
Chapter 2158 Planning

Chapter 2158 Planning
In the depths of the cave of Cang Weixin, an inner disciple of the Xinglin School, Yi Tian followed the trail and found the whereabouts of the monk at the fusion stage that the Great Immortal Guagua had noticed before.I didn't expect that this person is a spiritual cultivator and has a relationship with himself. Speaking of it, when Yi Tian saw it for the first time, he was very unsure whether the fat woman in front of him or the fat woman was really Li Nishang, the elder of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. .

When spiritual cultivation has raised its cultivation level to the stage of transforming gods, it can reshape the physical body. None of the sect disciples I saw in the spiritual world were not the type of handsome men and beautiful women.Seeing a different kind suddenly now really made me a little unexpected.Fortunately, in the subsequent contests of the same sect, it can be completely confirmed that the other party's identity is undoubtedly the direct line disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

After the two fought against each other, there were waves of spiritual pressure fluctuations in such a small space. If left unchecked, sooner or later it would cause quite a stir in the Xinglin faction.Therefore, Yi Tian also directly used his spatial supernatural powers to open up the Sumeru space he created, and swallowed up this space.

After the two had decided the winner, they reopened the space entrance and returned to the cave.Up to this point, Yi Tian also looked at Li Nishang in front of him with admiration. It is said that the Juque sword she used is still very different from that of ordinary Feiyu Sword Sect disciples, but judging from the power, it is indeed more than [-]% stronger.

In the Sumi space he opened up, Yi Tian lost half of the skill in the Xumi space, but what surprised Li Nishang even more was the supernatural power technique he used in the Taiqing Pavilion space.

Yi Tian had previously revealed that he was the new suzerain of Lihuo Palace, but this time he displayed the sect's unique skills of Taiqing Pavilion, so how could he not surprise Li Nishang.

To be honest, Yi Tian also estimated that Li Nishang is still slightly inferior to Li Nishang in terms of swordsmanship alone, but when it comes to comprehensive application, the opponent is far inferior to himself.

After restraining themselves, the two stopped in the cave one after another, and then Yi Tian asked, "Dare to ask why Senior Sister Li is waiting here for fellow Poison Master Daoist? It will definitely shine in the disaster war."

Li Nishang blushed, and then sighed: "Actually, my entanglement with Yaowanggu can be traced back to previous lives. It's just that I didn't expect to meet the poisonous master here in this life, so I chased after him all the way. Ask for it."

"It turned out to be karmic fate," Yi Tian sighed and said, "This is hard for you." After practicing the secrets of the Buddhist sect, Yi Tian knew the cause and effect of these karmic fates.If it can't be solved well, it will not be a good thing for both of them. Speaking of it, Li Nishang and Poison Master should be destined to be each other's doom. If you want to unravel this cause and effect, the best way is to accept each other. It is the right way.

It's just that Yi Tian glanced at Li Nishang's figure and immediately became interested, and then asked: "I don't know why Senior Sister Li didn't reshape her body during the transformation stage?"

Mentioning this, Li Nishang's complexion darkened, and he said angrily, "Junior Brother Yi has a great vision, but I didn't expect that I still judge people by their appearance."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was ashamed, and then he said seriously: "I have visited the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm, and I know that some people who know the perseverance will never change their appearance easily. Dao, mere appearances are naturally insignificant, and Senior Sister Li should be like this, so it was a bit abrupt to ask just now."

Seeing the apology expressed in his words, Li Nishang's face also improved slightly.Then he asked: "I wonder if Junior Brother Yi's current appearance has been reshaped?"

"No," Yi Tian said decisively: "My heart is on the Dao, and the purpose of this life is only to seek longevity and ascend to the fairy world. I will never care about some appearances. And I have never thought about it since I entered the Tao with a mortal body. I never wanted to change my true appearance.”

After hearing this, Li Nishang's eyes lit up and he looked at it before saying: "Junior Brother Yi can afford it and let it go, but still has this kind of mind, he really has the demeanor of the master of the sect."

Hearing such a reply, Yi Tian knew that Li Nishang didn't misunderstand him much, and then he remembered Li Nishang's words in his ears: "Actually, as a female cultivator, why don't you pay attention to your own appearance, but no matter how I do After reshaping the body, after a year and a half, it will still return to its current appearance, and I will directly recognize it as time goes by."

"There is such a thing?" Yi Tian said with a surprised expression on his face, and then his eyes flicked back and forth on Li Nishang, and he began to think in his heart.It stands to reason that the monk will stabilize his figure after reshaping, and there will never be any repetitions.However, Li Nishang's situation is really rare, unless there is something wrong with the soul, or the magical powers and secrets of cultivation will lead to such results.

After thinking about it, he asked, "I don't know if Senior Sister Li has ever asked Uncle Wuling for advice?"

Li Nishang shook his head and said helplessly: "I once asked the master, but he couldn't explain why this happened. It is reasonable to say that there are hundreds if not thousands of people in the sect who practice the direct line art. There's no one like me."

"According to what Senior Sister Li said, it shouldn't be a matter of cultivation skills," Yi Tian thought for a while, "If you dare to ask whether Senior Sister Li's Nascent Soul spirit body is consistent with your appearance, I guess it should be a matter of spirit."

Li Nishang stretched out his hand and printed a flash of spiritual light that rose from his forehead and stopped at a height of three inches above.The appearance of the Nascent Soul that appeared in the aura was exactly the appearance of Li Nishang himself.

Yi Tian looked at it and found that the appearance of the Nascent Soul spirit body was the same as that of the deity, like a miniature version of Li Nishang.Later, when the Nascent Soul returned to the Forehead Niwan Palace again, Li Nishang said helplessly, "To be honest, I also have doubts about this, but I haven't found a solution after visiting several planes."

"As far as I am concerned, Senior Sister Li doesn't need to be obsessed with this anymore since she is like this," Yi Tian said kindly, "We cultivators will never care about mere appearances, but I will keep this matter in mind. If I have a chance, I will try to find a solution for you."

"This way, there will be more Junior Brother Yi," Li Nishang said with a smile on his face, and then showed a look of hesitation.

Yi Tian was able to guess what she was worried about when he saw it, and then asked: "Is it something that I don't know, Senior Sister Li is worrying about the matter with fellow Taoist Poison Master?"

Nodding his head, Li Nishang did not deny what was in his heart, and then said: "Since Junior Brother Yi and the Poison Master are on good terms, I hope you can work around it to create a chance for me to meet."

Hearing this, Yitian's expression also became a little unnatural. Speaking of it, he is not good at doing Yuelao for others, but it is extremely difficult to look at the situation in front of him.

Li Nishang also saw his own difficulties, and then said: "Actually, the karma between me and the poisonous hand may be the root cause of my inability to reshape my appearance, and my cultivation has been difficult to improve after I have reached the initial stage of integration. The same is true of the Poison Master."

Hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly, something suddenly sounded in his mind, and after thinking for a while, a sentence suddenly popped out of his mouth: "Could it be that this is the marriage constraint mentioned in the Buddhist reincarnation technique?"

"I don't know why Junior Brother Yi came to this conclusion?" Li Nishang asked hastily.

With a straight expression, Yi Tian sorted out the thoughts in his mind and said: "According to the Buddhist theory of reincarnation, all spiritual cultivators who have had the experience of vowing to part with each other can use magical powers and secret techniques to prepare for the next life. The conclusion of a long-lasting marriage is also the most loyal and appropriate expression of the relationship between the two."

"I don't know what the result will be after using that secret," Li Nishang asked hurriedly.

"It is said that the two will meet again in the next life, and that each other's cultivation will restrain each other, and they must be promoted at the same time," Yi Tian said: "And the body shape and appearance of the two will not change from the previous life. Only then can the effect of this supernatural power be resolved into nothingness."

"Then I don't know what reincarnation this is?" Li Nishang said.

"I don't know about this either. Senior Sister Li needs to go to Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist Spirit Realm to trace her past life with the help of an eminent monk of the ordinary generation," Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "Or go to Taiqing Pavilion to find Senior Brother Qin It’s also okay to use the ‘Returning to Dreams Mind Method’ to explore the fate of the previous life.”

After thinking about it, Li Nishang's face showed a little hesitation, and he replied nonchalantly later: "To be honest, I have been away from the sect for a long time, and because of my own personal affairs, I did not participate in the battle of the demon disaster in the spirit world. You will be blamed by your brother."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face was also solemn, guessing that Li Nishang still had a lot of fear of Lu Jianling.Speaking of which, she did not participate in the battle of the spirit world's evil disaster this time out of selfishness. I am afraid that she will be held accountable by Lu Jianling after she returns to the spirit world.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "In this case, I will leave a copy of the book. You can go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm with the book to discuss with Abbot Yizhen or Master Jieding."

"I don't know how the two of them cultivated?" Li Nishang hurriedly asked: "As far as I know, the abbot Yizhen of Daleiguang Temple seems to have only reached the peak of the avatar, but I don't know if the situation of the precepted monk is enough. "

Yi Tian said with a smile: "Although they are all at the stage of distraction, they are all advanced in Buddhism. Speaking of which, Senior Brother Yizhen can sit at the abbot of Daleiguang Temple with the stage of distraction. This has never happened in the past few years, Senior Sister Li, please don't be fooled."

"What about Monk Jieding?" Li Nishang asked again, as if he still had some scruples.

"Monk Jieding's name before he escaped into Buddhism was Chi Wuji," Yi Tian said indifferently, and then glanced over to assess the other party's reaction.

Li Nishang was also surprised and showed disbelief, and then said: "It turned out to be him, I didn't expect him to escape into Buddhism?"

"Senior Sister Li doesn't know something," Yi Tian explained with a smile: "Chi Wuji's past life was really powerful, it was the prince Qiu Yu, the main messenger of the previous demon disaster war, and his real deity was Dalei Guangchan The deity of Master Jie Ding, a Mahayana monk ten thousand years ago."

After hearing this, Li Nishang took a deep breath, then calmed down and thought about it for a while before saying: "The people recommended by Junior Brother Yi are indeed worthy enough. If you only talk about the understanding of Buddhism, these two people are definitely from the Great Leiguang Temple The best among the best in the world, so I am willing to go to the world of Buddha and spirit."

"That's great. In addition, Fellow Poison Master Daoist is now living in seclusion in the welcome house in the Ten Thousand Demon City of the Demon Realm. If Senior Sister Li is interested, you may wish to visit him in person," Yi Tian continued, and at the same time sold the Poison Master directly.Speaking of which, after arriving at the Xinglin Sect in the hell realm, he also realized that the Poison Sacred Hand had already planned to make a move for him to relieve the Xinglin Sect's worries.

Although it's okay to help him, but it's not a good feeling to be calculated for no reason like this.So Yi Tian doesn't mind giving Poison Master a little trouble at the right time.

On the other hand, Li Nishang's face darkened and he said, "Because I offended the Huofeng clan in the early years, I didn't dare to set foot in the demon world easily, so I gave Poison Sage a chance to hide in the city of demons."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian said with a big laugh when he heard the words: "I don't have any troubles, senior sister, don't worry, I am on good terms with Meng Xin, the Supreme Elder of the Fire Phoenix Clan, and the current Patriarch Meng Luan and others can also Sell ​​me some noodles. In this way, Senior Sister Li can take a letter from me and go to the Fire Phoenix Clan to settle the matter. After they see my handwriting, they will be able to properly handle the relationship with Senior Sister Li. I need senior sister to give a generous gift to believe that there is nothing in the world that cannot be solved."

After hearing this, Li Nishang's complexion improved a little, and he smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Junior Brother Yi. I believe that your help this time can solve my inner entanglement for thousands of years, and I will be able to improve my cultivation in the future."

"Senior Sister Li, you don't need to be polite," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "The three factions in the spiritual world are brothers and sisters, and I am willing to make a move because everyone is from the same origin. And I went to the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect according to the ancestral system to get no Ling After the teacher taught me, I naturally dare not forget the oath of the three sects to support each other. I also hope that the senior sister can return to the sect as soon as possible after handling her private affairs. After all, the third row is still the main force in the spiritual world. After a war of evil disasters, most of the friars in the integration period will fall, and at most they need the help of the other two factions."

Li Nishang's expression changed when he heard the words, and then he replied: "What Junior Brother Yi said is true. In fact, I have already intended to return, but I haven't been able to find a way to break the situation. Today, Junior Brother gave me some advice, and I believe in what will happen next." It shouldn't be difficult to solve."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian asked again: "I don't know why the senior sister is hiding here, and how should Cang Weixin, a disciple of the Xinglin School outside, deal with it?"

"That's my younger nephew, who was chosen by me to come here first and sneak into the Xinglin faction as a spy," Li Nishang said with an embarrassed expression, "Now that I can handle it independently, I can tell him to let others Go back to the spirit world first."

"So that's the case, Senior Sister Li has to deal with this matter well," Yi Tian said solemnly.

"That's natural. It's enough to be disturbed in the hell world for a thousand years. It's time to make a break with the poisonous master," Li Nishang sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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