
Chapter 2142 Contest 1

Chapter 2142 Contest One
Relying on the keen sense of true flames in his body, Yi Tian sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the Stone Clan, where he met Shi Jinming, the patriarch of the Stone Clan.Yi Tian is also a man of high art who has the courage to rely on his own cultivation to get in and out of this forbidden area of ​​the Stone Clan without anyone noticing.

Unexpectedly, when stealing the brimstone and fire essence here, he also ran into the raging Nether Boy who came from the Nether Realm.Although he just hid aside and didn't confront him head-on, Yitian was able to keenly perceive that the spiritual pressure fluctuations left on the Nether boy were not weaker than himself at all.

And from the mouth of the Nether boy, I learned that his purpose for coming this time is to find Shi Jinming to exchange for treasures, and the other is to ask him for help. After decades, the entrance to the fairy world fragments in the Nether world will be opened.

This time, the Nether boy made a list of all the people who went to explore together, and what he didn't expect was that he was still there.Although You Ming Boy didn't say it clearly, he already said it very clearly in his words.At least Yi Tian already knew that the Nether boy had nothing to do with him, so he could only settle for the second best and cooperate temporarily.

Yi Tian also planned to take the opportunity to escape after the Nether Boy left, but what he didn't expect was that the lava river behind him erupted at this juncture, and so far he mobilized his spiritual power to use body skills to avoid Yi Tian.The perception of the monks in the fusion stage is so keen. Before that, he restrained the fluctuation of spiritual pressure and was careful everywhere so that he could not pass the test.But this time he was not so lucky, Shi Jinming naturally noticed something was wrong in a state of sleep and wakefulness.

Later, even though he got up and sealed the exit, although he couldn't directly detect Yi Tian's whereabouts, he was able to lock it within ten feet.As a result, Shi Jinming didn't hesitate at all, mobilized his spiritual power and attacked that area indiscriminately.

Faced with Shi Jinming's sudden upheaval, Yi Tian was naturally not to be outdone, and blindly avoiding it was not an option.And the opponent is the Patriarch of the Stone Clan, a born king.Based on my understanding of them, these Stone Clan monks are originally talented, their bodies are as hard as a rock, but their souls are weak.But after careful identification, it was found that Shi Jinming's head was not as dull as the rumors said, on the contrary, as a monk in the integration period, his head was very good.

And Yi Tian also wanted to test the strength of his demonized real body, and then he sacrificed the flame prison demon fire and Shi Jinming to fight head-to-head.

Yi Tian blocked all the opponent's offensive after a row of punches, but just after recovering, he found that Shi Jinming adjusted his posture and shot again.His physical determination is definitely not as clumsy as imagined, on the contrary, after the shot, it is much stronger than the general physical training of the same level.

After a heavy punch was slammed down, the ground around this center point began to crack.About [-] feet around the ground was completely cracked and sunken, and the magma in the lava river was quickly poured in from the gaps of each collapse.

Yi Tian's figure reappeared on the ground in the distance. Although the blow just now was strong, he easily dodged it by relying on his space magic power.Looking back at Shi Jinming who was standing in the magma, Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Shi's body skills to be far stronger than expected, and the level of body skills used is already at its peak."

"Why do you compliment me so much?" Shi Jinming said unmoved, "You seem to have been here for a while, right?"

"It's been a while," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I've seen Fellow Daoist Shi in Yi Tian."

"Later stage monk, are you a demon cultivator?" Shi Jinming frowned slightly and said, "As far as I know, there is only one-eyed demon cultivator in the demon world who has a cultivator on par with you, but you don't look like that." One-eyed Demon Race".

"Forget it, why does Fellow Daoist Shi have any advice?" Yi Tian joked.Unexpectedly, Shi Jinming slept soundly here all day, but he knew everything about the situation in the Demon Realm. These special skills of the monks in the fusion stage were not as simple as they appeared.

"I don't dare to teach you," Shi Jinming said angrily, "But with your strength, it is obvious that you are not an ordinary person, but the name Yi Tian sounds very natural, could it be random? Fabricate it to frame me?"

Up to this point, Yi Tian was also stunned, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "If you want to change your name or surname, why should you hide your head and show your tail?"

"Oh, I remembered. Could it be that the Youming boy said just now that the two furious avatars were defeated by your hands?" Shi Jinming suddenly asked with a serious expression.

Yi Tian neither admits nor denies this, not many people know about it, and he doesn't want to be burdened by his reputation.Immediately, he didn't respond directly, but changed the subject: "It's really worthwhile to see the true skills of the Shi clan today. I don't know what Daoist Shi wants to do next?"

"Hmph, you're a powerful demon cultivator, and you may be superior to me in terms of strength alone," Shi Jinming licked his lips and said, "But in terms of real guns and live ammunition, your physical skills are still not as strong as my Stone Clan's." .”

"Oh, I don't know what you mean?" Yi Tian faintly found that the stone clan Shi Jinming in front of him was very smart.Instead of acting recklessly, he got himself in with clever words and kind words.His purpose is also very simple, nothing more than wanting to motivate himself.

At this point, Yi Tian sneered, then shook his head and said: "I'm a straight-hearted monk from the Stone Clan, I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Shi to beat around the bush. Since you want to test your strength, why go around in circles, we can only compare one trick .”

After all, a purple-black real fire from the flame hell flashed all over his body, and the skin on his body turned into a dark golden color.Then the black-purple true flame wrapped around him, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body rose steadily, reaching the intensity of the late fusion within ten breaths.

And Shi Jinming in front of him also had a dignified expression, and saw that his body did not grow but shrank after he stretched out his hands to make seals.After three breaths, it returns to its normal human form.At the same time, the petrified skin on his body glowed with a green light, like the polar night gem in the hell realm.Then his feet suddenly stopped to mobilize his spiritual pressure fluctuations.

The surrounding earth seemed to be affected by such spiritual pressure, and then it split open in all directions in a spider web shape centered on the position where he was standing. "Come on, Yi Daoyou picked it up," Shi Jinming shouted loudly, and a phantom of Dao faintly appeared in the north. He took a big step with his right foot and kicked his left foot. The whole person was ejected from the ground like a cannonball to shine on Yi Tian He rushed straight to where he was.

There is no technique at all in this kind of move, it is completely relying on the talent of the physical body to prepare for a head-on move.After Yi Tian saw it, he didn't dare to be careless at all, and most of the real flames of the flame prison sacrificed on his body were condensed in his palms.After the handshake, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he used his escape technique to rush towards the opponent head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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