
Chapter 2160

Chapter 2160
After solving the troubles of the Xinglin Sect, Yi Tian stayed in seclusion and practiced in the blessed land of the Dongfu in his sect, and several years later, Yi Tian received the summons from the nest.Counting the time, about ten years have passed, and now it is the eve of Liuyang's appearance.

It is estimated that it will take more than a month to rush from the sect of the Xinglin sect to the 'sea of ​​flames', and it is only a few days' journey at most for the monks in the integration stage.In this regard, Yi Tian also knew that it would be inappropriate for him to go hastily, so he ordered Man Chao to lead people to go first, and he would arrive later.

Thinking about it, it is not necessary for me to take action on this trip to the "Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire". Naturally, Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, the monks in the integration period of the three major races in the hell world, will not compete with me.From the current point of view, as long as the ranking of the Xinglin Sect is maintained, Yi Tian has no intention to directly turn hostile to other monks in the fit period.

As for the sea crocodile among the participating races, it should not appear again. I cut off most of his tail in that battle.It will take at least thousands of years to make up for this kind of cultivation.

About half a month after Man Chao left, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cave mansion, stretched out his hand to take back the restrictions around him, stood up and straightened his clothes, and his figure became more and more faint, and finally disappeared in the cave mansion.

After a breath, Yi Tian's figure appeared above the high altitude outside the cave, took out the map jade slip and found the location of the 'Sword Body Fire Sea' on it, then turned around and flew straight towards that place.

Along the way, Yi Tian restrained his aura and increased his escape speed, and estimated that it would take about three days to reach the destination.

After flying for two and a half days, what came into view were continuous black mountains, but red stars appeared on many mountain peaks.In Yi Tian's eyes, the purple glow flashed, and he cast the magic pupil technique to stare at it for a while, only to find out that these red star lights are the appearance of underground magma erupted and flowing down from the top of the mountain.

And the mountains in front of you can't see the edge at a glance, Yi Tian calculated from the air that roughly this area covers a radius of [-] to [-] miles.

Such a large area is full of continuous volcanic eruptions. Speaking of which, this kind of landscape can only be seen in the realm of hell.Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and scanned the area with a radius of nearly [-] miles, and found that there were no large-scale alien forces here.

It seems that the spiritual power in this area is not weak. Wouldn't it be easier for those monks of the Huangquan tribe, the wild horn tribe, and even the stone tribe to move their clans here to develop.

Unknowingly, Yi Tian found that the eastern sky had turned pale, and it was the morning of the third day.A rising sun shines from the east and lands in the area of ​​'Sword Mountain Fire Sea'.Suddenly, a large amount of flames burst out from this mountain range, illuminating the sky on that side.

"Six suns are present" Yi Tian muttered something, then looked up at the volcanic area, and there seemed to be five bright light clusters appearing in the sky above the volcanic area, and the rising sun coordinated with the rising sun, as if six suns appeared in the sky at the same time. "Could this be the spectacle of 'Six Suns in the World'," Yi Tian muttered, "It doesn't seem to be anything special."

Just as he was talking, Yi Tian suddenly noticed that the surrounding temperature seemed to rise sharply, and within a short while, he could see a large amount of water vapor rising from the surrounding ground into the air.

Yi Tian shook his head immediately after looking past him, he didn't expect that after the "Six Suns Appeared", the temperature of the ground here could be raised several times higher than usual, it is really a good place for monks who practice fire attribute skills.But on the other hand, it may not be suitable for ordinary spiritual practitioners to live here for a long time. If it is said that those of other races will naturally not easily choose this place.

Those who have reached the Nascent Soul Stage and above can ignore drastic changes in the ambient temperature, but those low-level monks may not be able to easily withstand the scorching heat here.From this point of view, it is also forced by the environment that those alien races in the hell world did not set up any strongholds here.

Soon after his divine sense swept across, Yi Tian found that there were a large number of spiritual pressure fluctuations gathered in the area ahead, needless to say, it should be the place where the hell-level races gathered.

Immediately after adjusting the flight direction, he flew straight towards that place, and half a moment later, Yi Tian's figure appeared above the valley.Then I saw that the valley had been divided into dozens of areas, large and small, and some places had already displayed their flags.

Looking around, I saw the banner of the Xinglin faction lit up in one of them, and next to it were the residences of the Stone Clan and the Manjiao Clan.On the other side of the Manjiao Clan is the emblem of the Huangquan Clan. After scanning with his divine sense, Yi Tian found that there were at least five auras of monks in the integration stage.

Apart from Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, there are at least two other monks who are not familiar with the fusion period who have arrived.

After looking away, he heard a pitch-black warship a few miles away from the Huangquan Clan's residence, and the flags on it looked like three dog heads.This should be the men and horses of the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan. At first, they thought they were all monsters, but after passing by their spiritual thoughts, they found that there were some normal spiritual cultivators in their residence.But after careful identification, they should all be transformed monsters, and the characteristics of these hell three-headed dogs are still very obvious.

Many tribesmen still retain some of the characteristics of the three-headed dog, but it makes me a little strange that since the three-headed dog has turned into a human form, why can't I see its iconic three-headed feature.According to my expectation, it should be like the Asura clan showing the dharma body, even if they transform into a human, they should have three heads.

Then he turned his gaze to the other side of the power of several major races, and saw a large car, which looked like a merchant ship.There are quite a few cultivators busy on the flying vehicle, and Yi Tian took a closer look at them, they are all casual cultivators of different races with different levels of cultivation, the highest ones are only at the stage of transforming gods.

On the mast of the merchant ship was a three-foot-large flag with the word "Ta Liu" written on it.This is the car of the real 'Ta Liu'. I didn't expect that a mere casual cultivator would make such a big show.Although it's not as strong as the three major races in the hell world, it's not weak, but I don't know how strong this "real man" is.

Restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, Yi Tian quietly flashed past, concealed his figure, and fell into the Xinglin School's Xinglin Sect.

After arriving at the big tent of the Zongmen, Yi Tian found that Manchao didn't seem to be in it at this time. He guessed that he should go to various places to contact the other major races before the competition.The style of the Xinglin School naturally flatters the principle of "peace is the most important". After all, this time I came here to ask for money and not really want anyone to make a grudge.

The Xinglin faction has always been on good terms with the three major races in the hell world. I am afraid that this will be full of nests to discuss with the monks in those clans on how to distribute and exchange materials.

Among the disciples who stayed behind in the big tent, several of them had seen themselves in the main hall of the Xinglin School.Immediately, Yi Tian appeared directly in the middle of the big tent.

The deacons and disciples of the sect were shocked when they saw it, and then actively stepped forward to pay homage.Yi Tian asked them to notify Xia Manchao first after a good sound to appease them.

These deacon disciples beside him would naturally not dare to disobey upon hearing the words, and then went to the elegant room behind the big tent to take a break with Yi Tian.I also want to inform you that because of a small mistake this time, the members of the Dark Beast Sea Clan have not yet arrived, so the meeting will be postponed for the time being.

Naturally, Yi Tian knew very well that the Dark Beast Sea Clan and the Sea Crocodile had an inseparable relationship, and they must advance and retreat together.But this time, the Sea Emperor of the Dark Beast Sea Clan might not be able to fulfill his wish. I guess they were late because they didn't get in touch with Sea Crocodile.

Unlike other Yi Tian who found an empty seat in the private room behind the big tent and sat cross-legged to rest for a while, he used concealment techniques to hide his figure.

After waiting for a while, he suddenly frowned slightly, then opened his eyes and there was a sneer on his face.In his spiritual thoughts, he discovered that someone had sneaked into the camp of the Xinglin faction, and was rushing towards the big tent at this time.

This person's cultivation base is in the middle stage of the fusion, and his strength should be similar to that of Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming.But judging from the breath, it should not be these three people, and I have not disclosed their whereabouts with them.It is estimated that among the monks at the fusion stage who are here today, only Taliu Daoist from Taliu Mountain may do such a thing.

As a casual cultivator, Taliu Daoist has the shallowest foundation, and he, like the Poison Sacred Hand, is a spiritual cultivator, so he should be the most talkable.

In his spiritual sense, he noticed that figure swaying in the big tent, and then walked towards him.With his strength, there is no need to worry about being noticed by these low-level monks under him, and the only ones who can see his tracks are the monks in the fit stage.

Yi Tian also sincerely wanted to test his strength, so he cast a concealment spell to hide his figure into the void.Shaoqing saw a strong wind blowing, and then a very concealed spiritual pressure fluctuation floated from it, and it stopped only three feet away from the middle of the back tent.

Later, I saw a figure showing a monk wearing a black cloak, Yi Tian was stunned when he saw his appearance, the person who came was not a spiritual cultivator.There were three heads on the cultivator's head, the one on the front was a little bigger and it was the same as a normal spiritual practice, except that two identical heads grew on the left and right shoulders, and the color was jet black, which was different from the one on the front. the one.

After searching around in the big tent, he was stunned for a while, and then disappointed again.

Suddenly Yi Tian appeared behind him, and then said with a smile: "I don't know if all the monks of the Hell Three-headed Dog Clan have such a hobby as yours, like sneaking into other people's houses secretly?"

The person in front of him was shocked when he heard it, obviously he didn't expect a strange voice to sound here.Then he turned his head and stared at Yi Tian with embarrassment, and then slowly said after three breaths: "Your Excellency is not a fellow Taoist of Poison Master, did you ask for your name?"

The cultivator of the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan is about at the beginning of the ninth level, which corresponds to the spiritual practice at the beginning of the fusion.Although Yi Tian himself did not reveal his identity, being able to play tricks under his nose is enough to prove that his strength is far superior to his opponent.

After a pause, Yi Tian sneered and said: "Before you ask someone, should you report your own life first, that's considered polite."

Hearing the words, the monk of the three-headed dog tribe in hell was stunned for a moment, then wrote a spiritual expression and said: "The three-headed dog tribe in hell is 'breaking the domain'. But I don’t know that he didn’t come this time.”

"Poison Master is currently in the demon world and has no time to clone," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I have known Poison Master for many years and can be regarded as close friends, so this time I will help you as the elder of the Xinglin faction. .”

Hearing this, his face softened a little, but the six eyes were still staring at the person in front of him.Obviously, he has already felt the gap in strength, and there are few people in the entire hell world who can appear silently behind him.

If it is a sudden attack and the killer is hurt, I am afraid that he may not be able to resist one or two.Fortunately, after the two parties exchanged names, Poyu found that the other party had no intention of incriminating, but even so, he could feel the invisible pressure on his shoulders forcing a little cold sweat on his forehead.

Yi Tian saw all the appearances of breaking the domain, and he deliberately put pressure on him so as to gain the upper hand under subsequent inquiries.The scene was immersed for a while, and after about ten breaths, Yi Tian slowly found a place in the back tent to sit down, and then stretched out his hand and said: "You are a guest when you pass through the door, why don't you sit down and chat with fellow Daoists breaking the domain?" Yes. I guess you will definitely come here for no reason?"

Hearing this, the nervous expression on Po Yu's face eased a bit, then he came forward, first bowed his hands, and then found a seat three feet away from Yi Tianmian and sat down.

As soon as he sat firmly in the domain, he couldn't wait to open his mouth and said: "It is really rude of me to disturb the family today."

"Fellow Daoist of Breaking the Territory came here hiding his tracks, I'm afraid the conspiracy is not trivial," Yi Tian said indifferently: "I also like to make it clear, I don't know why Fellow Daoist came here today?"

Hearing the words, Po Yu smiled awkwardly and said: "To be honest, I came here originally to discuss the distribution of the brimstone fire source with Fellow Daoist Poison Master. Now that I see Fellow Daoist Yi, I want to talk to you." Say the same."

"Originally, the quotas of the Xinglin faction were used to exchange for the treasure materials needed by the sect. If you have the corresponding materials on hand, there is no problem," Yi Tian pouted, "You only need to send the younger generation of the clan to come You can find the deacons and elders of the Xinglin School to fill the nest, why do you want to visit secretly?"

After hearing this, Po Yu's expression darkened and he said: "To be honest, my Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan didn't get along well with the other Clans, so I had no choice but to ask for help from the Xinglin Clan. There is no poison in the materials, so the people below will not be able to convince the Deacon of Xinglin Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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