
Chapter 2165 Scheme

Chapter 2165 Scheme
Yi Tian happened to meet Wan Jiaolan in the deepest part of the transport ship of Daliu Daoist, and he was very sympathetic after learning what happened to her.Immediately, he lifted the restraint on her body, and then consulted Xia Wanjiaolan's thoughts while there was still time.Although she is determined to follow her with her inner demon, Yi Tian wants to send him to help Yan Wenxiong.

After all, this is the nail I want to plant in the hell world, but it is a pity that Yan Wenxiong's strength is limited and it is difficult to grow up in a short period of time.During this period, Curan needs the assistance of someone close to him, and Wan Jiaolan seems to be the perfect candidate.

Now that he has assistants, he can find the Xinglin faction to set aside an area for use later on.The only thing missing is the ability to form an offensive and defensive alliance. After consulting Wan Jiaolan, I found that her views are indeed unique. If you want to stand firm in the hell world, it is absolutely impossible to find the cooperation of the Horn and Huangquan tribes. possible thing.Fortunately, these two major races are currently in a state of deadlock, and such a god-sent opportunity is suitable for the sudden emergence of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Immediately, Yi Tian said: "I can talk to Shi Jinming of the Shi clan and the three-headed dog clan of the hell. Which one do you think is better for the Loose Cultivation Alliance?"

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan said happily: "It turns out that the lord already has a plan, and the two major races actually have their own characteristics. The stone clan has a large population of monks, and they are all over the hell world. Although the hell three-headed dog clan has a small population, they can They are powerful. These two races have inherent shortcomings, so they have been suppressed by the Huangquan clan for tens of thousands of years, but no matter how you look at it, they are excellent partners."

"Oh, then who do you think is more suitable?" Yi Tian asked.

"If I had to choose, it would be better to contact both of them, plus the Xinglin faction, so that the Loose Cultivation Alliance could become a bond between the three families. In the future, when the time is right, we can unite the three families to fight against the Huangquan clan and the barbarian clan," Wanjiao Lanti said. A cold gleam inadvertently flashed in his eyes when he reached the barbarian horn tribe.

After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that she had completely given up on her mother clan, so that she could do things for herself with all her heart.After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Okay, just do as you want."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan was overjoyed that she didn't expect that she would agree with her so quickly, but later her expression darkened and she said: "The matter of intermediary contact still requires the presence of the lord."

"It doesn't matter, I will inform Shi Jinming and the domain first about this matter, and then you can just bring my token to the door to contact you," Yi Tian said.

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan's face changed slightly and she didn't say anything, Yi Tian knew what she was thinking.Then he dodged behind her and reached out to gently touch her forehead, leaving a mark of red flames.Then he said: "I will put a spiritual pressure into your body. If you encounter anything in the future, you can activate it. There is a supernatural spell that I shot with all my strength. Even if I encounter a fusion The monks can also protect themselves for a while."

Wan Jiaolan was overjoyed but said with resentment: "The concubine is outside to show his lord's face, and it is inevitable that people will spy on her. What should I do if this mark is exhausted?"

Yi Tian sighed, then stretched out his hand to write the Dao rune in gold seal script in the air, and then pushed the mark lightly into Wan Jiaolan's body.Immediately, I saw a purple-red aura appearing in her stamina, and then said: "I will inject a 'Flying Thunder Seal' into your body, if you encounter any troubles that cannot be solved, you can directly activate it, and I will cast it Space supernatural powers broke the boundary to find you."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan was overjoyed and stretched out her hand to touch her neck and said, "This 'Fei Lei Seal' should be the tracking mark left by my husband, so that I can find my concubine as soon as possible."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "That's true. The space magic power I use needs a coordinate. After staying on your body, I can use mystic skills and come here at the first time. If you are in a different world, it may take some time, but it will take a while. We'll be there in no time."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan turned around and kissed Yi Tian on the face, then she took a step back and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your mercy."

Seeing her so Yitian, he shook his head helplessly, but his heart was full of worries and thoughts, which also reminded him of the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world.After Shaoqing withdrew his thoughts, Yi Tiancai coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment on his face and said, "Okay, now think about how to deal with Taliu Daoist, his existence has indirectly hindered my plan gone."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan flashed a stern voice on her face: "I can't feel at ease if I don't get rid of this dog. I wonder if the lord is going to do it again? There is a huge movement when the monks in the fusion stage make a move. This will definitely make the other high-ranking clans The cultivator has noticed the movement. Moreover, Daoist Taliu has a close relationship with the number one quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile in this world. I am afraid that if he is moved, the lord will face the sea crocodile in the future."

"Oh, what are you worried about?" Yi Tian said with a smile: "Tai Liu Daoist must be dealt with, and you don't need to worry about the sea crocodile dragon, he won't come to this party."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan was slightly taken aback, with a suspicious look on her face, her lips trembled, but she didn't pursue the question further.

However, Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade bottle and gently handed it over, "Here is this thing for you. It is estimated that after refining, it can improve a lot of cultivation, but the spiritual power in it is too strong and needs to be diluted before it can be used. .”

After Wan Jiaolan took it, she pushed aside the banning talisman on the bottle mouth, gently lifted the lid, reached in with her divine sense, and checked it.After taking three breaths, his expression changed slightly and he said: "What a rich spiritual blood, I have never seen real blood with such a high spiritual power in my life, I am afraid that even the real blood on the patriarch Wan Gang may not be able to have such strength. "

"This is the spiritual blood of the tenth-level monster sea crocodile. I cut off half of his tail. I'm afraid he won't show up in a thousand years," Yi Tian said lightly.

To Wan Jiaolan's ears, these words were like a thunderclap, which directly shocked her.

Then I saw Yi Tian took out several spiritual weapons and handed them over: "These are the spiritual weapons I refined in the early years, and almost all of them have the appearance of the top level of the earth level to the first level of the sky level. Among them, the 'Qing Yu' Silk Armor and Gale Wheel are the most suitable for attacking and defending, so let’s reserve them for your protection now.”

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan looked overjoyed and was about to say something after taking the hand, suddenly Yi Tian said with a solemn expression: "That fellow Taliu is here, and he will arrive in ten breaths."

"Then what should I do?" Wan Jiaolan was startled at first, then she looked at Yi Tiantian's calm look in front of her, and then she felt relieved.

Reaching out and raising his hand, he took out a set of space array disks and set them up to cover the positions of the two of them.Then he said lightly: "Just wait by my side and see how I handle this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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