
Chapter 2152 Search

Chapter 2152 Search

After sweeping through the cave of the quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile dragon, Yi Tian was checking to see if there was anything missing. Suddenly, the Great Immortal Guagua, who was hiding in the beast-monitoring bag of the demon world, woke up suddenly. After flying out, he came to the cave. Want to do a search.

It's just that when he came out with his divine sense and noticed the habitat here, his face changed drastically. It turned out that the monsters are very sensitive to each other's breath.It was only after he sensed the aura of a high-level monster that his face changed drastically, and he immediately reminded him.

However, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged after hearing the words, but after three breaths, he smiled and said: "Look at you looking so useless, I beat that sea crocodile long ago. Now I'm in his cave Collect the loot, come and help me see if there is anything I missed."

After hearing this, the Great Immortal Quack's face softened a little, and then his divine sense stretched out and scanned the entire cave back and forth several times before he breathed a sigh of relief.A little later, I saw a flash of spiritual light all over his body and transformed into a human form, carrying a jug in his hand, wandering around the cave of the sea crocodile dragon's bedroom.Suddenly he pointed to the sleeping nest where the sea crocodile cub lived and said, "I noticed that the soft grass covered there is a bit strange, it should be made of some kind of high-level spiritual plant."

"Is that so?" Yi Tian turned around and glanced over, only to see that the sink was made of a lot of long-branched thatch.I had noticed it before, but the fishy smell emanating from it made me ignore the material of the sleeping nest.After being reminded by the Great Immortal Guagua, Yi Tian also swept his divine sense back and forth on the sleeping nest several times, and then his face showed a thoughtful look.

The material of this sleeping nest is really not simple, it should be made of the stems and leaves of 'Green Fire Cyan Orchid'.Ordinarily speaking, although this 'Earth Fire Cyan Orchid' is a high-level spiritual plant, it has not caught my own eyes, but it is inevitable that the sea crocodile dragon built a nest with it.

Turning around, Yi Tian asked, "Do you think this thing is useful?"

Not afraid of the bloody smell left on it, Immortal Guagua stepped forward to search it carefully, and then sighed: "It's a pity that these things have been picked and there are no living seeds left. If you can give me fresh Using a living spiritual plant together might improve your cultivation a lot after refinement."

"These stems and leaves of 'Earthfire Orchid' should have been picked by the sea crocodile dragon and brought back to the nest to build a nest, but unfortunately I don't know where it came from," Yi Tian replied with a sigh.

"Not necessarily," the Great Immortal Guagua said disapprovingly, "I see that most of these 'Earthfire Orchids' are dead branches and leaves, and there is only one cluster that seems to have a little vitality. The clusters are connected to the sulfur fire pool. Besides, this thing was originally a vegetation growing in the fire pool."

Since the Great Immortal Gugua has said so, it should be correct, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword after sizing it up, and then said: "Get out of the way, let me check it out," and then sacrificed the Spirit Sword Aim at the center where the lair is located and chop fiercely.

There was a sound of 'click', and the ground of the cave burst open, and a large amount of sulfur and fire gushed out of it.Glancing over the bottom of the 'Earthfire's Orchid' in the nest, I found that there was a cluster of fist-thick brown rhizomes connected to the bottom.Needless to say, it should be a 'Dihuo Lan' rooted in the sulfurous fire pool.

This kind of flame spiritual plant is really amazing, and it can still grow under such a harsh environment.It penetrated the ground and extended from the gap.It's just that he didn't expect that the sea crocodile dragon was in Baoshan without knowing it, and just used it as a bedding for its sleeping nest.

After seeing it, the Great Immortal Quack shouted happily: "Just give me one spiritual plant, and you can handle the extra ones at your own discretion."

Yi Tian knowingly sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand and struck at the rhizome of the 'Earthfire Chilan' in the sulfur fire pool below.A cyan sword light split through the sulfurous fire pool and cut off a cluster of rhizomes. He stretched out his hand and took the cluster of 'Earth Fire Orchid' and threw it to the Great Immortal Guagua.

I saw a flash of inspiration all over his body, showing his original shape, he opened his mouth and swallowed it directly after taking the 'Dihuo Lan', and later said with a satisfied expression on his face: "Okay, this thing is enough for me to digest It’s been a while, but now I find that the improvement of cultivation base has reached a bottleneck and needs to devour the luck of some powerful people to improve the cultivation base again.”

"That's it," Yi Tian showed some hesitation on his face, then nodded helplessly and said: "Well, I know your innate supernatural powers very well, and after years of continuous improvement in my cultivation, it is I found that you have been stuck in the eighth-level middle-level appearance, probably the key lies in this."

"Eighty to ninety percent of the luck I devoured is to replenish you, and I only need [-]% to be enough," said the Great Immortal Guagua, "Actually, I just need to find a few monks with similar cultivation level as yours and let me devour it. "

Yi Tian snorted when he heard the words: "There are still a few more. It's not like the world is turned upside down every time you fight with a monk with a similar cultivation level. If you get involved, I'm afraid I will be tied."

Guagua Daxian's face changed slightly after hearing this, and he said, "I don't think your luck is directly proportional to the improvement of your cultivation. Isn't this just trying to find a way for you?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was shocked. During this period of time, he encountered a lot of opportunities. Although his cultivation has improved a lot, the growth of his luck seems to be somewhat behind his cultivation.In this way, it is necessary to wait for the two phases to be equal before the cultivation base can grow effectively. Thinking of this, Yi Tian began to wonder how to let the great immortal absorb enough luck for himself.

Those monks in the fusion period are all human spirits, and they would be recognized if the main body of the croaking immortal appeared in front of them.Thinking of this, Yi Tian said seriously: "During this time, you can stay with me in the form of an incarnation, anyway, I still have some things to deal with. But when you swallow your luck, you should let me know, So as not to get into trouble for no reason."

"That's natural. The people you meet around you are all old monsters in the fusion period. I have to think about it, so that I won't be missed by others," Daxian Gugua stuck out his tongue and said with a tense expression.

He took out a pot of flat peach wine from the storage ring, threw it over and said, "This thing is not easy to come by, so you should drink it sparingly. Moreover, there is a huge amount of spiritual power in it. Don't be greedy for a glass, lest you take too much spiritual power and ask me to do it for you." Push the merits past the acupoint."

Guagua Daxian responded with a red aura again, and after taking human form, he took the pot of flat peach wine.He opened the lid, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and then his whole body was trembling, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "This wine contains a trace of immortal energy, although it is very weak, but I can tell that you are doing something wrong. Let's come to the spiritual plant of the fairy world."

Nodding, Yi Tian just smiled and didn't answer. The Immortal Guagua said again: "I advise you to dig up the 'Earthfire Cyan Orchid' below and find a place to transplant it. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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