
Chapter 2146

Chapter 2146
Yi Tian and Shi Jinming wore breath-suppressing cloaks to suppress their spiritual pressure fluctuations to the limit, and then quietly swept across the deep sea and high altitude of the hell world.The purpose of this trip is to sneak into the 'Coral Island' and steal the 'Yellow Spring Mica' in the cave of the quasi-tenth-level sea beast, the sea crocodile dragon.

Speaking of which, it wasn't the first time Shi Jinming had done this. According to him, the last time he was lucky enough to go there, the sea crocodile was not at home.So he also took a sufficient amount of 'Huangquan Mica' by taking advantage of it. Back then, he was only in the early stage of the fusion period.It's just that he urgently needs more treasures as his cultivation reaches the late stage of integration.

It is contemptible to speak out about these sneaky things after reaching the fusion stage, but Shi Jinming's cultivation level is there, even if it is known by others, he will not say anything.

After they got close to the thousands of miles of sea area near the 'Coral Island', the two of them lowered their escape speed and then flew slowly towards the direction of the target in the high altitude.After half a moment, Yi Tian's eyes flashed purple light, and he saw clearly the sea area below, there was a giant island nearly seven or eight thousand miles away.It is more appropriate to say that it is a smaller continent than an island. This 'coral island' can't see the edge at a glance, and it is estimated that it covers at least 10,000+ miles.

Facing such a huge island, Yi Tian really didn't know how to find the exact location of the quasi-tenth-level sea beast Sea Crocodile's lair.Then he bowed his head and asked via voice transmission: "Friend Daoist Shi, do you remember the exact location of that cave?"

Without hesitation, Shi Jinming stretched out his hand and pointed towards the depths of the mountains on the east side of the island: "In the deep valleys of the mountains there, you can find some clues by carefully distinguishing them."

Following the direction he pointed, Yi Tian took a closer look, and sure enough, in the mountains on the east side of the 'Coral Island', there were faint spiritual pressure fluctuations different from other places.At the same time, I was extremely impressed that the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile can restrain the evil spirit on its body to such an extent.Before, I thought that there must still be a lot of evil spirits in these dark beasts and sea tribes, and I could rely on such evil spirits to find the traces of the sea crocodile dragon.

Shaoqing waited for the two of them to fly into the hundred-mile sea area, and Yi Tian noticed that there was a lot of faint monster energy permeating the air. After looking at it, Yi Tian frowned slightly, and he also had some ominous premonition in his heart.

Soon Shi Jinming's figure fell down, and he found an open space on the mountains on the east side of the 'Coral Island' and stopped.Yi Tian descended after him, and when he stabilized his body, he heard Shi Jinming's voice transmission: "That's right there, the cave entrance of the sea crocodile dragon is in the mountains on the east side of the 'coral island' side of the largest col."

Following the direction he pointed, Yi Tian took a closer look, and there was a huge cave entrance in front of his eyes. The cave entrance was about ten feet high.What kind of creature would be able to use it to build such a big cave.

Immediately after Shi Jinming jumped down and flew towards the entrance of the cave, Yi Tian was naturally unwilling to follow behind Shi Jinming with a distance of hundreds of feet.

After a while, the two came to the entrance. Shi Jinming scrutinized it and then quietly stretched his divine sense in to check it out. After taking three breaths, his face showed some doubts and said, "Why is there a weaker one in this cave?" breath exists."

When Yi Tian heard the words, he also quietly invaded his spiritual sense, and then found that the cave in front of him was not deep, but it was thousands of feet deep.In the depths, an eighth-level cub was found, which was about the same strength as the mid-stage spiritual cultivation of distraction.

Seeing the suspicious look on his face, Shi Jinming was also slightly taken aback, and then said: "Go in and have a look, maybe something happened to that sea crocodile."

"Fellow Daoist Shi still needs to be careful. I guess the little sea beast in this place should be closely related to that sea crocodile. We are 'making money' rather than 'killing'. Unresolved grievances are definitely not the best policy, you can understand what I mean," Yi Tian replied with a serious expression.

To put it bluntly, after the investigation by the divine sense, I could tell early in the morning that the little sea beast left behind in the cave must be the descendant of the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile.It's fine to go into the cave to get something, but it's definitely not a good thing if you startle the little sea beast and attract the prying eyes of the sea crocodile.Human races will have the meaning of protecting calves, let alone monsters.

Shi Jinming's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and he turned around and said: "Yi Daoyou is right, we just want to take advantage of the situation and have no intention of forging a deep hatred with that sea crocodile dragon. It's good to be careful, but I don't know Yi Dao Youke, is there any way to appease the sea beast. After all, this is the opponent's home court, and it is necessary to make preparations to deal with contingencies."

He lowered his head and thought for a while, but Yi Tian produced a piece of requiem incense from the storage ring, and then counted: "Friend Shi Daoist, go to business, I will deal with that sea crocodile dragon cub, just need to fascinate him and fall asleep That's fine. After you're done, leave on your own and I'll have a way to get out."

When Shi Jinming heard the words, his face was overjoyed and he hastily cupped his hands in thanks, "I'll leave it all to Fellow Daoist Yi."

After finishing speaking, the two of them jumped to the side of the entrance of the cave, and after arriving in the cave, Yi Tian found that the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.There are also a lot of sea beast smells mixed in, needless to say, it should be the smell of blood food eaten.

After flying over a hundred feet along the main road passage, there are three forked roads in front of him. Shi Jinming pointed to the road on the left: "This passage can lead directly to the location of 'Huangquan Mica', which is considered to be the location of the sea crocodile dragon. Go to bed."

"The aura of the cub also appeared in this depth, needless to say, it must be a sleeping lair," Yi Tian said, "We'd better proceed with caution, and fellow Taoists will do it later after I've stunned it."

Naturally, Shi Jinming couldn't deny it, and nodded immediately. The sound of 'huhu' passed by the two of them, and they jumped into the passage one by one.It took less than ten breaths to walk through the long corridor and came to the exit. After the two of them heard the sound of sound sleep intermittently, they glanced at this moment and saw a two-foot-long sea crocodile lying on the sulfur stone at the bottom of the cave. His eyes were blurry, as if he was sleeping but not sleeping.The cave here has a radius of thirty feet, and the ground is covered with yellow sulfur stones.Only the three-foot-square ground beside the sleeping sea crocodile cub was dark brown.And the closer to the position where the sea crocodile cub was sleeping soundly, the ground appeared dark and shiny.

Shi Jinming pointed at the black stone next to the couch's lair and said quietly: "The black one on the ground is 'Huangquan Mica', I just need to go up and dig out a piece the size of a palm."

"We didn't find any quasi-tenth-level monsters all the way here. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Shi's perception is wrong," Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"No mistake, although I don't know why there is a sea crocodile cub here, but I really stayed here for several years, during which time I saw that quasi-level ten sea crocodile come in and out several times, "Shi Jinming said confidently.

Since this is the case, Yi Tian also knows that this matter cannot be entangled any longer, so it is better to take the precious materials first.After reaching out their hands to signal, the two separated according to the agreed plan.Yi Tian took out the 'Requiem Incense' from his hand and tapped it lightly, and placed it ten feet away from the sea crocodile dragon cub.After the 'Requiem Incense' was ignited, a faint fragrance slowly emerged, and a strong wind blew the fragrance straight to the sleeping sea crocodile dragon cub not far away.

After ten breaths, he saw his originally squinted eyes drooping weakly, and finally closed completely.The breath in the nostrils also became heavier, and the body undulated regularly, indicating that he had fallen into a deep sleep.

The purple light in Yi Tian's eyes flashed for a moment, and he found that there was an undetectable blue halo covering the whole body of the sea crocodile dragon cub.I can't say much more that this must be the forbidden enchantment left by the quasi-tenth-level monster. Fortunately, I didn't take it rashly, otherwise once some supernatural powers come into contact with this layer of blue light ban, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the mother beast.

Then he stretched out his hand to signal, and Shi Jinming on the other side looked overjoyed when he saw it, and then cautiously swept over to the tail of the sea crocodile dragon cub.Looking at the dark brown 'Huangquan Mica' on the ground in front of him, Shi Jinming stretched out his right hand covered with petrified skin and pressed it down slowly.After opening his ten fingers, he forcibly dug into the rocks on the ground like this, and then grabbed a handful with a handshake, as if a palm-sized piece was removed from the ground alive.

After Yi Tian saw it, he secretly admired the strength of Shi Jinming's physical body. He used his divine sense to scan the position of the 'Huangquan Mica' before, and it was completely as solid as a rock of steel.Even if I have practiced physical skills to the level of Dacheng, I can't do what Shi Jinming did. It is conceivable that the physical body of the monks of the Stone Clan is far stronger than I imagined.

I saw Shi Jinming dug out the 'Huangquan Mica' with his bare hands, put it in his pocket, then stretched out his hand to signal, and then slowly withdrew from one side.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that the matter was over, so he hurriedly withdrew and flashed back to the entrance of the passage.After meeting, the two looked at each other, then turned around without looking back, and rushed towards the passage they came from.

The two escaping lights galloped away in the passage of the cave, anyway, now there is no need to be afraid of being discovered by the sea crocodile dragon cub.There is no need to worry about the effect of requiem incense to make him fall into a deep sleep.

A moment later, when the two arrived at the exit of the cave, Yi Tian's heart tightened for no reason, and he hurriedly shouted: "Friend Daoist Shi, wait a minute, don't move forward."

Shi Jinming's face was startled when he heard the words, and he hurriedly wanted to pull back, and after a short pause, his fingers flicked, causing a slight ripple.The next moment, dazzling blue lights lit up on the walls around the cave, and a thin layer of blue light film was attached to the originally open cave in front of him.

Yi Tian's complexion sank, and then his divine sense unscrupulously poked out the back, and then his expression eased, and then he took out a set of formation-breaking awls and sacrificed them in the air.Turning to Shi Jinming, he said, "After the ban is broken, we will go separately. You will wear a breath-suppressing cloak and go back to the land in a detour to the east."

Speaking of this, Shi Jinming naturally understood the meaning of the words, and said with a look of gratitude on his face: "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your righteous action. I don't know where the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile is at this time?"

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "It's not in the cave, but it won't be too far away. The other party will definitely be alert after the restriction here is touched. At this time, they should probably be on their way back." After all, the spirit in his hand There was no intention of slack in the control of the weapon, and the seven formation-breaking cones that were sacrificed were gathered together and aimed at the nodes on the forbidden light film to stab fiercely.

With a 'Puff Chi' sound, the seven formation-breaking cones instantly sank into the light film and turned into seven white light spots.Seeing that, Yi Tian quickly made seals with both hands and muttered in his mouth: "Open."

The seven light spots spread towards the surroundings in response to the sound, directly opening a hole the size of a foot and a half in the forbidden barrier in front of them.

"Let's go" Yi Tian didn't say much, he jumped through it, and Shi Jinming beside him hurriedly followed and rushed out.After the two came to the sky, Shi Jinming's expression softened and he said: "So fellow Daoist Yi will take his leave first, don't forget to come to me afterward."

Yi Tian cupped his hands and replied: "Don't worry, we still have a trip to the Netherworld, I will definitely visit afterward."

After a while, Shi Jinming restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and flew straight to the east.Immediately, Yi Tian felt a burst of overwhelming spiritual pressure stretching out, and its intensity was slightly stronger than his own, needless to say, it must be the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile dragon.Without the slightest hesitation, Yi Tian took off the breath-suppressing cloak on his body in the air, and then flew straight towards the west.

A cyan light flashed in the air for several times, and the deity was already thousands of miles away, but the divine sense seemed to have no slack in the slightest and still bit him firmly.

At the same time, Yi Tian also detected his divine sense, and now thousands of miles away, the powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations are rushing towards his direction.

The corner of his mouth curled slightly, Yi Tian showed disdain on his face, and flew forward without looking back.After the investigation of the divine sense, it was discovered that the aura rushed back to the lair of the 'Coral Island' first.It stopped there for ten breaths.Then he locked himself in and chased after him.

Although they are separated by thousands of miles, they can lock each other because of their strong spiritual consciousness.Not long after, Yi Tianfei stretched out his hand and sacrificed the red spiritual power again. After the blessing of the blue and red two-color spiritual power, the speed of the whole person was also accelerated by more than [-]%.But after flying for dozens of breaths, he found that the pursuers behind him had also increased their speed, suddenly flying faster than him, chasing thousands of miles away.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and Yi Tian thought it was bad, but then he was slightly taken aback.Although the opponent's speed is fast, it is difficult to last forcibly as if using mysterious magic powers to improve.After chasing for three or four thousand miles just now, he began to be slowly pulled away by himself.

In this way, Yi Tian deliberately took out the flat peach spirit wine and poured it down in big gulps. After entering the stomach, the cold spirit wine turned into a surge of spiritual power to quickly replenish his consumption.

With the supplement of spiritual power, the output of Yi Tian's whole body's spiritual power can be maintained in a stable state, and at the same time, the escape speed has also gradually increased.

Not long after flying, he suddenly found that the people behind him exerted their strength again, and now he seemed determined to catch up to five thousand miles in one go.In this way, the distance between the two of them is only three or four thousand miles.

(End of this chapter)

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