
Chapter 2154 Shadow and Trace

Chapter 2154 Shadow and Trace
After searching in the Xinglin School for a while, Yi Tian got his wish and found the "Story of Foreign Objects in the Hell World". This jade slip gave a detailed description of most of the resources that appeared in the hell world.It also mentioned the three treasures of hell, 'Sulphur Mica', 'Earth Fire Cyan', and 'Mercury', which I have not seen yet.

The reason why these treasures can be called the three treasures of hell is that apart from being very rare, there are several major races that need such treasures to advance.For the monks of the stone clan, only after absorbing a sufficient amount of "sulfur mica" can they advance to the integration stage and even improve their cultivation to the late integration stage.But for the Huangquan clan, the largest group in the hell world, the 'Dihuo Clan' limited the number of high-ranking monks in the clan.

It's not that you have to have this precious material before you can advance, but if you don't have it, the difficulty of the advanced integration period will naturally increase exponentially.And judging from the 'Earth Fire Cyan Orchid' in his hand, he can naturally deal with the Huangquan tribe.

As for the 'black mercury' that I haven't seen before, it is even more peculiar, it is a godsend treasure for those monks who practice poison kung fu.Whether it is a monk or a monster, it can be used, and this 'poisonous mercury' can be used on a fifth-level monster after dilution. If it is properly cultivated, its growth will definitely make people's eyes shine.

Although the Great Immortal Quack doesn't need this thing, Yi Tian also keeps this information in his heart. If he meets him in the hell world in the future, he won't miss it.

But looking back, that quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile was powerful enough, and his lair actually collected two top treasures from the hell world.But in a blink of an eye, Yi Tian also realized that the sea crocodile dragon should almost be regarded as the top existence in this world, and it is no problem to collect such spirit treasures with his cultivation base.

What's more, like Shi Jinming of the Stone Clan, he would sneak into his cave and save some 'sulfur mica' for his own use.

After staying in the library of the Xinglin School for a while, Yi Tian made rubbing copies of all the information on the jade slips he needed, and then quietly retreated back the same way.In addition, with the help of the Great Immortal Quack, he cleverly avoided the 'Ying Fan Die' that remained here, and no one was alarmed.

After leaving the Xinglin Sect's Zongmen residence, Yi Tianfei took to the air to restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations in his body and was about to leave when the Great Immortal Guagua who was squatting on his shoulders suddenly said through voice transmission: "Let's go slowly, I found that someone seems to be preparing to leave." Sneak into Xinglin Pie."

Yi Tian frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said that his divine sense was far superior to the Great Immortal Quack, but even so, he didn't find any clues.Then he hurriedly asked: "Have you admitted your mistake? Where is that person?"

The Great Immortal Guagua said in a positive tone: "It's unmistakable, that person's strength is almost as high as yours, and he is not far behind."

"Then how can you know?" Yi Tian asked curiously: "The aura of these monks in the fusion stage is very restrained, and it is rare to be discovered by others, as if I did not find the other party, and the other party did not notice me. Existence is general."

"I can only judge from the remnant of luck left by that person," said the Immortal Guagua with a confident expression on his face. "You monks in the fusion period are naturally impeccable in strength. I can't detect the fluctuation of spiritual pressure alone. It's just that However, the power of luck on your body after you have reached the fusion stage is naturally far stronger than that of ordinary people, and I found that there is a powerful presence here besides your luck."

"Can you lock the specific location of the opponent?" Yi Tian asked.

The Great Immortal Guagua shook his head and replied: "I can only roughly determine his route and activity area. He should have just entered the Xinglin School not long ago. It's just that you came out from the other side and we haven't had time to meet each other. That's all."

Hearing the ridicule of Yi Tian by the Great Immortal Quack, he didn't think it was funny at all, on the contrary, his face sank and he began to think about it.It stands to reason that the Poison Master has not been at home for a long time, and these old monsters in the fusion period should have received some wind.Such uninvited and sneaky sneaking is naturally extremely problematic.

In fact, I have already guessed in my heart that it is not unusual for a sect master like Poison Master to live in a foreign place for a long time.Maybe he was avoiding something. As for the infiltrator, he should know the inside story, but he should have an ulterior purpose in doing so.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian twitched slightly and said, "In this case, we might as well follow up and have a look."

"Are you going to sneak in again?" The Immortal Guagua asked in confusion, "If you find something fighting inside, you will be exposed."

"It doesn't have to be like this this time, I can go there in a grand manner," Yi Tian said after the demonic aura gathered around him, revealing his demon cultivator form, and reached out to take out a jade tablet from the storage ring.Immortal Guagua glanced over and found that the word 'Xinglin' ​​was written on the front of the jade card, which was obviously a token of the Xinglin School.

Then he asked, "Why do you have this thing?"

"The old boy Poison Master gave it to me to curry favor with me," Yi Tian said with a smile: "He probably expected that I would not miss his Xinglin Sect when I came to Hell Realm, so I handed over the Jade Plaque, the keepsake of the Zongmen Keqing, to me in advance. I."

"He's got a good plan, doesn't he want to take advantage of his strength?" Immortal Quack suddenly asked.

"This family doesn't know about the family," Yi Tian joked, "Poison Master didn't say anything, but I guess he must have encountered some troubles to stay in the demon world for a long time. But the trouble maker didn't feel comfortable going to the demon world, So everyone was deadlocked."

"Then what are you going to do, go in grandiosely and ask that person out?" The Immortal Guagua said suspiciously: "That is the same existence as you, in fact, there is no need to make troubles out of thin air like this. This is in line with your personality. Doesn't match."

"That's what you said," Yi Tian laughed and said, "You just need to search for that person's whereabouts for me, and I will handle the rest by myself."

The Great Immortal Guagua nodded knowingly when he heard the words, and then Yi Tian appeared in the air and slowly landed in front of the mountain gate of the Xinglin School.

A few disciples who were guarding the mountain at the stage of transforming gods had spotted the figure, and one of them took the lead and hurried forward to search for it. After seeing the jade token in his hand, he respectfully paid a respectful visit to Jishou, saying: "See Elder Ke Qing, Senior Yi."

After Yi Tian saw it, he said without changing his face: "Do you know my name?"

"The suzerain sent a message a long time ago, and the deacon of the sect also informed us of Elder Yi's information, and also said that you will definitely come to the sect to visit, and asked me to meet the suzerain after seeing you," the leading disciple who guarded the mountain replied. road.

"Quickly tell me who is the deacon elder in the sect now?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's the suzerain's disciples who have filled the nest, and the younger generation will pass on the deacons to the elders." After saying that, the mountain guard disciple hastily took out the messenger jade talisman and injected it with spiritual power, sacrificed it, and sent it out.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian's divine sense found that countless distracted breaths were rushing towards the mountain gate.Shaoqing saw three distracted monks appearing in front of his eyes, and after a hasty fall, he stood still in front of him.The person who took the lead glanced at the token jade token in his hand, then bowed his hands and said: "The juniors have seen Elder Yi before."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian said: "I was also passing through Xinglin Gate. When I communicated with the Poison Master Daoist in those years, I naturally took the time to visit."

Hearing this, Man Chao looked overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "Please invite Elder Yi to join the sect, please." After speaking, he waited respectfully aside, as for the two people beside him, they followed Man Chao with their heads bowed. Dare to have any overstepping appearance.

Yi Tian silently asked the Great Immortal Guagua who was sitting on his shoulder through sound transmission: "Do you think there is anything suspicious about the three people in front of you?"

"Not at all. It's normal for the power of luck and cultivation of these three people to complement each other. I guess we have to go in and search for it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian turned his head and said: "Forget it, lead the way ahead, let me also appreciate the scene of Xinglin Sect."

After hearing this, Man Chao looked overjoyed and hurriedly led the way. A group of four passed through the mountain gate and soon arrived at the main hall of Xinglin Gate.After taking the seat, Man Chao took the disciples behind him to kneel down three times and nine times to pay homage to the suzerain. After the ceremony was over, he sat upright in front of him and listened to instructions.

After seeing him, Yi Tian said, "Let all the disciples from the inner sect of the sect come to see you, and you can recognize them if you meet them when you walk outside in the future."

Man Chao heard the words and said repeatedly that he took out several jade talismans of communication and sent them out after being activated.It didn't take a while for Yi Tian to notice that dozens of spiritual pressure fluctuations flew from the back mountain of Xinglin Gate one after another and were rushing towards the main hall here.

Originally, I wanted to find out through such a screening method, and then I secretly told the Great Immortal Quack to let him pay attention.

To be honest, if a monk at the fusion stage appeared in front of him, it would be impossible for him not to recognize him. I was afraid that he would hide him.But since this person sneaked in secretly, he must be doing something, so as long as he pays attention, it is not difficult to find his flaws.

After everyone walked into the main hall one after another, they all received Man Chao's instruction and went forward to salute Yi Tian who was sitting in the front seat one by one, and then found an empty seat behind Man Chao three people and sat down step by step.

The Great Immortal Quack, who was squatting on his shoulders, checked the power of luck on these people one by one, and found nothing suspicious after a while.

After all the people are seated, the nest is full before standing up and bringing the people behind to salute again to show respect.He stretched out his hand and motioned for them to sit down one by one, and then Yi Tiandao explained his purpose of coming, and then guided them on some cultivation issues for Poison Master Haosheng.Although I am not good at Poison Kungfu, all the monks in the world can be attributed to the source beam, and it is enough for them to benefit from some cultivation experience in the distraction period.

Then he took out another alchemy furnace, a medicine pestle and a medicine pounding bowl and handed them over to Man Chao.As an elder Ke Qing, I can't be stingy, because of the love of Poison Master, I have to be more or less embarrassed.

The medicine pestle and medicine pounding bowl are both earth-level peak spiritual weapons, while the alchemy furnace is a low-level heavenly level.It's nothing to the poison master, but in front of these disciples and grandchildren, it naturally made them all shine.As for how to distribute it, it's not your own business. Afterwards, let Mannest handle it by itself.

Shaoqing saw that he put away the spirit weapon first under the hot eyes of everyone, and then took the lead to thank him again.

It will be easy to dispatch after receiving the benefits, Yi Tian immediately bowed his head and gave a few instructions to Man Chao.Then he came forward to dismiss the disciples behind him, and Man Chao said with a smile on his face after everyone had left, "Thank you, Elder Yi, for your love."

"It doesn't matter if the friendship between me and the poisonous master is nothing," Yi Tian said indifferently, and then changed the topic and asked: "I see that there are not many disciples in the inner sect of the sect. These, are there still people who have not come out of the death pass?"

Man Chao thought for a while before saying: "Except for Junior Brother Cang Weixin, all the inner disciples staying in the sect have arrived, do you need me to send a message to let Junior Brother Cang go out?"

Yi Tian waved his hands and said with a smile: "No need, since it's a death pass, let him go." After all, he also mentioned Cang Weixin's name a few times in his heart. This person seemed a little strange, but he You don't need to make it clear that you deliberately avoid yourself, you just need to wait for the great fairy to go to check it out afterwards.

Later, Man Chao said again: "I wonder how long Elder Yi will stay in this world?"

"Oh, why do you ask this question?" Yi Tian smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it together."

After hearing this, Manchao straightened his expression and said: "The date of the six yangs that occur once every thousand years in the hell world is imminent. It was originally my Xinglin sect suzerain who came forward. It's just that the master is in the demon world at this time and has no time to clone. If Yi The elder is honored to ask you to take care of it for me."

"Oh, I don't know what a spectacle the six yangs are in this world, and they need to be a monk at the integration stage?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Manchao smiled and said: "Actually, this is a spectacle that appears every thousand years in the hell world, but after the emergence of Liuyang, a large amount of sulfurous fire and magma spewed out in the 'mountain of knives and sea of ​​fire' in the hell world. This god-given thing also needs this The major forces in the world are distributed according to their rankings."

"This is the first time I've heard of it. How much did the Xinglin faction get before?" Yi Tian asked.

"The suzerain is not good at fighting, and he used to be ranked fifth," Man Chao explained.

"I don't know how the rankings were in the past?" Yi Tian said.

"The order of the previous few times has not changed, followed by the Huangquan tribe, the barbarian tribe, the hell three-headed dog tribe, the stone tribe, the dark beast sea tribe, and the Xinglin sect of our sect," Man Chao said, showing a trace of helplessness on his face color.

"Is it divided into six parts in total?" Yi Tian asked.

Manchao shook his head and replied: "Not only that, but also some casual monks will also participate, and last time there was the sea crocodile, the overlord of the sea, the 'Talu Daoist' from the Taliu Mountains, and the three heads of hell." The dog 'Broyu' and monks from the Black Dragon Clan came to share a piece of the pie."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face changed slightly, he didn't expect that there were so many forces in the hell world that he didn't know about.Among them, the sea crocodile dragon was defeated by him, and now he probably doesn't know where to hide and lick his wounds.As for the Black Dragon Clan, it seems that they had a relationship with Yan Qiu's soul pet, Mo Dou, but Mo Dou should be living in seclusion in the demon world at this time, but they don't know if there will be any powerful figures from the Black Dragon Clan.

As for lone cultivators and Poliu real people, they can be directly excluded. People without foundation like this are not a big threat, but the "Broken Domain" of the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan caught Yi Tian's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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