
Chapter 2144 Total

Chapter 2144 Total
After fighting with Shi Jinming, Yi Tian almost estimated the opponent's strength.Although the Patriarch of the Stone Clan is in the late stage of fusion, he still has some gaps compared to himself. The monks of the Stone Clan are very talented, but this is also the biggest obstacle to their development.

Later, Yi Tian also stated his own judgment on him, but he did not expect to point out Shi Jinming's shortcomings and the biggest obstacle to improving his cultivation in one sentence.

Then Yi Tian shared the information he had obtained from his travels in various worlds. Shi Jinming naturally knew the situation he was facing in detail.After listening to the analysis, Yi Tian also fell into silence. Seeing this, Yi Tian naturally struck while the iron was hot, and briefly talked about the foreign exchanges between the barbarian tribe and the Huangquan tribe in the hell world over the years.

It is impossible to say that Shi Jinming is not tempted. It is very difficult to take a step forward after the cultivation base has been upgraded to the fusion stage, but he must try whenever there is a chance.

It's just from his words that the Stone Clan's strategy has been self-sufficient for thousands of years and has never left the hell world.It is not something that he, the patriarch, can directly decide the world with a single word.

In the realm of hell, the number of Stone Clan monks is the largest, and the distribution is the widest. There are still many divided forces in the territory of the Stone Clan. Shi Jinming at least has to hold a patriarchal meeting before making a final decision.

In addition, what he still has concerns about is the invitation from the Nether Boy.The opportunity to travel to the Netherlands to explore the entrance to the Faerie Fragments doesn't come along very often.If you miss this village, there will be no shop, so he is also very entangled in his heart at this time, and it is difficult to make up his mind.

After Yi Tian saw it, he smiled lightly and said: "I think Fellow Daoist Shi seems to be hesitant to take the step of crossing the border. I don't know what your concerns are. If you can go around, maybe I can help you with ideas."

Shi Jinming sighed and said: "To be honest, I have indelible flaws in my Stone Clan talent, so my position in hell is not very favorable."

"Friend Daoist Shi means that the Stone Race is at a disadvantage in getting along with the other major races in the hell world," Yi Tian asked.

"That's right," Shi Jinming said with a gloomy expression, "It must have been a while for Fellow Daoist Yi to come to the hell world. You should see how other monks treat the people of my Shi clan."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian thought about it and then understood the meaning of Shi Jinming's words. These low-level stone monks were all treated as coolies after being enslaved by other tribes.Because the natural power of the soul is weak, even having a strong body is useless.

Only when the monks of the Stone Clan raise their cultivation base to that of the stage of spiritual cultivation and transform into gods, will the power of the soul increase significantly, and they can get rid of the spell of enslaving the soul.Speaking of which, those born in the low-level stone tribe will be treated as slaves, and even if they grow up, they may not be able to reach a high level.

However, with the large population of the Stone Clan, even under the care of high-level Stone Clan monks, there will be some mistakes.Presumably this is also Shi Jinming's biggest concern.

Smiling, Yi Tian didn't take it seriously. Now that Yan Wenxiong was sent into this world to integrate the casual cultivators, the Stone Clan seems to be a force that cannot be ignored.If you can make good friends with him, then the casual cultivator forces in this world will definitely be able to have both sides.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "I have some connections with casual cultivators in this world. If Fellow Daoist Shi is trustworthy, I can send my clansmen to Manjiao City to consult with members of the Loose Cultivator Alliance."

"Manjiao City is Wan Gang's territory. If my people enter with great fanfare, won't he come forward to stop it?" Shi Jinming said suspiciously: "However, dealing with Wan Gang of the Manjiao tribe is better than dealing with Huang Quan. Well done Yan Qiu from the clan."

"Oh, why did Fellow Daoist Shi say that?" Yi Tian asked.

"Yan Qiu is self-proclaimed, and he advocates bloodline orthodoxy, so under his rule, the identity of the direct line of the Huangquan clan is obviously superior to other races," Shi Jinming explained: "As for the barbarian clan of Wangang, they don't mind being with other races. Foreign races intermarry, and they will also take mixed races for their own use, just from this point, it can be seen that their tolerance is far better than that of Yan Qiu."

"Fellow Daoist Shi is right, that's why I asked you to send someone to Manjiao City to contact the casual cultivators there," Yi Tian said: "It is imperative for the Stone Clan to change the current situation, if even your If the clansmen are unwilling to contact the outside world, they will only be more isolated, and will not be able to shake their inferior position."

"The barbarian tribe is going to take advantage of the situation to rise up and compete with the Huangquan tribe for the supremacy of the hell world, so this is why they have an open-door strategy," Shi Jinming said, "It's hard to guarantee that when they gain power, they will treat me even harder. Clan people."

It turned out that Shi Jinming still had this concern, and Yi Tian had a high opinion of him.Since all aspects of the matter can be considered in such detail, it is impossible to guarantee that the Manjiao tribe will become the dominant family once the Huangquan tribe is suppressed.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry so much, Daoist Shi. In the future, the situation in the hell world will not be dominated by the barbarian tribe, but a situation where many races cooperate. I think if there can be some The integration of the two high-level monks may become an existence that cannot be ignored in the future direction of the hell world."

"Then Daoist Zhaoyi means that he is going to support the Loose Cultivator Alliance, so as to prevent the hell world from becoming dominated by a certain clan. Is my understanding correct?" Shi Jinming asked with a frown.

"Indeed," Yi Tian replied with a nod.Talking to smart people can indeed save a lot of energy. Shi Jinming's concern is nothing more than fear of suppressing one family and another family appearing again.It would be a different matter if it was casual cultivators who came forward to integrate them. Even if these rootless casual cultivators gained power, they would not last long. Unlike the Huangquan clan, they have been rooted in the hell world for tens of thousands of years, and they are also connected to the nether world.Under the blessing of the two parties, it is not easy to shake its dominance.

Then Yi Tian said: "You Daoist Shi can make good friends with the barbarian tribe and the loose cultivators in this world first. Through their channels to communicate with other interfaces to find the opportunities or treasures you need, and finally make up for yourself. It is not too difficult to achieve the goal by fighting hard.”

Shi Jinming fell silent again when he heard the words, but this time he didn't have too much doubt on his face, instead he was thinking about the gains and losses of the clan.After a while, Shi Jinming said slowly: "Okay, since it's Daoist Yi's suggestion, I should consider it carefully. You're right. The Shizu have been nesting in the hell realm for too long, it's time Look for opportunities to make a difference."

"Then Daoist Shi agreed?" Yi Tian smiled.

"Although I keep my promises in the clan, I'm still afraid that my subordinates will obey others," Shi Jinming said flatly, "So I'd like to discuss this matter with the elders of the clan. I believe that as long as they have some A sane mind will certainly not go on like this."

"That's good." After finishing speaking, Yi Tian took out two jade slips and handed them across the air: "Fellow Daoist Shi can recruit people to contact the Manjiao tribe and the casual cultivator forces in Manjiao City. There is a casual cultivator named Yan Wenxiong. He is my disciple, and he is currently operating in Manjiao City, you can send your clansmen to talk to him, I believe he will give convenience to the Stone Clan after reading the contact letter."

After receiving the two jade slips, Shi Jinming opened them and browsed quickly, and found that the two transmissions were addressed to Wanjiaolan and Sanxiong Yan Wenxiong of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce of the Manjiao Clan.Although there was no direct contact with the monks in the integration stage, Shi Jinming's city government can naturally vaguely guess who the backer behind these two people is.

After Shaoqing put away the jade slips, Shi Jinming turned around and looked at Yi Tian in front of him and asked, "You Daoist Yi is a demon cultivator, why is he so involved in my hell world?"

"If I say that I came here on a whim, I'm afraid Fellow Daoist Shi won't believe me," Yi Tian joked.

"The monks all over the world come here for profit. I don't believe that there are real gentlemen." Shi Jinming said sternly, "It's better to make friends with real villains than to deal with hypocrites. Besides, Fellow Daoist Yi is not one of them." Both."

"Fellow Daoist Shi's outspokenness is just what I want," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Actually, my purpose is also very clear. I think you must have informed you after the Nether boy came here before."

"The entrance to the fragments of the fairy world in the nether world," Shi Jinming said with his pupils condensed, "it's about the same as I estimated, but why do you want to form an alliance with the barbarian tribe to suppress the hell tribe in the hell realm?"

"What do fellow Daoist Shi think of the strength of the people who explored the fragments of the fairy world this time?" Yi Tian changed the subject.

"Naturally, Boy Youming is the strongest, followed by Old Ghost Wuheng, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang," Shi Jinming blurted out without thinking.

"In this case, Fellow Daoist Shi should have guessed my purpose," Yi Tian said with a smile: "You Ming Boy's dominance is not very beneficial to you. If I can have the strength to compete with him, I don't need to be afraid of him. What's more, the fairy world There are many crises in the fragments, and if there is any asymmetry in strength, it will definitely affect the next exploration."

"Yi Daoyou really thought it over carefully," Shi Jinming said with a clear expression on his face, "Although we may not be familiar with youming boy, we are not in conflict with each other, so there is no need to favor you."

"It's Daoist Shi who has such an idea, that's why the Nether boy secretly guides everyone's steps," Yi Tian said with a change of expression: "You and I plus Wan Gang, the strength of the three of us is enough to match the three of the other party. People. In this way, even if they join forces, they will only be fighting against each other. And I saw the Nether Boy come to exchange treasure materials with Fellow Daoist Shi, and it seems to be a bit of a robbery. It’s not that I made a concession.”

These words seem to be talking about Shi Jinming's sore feet, and the previous incidents can be regarded as very condescending.Although Shi Jinming expected that Yi Tian would definitely see it in his eyes, he didn't expect to say it so directly.It's not that blood can't be seen on the gray and white stone face, it should be flushed at this time.

On the contrary, Yi Tian was completely disdainful, and he already knew the opponent's strength.What's more, he also clarified the positions of both parties. If Shi Jinming got angry, it would mean that this person is just a reckless man, and he is not suitable for his cooperation at all.

After half a quarter, Shi Jinming adjusted his mood and said sharply: "Okay, what you Daoist Yi said is right. Instead of begging for everything like this, I, the Stone Clan, might as well fight for it and strive to be able to survive the changes in the hell world." Find a place."

"Since Fellow Daoist Shi has made up his mind, does it prove that we can work together with me," Yi Tian asked.

"I can't do it without you. What's more, Nether boy said that his two clones are folded in your hands and he can't do anything with you. Such an existence comes to me to discuss cooperation, so I can't think about it any more," Shi Jin Ming said decisively: "It's just that I have my own conditions, and I hope that Fellow Daoist Yi can agree."

Although he couldn't see the complexion on his face, Yi Tian could hear something strange in his tone.Then he asked lightly: "I don't know what is the request of Fellow Daoist Shi?"

"First of all, let the Barbarian Horns abolish the enslaved Stone Clan monks. I believe that if they take the lead, other races in the hell world will gradually follow suit or restrain themselves," Shi Jinming said seriously.

"It's okay, I'll take it on behalf of Fellow Daoist Wan Gang," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

Shi Jinming was slightly taken aback when he saw himself so cheerful, it seemed that he did not expect to be so talkative, after all, the enslavement of low-level monks of the Stone Clan can be traced back thousands of years, and it is not a simple sentence that can be accepted of.

If it was Wan Gang who answered, Shi Jinming would also feel apprehensive, but facing Yi Tian, ​​he felt faintly convinced that the other party's words were heard in his ears.It may be a matter of cultivation strength, both of them are in the late stage of fusion, but the difference is not one or two points.The person who can kill the two savage clones is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.And these words are still spoken from the mouth of the Nether boy, so they are naturally extremely credible.

This cooperation is tantamount to a huge gamble. Even if Yi Tian loses the bet, he can return to the original interface in order to make a comeback.However, Shi Jinming's fate is to maintain the entire Shi Clan, once he loses, it will be lost forever.

But on the other hand, the status of the Stone Clan in the hell world is also precarious, with a large number of people, but they have been enslaved by other clans for a long time.If you want to change the current situation, you have to find an opportunity, but now this opportunity is coming to your door. As the patriarch, Shi Jinming knows how to choose, but he still wants to win the greatest rights for his clan. Conditions will be put forward at the end.

"Secondly, people from the Manjiao City must be stationed in the Component Chamber of Commerce in Manjiao City as equals, and let the Manjiao tribe assist them to go to other interfaces," Shi Jinming said again.

"That's natural, since everyone wants to work together, it's a convenience," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

"Finally, the Barbarian Horn Clan will help our Stone Clan to rescue those who have been enslaved by other clans," Shi Jinming said.

"Yes, but I also have a request for this. I hope that Fellow Daoist Shi can form an offensive and defensive alliance with the Horn Clan and the Loose Cultivator forces, and face possible future events together," Yi Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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