
Chapter 2148 Resist

Chapter 2148 Resist
In the depths of the hell world, Yi Tian was chased all the way by the quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile dragon and had to flee in a hurry.After flying continuously for several days, he didn't know where he came to this world, and the sea crocodile behind him seemed to have no intention of letting go, and kept biting it tightly.

If it is only about the speed of escape, Yi Tian still has absolute confidence in himself, even if he casts the magic cultivation avatar, his speed is not slow.The sea crocodile behind it seems to have used some kind of mysterious magic power to follow it all the way so far.It's just that as time goes by, the effect of the mysterious magic power he cast seems to be getting worse and worse.

Yi Tian escaped all the way by using the wind and thunder escape technique and gradually opened the distance between the two sides.Seeing that things were developing in a favorable position, what he didn't expect was that a huge vortex suddenly appeared somewhere in the deep sea of ​​the Underworld, and a gap in the void opened above the vortex.

A little bit of starlight flashed out from it, and when those starlights fell to the Underworld, they turned into thunderstorms, covering the sea area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, covering Yi Tian and the pursuers behind him together.

With his own knowledge, Yi Tian quickly realized that something was wrong, the power seemed to have surpassed any tribulation thunder he had ever encountered.An ominous feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and Yi Tian immediately stopped flying and sacrificed all his strength to protect himself with a defensive spirit weapon.

The sea crocodile, which was chasing closely behind, was not a fool when it was suddenly involved in such a thunder calamity, it also stopped and began to defend.It's just that his method of resisting thunder calamity as a monster is far inferior to Yi Tian's. After receiving several thunder calamities, the protective shield was penetrated.Later on, the sea crocodile can only show itself as a monster, relying on its super defensive power to forcibly resist the thunder calamity.

In the end, a large number of light spots accumulated and fell in the tribulation thunder, affecting the thousands of miles of sea near the whirlpool. Those tribulation thunders and lightning swept over Yi Tian and Sea Crocodile, instantly shooting them down from the air.

Yi Tian's Buddha Sect Jinyang body technique has already been refined, even if it is like this, the blood in his body will be churned by the aftermath of the thunder.After all the power of the tribulation thunder was used up, he felt numb and numb, and the movement of spiritual power in his body was also stagnant.Seeing that Yi Tian was so anxious, he gradually lost his resistance and finally fell down.

When the power of tribulation thunder penetrated into the meridian, along with the flow of spiritual power, it directly hit and converged to the Niwan Palace. Unexpectedly, the sleeping seal seemed to wake up suddenly.After the electric light invaded, it was continuously introduced to the seal, and less than [-]% of the power of the tribulation thunder overflowed from above and fell on Yi Tian's Nascent Soul spirit body.

At this time, a cluster of purple true flames ignited and saw Yi Tian's own spiritual infant wrapped up, and the overflowing power of tribulation thunder could not break through Ziyan's defense after falling.On the contrary, with the continuous injection of the power of robbery and thunder, Yi Tian found that the purple flame outside the body of Yuanying's spirit became brighter and brighter.Originally, my natal true fire was the mutated Leiyan Ziyan. Although I had practiced the Lihuo Nine Transformations of the Lihuo Palace and failed to improve it, but this time after absorbing the power of tribulation thunder, it was obvious that Leiyan Ziyan's power was even stronger. broke through again.

After adjusting his inner breath, Yi Tian used his natal real fire to dissolve the power of tribulation thunder pouring into his body one by one.But after the exercise was done, he found some strange changes in his body.Originally, I just wanted to refine the power of the tribulation thunder, but as the exercises continued to operate, the seal on the forehead of the Nascent Soul Spirit Body also spun rapidly and accelerated to absorb the tribulation thunder that poured into the body. .

At the same time, the spiritual power flowing out of Yuanying's body continuously repaired the inner walls of the meridians damaged by the power of the thunderbolt.Yi Tian's face suddenly froze, he didn't expect that the inner walls of the meridians repaired by the refined spiritual power would appear bright purple luster.After careful scrutiny with his divine sense, he discovered that the purple luster contained the mixed power of Thunder Flame, Purple Flame and Tribulation Thunder.

Later, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the thunderstorm, then adjusted his posture and put away all his defensive spirit weapons.The next moment, the inner body's martial arts were running rapidly, pulling the power of the thunderstorm nearby to collect them all.

Such a strange imagination appeared in the air above the sea.There was a gap in the sky, from which a large number of thunderbolts fell, and a white thunderball with a size of three feet gathered below.In the center, there is a bright golden color with a little purple red, it is Yi Tian who is constantly absorbing the power of the tribulation thunder after performing the kung fu.

As for the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile in the distance behind him, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes at this time, and then he tried his best to fly away in the direction it came from.He knew the power of these thunderbolts based on the attacks he had experienced after he went deep into the thunderstorm area, and he was naturally frightened that he could absorb such powerful thunderstorms unscrupulously.At this time, the sea crocodile dragon just wanted to get out of the wrong place quickly. Under such circumstances, life-saving is the most important thing.

Within ten breaths, the thunderstorms all around seemed to have found their source, rushing towards the direction of the light circle.At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the center of the light sphere, was also miserable. Originally, he just wanted to use this to avoid disaster, but he didn't expect to mess up this time.

I really don't know if I can withstand all the powerful tribulation thunders, but I am silently praying in my heart that the 'Feixian Yin' in Niwan Palace can block such a disaster for me.

It seemed that the seal also understood the cry of its own heart, and absorbed all the power of lightning around it under the rapid rotation.Although the electric force overflowing from it has been strengthened, Yitian can still dissolve them one by one with the continuously strengthening Leiyan Ziyan, and finally take it for his own use and turn it into purple spiritual liquid.After this kind of spiritual power circulated, the inner walls of his meridians were covered with a layer of bright purple. In addition, Yi Tian also found that his Nascent Soul body had changed from golden to dark purple, which was similar to the purple flame of Lei Yan on his body. complement each other.

Although I don't know what happened, but at present, the current level can still be passed quietly.

After half a sound, the thunder calamity above the sea subsided somewhat, and then a bright white spot of light flew out from the gap in the void.It became bigger and bigger in the air, and finally stopped thirty feet away from Yi Tian's side.

After that, the white halo slowly converged and turned into a human shape, and finally a Lingxiu in his twenties appeared.After sweeping his eyes, this person looked at the surrounding sea area, and then stayed on Yi Tian and the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile.

Knowing that the other party's background is not small, Yi Tian is the first to be courteous and then the soldier, and hastily said: "I have seen Shangxian in Xia Yitian, I don't know what is the purpose of coming to this world."

"Oh, you earth fairy has a bit of eyesight." After the halo faded, the person inside asked slowly, "Where is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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