
Chapter 2145 Total 2

Chapter 2145 Total Two

In the sky of Hell Realm, two rays of light galloped unscrupulously, one in front and the other in the back. After talking with Shi Jinming in the forbidden area of ​​the Stone Clan, Yi Tian and Shi Jinming finally finalized the details of the cooperation.After that, Shi Jinming acted vigorously and called the elders of the clan to give them orders, and then handed over the jade slips to them.

For the next matter, there is no need for the monks of the fusion period to come forward, and the clan only needs to send the monks of the distraction period to discuss with the spokesman of Wan Gang of the wild horn tribe.

Among them, Shi Jinming also specially asked to get close to the casual cultivators in Manjiao City, and mentioned Yan Wenxiong's name and cultivation level by name.The expressions of these Stone Clan elders changed slightly after hearing this, it was a bit too much for a dignified monk of the distracted stage to curry favor with a monk of the Nascent Soul stage.

But when they saw Yi Tian who was in the combined body stage at the same time, they naturally noticed something, and they all agreed together.

After all the elders of the Stone Clan left, Shi Jinming asked him to help him.Although Yi Tian was a little surprised by this, in order to maintain the good situation of cooperation between the two parties, he reluctantly nodded and agreed.

Before, the Nether Boy came to exchange some 'Huangquan Mica' forcibly. Although Shi Jinming was extremely unwilling, there was no way that the situation was stronger than others at that time.Although the Nether Stone Essence that the Nether Boy exchanged was also a rare item, it also has many functions for Shi Jinming, but its value is still somewhat different from that of 'Huangquan Mica'.

This time Shi Jinming lost a copy of 'Huangquan Mica', naturally he wanted to find a way to make it up.Moreover, according to what he said, this 'Huangquan Mica' is very useful for the monks of the Stone Clan. If there is enough, it can be used to enhance the strength of the physical body and self-cultivation.

This time, Shi Jinming didn't bother about anything. The second master saw that he couldn't refuse, so he directly asked for help.

For this, Yi Tian could only curl his lips, and then agreed.Afterwards, the two left in a hurry and flew straight towards the depths of the hell world.Along the way, Yi Tian also asked insincerely, and Shi Jinming couldn't hide it when he asked for help, and then briefly explained the location of the 'Huangquan Mica'.

It's just that Yi Tian hurriedly took out the jade slip map to check the location of the destination of this trip, and it was actually very close to the sphere of influence of the Dark Beast Sea Clan.To put it bluntly, that area is called 'Coral Island', and it can be brought under the jurisdiction of the Dark Beast Sea Clan.It's just that for some reason it was not included in the sphere of influence of the Dark Beast Sea Clan.

Not long after flying by, Yi Tian asked tentatively, "Fellow Daoist Shi, I don't know if there are any high-level monks near that 'coral island', otherwise you wouldn't have come to me for help."

Shi Jinming, who was flying in front, turned his head and grinned, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Yi. Although it is only ten thousand miles away from the Dark Beast Sea Clan's territory, there is a quasi-tenth-level sea beast standing guard, so if you want to take it 'Huangquan Mica' must be lured away from the nest."

"Really, it seems that Fellow Daoist Shi is going to go into the cave to get the treasure, and he wants me to lure away the quasi-tenth-level sea beast," Yi Tian said with a serious face.

Shi Jinming had an awkward smile on his face, and then he turned around and said, "You Daoist Yi just need to lure that quasi-tenth-level sea beast away by five thousand miles, and I will sneak into its cave to dig out the 'Huangquan Mica'." 'It won't take twenty breaths."

"Fellow Daoist Shi said it lightly, you must know that it is not a good thing to lure away a quasi-tenth-level sea beast," Yi Tian pouted and said, "Besides, it is not easy to get rid of him. If you don’t let it go, it will take months or even years to get out.”

"Yi Daoyou's words are true, but this time I didn't come to you for no reason," Shi Jinming said with a serious face: "But the benefits of any high-risk things are naturally proportional. You come to me afterwards, I have a big thank you."

"Oh, I wonder what price Fellow Daoist Shi is willing to offer?" Yi Tian asked with interest.Yi Tian's pursuit of material desires has obviously decreased a lot since his cultivation reached the late stage of fusion, and there are too few things that he can enter his own Dharma eyes without him.

If Shi Jinming's answer doesn't satisfy him, he will secretly release water when he is not allowed to make a move, just as he said in his mouth, the risk and benefit must be proportional.

After thinking about it, Shi Jinming took out a treasure from the storage ring, put it into another storage bag, and then sent it over from the air: "This is half of the 'Nether Stone Spirit' that the Nether Boy exchanged for me." ’, it’s a deposit.”

After Yi Tian took it, his divine sense reached in and inspected it carefully, only to see a palm-sized dark stone lying alone in the storage bag.It looks like it was what the Youming boy took out before, but although such a treasure is good, it is useless to him now.

Just to say that the spirit weapon of the cold attribute in the refining tool is completely unsuitable for his use, even if it is refined, it is useless.

As if he saw his hesitation, Shi Jinming hurriedly said: "Yi Daoyou doesn't know, this 'Ghost Stone Essence' is the top of the earth treasures in the Nether Realm, and its function is slightly better than that of 'Huangquan' for me. Mica' is just a little bit worse. But the inherent characteristics of this packaging material are what you can use to sneak into the nether world."

Yi Tian's pupils froze when he heard the words and asked hurriedly: "It is and the effect, please enlighten Fellow Daoist Shi."

"I don't dare to teach you. I don't know much about the way of refining weapons, but I also heard that fellow monks mentioned that if the 'Ghost Stone Essence' is refined and integrated into a defensive spiritual weapon, it can resist the erosion of the ghostly cold air in the ghost world. "Shi Jinming said: "But any monk who enters the Nether Realm will be affected if the attributes of his skills are in conflict with it. At least, the Nether Qi will inhibit your supernatural powers, and the most serious is Nether After the air enters the body, it will cause the phenomenon of breeding demons and spiritual chaos."

"It turned out to be so," Yi Tian frowned suddenly, if Zhao Shi Jinming said so, then he really had to be fully prepared to go to the Netherworld.

It's just that I don't know why Wan Gang didn't mention it to me, but after thinking about it, I asked: "Why did Fellow Daoist Shi know about this? Don't Wan Gang and Yan Qiu encounter similar things?"

However, Shi Jinming waved his hands and said, "The exercises they practice are all yin and cold, and they don't conflict with the Nether Qi in the Nether Realm. On the contrary, they can also practice directly in the Nether Realm, absorbing the Nether by themselves. There is no hindrance."

"So that's the case, so what about you, Fellow Daoist Shi?" Yi Tian asked.

"The exercises I practice are positive," Shi Jinming said with an embarrassed smile. "Naturally, it will be affected by the Nether Qi. That's why the Nether Boy came to exchange it with me."

"Doesn't Fellow Daoist Shi also need this Nether Stone Essence?" Yi Tian asked puzzled, "Then you still exchange it for me?"

"What Fellow Daoist Yi said is true, but I only need half of it, so I gave the other half to Fellow Daoist first," Shi Jinming replied hastily.

It turns out that, although there is still a bit of calculation in it, Yi Tian also understands that since Shi Jinming is willing to clarify the words first, there is no evil intention.In the future, everyone will be on the same boat. Naturally, it is the right way to speak clearly and prepare early.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian put away the storage bag, then cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Shi, for your reminder, I will keep it in mind now."

"Okay, it would be great if Fellow Daoist Yi could understand that," Shi Jinming hastily returned the gift, "As for the fact that you can come to my Stone Clan's residence after the matter is completed, I will give you a 'Dark Night Diamond' as a thank you gift." .”

'Dark Night Star Diamond,' Yi Tian quickly went through the name of this treasure in his mind but couldn't find the corresponding information.Then he could only bite the bullet and ask: "I don't know what kind of treasure this 'Dark Night Star Diamond' is, and what effect does it have?"

Shi Jinming's face was startled for a moment, then he realized something and then explained: "This 'Dark Night Star Diamond' is what our Stone Clan called it, and it is usually called 'Black Spirit Diamond' in the hell world, because its shape is The dark black color is also a special product of the hell world, and it is a non-attributed top-level treasure, so it can be used in the smelting of any spiritual weapon."

Hearing this, Yi Tian finally has a solid idea in his heart, and he has heard of this 'Mo Ling Diamond'.This object is also known as 'The Eye of Hell', and it is a treasure that refiners dream of.

Because this 'Ink Spirit Diamond' is a non-attribute treasure material that can be added to any attribute spirit weapon.Adding one or two 'ink spirit diamonds' when refining the weapon can improve the original spiritual weapon by at least [-]%.If the dosage is doubled, it can be increased by at least [-]%. So far, Yi Tian's face has not changed, but his mind is a little bit excited.

Then he asked: "I wonder how many 'Mo Ling Diamonds' Do you have in your hand?"

"Not much, about the size of a baby's fist," Shi Jinming thought for a while before replying, and gestured with his hand after speaking.

Yi Tian frowned slightly and applauded in his heart, don't look at it is only about an inch in size. If it is divided up, it can be used to upgrade at least six or seven heaven-level spirit weapons.There are quite a few spiritual weapons that I can get in my hands now, such as Brahma Golden Bell, Taiyuan Wooden Sword, and Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan.But right now the one he wants to use most to raise his rank is Zixiaozhan, which is his natal magic weapon.

After his ascension back then, he didn't dare to show it to others in order to deceive others. After entering Lihuo Palace, the opponents he met were either slightly inferior in strength or his attributes were restrained by him.So there is no chance to use it. This time I will face such a weird Mahayana monk as Luan Kuang. Maybe he will have to come out with all the spirit treasures.

If he can strengthen his natal spiritual weapon again, he will be more confident after meeting the madness.

Then he nodded and said: "That's very good, but Fellow Daoist Shi, why don't you give me the 'Dark Night Star Diamond' first, and I promise to give you enough time to act."

Shi Jinming was obviously stunned when he heard it, and then he lowered his head and thought for a while before he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, since Fellow Daoist Yi has spoken, I will naturally not be unreasonable. It's just that the quasi-tenth-level sea beast is very powerful. Tong Xiaoke, you have to be careful, after you get away, quickly return to Manjiao City to contact my people or come to my Stone Clan to find me." After saying that, he took out the storage bag again, packed the things and handed them over come over.

After Yi Tian took it, he scanned it with his spiritual sense and saw a black diamond the size of a baby's fist placed in it. After putting away the storage bag, Yi Tianyou asked: "Don't worry about this matter, Fellow Daoist Shi, but I don't know which one is the tenth level?" What is the origin of the sea beast?"

"It is said that it is a sea crocodile with the blood of the ancient emperor crocodile," Shi Jinming said, "this tusk is incompatible with the dark beast sea clan, so it came out to build a nest and set up a territory by itself, so the dark beast sea within five thousand miles of the nearby sea area No clan dares to approach."

"So that's how it is. I said that this 'coral island' is so close to the territory of the Dark Beast Sea Clan. There is such a high-level sea beast that will pose a threat to its suzerain. I didn't expect it to be a family," Yi Tian joked: "In this way we You need to be careful when approaching it."

"That's natural, but I've been to that place once and I know it well," Shi Jinming said disdainfully.

Feelings are a habitual thief. Speaking of which, it is rare for monks in the Mahayana period to sneak into other people's mansions to steal treasures.If it's you, you might as well put your flag on it and negotiate, maybe you can get acquainted with it and exchange it for treasure materials.

Soon Yi Tian realized that the sea water below had become different from that near the sea, and looking down from the air, it was a deep blue color.The divine sense probed three hundred feet below the surface of the sea and was blocked back. Then his expression changed slightly and he said, "The depth of the sea below seems to have the effect of isolating the divine sense. Why don't we swim through the sea?"

"Yi Daoyou doesn't know that these sea beasts are proficient in water, and your and my attributes are restricted everywhere in this environment, so naturally we can't be in dangerous places," Shi Jinming said with a smile: "What's more, if you enter the sea, those dark beasts and sea clansmen There is an abnormally vigilant existence inside, and at that time it is definitely not a wise move to use his short-term achievements to his strengths."

Hearing this, Yitian also secretly said these words and recorded them in his heart, and then asked: "What method will Fellow Daoist Shi choose to approach the 'coral island'?"

"When the sea crocodile's territory extends, we will gather our breath and skim over the sea level, but we can't increase the speed too fast to avoid revealing our whereabouts," Shi Jinming replied.

"Can you guarantee that we won't be discovered?" Yi Tian asked in puzzlement, it seemed to him that Shi Jinming was too unprofessional to do such a sneaky thing.The strength of the other party as a quasi-tenth-level sea beast, even if it is myself, it is difficult to guarantee that it can fly over thousands of miles on the sea without being discovered.

Shi Jinming said with a smirk on his face, "It's just a matter of luck. If the other party chases you, please ask Fellow Daoist Yi to help lead him away."

This time it was Yi Tian's turn to turn pale, and stared at Shi Jinming for a while, it turned out that this idiot also relied on his character.I really don't know how he did it before, so he took out two breath-suppressing cloaks and passed them through the air: "Put them on, we can fly from the sky with these things, as long as we don't use any supernatural powers, the other party won't be able to find them." .”

After Shi Jinming took it, he draped it directly on his body. The next moment, he saw that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body quickly converged, almost as if he was in the Qi refining period.After ten breaths, the breath of the whole person disappeared into the air. If it weren't for the tracking mark left on the breath-suppressing cloak, Yi Tian himself would not be able to find his existence.

(End of this chapter)

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