
Chapter 2161 Bargaining

Chapter 2161 Bargaining
When the spectacle of "Six Suns in the World" appeared, Yi Tian finally rushed to the "Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire" deep in the hell world.There are tens of thousands of miles around here, which are all large and small lava mountains. It is normal at night, but when the sun rises, five more rounds of sunlight suddenly appear in the sky above this place.

That's why it is called "Six Suns in the World", and Yi Tian also found that the surface temperature in these areas during the day has risen to a stage that ordinary monks can't bear, that's why the major races in the hell world have such a large area. give up.

After searching for the location where all the major races gathered in his spiritual sense, Yi Tian also went directly to the door, and then temporarily settled down in the back camp of Xinglin Gate.

But after a short rest, less than an hour later, in his divine sense, he noticed an uninvited guest sneaking into the residence of Xinglinmen quietly, hiding his body.At first I thought it was Ta Liu Daoist, but when the other party broke into my camp, I realized that it turned out to be the broken domain of the hell three-headed dog clan.

Relying on the high level of cultivation, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't be afraid of the other party, but he was a little puzzled by the behavior of breaking the domain.After showing up, the two parties sat down in the camp after introducing each other, and Po Yu directly stated the purpose of his trip without any fuss, but Yi Tian didn't know how to respond after hearing it.After all, the other party came to the Poison Master to discuss the exchange of quotas, but they couldn't come up with the corresponding poison resources, which made Yi Tian feel a little overwhelmed.

After thinking about it, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain keeps saying that he is going to exchange for the quota of sulfur and fire sources, but he can't exchange any poison resources. How should we say this?"

Po Yu also showed embarrassment, as he had thought before, he came to seek friendship with the Holy Poison Gloves, and exchanged some special products from the clan.Although there are no matching materials, there are still many other treasures in his hell three-headed dog clan.Facing the Poison Master, Po Yu can naturally overwhelm others with force, but now he can't do so when facing a higher cultivation elder, Xinglin Pai Keqing.

After thinking for a while, he said: "My patriarch produced the 'Fire Domain Fruit', which is the treasure of the Fire Department, and it is also effective for the monks in the fusion stage of the Huangquan and Stone tribes. I don't know if you have any intentions. "

This is because he was not sure about Yi Tian's details, so he used this thing to test it out. After all, it also made it clear that this spiritual plant treasure is useful for monks who practice fire-type kung fu, and for monks in the fusion period of the Huangquan tribe and the Stone tribe. It can also be used.In terms of exchange, he would not lose money, and it would be no problem to exchange things with the Huangquan and Stone tribes.In general, it is a sentence 'I have a common currency available in my hand, you can figure it out. '

Yi Tian has lived for 3000 years and naturally smelled the taste in his words. If it is exchanged, no matter how bad it is, he can find the person who shipped it.It’s just that he didn’t know why he wouldn’t use such treasures to exchange directly with other clans, but after thinking about it, he asked, “Why didn’t fellow Daoist Broken go to Yan Qiu or Shi Jinming instead come to me? Is it unnecessary?"

"Yi Daoyou's words are wrong," Po Yu said with a straight face: "Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming naturally know the value of this 'Fire Domain Fruit', but they will not easily get the 'Brimstone Fire Source' Exchange it to me."

"Why is that?" Yi Tian asked inexplicably: "Don't they keep their promises in the clan?"

"So what, but these 'sulphurous fire sources' are related to the prospect of the suzerain's development within a thousand years. If they are exchanged in this way, it will definitely affect the overall strength of the clan," Poyu explained: "Their roots are in the hell world. Naturally, China will not do something that will cut itself off."

"Then how can fellow Daoist be sure that this 'Fire Domain Fruit' will surely tempt these two people?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

"To be honest, they can't fight for it clearly, but they are thinking about it in their hearts," Poyu said, "If you exchange with them privately, I believe it should be no problem to add [-]% of the price. But I only need a quarter of the quota , this is not too much, I ask Fellow Daoist Yi to think about it."

This kind of proposal is quite interesting, Yi Tian is naturally quite excited because he can sit on the ground and raise the price after changing hands, and then asked: "I don't know how many fruits you can exchange for this quarter of the quota?"

Poyu stretched out his hand and took out a pitch-black iron box. After removing the seal talisman on the box cover, he saw faint bursts of hot air emanating from the iron box. The spiritual power contained in this hot air was also amazing.After gently opening the lid, only three fist-sized fruits were placed inside.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that these three fruits were not big in size, but they were of excellent quality, which should be regarded as the best.The key is that the fire source power contained in it is full, and the bursts of hot air are emitted from the surface of this fruit.If it is used for self-administration, I am afraid that it can save 300 years of hard work without saying anything.

Rather than making Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming cheaper, it would be better for them to stay and use them, but Yi Tian wanted to return without showing any emotion.After a pause, he said: "I know about the fellow Daoist Broken Domain. I see that this treasure should make Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming tempted, but I don't know if you have any other extra fruit?"

Poyu was a little hesitant when he heard the words, and after staring at Yi Tian for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "I still have two fruits in my hand, so these five fruits are already in the collection of my patriarch."

"That's very good," Yi Tian replied with a smile: "This matter is on me."

"Wait a minute," Po Yu hurriedly stopped and said, "Although I added two more coins, the share I want also needs to be increased."

"I don't know how many fellow Daoist Brokers need?" Yi Tian asked.

"I want half of the Xinglin Sect's quota," Po Yu said firmly.

"Fellow Daoist's asking price seems a bit too much," Yi Tian said with a displeased expression, "The original quarter to half seems to be a bit of a big increase."

Po Yu seemed to be determined, insisted on this, and then said: "If it weren't for the continuous large number of brimstone and fire sources in my clan to fill up the overall strength, I would never exchange such treasures. But I Seeing that Fellow Daoist Yi's strength is extraordinary, I think that as long as the Xinglin Sect's ranking is raised by one level, there should be plenty of money."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was dumbfounded and laughed, feeling that breaking the domain is not stupid and wants to make a fuss about the ranking.After thinking about it, he asked, "I don't know what rankings were assigned in the past?"

"The Huangquan tribe, the Stone tribe, the Dark Beast Sea tribe, and the Manjiao tribe rank second to fifth respectively, the Xinglin faction ranks sixth, my hell three-headed dog tribe ranks seventh, and Taliu Daoist ranks eighth," Po Yu said. Said.

"Then who is the first one?" Yi Tian asked with interest, but in fact, he had already thought about it.

I only heard Po Yu say, "It's that quasi-tenth-level sea beast, Sea Crocodile."

(End of this chapter)

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