
Chapter 2141

Chapter 2141
Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the brimstone and fire essence and practiced quietly for an unknown amount of time before he realized that the surrounding fire essence had changed.After opening his eyes and looking around, Yi Tian found that Shi Jinming, the Patriarch of the Stone Clan who had been sleeping a hundred feet away, had stood up at this time, and then raised his head to stare at the sky as if he was talking to someone.

Yi Tian looked up to see two figures appearing in the air, one of them seemed to have a spiritual pressure fluctuation that was not weaker than Shi Jinming, and the other was a late-stage avatar cultivator.It seems that they should also be local monks, but they don't know why they are here.

Facing the two fusion stage cultivators, Yi Tian restrained the fluctuations in spiritual pressure on his body, and then calmed down and listened carefully.

Later, I heard Shi Jinming yelling: "Little Mo, why did you stay the Nether Boy here? It is disrespectful to trespass on my mansion. Do you, the Black Feather Clan, want to stir up some disturbance in the hell world? "

Nether boy, Yi Tian was startled when he heard the words, he didn't expect to meet the most violent clone so soon.He raised his head and glanced over to find that the body-fit cultivator in the air was in the shape of a seven or eight-year-old child, surrounded by a gray ghostly atmosphere.

The child was wearing a brocade robe and was holding a rattle that a child was playing with, but Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and after looking over it, he found a slight flash of light on the rattle, obviously it was a top-grade heaven-level spiritual weapon.

I just heard the Nether boy say: "Shi Jinming, you have so many resources but you can't improve the status of the Stone Clan in the hell world, it's not good enough."

"You Ming boy, don't be arrogant, the hell world is not a place where you can be arrogant," Shi Jinming said as if he was not afraid at all.

His appearance like this made Yi Tian unexpected, and it stands to reason that the strength of the Nether boy is far higher than that of Shi Jinming.But it seems that he doesn't like Nether Boy at all, nor is he afraid of him.

"Today I'm here to ask you to exchange for a copy of 'Huangquan Mica', I think you must have a surplus," Youming Boy said in a childish voice.

Yi Tian found that the voice and tone of his speech were a bit like the mad deity, and at the same time, he glanced at him and looked carefully.

When Shi Jinming heard the words, he revealed an angry face and said, "You can change it if you say so. Do you know what 'Yellow Spring Mica' means to me?"

The Nether boy curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Everything has a price tag, all you need to do is see if the price has reached your bottom line."

Having said that, the Nether boy took out a supply from the rattle in his hand, put it in a storage bag, and threw it down casually.

Shi Jinming below reached out and grabbed the storage bag, then his spiritual sense penetrated into it and began to examine it carefully.After ten breaths, the expression on his face changed a few times, as if he was having difficulty making up his mind.

On the contrary, the Nether boy in the air didn't seem to care at all, as if he was determined by the other party.

Half a moment later, Shi Jinming's face full of rocks showed a bit of determination, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Nether Stone Spirit is indeed of high quality, and it is indeed an irresistible temptation for me. But if you change One serving of 'Huangquan Mica' seems to be too much, half a serving at most."

Unexpectedly, the Youming boy raised his head and laughed loudly: "It is said that the people of the Stone tribe have elm heads, but I think they are still a bit shrewd. Although the 'Nether Stone Essence' I brought is not worth a copy of the 'Huangquan' Mica' but its value will not be reduced to only the amount of duty. How about I reveal another news to you to make up for the surplus?"

"What news can be so valuable?" Shi Jinming asked sideways.

"Every thousands of years in the Nether world, there will be an opportunity to open the entrance to the fragments of the fairy world. This time it will be about 50 years later. You can come with Yan Qiu and Wan Gang at that time," said the Nether boy.

After hearing this, Shi Jinming waved his hands and said: "The last time you investigated with my clan brother Shi Xiu, you also returned in vain. Now that he has fallen, it is because you lack someone that you came to recruit me this time, right?"

"Is your news very well-informed?" Nether boy said disdainfully: "I think you have been trapped in this state for many years. Although the lifespan of stone monks is much longer than that of ordinary monks, there is an end. If you don't catch I’m afraid you’ll only be here for the rest of your life if you take this opportunity. At least thousands of years ago, your clan brother Shi Xiu still looked determined to forge ahead, and I didn’t expect you to be like this.”

Hearing this, Shi Jinming didn't refute directly, but lowered his head and thought about it carefully. It was obvious that You Ming boy had given the right medicine to his pain.Shaoqing Shi Jinming sighed, and then opened his mouth to spit out a palm-sized piece of yellow-black soil.With a light hand in his hand, he handed it over, but said in his mouth: "Well, although your information is not very suitable for the current needs, I can still accept it. I don't know who you plan to find this time How about helping out?"

The Nether Boy reached out to take the portion of 'Huangquan Mica' and weighed it in his hand, then showed a satisfied smile on his face.After putting it away, he turned around and said, "Most of them are old friends. You also know Yan Qiu, Wan Gang, and Wu Heng from the Black Feather Clan."

"Aren't these five people? Could it be that casual cultivators can't get in?" Shi Jinming asked suspiciously.

"That guy has no fixed place and has always been a loner, so it's only natural that he can't find others," You Ming boy said impatiently, "This time there is a special guest who came to help Fist, speaking of which, he still has a lot of connections with me, at least my two avatars were destroyed in his hands."

"What kind of person has such strength?" Shi Jinming suddenly looked shocked, "Since this is the case, can you cooperate with each other?"

The Nether Boy had a murderous intent inadvertently flashed in his eyes and then he returned to normal, then he sighed and said: "Speaking of which, I have to make two preparations to invite you this time. But that person made a condition that I can't refuse, so You have to work with it.”

After hearing this, Shi Jinming turned serious and said, "It seems that he has something very important in his hand, and it's something you agree with."

"He has a map," You Ming Boy yelled sharply, "This kid is very accurate, but since he dared to come here alone, I really admire his courage."

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll accompany you for a while," Shi Jinming patted his head and said, "I don't want to be trapped to death in this 'Fire and Sulfur Pool', but I have to try everything if there is a chance." After saying that, he glanced away, and then stopped on the monk of the Black Feather Clan.

After sizing it up, he asked again: "Why didn't that old ghost Wu Heng show up and send you, a big disciple, to lead the way?"

After hearing this, the monk of the Black Feather Clan in the distraction period had a solemn expression and hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted: "The ancestor is currently practicing in seclusion and it is inconvenient to go out, so I will entertain Senior Nether. However, the ancestor once said that the strength of Senior Shi Xiu I really admire it, and if I have the opportunity, I will ask for some tricks again. I hope that senior Jin Ming will not disappoint the ancestor."

"Hmph, old ghost Wuheng always likes to compare me with his elder brother, but this time I also fulfilled his wish, and I will definitely fight against him when I have the opportunity in the future," Shi Jinming replied with a cold snort .

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding aside, looked at Shi Jinming with great interest, and secretly thought about the relationship between the Stone Clan and the Black Feather Clan.It seems obvious that the two clans should not get along well in the hell realm. Fortunately, the Black Feather Clan still has clans in the Netherworld, which are just branches in this realm.

It can be heard from the tone of the Black Feather Clan monk that it seems that Wu Heng of the Black Feather Clan wants to expand the branch of the hell world, so he is bound to be restricted by the local snake stone clan here.One is the enterprising dragon crossing the river, and the other is the primitive residents who have lived here for tens of thousands of years. It is inevitable that conflicts will arise naturally.

Seeing the two of them like this, the Nether Boy stepped forward to change the topic, and then took out a Jade Charm of Communication and passed it across the air: "I will notify you when the time is almost up, and if you have any changes, let me know as soon as possible so that I can help you." Adjust your itinerary."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shi Jinming's reply, he turned around and flew straight in the direction he came from. The Black Feather Clan monk behind him also followed closely.After a while, the figures of the two disappeared into the sky.

Shi Jinming reached out to take the jade talisman and pocketed it, and then cursed a few words to himself.

Just when Yi Tian thought that he would return to the sulfur bath fire pool to continue to sleep soundly, he saw that he took a step and slowly thought about where he was.He didn't stop until he was ten feet away, and then he opened his mouth and took a sharp breath towards the surrounding sulfur fire essence.He swallowed several wisps of fire essence in his stomach in an instant, and only later did he show a satisfied look on his face, turned around and returned to his original bed, fell down and fell asleep.

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, then looked at Shi Jinming in the distance and showed a little smile on his face.I didn't expect that I ran into the Nether boy by mistake this time.Although there was no direct confrontation with him, he hid aside and weighed carefully and found that he was not as strong as imagined.

At least with his current strength, it was unexpected that he could deceive his eyes and ears.

Shaoqing waited until Shi Jinming fell into a deep sleep again before Yi Tian slowly got up.I have absorbed a sufficient amount of sulfur and fire essence here, and refined it.Now is also the time to leave, in order not to disturb Shi Jinming and Yitian, he restrained his breath and then slowly exited from the original path.

When he got to the entrance of the passage, he suddenly heard a loud noise from the sulfur bathing fire pool behind him, and then Yi Tian turned around and found several fire dragons turned from lava rushing in all directions.

Facing such a disorderly eruption of lava, Shi Jinming seemed not to take it seriously at all and just let it go.But Yi Tian had to take this seriously, seeing those lava fire dragons rushing towards him, he could only move away quickly to avoid being affected.

After a closer look, it was discovered that the lava here erupts regularly from time to time, and it generally faces the direction of the exit. As for the location of the sulfur fire source essence, it was not affected at all.

It's just that the fluctuations in the spiritual pressure around him changed slightly. Under normal circumstances, Yi Tian can naturally hide his body so that he can enter and exit without anyone noticing.

But at the moment of leaving this place, he encountered a lava eruption unexpectedly, which made Yi Tian really lose his mind.After the lava eruption ended and the scene became calmer, Yi Tian glanced over and found that Shi Jinming was lying where Shi Jinming was originally lying, but he was nowhere to be seen.At the same time, a huge shadow covered his position. At this time, Shi Jinming's stature more than doubled and turned into a stone giant about three feet tall, blocking the entrance of the passage.

Immediately after sweeping back and forth with the surrounding divine sense, he locked his position, only to hear Shi Jinming yelled sharply: "Who is hiding his head and showing his tail, why don't you show up quickly."

After that, he stretched out his palms with ten fingers clenched into fists the size of two water basins, and slammed down on the area where he was located one after another.When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that he couldn't be kind. Such a row of fists rained indiscriminate attacks on his surroundings in a radius of ten feet.Needless to say, Shi Jinming still hadn't locked his position in the end, but one thing was certain that he had sensed that something was wrong.

A row of punches is just forcing himself to show up, but at this time Yi Tian is also in a dilemma.Facing the bucket-like fist, it would definitely consume a lot of force to say that he took it forcibly, and at the same time, his position would be exposed.

Up to now, Yi Tian also looked at Shi Jinming with admiration, at least this stupid big man in front of him is not as simple-minded as he imagined.Originally, I thought that I could only use strength to deal with such a stone giant, but now I have some other ideas in my heart.

In an instant, the spiritual power of the whole body was mobilized to mobilize the flame prison demon fire.Immediately, two black and purple true flames gathered on the hands, wrapping the fists.Seeing the oncoming Paiquan Yi Tian shot without hesitation.

With three breaths of 'bang bang bang', Shi Jinming faced hundreds of punches in the air, and the huge impact shattered the rocks behind the two of them.After putting his feet on the horse, he sank deeply into the ground, and two huge pits were stepped on the ground.

Shi Jinming also didn't expect the opponent who appeared suddenly to be so strong, and he didn't feel timid in the face of the indestructible fists of the Shizu.After fighting together, the two were evenly matched. At that moment, Shi Jinming licked the aisle with his tongue: "Your Excellency is really good at it. Come again, let me see how strong you are."

Without waiting for Yi Tian's reply, Shi Jinming's spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body rose sharply. He stretched out his right hand to concentrate all the spiritual power here, and then kicked his feet on the ground, and his whole body disappeared instantly in place like an arrow from a string.

Unexpectedly, this stupid big man's huge movements are not slow at all, Yi Tian estimated that his figure is three times taller than himself at this time.The fight between the two sides is completely like an adult versus a baby, except that he is faster and himself is faster.

With a 'coax' sound, Shi Jinming's fist slammed hard on the rock formation on the surface, and immediately experienced the sulfur bathed in fire pool that penetrated inside.After being hit by him like this, the lava fires that had calmed down once again turned into fire dragons and sprang out of the lava pool.

(End of this chapter)

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