan Zhongliu shook his head and said, "Now we are doing our best to follow God's will, let's see if God is for the Nether royal family or for the mad man."

"According to my opinion, Luankuang's strength is even better," Yi Tian said: "Since he can separate four clones, it shows that the strength of his soul is far beyond imagination."

"What did Fellow Daoist Yi think of?" Wan Zhongliu frowned and said.

"I wonder if friend Wan Dao has met the savage deity?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

Shaking his head, Wan Zhongliu showed doubts and said, "I've only met Youming Boy or Biluo Yaoji face to face before. As for the savage deity, it has always been a mystery. I'm afraid even the Great Elder Yan Yunjing can sense it."

(End of this chapter)

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