
Chapter 2164

Chapter 2164
Sneaking into Taliu Daoist's camp quietly, Yi Tian originally wanted to find a chance to face Ta Liu himself directly.But after entering, I found that there seems to be no full opportunity now, at least Taliu Daoist, the old pervert, is still "advocating prostitution in the daytime" in the main cabin.

Yi Tian also didn't want to disturb the old guy's elegance, anyway, he must retreat and cultivate after some supplementation.At that time, if you make a move yourself, you can take advantage of his unpreparedness and kill him by surprise.

Yi Tian concealed his body in the car of Taliu Daoist and explored all the way. In the deepest part of the cabin, he found that there was a high-level banning barrier outside the cabin door.This kind of strength is enough to trap monks below the fusion stage. Even if they want to break through forcefully, they have to spend some means, and Taliu Daoist will be aware of the situation on the side of the restriction in the first time.

I despised Yi Tian for a while, naturally I guessed that whoever was imprisoned here, most of them were high-level female cultivators who came from nowhere.In the mood of wanting to see a good show, Yi Tian directly broke through the forbidden barrier and walked in, mainly because he noticed Youdao's familiar aura after this barrier.

After entering the cabin, Yi Tian glanced over and found that Wanjiaolan from the Horn Tribe was staying inside.After sweeping the divine sense, she saw a spiritual light restraining Wan Jiaolan's body, confining all her mana.Now Wan Jiaolan is weak and unable to mobilize, no different from an ordinary mortal.

I saw her sitting there blankly with a dejected complexion and dull eyes, only showing a little joy after hearing her own voice transmission.Then he raised his head and said, "Senior Yi, why are you?"

Yi Tian slowly showed his figure, and after looking at it, he stretched out his hand and counted points in the air, and then released all the restraining barriers on Wan Jiaolan's body.Then I tried to ask: "Why are you in the cabin of 'Ta Liu Zhenren', and you are still imprisoned?"

I saw that after the restriction on Wan Jiaolan's body was released, she mobilized her spiritual power, then stood up and bowed to herself, and said, "Please, Senior Yi, be kind enough to take me out of the sea of ​​suffering." The words are full of sadness, it seems There must be something strange about this.

"Get up and talk, don't pretend any more," Yi Tian snorted coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it, I don't think Wan Gang will ignore it."

Unexpectedly, Wan Jiaolan sobbed and said: "I was sent here by the patriarch himself, and it is also the result of my inability to control my fate."

"Wan just sent you here," Yi Tian said suspiciously, and then several thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

Wan Jiaolan stood up and continued: "Some time ago, the 'Ta Liu Daoist' came to our clan to discuss with the patriarch, and bumped into me by accident. Well, later the patriarch personally summoned me and realized that this matter must be aimed at me."

"Needless to say, this time the 'Talu Realm' should want to exchange the allocated quota with other major races, and you are the bargaining chip for the exchange," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Some crystal tears flashed in Wan Jiaolan's eyes when she heard the words, and then she cried: "The patriarch also told me that the interests of the whole clan should be the most important thing, and then cast a spell to imprison me and send me here directly."

This is also the sorrow of low-level monks, in the eyes of those monks in the fit period, they are all pawns that can be discarded at will.But I didn't expect Wan Gang to be so determined that he could easily abandon a tribe like Wan Jiaolan.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian asked again: "It seems that this time the 'Liuyang Present World' distributes those 'Brimstone and Fiery Sources' again. I wonder how much Ta Liu Daoist would give in exchange for you?"

"I heard from the patriarch that Master Taliu spent [-]% of his quota in exchange, so the patriarch had to think carefully before agreeing to the other party's request," Wan Jiaolan said.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "Realist Taliu is really generous, and he gets [-]% of the quota when he makes a move. But in comparison, he was the last one to choose the allocation, and the share he got is not good enough to say the least. Compared with the previous ones, they are quite different.”

Wan Jiaolan explained: "Senior Yi didn't know that these 'sulphurous fire sources' are the source of cultivation for all the great races in the hell world. Even if the quality is slightly poor, they are still very precious materials. With this [-]% quota, the strength of our Wild Horn Clan will definitely surpass the Huangquan Clan within a thousand years and become the number one overlord in hell."

"I expect that Yan Qiu of the Huangquan clan will not just sit idly by, and he will definitely prepare female cultivators from the clan to exchange with Daoist Taliu," Yi Tian waved his hands and said, "In my estimation, Wan Gang is also fighting Wrong calculation, he took [-]%, and if the remaining [-]% were given to Yan Qiu, I am afraid that it will be very difficult for the Manjiao tribe to surpass the Huangquan tribe within a thousand years."

Wan Jiaolan's face turned pale, and she said immediately: "We and the clan monks naturally can't stay out of the matter, it's a pity that I can't control my own destiny, if Senior Yi can save me from the sea of ​​​​fire, Jiaolan is willing to set up a demon power and do my best to serve Senior in this life Never mind."

Speaking of which, this matter is quite beneficial to him, but it is not his original intention to bring Wan Jiaolan with him.To say that she has been traveling between various major interfaces all year round is indeed a rare talent for intermediary communication.And I also need someone to support Yan Wenxiong's nail into this world of casual cultivators.

Now Yan Wenxiong hasn't grown up yet and can't take charge of the casual cultivator in the hell world.And Wan Jiaolan in front of him is an excellent candidate.It was Tian and Buqu who were to blame, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Actually, you and I also met in the early years, so I naturally don't want to see you sinking into a sea of ​​misery and unable to control yourself."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan's face brightened, she knew that whether she could get out of trouble this time was all up to her.Immediately, she hurriedly stepped forward and bowed politely: "Jiao Lan knows that her status is humble, and she won't ask for any status if she can get senior Yi's pity, but she is satisfied if she can serve by senior's side."

"Then how will you choose if you meet me with the Horn Clan in the future?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

Speaking of it, this is also a test of Wanjiaolan's mind. After all, she is still a monk of the Horn Tribe, and it is absolutely impossible for her to be completely at ease in the realm of hell and in the territory of the Horn Tribe.

Wan Jiaolan thought about it, but a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, and then she said: "Jiaolan is willing to establish a demonic power, and then let Senior Yi set a restriction in my soul. Will be leaning towards the barbarians."

"Spiritual restraint is fine, I never like to do it," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Generally I like to 'conquer people with virtue', and after you make the vow of inner demon, it is already the biggest constraint on you. There is no need to add any restrictions to this."

Wan Jiaolan's face softened when she heard that, then she stood up and thanked him again: "Thank you so much, Senior Yi, for your mercy. There is still a restriction in my soul, which was set by Daoist Taliu."

"Relax and let me check in your Niwan Palace," Yi Tian said lightly.

Wan Jiaolan blushed when she heard the words, and opened her Niwan Palace unsuspectingly to others, which is something only Taoist couples would do.Although he already knew that Yi Tian has a Taoist partner, he still has some expectations in his heart now, but after three breaths, Yi Tian's voice transmission came from his ear: "What are you thinking about, I will return after the meeting is resolved." We must try to deal with Ta Liu."

In this way, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly restrained the shyness on her face, and then kept her mind open to open the Niwan Palace.Yi Tian stretched out a trace of divine sense and directly invaded her Niwan Palace, and later saw a miniature version of Wanjiaoran sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Niwan Palace.The Nascent Soul spirit body is exactly the same as its main body, except that it doesn't wear any clothes on its body, and it looks completely naked.

It's no wonder Wan Jiaolan showed a little shyness after being seen all by herself.However, Yi Tian didn't take it seriously at all. After scanning with his divine sense, he found that there was a golden rune on the head and neck of the Nascent Soul spirit body.Needless to say, it was the restriction left by the real Taliu casting spells in his soul.

Immediately Yi Tian himself stretched out his hand to take out the rune pen and a piece of flat peach wood, and quickly wrote several runes on the flat peach wood with the pen in his right hand.Then she reached out and nodded at Wan Jiaolan and said, "Exhale a mouthful of spiritual power onto this rune wood."

Naturally, Wan Jiaolan didn't dare to disobey her vermilion lips, and gently blew out a mouthful of spiritual power from her mouth to the flat peach rune wood.Then Yi Tian stretched out his hand again to make seals, and said in his mouth: "Steal the sky and change the sun."

As soon as the words fell, the restriction on Wanjiaolan Yuanying's neck turned into a golden light and flew out, landing directly on the rune wood.In this way, Wan Jiaolan only felt that her whole body was loosened for no reason, and she found that the restriction in her soul had been lifted by looking inside her spiritual sense, and now she has regained her freedom without a trace of fetters on her body.

Then he stepped forward and saluted Yi Tian again: "Thank you, my lord, for lifting the ban on me." Then he stretched out his right hand and raised it, and immediately vowed to follow him forever.

Although I don't care about this inner demon, but when I heard her call Yi Tian, ​​I frowned slightly, and then sighed: "I'm not used to this kind of name, let's use the old name."

Unexpectedly, Wan Jiaolan's eyes turned red and she hurriedly distinguished: "Don't you want Jiaolan anymore? To be honest, I have nowhere to go now. Even if I go back to the barbarian tribe, I'm afraid I will be sent out by the patriarch again." .”

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Yi Tian naturally knew that it was just for himself.It is also nonsense to say that a monk in the distraction period has nowhere to go.With Wan Jiaolan's contacts left after walking around in the concession over the years, there are naturally plenty of places to go.

But if you offend a monk in the fit period, I'm afraid you will have to be a man with your tail between your legs in the future, and worrying about it all day is naturally harmful to the cultivation of the Tao.

However, Yi Tian snorted and said helplessly: "Before people, you should still call me Senior Yi, but I believe you will not be able to go back to the Horn Clan. It just so happens that I have something to entrust to you. Come back to the spirit world with me after consummation."

"Really," Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied, "My lord has told Jiaolan to do it with all her heart."

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai said: "You know that my disciple Yan Wenxiong recruited casual cultivators to form a casual cultivator alliance in the main city of the Horn Clan, right?"

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan immediately became excited, she is also a person with a clear mind, so Yi Tian naturally knows the following.Then he nodded and replied: "What Wenxiong did should be ordered by the lord, but if it is said that its effect may not be reflected in the past few hundred years."

"Oh, you have also seen the problem behind this matter," Yi Tian said with a smile.Hearing that Wan Jiaolan changed Yan Wenxiong's name, he knew that she had already entered the role, so there was no need to explain further.

It's just that I still want to hear her opinion on this matter. After all, I still have to rely on her to preside over the overall situation in the future. With Yan Wenxiong's strength, I am afraid that it will be difficult to convince the public in the casual cultivator alliance.Before he grows up, he must find someone who is capable and reliable to maintain the overall situation and look good.

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan's face turned serious and said: "I don't know the purpose of the lord to form a casual cultivator alliance in the hell world, but three elements are needed to develop under the noses of so many forces."

"Oh, I don't know which three points it is?" Yi Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"One is to have a strong person as a backer, as long as the lord is present," Wan Jiaolan said.

Yi Tian nodded and signaled her to continue talking, and Wan Jiaolan became more courageous after getting her approval, and then said: "Second, you must have your own territory. From this point of view, the casual repair alliance formed is temporarily unable to expand its territory. earth."

"What's the reason?" Yi Tian smiled.

"The good chassis resources in the hell world are all occupied by the major races," Wan Jiaolan said: "It is difficult to develop influence if there is not a large enough territory."

"I've thought about this. There are a lot of spiritual veins around the Xinglin faction's land that can be used. I can directly order the deacon elders to divide a piece of land for the casual cultivator alliance based on my identity as the guest elder of the Xinglin faction." Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "This can also temporarily alleviate the plight of the casual repair alliance without a chassis."

Wan Jiaolan interjected: "And as the lord, the Xinglin faction will definitely make friends with us, which is equivalent to having a large force as a backer, which can buy enough time for the development and growth of the casual cultivator alliance. "

"That's right, what about the third point?" Yi Tian asked.

"If you want to become a party in the hell world, you must make good friends with certain forces. It is best to form an offensive and defensive alliance," Wan Jiaolan said: "Although the Xinglin faction is a neutral force, its power is still insufficient, so It is best to find a certain major race in the hell world to cooperate with."

"Do you have a suitable force in your heart?" Yi Tian looked at it and asked, "Is it the Huangquan tribe or the wild horn tribe?"

When mentioning her mother clan, Wan Jiaolan's expression darkened, then she shook her head and said, "Neither of these two major races is the best choice, and they don't like the power of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. So we can only look elsewhere. It's the best policy."

(End of this chapter)

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