
Chapter 2163 Order

Chapter 2163 Order
After talking with Poyu from the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan, Yi Tian made up his mind and took out a jade bottle containing the blood of a high-level monster and sent it to him as an extra head.

As a ninth-level low-level monster, Po Yu was naturally very sensitive to this. After searching carefully with his divine sense, he was able to roughly determine the source of the blood in the jade bottle.

In fact, it is not difficult to judge, there are only two Dark Beast Sea Clan in the hell realm whose strength is above level nine, the beast blood in this jade bottle must have been drawn from one of these two.

It is not a simple matter to extract blood from monsters above level nine. As a monster, Breaking Domain naturally knows that the power of blood is closely related to the cultivation of high-level monsters.It was expected that those two would not just give away the blood so easily.

And Yi Tian didn't do much to explain this matter, which naturally caused the infinite reverie in Po Yu's heart.Moreover, Yi Tian had already spoken to such an extent, and took out this bottle of beast blood, which had the meaning of deterring and comforting.Po Yu quickly made up his mind about this, and later directly took out the five 'Fire Domain Fruits' as delivery of the exchange materials in advance.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate to put away the five fruits, and moved the corners of his mouth a few times, and spoke privately through voice transmission and breaking the domain.The latter was startled and then with a serious look on his face, stood up and bowed to Yi Tian who was sitting on the right seat, and then took leave for the time being.

In fact, Yi Tian didn't speak clearly, but simply said that the "Sulphur Fire Source Essence" delivered and exchanged this time must be of a very high level.

After Poyu left, Yi Tian went to the Xinglin faction's garrison with his thoughts, and found that Manchao had returned to the camp, and then he bowed his head and ordered him to come via voice transmission in private.

After waiting in the tent for less than ten breaths, I heard the footsteps of the nest, and hurried to see him first salute after entering the door, and then walked forward to the right side in front of him and lowered his head to serve.Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a little smug expression on his face, and he probably talked with other races in private.

But now that the situation has changed, it is natural to explain it to him, and then Yi Tian said lightly: "Just now the broken domain of the three-headed dog clan from hell came."

The simple sentence that stopped in Man Chao's ears really made him look serious, and then he only heard him ask: "I don't know what conditions Senior Yi agreed to him?"

Sure enough, he is a disciple trained by the Poison Master, and he can smell different flavors in just one sentence.It is convenient for a smart person to speak without being long-winded, Yi Tian smiled and said: "I promise to exchange half of the quota with him."

Man Chao was shocked when he heard the words, this completely disrupted his plans.But facing the elder of the deacon of the sect and someone who is stronger than the master, he, the deacon, naturally dare not say much.

When Yi Tian saw the faint cold sweat on the other party's forehead, he probably lost his mind at this time.After thinking about it, Haosheng asked: "How did you talk with the major races after you went out before, and how the quota was adjusted?"

After hearing this, Manchao cheered up and said: "I have negotiated with people from Huangquan and Shizu. The Huangquan tribe will take half, and the Shizu will take one third."

"So there aren't many remaining quotas," Yi Tian thought for a while.

Manchao hurriedly replied: "If Elder Yi needs it, I can discuss with the Huangquan tribe to even out the share, but I definitely can't get as much as you want."

Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about this, this time I will improve the ranking of the Xinglin faction, and the quality of the brimstone and fire source obtained in this way will also improve. Then you will follow the original quota quality It can be distributed again."

Man Chao looked overjoyed and hurriedly asked: "Could it be that Elder Yi, you want to make a move, so there is no problem. As long as I increase the ranking by one, I can have enough room to deal with them, and there must be enough room for them The quota is given to the hell three-headed dog family."

"Is there enough room for just promoting one?" Yi Tian said after chanting a few words, but shook his head and said, "I guess it's still not enough."

But Man Chao said eagerly: "Does Senior Yi want to jump up a few ranks? It is unwise to offend several major races in the hell world."

"I know the rankings in the past. The previous one is the Dark Beast Sea Clan. Even if you fight against them, it doesn't matter. After all, the Xinglin faction will not have many intersections with them in the future when they are on land," Yi Tian said: "But If fighting against the Stone Clan and the Horn Clan is definitely not what I want to see, after all Wan Gang and Shi Jinming are the people I need and can win over, there is absolutely no reason to attack them."

"Then is Senior Yi going to fight Yan Qiu?" Man Chao took a breath and asked, "You must know that the influence of the Huangquan clan has declined in the past few hundred years, but they are still the leading force in the hell world. If they turn against each other, I am afraid that my Xinglin sect disciples will be restrained everywhere in the future, so I hope Senior Yi thinks twice."

Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "I have considered this matter a long time ago, but you can rest assured that you will not let Yan Qiu have any chance of attack, and the Huangquan Clan will treat Xinglin Sect more politely in the future."

Hearing this, Man Chao knew that it was not allowed to be changed at this time, so he was not worried about whether he could occupy the second place.After all, Yi Tian's strength alone is enough to crush Yan Qiu, but in this way, as he said, the disciples of the Xinglin Sect will try to avoid the Huangquan Clan monks when they are outside.The original ranking was just a formality, and everyone was just using it as an excuse to share the spoils.Even if the ranking is lower, it is just that the 'Sulphur and Fire Source' product they got is not as good. For the Xinglin faction, this product is just for exchange, it's just a matter of how much is too much.

This time, letting Yi Tian make such a mess directly broke the previous conventions, so I'm afraid that there will be some troubles in this conference.

Just looking at Yi Tian's face, it was already a matter of iron and nail, Man Chao had no choice but to comfort himself in private, after all, it is not a bad thing to get a higher quality 'Brimstone and Fire Source'.For the Xinglin Sect, it is the right thing to get the immediate benefits first, and the matter of being targeted by the Huangquan Clan afterwards can be put aside for discussion.

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking, and coughed lightly to pull his thoughts back, and then asked: "I wonder if you will make a deal with the Taliu real person from Taliu Mountain?"

"Probably not," Man Chao directly denied, "This 'Ta Liu Daoist' has a bad reputation, and all he cultivates is the technique of harvesting and replenishing. There are quite a few, so that every time he is ranked at the bottom. It’s just that he can be regarded as a genuine body monk and a casual cultivator, and the other major races are afraid that he will cause trouble, so they reluctantly count him as a part.”

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian nodded after hearing this and said, "The art of specialize in harvesting and nourishing can improve the cultivation level to the fit stage. It seems that this 'Talu Daoist' has a bad reputation outside, I am afraid that the whole hell world will There should be a lot of troublesome things that Nei and he can have a relationship with."

Man Chao's face also showed resentment and said: "Actually, this 'Ta Liu Daoist' is really acceptable to female cultivators of any race. Even female monks from the Dark Beast Sea Clan have never escaped his palm. If not He himself dislikes the Stone Clan monks, and he is afraid that even the Stone Clan nuns will be included in his harem."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also stunned, and thought in his heart, "Sure enough, this "real man Taliu" has reached the point of starvation, and the female cultivators of the Huangquan tribe and the barbarian tribe that I have seen after entering the hell world try to avoid it as much as possible.Wuhe, these foreign monks, rely on the unique sulfur fire in this world for many years to practice, so they always have an indistinct sulfur stench on their bodies. Even a monk like Wan Gang who is in the integration stage, I am afraid that the smell on his body will be subdued. Only dare to come to see myself. '

No wonder when I came here, I found that the "Ta Liu Daoist"'s Xingyuan was placed on the other side, and his feelings were not in harmony with other major races, so he was disgusted by people.In this way, the chances of him coming to the door are extremely small, and this person is probably just like the Xinglin faction who only uses quotas in exchange for supplies.

Then I heard Man Chao continue to say: "Actually, this 'Ta Liu Daoist' will exchange the quota he got with the female cultivators in the other major races. Seeing that neither the Huangquan tribe nor the Manjiao tribe raised any objections, this way has continued for several times."

"Then what is the cultivation level of the female cultivators he usually asks to exchange?" Yi Tian asked.

"Usually only female cultivators in the distraction stage are eligible to enter his eyes," Man Chao said, "Actually, the two major races will also bring some female cultivators here to trade with him."

"Really, is it true that Yan Qiu and Wan Gang really have nothing to do with a 'Ta Liu Daoist'?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"This 'Ta Liu Daoist' has been nesting in Ta Liu Mountain on weekdays, and his lair is also equipped with a large number of array defenses. Even if Yan Qiu and Wan Gang work together, they may not be able to break through." Man Chao replied: "Besides, he has a good relationship with the Hell's Three-Headed Dog Clan and the Stone Clan, and the most important thing is that he has a good friendship with the No. [-] quasi-level [-] Sea Crocodile Dragon, so everyone has nothing to do with him. "

Hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and then he began to care about it.After thinking for a while, he said, "I don't know if the Xinglin faction also has a feud with him?"

"Why not?" Manchao said with a slight change of expression when he heard the words: "There were female disciples in the despicable sect who were raped by him as early as thousands of years ago. The master also came to ask for it, and in the end 'Talu Daoist' It's just a way to get away with paying off the debt with spirit stones."

"It turns out that this is the case, so this 'Talu real person' really looks like a mouse crossing the street," Yi Tian sighed for a while: "You said that if this 'Talu real person' dies suddenly, then this time the apportionment Can the major races get an extra share of the quota?"

After hearing this, Man Chao was so shocked that he couldn't speak. After staring at the pupils in his eyes, he still sighed and said: "Senior Yi, please don't have such thoughts, otherwise you may just get angry."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Yi Tian said in disapproval.

"This 'Ta Liu Daoist' has a good relationship with the quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile dragon, so he can be so arrogant that the Huangquan clan, who are the overlords of the hell world, have to endure it," Man Chao hurriedly explained: " If it hadn't been for the reputation of 'Taliu Daoist' who came here to get a share of the pie, it would have been jointly targeted by several major races."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't change his face, and then said lightly: "At this time, I know what's in my mind, just go down and I will handle this matter as appropriate."

After Manchao left, Yi Tian sat in the account and began to think about it. Speaking of which, this time is a good time, because the original pattern has been broken.The quasi-tenth-level sea beast Sea Crocodile will basically not come to this 'Liuyang Present World' gathering again, but the real Taliu right now is really a bit tricky.

But it's not a troublesome thing for me, the extra share from one less participant is already quite a lot, wouldn't it be more if there were two less.

But I don't want to make a quick move so as not to alert Yan Qiu and others. At the same time, although Wan Gang and Shi Jinming are biased towards him, they have no fatal friendship. .

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out two jade slips, wrote down the information on them, and then took out two jade bottles containing animal blood and put them in two storage bags, and then summoned Manchao to come out in person Send things to the Horns and Stones.

But his own figure disappeared directly in place, and after three breaths, a breeze blew past Yi Tian and used his concealment technique to quietly sneak into the camp of Daoist Taliu.

After sweeping his eyes, he found that the camp was full of Yingying and Yanyan again, but there was not a single male cultivator.But from the main cabin on the transport ship, there was a burst of laughter, mixed with the sound of several female cultivators laughing and beating and scolding.After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly, he didn't expect that this Taliu real person was really interested in coming here and didn't forget to prostitute himself in the daytime.

The breeze drifted past Yi Tian and entered the cabin, and after passing by the periphery of the cabin, he did not walk towards the main cabin, but rather towards the back of the cabin.

Later, with a slight movement of his mind, he found that there seemed to be a familiar breath above the cabin.After hurriedly passing by, Yi Tian came to the last cabin door at the rear of the cabin.Sweeping his eyes, he found that there was a white barrier outside the door, and its strength was almost difficult for monks in the distraction period to break through.

It is estimated that there should be a monk in the distraction stage that he is familiar with detained here. After reaching out and passing by, Yi Tian quietly broke the restriction, pulled out and dodged in, and then came to the inside.Looking over, she found that Wan Jiaolan was sitting cross-legged in the room with a decadent expression on her face, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

Yi Tian bowed his head and said in private: "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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