
Chapter 2159 Retreat

Chapter 2159 Retreat
After Li Nishang left directly with Cang Weixin, Yi Tian didn't need to go anywhere else at all, so he sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the original cave and began to cultivate quietly.

Anyway, Li Nishang didn't inform the Zongmen when he took the people away, so Yi Tian stepped in and briefed Man Chao about the situation on her behalf, and the latter responded in a hurry after receiving the summons.

After receiving the summons from Manchao, Yi Tian also read it carefully, which was similar to what he expected.Man Chao, as a middle-stage distracted cultivator staying behind in the Xinglin Sect, naturally couldn't find the existence of a cultivator at the Composite Stage. If it wasn't for his own suggestion, he would have been kept in the dark.

In replying to the Jade Slip, Man Nest is also the master of poison, thank you very much. After all, such an existence is so frightening that his master dare not face it directly.

It was also mentioned in the jade slip that since he didn't want to go anywhere else, Manchao simply designated this place with a radius of hundreds of miles as the forbidden area of ​​the sect.In this way, you can rest in peace of mind for a while.

After counting the time when the six yangs will be alive, there are still a few years to go, Yi Tian feels that during this period of time, he can digest all the information he got in the hell world here.As for the power of thunder and thunder in the fairy world that I got when I ran into a real fairy from the lower realm on the top of the deep sea last time, I can also condense it again.

To be honest, this thing is his trump card now, and in the future, it will not be enough to face the mad emperor of the Netherworld who is cultivated in the Mahayana stage, and the unique knowledge of Luotian Xiangong.

Thinking of this thought, I couldn't help but connect with the eldest grandson Ting who is the true immortal in the lower realm.Speaking of which, my understanding of the distribution of power in the fairy world is still at a very superficial stage.These fairy worlds are still limited by layers of heaven. Of course, Guangming's level must not be low, but he doesn't know which one is stronger than his own sect, Da Luotian.

Although the origin of this bright Changsun Pavilion is unknown, his strength is there.Although he was only as strong as the middle stage of the fusion, Yi Tian thought that even if he fought against him, he might not have a full chance of winning, at most it would be [-]-[-].

And there is also a tenth-level quasi-monster sea crocodile staring at it, if it is rash to act, it will really step into a place of eternal doom.Fortunately, Changsun Ting didn't seem to have too much malice towards him, and he was also afraid of other real immortals, such as the real immortal Wu Jue who came down from Yu Tian that he mentioned.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's complexion also became extremely ugly. One must know that his patriarch Miao Dizi had a tragic victory against Taoist Youxuan, the real immortal of the upper and lower realms.

That is, Master Miaodizi is still a Mahayana practitioner, but he is only at the peak of the later stage of integration.Ordinarily, it is not difficult to enter the Mahayana stage, but it must be too far behind Master Miaodizi's cultivation level back then.

If Taoist Youxuan makes a comeback, I'm afraid it will take the master to cooperate with the two masters to suppress him.As for the current situation where real immortals come into the world, we should focus on making friends first, and wait until the matter develops to see what kind of storm they will cause in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian still took out the cross-boundary teleportation talisman and wrote down in detail the fact that he met a real fairy in the hell world.Relying on the memory in his mind, he also portrayed Changsun Ting's appearance, and in the end, he also wrote down all the news about Wu Jue who descended from the innocent fairy Wu Jue.

Later, after the inspection was completed, Yi Tian's face showed satisfaction, and he stretched out his hand to seal and drew a crack in the void in front of him, directly opening the passage to the spirit world, and then sacrificed the communication jade talisman in his hand. Then send it in.

This kind of action can only be used to contact the sect when encountering an emergency. I believe that Master Wuye will definitely respond after receiving his summons.

Although he didn't know the origin of Wu Jue from Yu Tian, ​​Yi Tian knew in his heart that since he could make Changsun Ting afraid, he would definitely not be trifled with.He secretly kept his name in his heart, and it was best not to provoke him when he met in the future.However, while Yi Tian was worried, he also had a lot of interest in these true immortals. Although they were just avatars in the lower realms, they carried all the things of the fairy world on them, and they could benefit him infinitely if he got some at will.

If he could collect panacea or exercises from Changsun Ting or Wu Jue and absorb and use them, I'm afraid those veteran Mahayana monks in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit might not be his opponents.Thinking of this, a name flashed in Yi Tian's mind for no reason, 'Devil Saint Violence Tan'.Then he sighed and said to himself: "I don't know why Uncle Wuxiang fell into the devil world, I'm afraid he must have some ulterior secrets." '

After thinking about this, Yi Tian took out the jade slips that were full of nests and handed them over to him.What was sealed in this jade slip was the ban imposed by the Poison Sage, so if you think about it, you may not be able to read the information inside.Yi Tian was very curious about what kind of information Poison Master would leave for him, after all, it would be unreasonable for him to be able to make a move without any dry goods.

After gently removing the ban on it, Yi Tian slowly spread out the jade slip and read it carefully.After sweeping his eyes over the first half, Yi Tian's eyes firmly resisted the above description and could no longer move away.

This jade slip records those relatively rare things in the hell world, and the description of several major races is also very detailed, which is more than what I have learned before.

In addition, there is also a description of the spectacle of the "six yangs present in the world". During the period, Yi Tian read it carefully, but his face showed an uncertain look.It turns out that this "six suns in the world" is indeed a spectacle in the hell world, and this unique landscape can only be appreciated every time in the "mountain of knives and sea of ​​fire" area.Then there was a large amount of brimstone and fire source overflowing. Compared with other places in the hell world, the brimstone and fire source produced here contained more spiritual power and was also a valuable resource for the development of the various races in the hell world.

You must know that most of the exercises practiced by these hellish races rely on brimstone fire, and the resources occupied by the major races on weekdays are only those diluted sources of brimstone and fire. Obtaining the purest resources is tantamount to knowing the future millennium. Internal development plays a decisive key role.

Except for the Dark Beast Sea Clan, the rest of these races will not be easily let go. As for the Xinglin Clan, although they don't need so many brimstone and fire sources in their cultivation techniques, they are not guaranteed to be able to exchange these resources with other races for corresponding poisons.Therefore, the Poison Master will also act at the appropriate time to obtain the greatest benefits for the sect.

It is also mentioned in the jade slip that usually the Xinglinmen will directly exchange the corresponding resources with the other major races after the ranking is determined in the competition. After all, for the Xinglinmen, obtaining the source of brimstone and fire is not the main purpose. It's just a means of exchanging goods in large quantities.

And the Dark Beast Sea Clan dealt with these quotas in almost the same way. The attributes of the exercises they cultivated were in conflict with the source of brimstone and fire, so it was just an opportunity to gather resources.

At this point, Yi Tiancai realized that the Dark Beast Sea Clan and Xinglin Sect would not force their way out every time Liuyang appeared, as long as their own interests were guaranteed and other races could be better.

But there are no monks in the fusion period sitting in the town, and to be honest, even if they go to the "sea of ​​flames", other races will not pay attention to it.Generally speaking, the deterrent effect of my appearance this time is far greater than that of competing with others. At that time, I only need to get enough quota according to my strength.

I have to thank Li Nishang for this matter. If it weren't for her appearance, the Poison Master would not have just hid in the city of ten thousand demons in the demon world for a while.

Then looking at the second half of the encounter, Yi Tian found that it introduced a lot of things that happened in the hell world for tens of thousands of years, and there are still many opportunities.

For example, in the world of hell, there is a "Hellfire Castle" where the Nether Dynasty met here.This place was originally the place where the ancestor Youming Great Emperor lived here, but now it is occupied by the Huangquan Clan.

It's just that the Nether Emperor has collected all the treasures from this realm and stored them in a certain warehouse in 'Hellfire Castle'.It's just that no one has found the exact location of this warehouse for thousands of years, so now it has become a rumor among high-level monks in the hell world.

But the Poison Master marked it here. He thought it was true but no one had found it yet.Moreover, it is said that when the Nether Emperor retreated back to the Nether Realm, he left a treasure in his hand, the "Dementor Collar", in it.This thing doesn't have much effect on other races, but it can restrain the hell three-headed dog clan.

Originally, the 'soul-absorbing collar' was something worn around the neck of Emperor Netherworld's pet hell three-headed dog 'Wangcai'.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also took a deep breath. It stands to reason that the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan was also enslaved by the Nether Emperor.However, compared to other races, the treatment is still good, but it is estimated that there will be more detailed information about the three-headed dog clan like this. The three-headed dogs are under control.

For all the forces in the hell world today, if they can get this thing, their strength must be even more powerful.As for the hell three-headed dog family, this thing must be found and destroyed.

After reading it, Xia Yitian also secretly paid attention to it, but it was not easy to think of the wealth left by the former Emperor Youming in the hell realm.Forget that the Huangquan tribe has occupied the "Hellfire Castle" for tens of thousands of years and has not found any clues. If they found this treasure, they would have suppressed the rest of the tribes and become the only superpower in the hell world.

This matter can be discussed with Wan Gang of the Barbarian Clan, after all, in his mind, if he wants to rise in the hell world, he will definitely face the Huangquan Clan.There is no difference between offending once and offending a hundred times. If Wan Gang had to make a choice between Emperor Youming's treasure resources and offending the Huangquan Clan, I believe that as long as people with normal brains will not do unexpected things.

Thinking of Shi Jinming and Yitian of the Stone Clan, he also had some calculations in his heart. During this trip to the "Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire", he could communicate with them in private. I believe they will also have a lot of clues in their hands. Force cannot be found directly.

After putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian raised his hand to open the barrier in the cave, and then took out the Zixiao lamp and placed it in front of him.After stretching out the index finger of his right hand, he raised a ray of thunder flame and purple flame at the fingertip, and pressed down lightly to place the flame in the middle of the Zixiao lamp.

This time, after hastily absorbing the power of the thunderbolt that came from the real immortal, he only roughly refined it, far from reaching the level of completely condensing the power of the thunderstorm with his own true flame.

When fighting Sea Crocodile before, Yi Tian also had a faint feeling that although the strengthened Leiyan Ziyan was powerful, the berserk power within was almost out of his control.Fortunately, the sea crocodile dragon couldn't bear it for a long time without support, or I really didn't know how to end it.

After slowly operating the 'Lihuo Nine Transformations' technique in his body, Yi Tian began to silently condense the purple flame of Lei Yan on the Zixiao lamp.

Under Yi Tian's management, the violent energy contained in the purple flames of thunder flames gradually calmed down, but Yi Tian found a trace of immortal power contained in the true fire of life.Soon after I finished the sacrificial training, a long purple fairy energy was revealed from the whole Zixiao lamp. Besides, the Leiyan Ziyan in the center became extremely soft, without the manic and restless look before. .

Yi Tian took this ray of true flame back into his body and circulated it through his eight extraordinary meridians, and then found that the power of lightning originally attached to the walls of the meridians had also been absorbed a lot, and finally returned to Niwan Palace and landed in it. On that seal.

After the ray of true flame flowed back to the forehead of his own Nascent Soul, Yi Tian's Nascent Soul opened his mouth and swallowed the ray of purple flame of thunder flame into his stomach.

Shaoqing discovered that the faint purple glowing from the Nascent Soul's spirit body was exactly the color of the purple flame of thunder flame.Different from the past, Lei Yan Ziyan is more concise and powerful at this time, and naturally stronger.

After the internal inspection, Yi Tian also looked happy, and hurriedly sacrificed his natal real fire again, placed it in the middle of the Zixiao lamp, and began to refine it back and forth.In the long run, I don't know how long it took to condense all the real fire in the body. Looking back at this time, there seems to be no change on the Zixiao lamp in front of me, but this natal spirit is connected with him. Yi Tian is naturally It can be noticed that it is slightly different from before.

After reaching out to take the Zixiao lamp, he looked at it carefully in front of him, but Shaoqing found that there were several faint lines on the extension of the lamp of Zixiao lamp.Yi Tian naturally remembered the pattern on his talisman, remembering that there were no such lines when he was refining it.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. His natal spiritual weapon has not been refined and evolved for a long time. Today, he has a large number of high-grade sulfur mica on hand. Speaking of which, it complements Zixiaozhan with each other.

 Thanks to Daoyou tea man, book friend 20180128130307417, Shifangzhili, book friend 20171130223351739, Yzhh, Dongge vvs, f663026, Li Kun, Wang Zhuang, Changhe sunset oval, book friend 151108095747225 for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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