
Chapter 2162

Chapter 2162
After quietly coming to the residence of the Xinglin faction, Yi Tian did not intend to make any publicity, after all, he came to help this time as an elder Ke Qing.Moreover, in the hell world, it is not a last resort, and it will not be easy to do it. The first thing I have to deal with is the Biluo Yaoji or the Nether Boy. The solution will definitely not be really obvious, so as not to disturb the normal order of this world.

After coming to Xinglin faction's residence, I didn't intend to visit and communicate with other good forces, but I didn't expect that someone would come uninvited, and this person turned out to be the three-headed dog clan monk I was most unfamiliar with. .

Speaking of which, the hell three-headed dog family can be regarded as a powerful force in the hell world, but the reproduction speed of its people is too slow, and the population has been in a stable state, so it cannot expand its strength rapidly.

The purpose of breaking the domain this time is to reach a private agreement with the Poison Master secretly through the music, in exchange for a sufficient amount of quota.But what he didn't expect was to meet himself here.

Fortunately, Yi Tian appeared in front of the world this time as the deity of Moxiu, so he didn't mean to be too repulsive when he saw it.Before, I heard Poison Sage mentioned that spiritual practice is not very popular in the hell world, but demon monks are more likely to be accepted by monks in this world because of their similar attributes.

It is precisely because of this that Yi Tian changed his face, and after talking with Po Yu now, he found that there was something in his words that teased him.Without him, the three-headed hellhound clan needs a sufficient amount of 'Brimstone and Fire Source' if they want to improve their overall strength. Therefore, Breaking the Domain has no choice but to exchange for the 'Fire Domain Fruit' that can be used by monks at the fusion stage.But the quota he wants has also been increased from one quarter to one half, which makes Yi Tian feel a little different when the rate is directly doubled.

It wouldn't be a big deal if a quarter of the quota was allocated directly from the original ranking.But now that Poyu is so lionized and wants to take half of the quota directly, Yi Tian can't sit still.

Fortunately, this time the distribution will still be based on the ranking, and the quota obtained from the No.5 position of Xinglin faction is definitely not enough.Yi Tian naturally knew what Poyu was teasing, and he also had bad intentions and became more active after seeing his strength.However, his proposal also made some sense, Yi Tian had already made up his mind after calculating the gains and losses.

After learning about the previous ranking, Yi Tian didn't change his face, but he already had a preliminary idea in his mind.Then he said: "Since that's the case, if I step forward to challenge, will I be able to get the corresponding quota as long as I win?"

"That's right," Po Yu hurriedly echoed: "Every race will try to challenge the lower-ranked races, so even if you lose, it won't hurt. And according to the rules, you start from the last place, If the challenge is successful, the rankings will be swapped."

"Then what if the leapfrog challenge is successful?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

A gleam flashed in Poyu's eyes, and then he laughed loudly: "With the strength of Daoist Yi, I guess it would not be a big problem if you want to enter the top three, and even occupying the second place is not a problem, and the resources you will get at that time will be enough to exchange It's gone."

"Didn't it mean that each family got almost the same share during the distribution?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"The share is the same, but the fineness is very different," Poyu explained: "For example, the 'Brimstone and Fire Source' that is ranked first is naturally the essence of the essence. Although the quota is the same, the effect is much higher. Much stronger than the latter."

"That's all right," Yi Tian said with a smile: "In this way, I will first promise my fellow daoists, and this time I will exchange the corresponding 'Brimstone and Fire Source' at the price of five 'Fire Domain Fruits', but I also have conditions."

Po Yu's expression tightened and he said, "I don't know what else Daoyou Yi wants to order?"

"I don't know if Fellow Daoist Broken Domain can deliver the 'Fire Domain Fruit' to me first, and after the ranking is over, how about the clansmen come to the deacon elders of the Xinglin School to deliver it?" Yi Tian said.

Hearing this broken domain, his face twitched a few times. It seems a bit unsatisfactory to pay in full before getting the treasure, but he was extremely hesitant when facing the high-ranking monks. The power to break the domain is also so deep that a sense of oppression arises spontaneously.Who told him that his strength is not as good as others, originally he wanted to find the master of poison to oppress him in many ways, but he didn't expect that he had been fighting geese all day long and today he was pecked at by geese.

It's just that now Poyu also feels a dilemma, whether to agree or not to agree.Seeing that the matter had come to an impasse, Po Yu asked weakly, "Since this is the case, I don't know if Daoist Yi can set up a demonic power, and I will definitely finish this matter afterwards."

"There is no need for the inner demon power. If this is the case, I don't want to get involved in this matter," Yi Tian vetoed it, joking that he had to set up the inner demon power to spread the transaction between the monks in the late stage of fusion and the monks in the early stage of fusion. What a bargain.

However, seeing Poyu so hesitant, Yi Tian could guess what he was thinking. It was nothing more than fear of repudiation, and fear that he would not be able to get enough quota.

After thinking for a while, he reached out and took out a three-inch jade bottle and handed it over, then said with a smile: "I see that fellow Daoists' cultivation has almost reached the bottleneck, if you don't have much chance to advance Reaching the ninth intermediate level is not an easy task. The things in this jade bottle can be regarded as the additions I exchanged for you, and I believe that fellow daoists will have a decision in their hearts after inspecting the goods."

Poyu was also surprised when he heard the words, what could make him look at the person in front of him with admiration.Reaching out to take the jade tablet, peeling off the seal talisman on it and lifting the lid, a pungent bloody smell came out from it.Poyu hastily stretched his divine sense in and inspected it. After taking three breaths, his expression changed drastically, and he also showed a look of fear on his face: "This is the blood of a high-level monster. Judging from the spiritual power contained in this blood, the The first monster has at least the strength of the ninth level."

Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, is his vision so superficial? If so, I don't think there is any reason to continue this transaction."

Poyu twitched his brows a few times when he heard the words, then stared at Yi Tian with a surprised look on his face, and then put his divine sense into the bottle again to inspect it carefully.After ten breaths, his face became a little hesitant, with a little suspicion, and then he asked tentatively: "This blood contains a lot of spiritual power from the dark beast sea clan in the hell world. It was taken from the Beast Emperor of the Dark Beast Sea Clan, or that character?"

After all, he stared at Yi Tian with a strange look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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