
Chapter 2157

Chapter 2157
Inside the Xinglin Gate, Yi Tian sneaked into the cave of 'Cang Weixin', where he was confirmed by the Great Immortal Guagua.There is indeed a high-ranking monk in this cave, but after entering, it is found that there is only a cultivator at the transformation stage sitting cross-legged in meditation.

On the contrary, the Great Immortal Gugua realized that there were still people with great luck here by virtue of his innate magical powers, and he probably hid in the depths of the cave.

Yi Tian didn't dare to use his divine sense to search, so he had to rely on his eyes to search, and then flew straight towards the inside of the cave following the guidance of the Great Immortal Guagua.

There are actually six forked roads in Cang Weixin's cave, and I don't know how to choose without the guidance of the Great Immortal Guagua.Proceed forward along the second passage on the left, and walked for half a minute before seeing the exit of the passage.After leaving the passage, Yi Tian reckoned that he should have come to a depth of thousands of feet underground, and two doors appeared in front of him.

Immortal Guagua pointed at the doorway on the right: "I have noticed that there is a powerful luck behind this door, which is a little weaker than yours."

"Then it can't be wrong. I didn't expect this 'Li Nishang' to be so infatuated that he would rush to the sect of Poison Master and wait for him to come back." Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "Then let me take a look at this person." It's true."

After finishing speaking, he went forward and stretched out his hand to hold out the green aura to hold on to it, and the next moment he stretched out his hand and broke the barrier on the stone gate. He jumped in and the barrier outside the stone gate was restored after a slight shake undisturbed.

After arriving in Neizhong, Yi Tian glanced over and found that it was a stone room with a size of thirty feet, surrounded by altars and pots.Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the stone room was a nun from the spiritual world. Judging from the faint breath emanating from her body, it could be concluded that this person's cultivation was at least as good as that in the early stage of fusion, and it should be Li Nishang herself.

What surprised Yi Tian was that this body-fitting female cultivator turned out to be a fat woman with a fat waist and round buttocks. What was puzzling was that these body-fitting monks had already been able to reshape their physical bodies during the transformation stage.None of the monks I saw now looked handsome, but the Li Nishang in front of him really surprised me.

Even the Great Immortal Quack, squatting on his shoulders, suddenly widened his eyes as if he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.It's just that he judged from his luck that the person in front of him was the monk who had discovered the fit period before.

After secretly nodding his head, the Immortal Guagua confirmed the facts in front of him, so Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and said: "You are very comfortable hiding here, but it's a pity that you are in the demon world and you are dragged down by trivial matters. Go home alone."

The fat woman in front of her was shocked when she heard the words, she was considered a high-level monk in the fusion stage.Being so easily approached so close to him without realizing it, he stood up vigilantly, then looked at the open space in front of him and said, "Who is it? A man who hides his head and shows his tail is definitely not a hero."

After slowly showing his figure, Yi Tian walked forward with a smile and stood a foot away from Li Nishang before standing still, and then sized him up.After taking a look, it turns out that this Li Nishang is also a beauty embryo. Although she is a little fatter, if she reshape her body shape, she can restore her ladylike appearance.I really don't know why she has such an appearance, but this is someone else's business and I can't control it.

Then he said indifferently: "I don't remember that there is a person like you in the spirit world. I don't know where your teacher is and what is your origin?"

"Hmph, you don't want a demon cultivator like you to rely on your strength to overwhelm me," Li Nishang said with a solemn expression, "As a well-known and decent sect in the spirit world, I will naturally not succumb to the power of a demon cultivator."

After hearing this, Yi Tiancai remembered that she was now appearing in front of the other party in the form of Moxiu himself, no wonder she would say this.However, since Li Nishang said he was born in a famous and decent family, he should also be a monk from a large sect in the spiritual world, but he didn't know where he was born.

The evil spirit power on his body was quickly retracted and transformed into spiritual power. After three breaths, Yi Tian appeared in the form of a spiritual deity.Then he smiled and said: "This is my true face, but Li Daoyou said that you are from a famous and decent school in the spiritual world, but I have never heard of a person like you."

Li Nishang was also slightly taken aback when he saw it, and then his divine sense came out and looked back and forth for a long time before he heaved a sigh of relief.Then she said without showing any weakness: "I was born in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect of the three sects in the spiritual world, and Lu Jianling is my senior brother. Presumably you have heard of my sect's reputation?"

"A monk of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect?" Yi Tian underestimated and then looked at him instead.He would definitely not recognize Lu Jianling's reputation when he heard the other party mention it.In recent years, I have done a lot of things like pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, and since my city will never be fooled by a few words, I have to make further confirmation.

Then he stretched out his hand and gave a skillful salute, Ji Shou said: "It turns out that she is the younger sister of Senior Brother Lu of the Feiyu Sword Sect, I am disrespectful to Yi Tian."

"Hmph, it seems that your cultivation level is not weak, but you have never heard of your name," Li Nishang questioned, "Although you have shown a spiritual body, I don't know where you are suitable for?"

"Oh, I'm being rude," Yi Tian said with a dumbfounded smile when he heard this, "I was born in Lihuo Palace."

"It's nonsense, I know senior brother Ji, a monk in the Lihuo Palace fusion stage, and Lihuo Erlao, and besides Chi Wuji, there are few disciples who have the opportunity to advance to the fusion stage," Li Nishang said.

"You Daoist Li are talking about the old Huangli," Yi Tian sighed and said, "It seems that you did not participate in the catastrophe hundreds of years ago. As for the current situation of the three factions in the spiritual world, you also know it." Very little."

Hearing what he said, Li Nishang was slightly taken aback, and then retorted: "I haven't returned to the spirit world for a thousand years, so I don't know much about the current situation. But you don't have any tokens to prove your identity? "

Yi Tian stretched out his right hand and took out a sect token from the sect and handed it lightly across the air. When Li Nishang saw it, he poked out his divine sense and scanned back a few times, and his face changed drastically in an instant: "This is the token of the lord of the Lihuo sect. , why are you here?"

After stretching out his hand and taking the token back, Yi Tian sighed and said, "Senior Brother Ji has passed away, and Senior Brother Zeng also fell in the Great War of Demon Disaster. Now I am the head of the Lihuo Palace, and there are only me and him in the sect." Brother Han has two integrated stage monks."

"Why even the two of them have fallen, what about my Scarlet Rain Sword Sect?" Li Nishang hurriedly asked.

Seeing that she doesn't seem to be lying, Yi Tian briefly explained what happened during the war of demons and disasters over the years.When it was said that a monk in the fit period had also fallen in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, he also deliberately paid attention to Li Nishang's reaction.I saw her face was dignified, and there was a flash of crystal in her eyes inadvertently.

After he finished speaking, Li Nishang revealed a sad expression and said, "I didn't expect so many monks in the fusion stage to fall in a war of evil disasters."

"My identity has been revealed, so please ask Fellow Daoist Li to reveal my identity," Yi Tian said.

Li Nishang was the first to return the gift, and then took out a simple jade token and sent it over from the air: "Sect Master Yi, forgive me, this is the jade token of the poor sect's identity, please check it."

After scanning Yi Tian's mind, he found that the content recorded on the jade card was indeed the identity information of Fei Yu Jianzong, and the Li Nishang in front of him was Sheng Zhuangxiong's junior sister.But why she looked like this, Yi Tian glanced at it and couldn't figure it out.

On the contrary, Li Nishang noticed the doubt in his eyes, and then explained: "Pindao is like this because he practiced the sect's secret art. Fellow Daoist Yi doesn't judge people by their appearance?"

He coughed softly to cover up the embarrassment on his face, Yi Tian changed the subject and said, "Sheng Zhuangxiong and I are old acquaintances, we have had a lot of interactions with each other, and we have also studied the secret arts of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. Today I see you Daoist Li and I want to ask for advice."

Li Nishang's eyelids trembled and her face became tense immediately. She realized that the strength of the person in front of her was still higher than that of Lu Jianling, let alone asking for advice, it was almost the same.It is obvious that the other party is not yet fully convinced and needs further verification.

Before he had time to think about it, Li Nishang noticed a cyan aura gathering rapidly in front of him. Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan wooden sword, sacrificed it in the air, turned it into thousands of filaments, and then gathered into a ball of sword silk light.

This is a common method used by sect disciples in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect to discuss swordsmanship. After the two sides use their sword moves, they will condense within a three-foot space.Afterwards, the unique method of confirming with each other's hands after the sword silk is solidified.

Speaking of it, Yi Tian also had no idea in his mind, and he could only verify the other party's true identity if he had seen the real chapter under his hands.I remember that I had a special chat with Sheng Zhuangxiong after Fei Yujianzong worshiped the mountain, and at the same time revealed my practice of swordsmanship and had a few times with Sheng Zhuangxiong.

When Li Nishang saw it, his pupils froze, and he said, "Spirit shines into thousands, solidity into emptiness. I didn't expect Sect Master Yi, as the successor of Lihuo Palace, to be able to kill my Scarlet Rain Sword Sect." It is really rare to refine supernatural powers and secret arts to such a state."

"You Daoist Li, you are being polite. I have learned from Uncle Wu Ling for a while, and have been friends with Senior Brother Sheng for a long time to confirm each other. Naturally, I have my own experience in Lingyaohua Qianshu," Yi Tian said with a smile: "What's more The three sects of the spiritual world are originally a family, and I am fortunate to have the approval of my two masters to cultivate the strengths of the three schools."

Hearing this, Li Nishang's face was also moved. Yi Tian's words just now revealed a lot of surprises.She is a disciple of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, so she is very familiar with the characters mentioned in these words.Then his face turned serious and he said: "I also ask Junior Brother Yi to enlighten me."

After finishing speaking, Li Nishang also stretched out his hand to sacrifice a sword pill. The golden spot of light flew out of the Niwan Palace on his forehead and turned into the size of a fist. After shaking around her, it pierced the void and made a slight sound. .

Yi Tian found that the space in front of Li Nishang seemed to be divided into several independent spaces after the sword pill passed by.In an instant, the sword pill disintegrated and turned into thousands of sword threads, and then merged into one to form a solid Juque sword.

Sure enough, it was the secret of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, so Yi Tian naturally recognized that the supernatural powers cast by the other party came from the same origin as his own.In this way, there is no need to distinguish further, Li Nishang, who was lucky enough to practice this supernatural power, is the direct disciple of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

Then she said: "Junior Brother Yi, be careful, I'm here."

As soon as the words fell, the Jujue sword in front of Li Nishang gathered again and condensed into a spherical shape, and then slowly flew towards him.

Yi Tian has known for a long time that he should keep his energy but not his skills when competing with each other.Although his cultivation level is two levels higher than hers, Yi Tian is unwilling to take advantage of her cultivation base this time when it is a swordsmanship sparring, so when he makes a move, he also suppresses the power of supernatural powers to that of the initial fusion stage.

The two sword balls, one green and one gold, met within half a foot of space and then violently collided with each other.From time to time, after the attack, golden sword threads appeared and hit the surrounding stone walls, but none of the blue sword threads were missed.But in terms of control, Yi Tian already has the upper hand.

It's just that after the supernatural power intersected, Yi Tian found that his cyan sword ball was obviously weaker in momentum.Interlaced with each other, it seemed that they were slowly pushed back five inches by the other party before they stabilized.Later, Yi Tian changed his hand seal again, pointed at the green silk sword and said, "Turn."

The original cyan light ball spun rapidly and pushed the opposite sword thread light ball directly.

Li Nishang was also slightly taken aback when he saw it, but he said: "You Daoist Yi is really ingenious. He is able to use supernatural powers and secret arts to such a level. His strength is amazing. So I will follow suit."

After finishing speaking, she also formed a seal on her hand to control the sword silk light ball in her hand to spin, Shaoqing saw two rapidly spinning light balls in the air, one blue and one gold, slamming together and drawing out all the spiritual power in the surrounding area.

As soon as Yi Tian saw this, he knew that if this continued, the place would be turned upside down, and this was not the result he wanted to see.It's just that the two of them competed with each other for a while, and it was difficult to tell the winner. After thinking for a while, he freed his right hand to quickly form the seal and then flitted around.

Suddenly, a gap opened in the space above the two of them, and in an instant, the gap expanded rapidly and swallowed up all the space in the cave.Yi Tian, ​​Li Nishang and the two balls of light that were fighting were covered by the dark space in the opening.

After the gap in the space was closed again later, the two of them disappeared, as if no one had ever been here, and the fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual pressure also returned to normal.

After a full ten breaths, the air cracked again, and two auras, one blue and one yellow, flew out of it and landed on the ground.After the light faded, the figures of the two were revealed. At this time, Li Nishang's face did not change, but his eyes showed shock. After putting away the spirit sword, he regained his composure and said, "Sect Master Yi is really powerful. You are the leader of the three sects, and Nishang admires you so much. I guess your strength is far higher than Senior Brother Ji."

"Senior Sister Li is absurdly praised. I still have a considerable gap compared to my senior sister in terms of the study of swordsmanship," Yi Tian also replied with a smile. Once you have an attitude, you can ask yourself what happened next.

(End of this chapter)

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