
Chapter 2153 Discovery

Chapter 2153 Discovery
After coming out of the 'Coral Island', Yi Tian separated a separate area from the storage ring, and dug up the 'Earth Fire Orchid' in the sulfur fire pool deep in the cave.Then a large amount of sulfur fire pool water was taken and sealed in a giant spiritual planting pot, and then the 'Earth Fire Orchid' was planted in it.

In this way, the transplantation can be regarded as completed, as for what the Great Immortal Guagua said, he didn't take it to heart at all.Judging from the current situation, I don't know much about the spiritual plants in the hell world, and I need to find the corresponding information to verify it before using it.

Considering that there are not many races in the entire hell world that are better than him, if he wants to inspect the functions of these spiritual plants, only the Xinglin faction that has been entrenched here all year round will have the corresponding information.

But at this time, the suzerain of the Xinglin faction, Poison Saint Hand, is still in the demon world. Although he doesn't know why he has not returned, Yi Tian still decides to go to the Xinglin faction first.

He took out the map jade slip in the air and quickly locked on the location of the Xinglin faction.Speaking of which, its sect is located near the Zhiliu Mountain Range in a remote area in the hell world, where there are no jurisdictions of the four major races in the hell world within tens of thousands of miles.Speaking of which, Xinglinmen's ability to gain a foothold in the hell world is quite unique. There are a large number of casual cultivators and many small and medium schools in the area under its jurisdiction.If I put this matter in my own eyes, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out long ago.

In fact, the area directly under the Xinglin Sect is only about [-] li in radius, and other sects, large and small, settled in the periphery of the area and became their guardian forces.

It's just that the poison master, who is the suzerain, has stayed in the demon world for hundreds of years, which makes Yi Tian feel a little strange.It's just that these things have nothing to do with me anymore. The main purpose of my trip is to search for the collection of books in Xinglin Gate.

After flying in the air for a few days with the croaking immortal, looking at the map, it should have arrived at the boundary of the Xinglin faction.When he came outside the mountain gate, Yi Tian Shennian sneaked out and searched, and immediately found that the strongest monk left behind in the Xinglin Sect was only in the early stage of distraction.Not to mention me, even the Great Immortal Guagua can come in and out at will without being noticed.

After talking to him, the two of them restrained their aura and sneaked in quietly from the other side of the mountain gate, breaking through the barrier of guarding the mountain.After scanning with his spiritual sense, Shaoqing quickly locked on the whereabouts of the people in the Xinglin Sect and the location of the Zongmen Library.

After flying through the sky with the Great Immortal Guagua all the way, the two arrived in front of the library in the hinterland of his sect.When Yi Tian was about to try to break through the restriction and enter here, suddenly the voice of the Immortal croaking came from his ear: "Master, there is something wrong here, don't take it lightly."

Knowing that he must have discovered something strange because of his extraordinary talent, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew his hand and replied: "Why do you find that there is something wrong here?"

"I feel that there are a large number of creatures guarding this library, and it may not be useful to just break the restriction here," the Great Immortal Guagua replied.

Yi Tian frowned and took a look at it carefully with his spiritual thoughts. Shaoqing indeed found that tens of thousands of insect eggs, large and small, adhered to the outer wall of the library.The Master of Poison is famous for using poison. Naturally, there are many poisons left in his sect. I have never seen such tiny insect eggs before. Needless to say, they must be spirit insects left by him as the guards of the library. .

Turning around and looking past Immortal Quack, Yi Tian asked, "Do you have a solution?"

"These things seem to be moth eggs, which should be laid by the 'Yingpin butterfly'," Guagua Daxian concluded.

"Why is this 'Yingpindie' poisonous?" Yi Tian asked.

"According to my blood inheritance records, this kind of 'Ying powder butterfly' should be non-toxic, but the powder on its body is very difficult to remove, even if it is stained by a monk in the integration period, it will take a lot of effort to completely wipe it off. "Gagua Daxian explained: "And these powders will also attract a lot of poisonous prying eyes, and they will easily become the target of public criticism."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face naturally became a little embarrassed. Although it is non-toxic and harmless, it would be troublesome enough if he got it on himself.Although I am not afraid of those poisons, it will take some effort to deal with them.The most important thing is that if he is seen by the Poison Master and others, he will naturally lose his face. No matter what he says, he is also a decent suzerain, so his face should be properly maintained.

Then he lowered his head and asked in deep thought: "Is there any way you can let me enter safely?"

Immediately, the Great Immortal Guagua leaped into the air and changed back to his original shape, then stood on Yi Tian's right shoulder, and then said: "After you break the restriction, I will help you remove those eggs of the 'Ying Pink Butterfly'. As long as everything is done It should be no big problem.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian settled down for a while, and then stretched out his right index finger in the air to draw a forbidden rune out of thin air with spiritual power.Gently pushing it, the forbidden rune floated onto the forbidden light film silently, and after three breaths, a five-foot-sized opening was opened on it.

The Great Immortal Guagua opened his mouth and took a sharp breath, sucking all the eggs of the 'Yingpin butterfly' on the wall in front of him into his mouth.After licking his tongue, he whispered in Yi Tian's ear: "It's all right, the eggs of the 'Yingpin butterfly' near the entrance have all been removed."

Yi Tianshen scanned and found that all the eggs of the 'Yingpin butterfly' on the wall within a range of more than ten feet from the restricted area to the main gate had been collected by him. At least tens of thousands of eggs were taken away by the immortal at least this time. .Then he teased softly: "Aren't you afraid of diarrhea after eating so much at once?"

"Master, you don't know," said the Great Immortal Guagua proudly, "These eggs of 'Yingpindi' are a great tonic to me, and I can digest as much as they come."

Yi Tian shook his head with a wry smile, he didn't expect that he could enter the hinterland of Xinglin Sect only with the help of spiritual pets.

After passing through the restriction, I came to the main entrance of the library, and there was no one on duty.After Yi Tian entered, he opened his mind and searched around, and found that the library of the Xinglin School was said to be not small, but also as tall as a seven-story tower.At this time, dozens of sect disciples were searching for classics inside.

Yi Tian quickly passed the bottom six floors, and the monks left in these floors were all below the distraction period.It was only after reaching the seventh floor that he saw a distraction-level disciple wearing Xinglin School costume guarding the stairs.

With his own strength, even a monk in the middle stage of integration failed to realize his existence, let alone a monk in the middle stage of distraction.Just when he was about to go up in a grand manner, the squinting eyes of the squatting Immortal Quack on his shoulders suddenly widened and he said through a voice transmission: "I noticed that there is my natural enemy on it, it should be a six-level early-stage cultivator. Poisonous snake, although my cultivation is not as good as mine, I can still clearly sense it because of my natural restraint."

"Then why don't you hide back in the beast sack first," Yi Tian said.

"It's not necessary, I can detect its existence with such a high level of cultivation, but it can't detect me," the Great Immortal Guagua insisted, "And there should be some 'white butterfly' eggs attached to the wall. If you want to get in and out without anyone noticing, it's best to let me take the shot."

"Well, if that's the case, it's up to you, anyway, if you encounter any trouble, please let me know," Yi Tian said after restraining his breath, he jumped over the stairs and came directly to the top floor of the seventh floor.

Sure enough, when passing by the guarded monk on the top floor, Yi Tian noticed a small bright white snake wrapped around his left foot, and he opened his mouth to spit out snake letters.Although he didn't see himself and the Great Immortal Guagua, he seemed to sense something wrong with his innate sense.

It's just that after a breath, this feeling disappeared without a trace, and the guarding Xinglin sect disciple was also slightly taken aback.Immediately after communicating with the spiritual pet, it seemed that they did not get any definite reply.

After three breaths, the guard sat down again and began to close his eyes to rest his mind, while Yi Tian led the Great Immortal Quack through several corridors to the depths of the seventh floor.Not long after, the voice of the Great Immortal Guagua sounded in his ears again: "These bookshelves also have a lot of 'Yingpin butterfly' eggs attached to them, don't do it first after you fancy some books and let me help you clean them up. .”

Yi Tian nodded slightly when he heard the words, then stuck out his divine sense and began to search for the list of jade slips here.Shao Qing's spiritual thoughts locked on two places, where the lists of 'Hell Realm Strange Objects' and 'Three Realms' were pasted on the bookshelves.

The documents that can be placed here are basically documents that can be browsed by high-level monks, and Yi Tian pulled away without hesitation.When he came to the bookshelf, he stretched out his hand to break the restriction on it, then lowered his head and transmitted the voice: "Just this book, please help me read it first."

Guagua Daxian nodded, then stared at the bookshelf for a while, then opened his mouth and took a deep breath. In an instant, he saw that a layer of white dust that had been floating on the bookshelf was sucked into his mouth.Yi Tian then turned around and looked around, and the white dust on the jade slip in front of him was cleaned off.

After taking the jade slip from the air, Yi Tian spread out and quickly browsed it. This 'Record of Foreign Objects in the Underworld' is very detailed.The inside is divided into three parts: spiritual plants, ores, and poisons.Soon Yi Tian found the description of 'Earth Fire and Orchid' in the Lingzhi section.

I saw that it was written on it that 'this spiritual plant mostly grows in the pool of fire bathed in sulfur, and it likes extreme heat and avoids severe cold.If it encounters a cold environment, it will shrink into a ball and return to the appearance of a young species. 'Earth Fire Chilan' absorbs a large amount of the power of sulfur bathed in fire, so it is very suitable for those monks who practice the fire system of this world. For example, the Huangquan tribe regards it as a great treasure.However, if the monks of the Huangquan tribe want to break through to the fusion stage, they must find a 'Earth Fire Cyan Orchid' to refine it. '

Seeing this, Yi Tian stopped his eyes and began to think quickly in his mind.I didn't know before that the monks of the Huangquan tribe needed this aid to advance, but now I have a bargaining chip in my hand that I can negotiate with Yan Qiu.

After smiling, Yi Tian immersed his spiritual thoughts in it again and started to read.It turns out that the 'Earth Fire', 'Sulphur Mica' and 'Mercury' are collectively known as the three great spirits in the Underworld.

Among them, 'Earth Fire Clan' and 'Sulphur Mica' are naturally the treasures that the Huangquan and Stone Clans rely on to advance. As for 'Momeru', I have never encountered it.However, it is written in the book "The History of Foreign Objects in the Yellow Springs" that "mercury" is more rare than the other two treasures, and generally only a little is produced at the bottom of the deep sea of ​​the Dark Beast Sea Clan.

As for the effect of 'mercury', it is definitely a godsend for monks of Xinglinmen who practice poison kung fu.Even a monk in the fit period like Poison Master can use it.

In addition, this substance can also be used to feed poisonous insects. Even if it is diluted spiritual liquid, taking only ten drops can raise the fifth-level poison to the sixth-level and more than double the toxicity.Usually, a drop of 'mercury' stock solution can be used as an eighth-level poison to improve cultivation.

Seeing Yi Tian, ​​he was quite touched by this, and then asked in a low voice: "I think the precious material 'mercury' in this world seems to have a great improvement on poisons. I don't know if it will be useful to you?"

The Great Immortal Guagua thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I have the attribute of poisonous fire, but poison and fire need to complement each other to be improved together. So this 'poisonous mercury' is not blessed."

"So that's the case," Yi Tian sighed.Then he turned his gaze to the jade slip, and later took out a blank jade slip and engraved all the contents on it.

After the completion, Yi Tian gently put the jade slip back to its original position, then turned around and plundered in front of the "Three Realms Knowledge" jade slip, and repeated the same trick to open the barrier barrier, and then let the great immortal general The above eggs of 'Yingpindie' are clear.Then he took out the jade slip and quickly read it through.

After ten breaths, a look of surprise appeared on his face, what was recorded in this jade slip was exactly what he had seen and heard in the lower three realms.Among them, the nether world is still the main line, but there are many things in the underworld and ghost world in the middle ages interspersed.

From this jade slip, we can learn that the original ghost world is the interface where those creatures who have not entered the cycle of reincarnation in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit live.Speaking of it, it was completely restrained by the Buddha and spirit world, especially the reincarnation technique in the Buddha and spirit world can extradite those ghost cultivators from the ghost world to rush into the wheel of reincarnation.Therefore, Buddhist monks are not very well received after they arrive in the ghost world.

As for the nether world and the hell world, the cultivation of evil spirits is also the main focus, so Buddhist monks are not very welcome.After reading for a while, Yi Tian showed a thoughtful look on his face. This jade slip only mentioned the situation of the Three Realms in the modern times, and it also briefly mentioned the situation under the rule of the Nether Dynasty in the Middle Ages.

But there is one thing that caught Yi Tian's attention. In this jade slip, it is written that the Emperor Youming and the Lord of the Asura Realm, the Holy Emperor Luo Qin, both knew each other.I haven't found news of Luo Qin for a long time, but I didn't expect to see this name again here.

It's just that there is no detailed description of this in the inner circle, but it is mentioned that Luo Qin once went to the Nailuo imperial capital of the Nether Dynasty.At this point, Yi Tian bowed his head and thought about it, "I didn't expect that besides Uncle Wuxiang, there would also be Mahayana monks who had come to Nether Dynasty. '

(End of this chapter)

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