
Chapter 2147 Catastrophe

Chapter 2147 Catastrophe
In the sky of the hell world, two ray of light flew towards the depths of this world, one behind the other, and the distance between the two was at least three or four thousand miles.However, the flying escape speed of a monk in the fusion stage is only a distance that can be reached in a few breaths, so the two escape lights have no intention of stopping.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying in front, was sinking in the face at this time, he did not expect the speed of the other party to be so fast.Although he had already used the wind and thunder escape to increase his speed by as much as [-]%, he did not expect that the opponent would also frequently use the secret magic power to increase his speed instantly.

However, it is obvious that the mystical supernatural powers displayed in this way should also have great constraints. Although they can be used frequently, the effect seems to be getting worse and worse.Once before, Yi Tian chased within two thousand miles, and Yi Tian could almost see the opponent's appearance under the pupil technique.The person who came was a forty-year-old male demon cultivator, wearing a green Taoist robe.

Yi Tian found that the spiritual pressure fluctuation on this person made him a little bit stronger, but it was not as strong as the master's level, so Shi Jinming called it a quasi-tenth level demon cultivator.

Needless to say, it may be because the demon cultivator is restricted in his desire to improve his cultivation in this world, or because he has some innate flaws, so he is stuck in such an embarrassing situation.

Moreover, the escapism supernatural power he used is also very interesting. Every time he uses it, the aura on his body will weaken a little, and it will take several breaths to recover.Yi Tian knew that such frequent use of secret techniques would definitely have great side effects, but he didn't know why the other party was still following behind him so stubbornly.Speaking of which, he didn't do anything to his cub, at most he just stunned it.

After flying in the air for several days, Yi Tian didn't know where he was. He lowered his head and looked at the blue sea below, and then turned around to see the sea borders that could not be seen at a glance.

Looking back, the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile has already shown fatigue after several days of chasing.Although he could still use the secret technique several times to barely maintain the distance between the two, it was obvious that the speed of recovery after each use was not as good as before.

And Yi Tian just spent a few bottles of flat peach spirit wine, and the spiritual power in his body remained at eight percent full along the way.

Just as I was thinking about it, my heart suddenly tightened for no reason, and I suddenly noticed that the sky was getting dark rapidly.Immediately there were waves of monstrous waves on the sea below, and a whirlpool the size of a hundred feet appeared on the sea level two thousand miles away.After three breaths, the vortex multiplied and exploded at a double speed, and finally maintained a size of a hundred miles.

At the same time, a hole in the sky above the vortex opened for no reason, and a dark cloud of calamity was formed there.Suddenly, an extremely powerful wave of spiritual pressure emerged from it, and a spiritual pressure wave was raised in the sky, and the wind of spiritual pressure spread out in all directions centered on the gap in the void.

Yi Tian found that he was actually blown away from the direction of Feidun by the spiritual pressure wind after the wind blown by the spiritual pressure wave passed over his body.Such a situation has never happened before, so far, although Yi Tian didn't dare to lower his escape speed, he also used his divine sense to carefully investigate the situation there.

As for the sea crocodile behind him, it was also affected, and in Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that the other party seemed to be more affected.

The strong wind mixed with spiritual pressure fluctuations blew down on him, causing a little discomfort, and Yi Tian realized that it should be his own demon cultivation body who was faintly restrained by it.Immediately, he changed his body and transformed his spiritual power into a state of spiritual cultivation.

Although it didn't take much time to convert the spiritual power, it also slowed down his flying speed by half a minute. At the same time, the tracking distance of the sea crocodile dragon behind him was also shortened to about a thousand miles.

Then a large number of flashes appeared in the gap in the void above the sea in the distance, and Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it.It's not difficult to see the power contained in those little halos that appear in the gap with my own knowledge.Immediately, he blurted out: "Flying Immortal Tribulation Thunder, no, it should be Tribulation Thunder from the Immortal Realm, could it be that there are real immortals descending from the Realm again?"

Just as he was talking, those white light spots shot out from it and fell directly on the vortex on the sea surface, affecting the sea area of ​​three thousand miles around.

Similarly, Yi Tian and Sea Crocodile Dragon were both affected by these thunderstorms that descended from the fairy world. At this time, the two of them had already forgotten their previous purpose, and they first protected themselves to death under the flash of aura around them.

Inexplicably being involved in this thunder calamity, Yi Tian secretly thought that something was wrong, but the thunder calamity surrounding him were not Xibei products.Those with a little discernment can spot the difference in these lightning lights. After being sacrificed from the gap in the void, they scattered and fell directly to the surrounding sea area, instantly turning the bottom here into a space of fast lightning and lightning.Yi Tian found that the protective cover he sacrificed made a buzzing sound under the attack of the white tribulation thunder.

Then he took out the dragon tortoise shield and poured spiritual power into it to block in front of him, so that he could fend off the lightning attack.But in order to maintain the crazy injection of spiritual power in the defensive spirit weapon, the speed of spiritual power loss is more than double that of the previous escape.But even so Yi Tian knew that he had to persevere at this time, otherwise he would die if he couldn't resist.

Zimang flashed in his eyes and looked at the position of the sea crocodile behind him, only to see that he was not much better than himself at this time.Its original shape appeared in the air, it turned out to be a giant crocodile dragon five feet long.A blue aura appeared and formed a defensive shield three feet away from his body.

It's just that his body is too large, and of course it takes more spiritual power to protect himself well.

Moreover, his protective shield was far inferior to his own toughness. After withstood dozens of lightning strikes, he was pierced through a hole the size of a fist.After the electric light fell on him, he trembled all over. Fortunately, his monster body with thick skin and flesh was able to forcibly cheer up after being shocked a few times.

Turning his head, Yi Tian turned his gaze to the large number of stars in the gap in the void, which magnified infinitely in his pupils.Needless to say, this should be the last wave, but I don't know if I can handle it with such intensity.After thinking about it, the spiritual power in his body soared, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form the seal, and displayed the Buddha's golden body.

Although Lihuogong's True Flame Armor has a stronger defensive power than Jin Yang's movement skills, it is weakened by the surrounding environmental restrictions by three points above this sea area.At the same time, after a round wheel was raised behind it, the coronal golden wheel was exhibited, and Yi Tian quickly mobilized the spiritual power accumulated in the weekdays to increase his own defense several times in an instant.

"Crash," the electric light in front of me was magnified infinitely and overturned the sea area with a sound.The sea water below was pierced into several holes in an instant.At the same time, the white electric light hit one person and one monster, shaking them all, and finally fell from the sky to the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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