
Chapter 2143 Contest 2

Chapter 2143 Contest II

In the forbidden area of ​​the Stone Clan, Yi Tian was followed by Shi Jinming.In the face of such a crazy war repairer, he can't be alone.At the same time, after cultivating in the 'Sulphur Bathing Fire Pool' for a period of time, he absorbed a lot of the fire source essence here. Yitian also wanted to test his cultivation results.

In the past, the strength of Mo Xiu's real body had no chance to be revealed, so it is natural not to miss meeting a match-making opponent today.

After making an agreement with the other party to decide whether to win or lose, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless. First, he used the magic fire of the flame prison, and then sacrificed the magical power of the Lihuo Palace, the real fire armor.At the same time, he condenses [-]% of the magic fire on his body in his hands. There are not many close-to-hand combat techniques in Lihuo Palace, but there are many in the flame prison demon clan skills.What Yi Tian is doing now is the "Scorching Flame Fist" of the flame prison demon clan. The high temperature generated by the condensed purple-black magic fire in his hand distorts the surrounding void.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded, and after Yi Tian and Shi Jinming attacked each other head-on, their four hands intertwined fiercely in a short three-foot radius.At such a close distance, both sides shot with all their strength without any scruples, and saw two auras, one white and one black, colliding with each other and then stalemate.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations produced by the two's fists staggered directly shattered the rock under their feet, and the sound of "coaxing" once again took the position where the two were stalemate as the origin, and the surrounding ground was deeply sunken.After the spiritual pressure fluctuations staggered and intertwined, the wind generated by mutual reluctance spread toward the surroundings in an orderly manner.

The strange situation in the forbidden area of ​​the Stone Clan naturally alarmed many Stone Clan monks, and the two Stone Clan monks at the distraction stage guarding outside the gate naturally learned of it immediately.They jumped into the air eagerly to protect the lord, then turned around and flew towards the forbidden area, but the strong wind produced by the monks at the fusion stage after the fight was not something that the monks at the distraction stage could resist.

The gray wind dragon in the air spread out and directly swept over the two of them. Immediately, two figures appeared in the air and floated down toward the outside world.Even though the two Stone Clan monks were extremely strong in defense, they were directly stunned by the strong wind.

As for the Stone Clan monks who came one after another from the outside world, they were too scared to fly forward when they saw this situation, so they had to stop in the air three hundred miles away and stare at the strong wind in the Stone Clan forbidden area. Looking up, many Stone Clan monks also showed worry on their faces. If something happens to the head of the Stone Clan, it can affect the fate of the entire clan.

Under such a complex environment in the Hell Realm, the Stone Clan people are naturally very unwilling to see any mistakes made by the patriarch.

Half a moment later, the gang wind in the forbidden area slowly stopped, and two figures appeared in the center of the fight.The Flaming Prison demon fire in Yi Tian's hands has been taken back and slowly covered his body, and finally converged to the tip of his left index finger and disappeared without a trace.As for Shi Jinming, who was in front of him, breathing rapidly, there seemed to be nothing on his body, except that his two fists, which should have been black and white, had been burnt extremely black at this moment, and there were traces of viscous liquid flowing out of them.

Yi Tian naturally doesn't know much about this, but Shi Jinming knows that the monks of the Stone Clan have extraordinary talents, but they are still flesh and blood after all.The oozing liquid was his blood.

Looking at the other party's situation, it was obviously better than his own, Shi Jinming's expression did not change, and there was no sign of weakness, but the pupils in his eyes congealed to reveal an extremely dignified look.After three breaths, the wound on his hand was healed by casting a spell, and then he grinned and said: "You Daoist Yi is really strong, and this fight is really admirable."

Since Shi Jinming had already opened the soft gear, Yi Tian also knew to borrow the slope to get off the donkey, so he bowed his hands and said, "I was really presumptuous before, please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Shi."

"Where is there, the strength of Yi Daoyou is far beyond my expectations, and I admire it," Shi Jinming didn't mention the matter of entering the forbidden area to steal the spirit fire, but only said that the strength of the two sides' confrontation shows that it is also a train of thought. clear.

"Forgive me to speak bluntly, it seems that Fellow Daoist Shi still has a lot of room for improvement in his cultivation, but he just lacks some opportunities," Yi Tian changed the subject, since he didn't mention his trespassing in the forbidden area, he was also fighting A haha ​​got confused.

Shi Jinming's eyes lit up and he asked hastily, "Oh, what advice does Fellow Daoist Yi have?"

It is estimated that Shi Jinming has been trapped in this state for a long time. Yi Tian has already looked at his cultivation method before. He just sleeps in the sulfur lava river to absorb the inner spiritual power, and from the way the five elements of spiritual power work, it is nothing more than It is a simple way to get fire and earth.As for races like the Stone Clan, who are born with extremely skewed spiritual power, the more they cultivate to the later stage, the more difficult it is for them to improve their cultivation base.

After a pause, Yi Tiancai said, "Fellow Daoist Shi has already absorbed a lot of fire essence in hell, but according to my opinion, the attribute of fire in this realm is colder, so excessive absorption will also cause yin and yang bias. I guess Fellow Daoists need to obtain Yang attribute fire source essence to balance the spiritual power in their body in order to improve their cultivation again."

"Oh, what fellow Daoist Yi said is reasonable. I've noticed this for a long time. It's just that my Stone Clan has never found any other yang attribute fire source power in the hell world," Shi Jinming said around his head.

"Isn't it difficult for this world to be difficult for other interfaces?" Yi Tian said with a smile: "As far as I know, there are at least four places in the upper spirit world that have yang attribute fire essence. In the world of demons and demons, as well as in the world of Buddha and spirits, there are also cursed sky Buddha fires that can also be used."

Shi Jinming's face darkened when he heard the words, and he said: "Actually, I, a monk of the Stone Clan, have never left the hell world, and I have never been to the plane that Daoist Yi said. They are all fusion stage monks in the lower three realms, so it is hard to guarantee that they will be despised by other interface monks."

It turned out that Yi Tian sneered at this, and then raised his head and laughed: "Fellow Daoist Shi probably lived here for a long time and didn't go out to meet and try?"

"How do you say that?" Shi Jinming's expression changed slightly.

"Nowadays, the Manjiao tribe and the Huangquan tribe in the hell world frequently have contacts with the demon world, and they even set up chambers of commerce to detour to the world of Buddha, spirit, and Asura." It’s better to send your clansmen to strengthen communication with other interfaces. After the preparatory work is completed, you can go to other planes to find the resources you want. I believe that the unique treasures of the stone tribe will be able to open up the market in other worlds At that time, I may find a chance to find a high-ranking monk to guide me."

After hearing this, Shi Jinming didn't answer directly, but lowered his head and began to think.For him, the information he heard today was indeed a bit of a surprise.For thousands of years, the Stone Clan's strategy of hiding in the hell realm and hiding in the same place for thousands of years, if there is a sudden change, it will affect the whole body and have to think twice.

(End of this chapter)

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