
Chapter 2166 Siege

Chapter 2166 Siege
If the monks in the fit stage make a move, it will definitely cause a huge impact, maybe even the camp here will cease to exist.So when Yi Tian said that he was going to deal with Ta Liu Daoist, Wan Jiaolan, who was on the side, was naturally surprised.

The cabin here is only a few feet in size, and gestures in such a small space will definitely be affected, and Wan Jiaolan's natural expression becomes unnatural.On the contrary, Yi Tian looked relaxed, and then stretched out his hand to pat Wan Jiaolan's body, but his figure disappeared in place out of thin air.

After a few breaths, some voices came from outside the cabin door, and then a figure came in from outside the door with the sound of 'Zhi'.The space here shook inadvertently, and then the restriction on the door was closed again.

Speaking of which, Taliu Daoist is also born with a good skin, about eight feet tall, with a thick face and looks like a young man in his early twenties.The spiritual power in his body has not been restrained, and he looks like a monk in the fit period.Moreover, this person's appearance is dressed as a frail scholar, if he is among the nuns, he should be a veteran of flowers.

After Taliu Daoist entered the room, his eyes glanced at Wan Jiaolan, but there was a lewd look in his eyes.Staring at Wan Jiaolan for a while, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm here, beauty."

But after a short breath, his complexion suddenly changed and he became vigilant. He stretched out his hand and took out the spirit sword and sacrificed it in his hand. After sweeping his eyes towards Wan Jiaolan, he shouted coldly: "Who is sneaking into my mansion with his head and tail exposed?" , show up quickly."

The surrounding environment of the cabin suddenly became blurred, and then Taliu Daoist found himself in a closed and dark space.In front of her eyes, she could only see a purplish red light covering Wan Jiaolan's body, and a vague figure slowly appeared beside her.Taliu Daoist is also an old man, and his divine sense quickly searched the past but failed to find out the strength of the person in front of him.

At this point, Taliu Daoist naturally knows that the person in front of him is far above him, but as a monk in the fusion period, his majesty cannot be violated.

Immediately, Master Ta Liu asked, "Your Excellency, coming into my mansion uninvited to flirt with my wife and concubine is definitely not what a gentleman would do."

When Yi Tian heard the words, he smiled lightly and said: "With the reputation of Taliu Taoist friend, I am also admirable to say such words in such a high-sounding manner."

"Dare to ask Your Excellency, Gao's name." Daoist Taliu has already cultivated a thick skin. Participate in a certain body-building monk assigned by Liuyang in this world, it may be against the way of a gentleman to win people's love like this."

"My seat, Yi Tian, ​​but I think you haven't heard of my name," Yi Tian twitched his lips and said, "You, Daoist Taliu, took advantage of this quota to blackmail Wan Gang, and you lecherous The problem is that it really makes people feel disdainful.”

Hearing this real person Taliu's complexion changed slightly, and it was natural for him to show displeasure when he was pointed at his nose and scolded in person, but he was also quite afraid of seeing that his strength was not as good as the other party's, so he didn't dare to make trouble easily.In his hand, he secretly sacrificed the spiritual weapon, ready to shoot anytime and anywhere.

Yi Tian in front of him saw all his small movements, but there was no change on his face.To be honest, the cabin here has already been covered with a space formation enchantment by myself, even if the two fight here, it will not have any impact on the outside world.

Moreover, it seemed that Taoist Taliu was still cautiously prepared to resist, and then he said, "Do you think that Taoist Taliu thinks that after making friends with that quasi-tenth-level sea beast, Sea Crocodile, you can overwhelm others with power? "

These words touched his heart, and the real Taliu was able to thrive in the hell world because of the power of the quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile.

At this point, Taliu Daoist also used the means of clinging and making friends to the extreme.It's just that this time, when he heard the other party speak directly, he naturally sniffed out the point and asked.

And now he is also aware of the sense of crisis. It is obvious that layers of formations have been laid in the surrounding area and the strength of the people in front of him is unknown.If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, the Daoist Taliu at this time will naturally start to retreat, as long as he can go out and call a few other fellow Taoists to come forward, I believe that with his face, he can turn the tide and overwhelm the other party.

Afterwards, Taoist Taliu said: "If Daoist Yi wants to protect the flower, I have no objection. But I have to be reasonable in everything. I exchanged [-]% of the quota for this girl with Wan Gang. Come here, there is also a mark of prohibition in the soul, and it only needs a slight movement of my divine mind to take its life in an instant."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yi Tian's reply, he stretched out his hand to form a seal, and pointed at Wan Jiaolan, but nothing happened after a breath.Wan Jiaolan looked at the real Taliu in front of him with a calm and indifferent expression, her eyes were full of disdain.

But Yi Tian said indifferently: "It seems that Taoist Taliu still wants to resist, so don't blame me for being rude."

"Don't deceive people too much," Daliu Daoist blushed and shouted after hearing this, but in fact, he had already realized that the restriction of casting spells in Wan Jiaolan's soul had been lifted long ago.And the strength of the person in front of him is unpredictable, far beyond imagination.

Realizing that something was wrong, Taliu Daoist hurriedly turned around and flew towards the direction behind him.But no matter if he flies out, the distance between him and the two people in front of him doesn't seem to change at all.

Yi Tian sized up his eyes but said with a sneer: "I don't know what kind of method fellow Taoliu thinks you have?"

Master Taliu was startled when he heard the words, and thought quickly in his head, then turned around and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, don't rely on your strength to overwhelm others. If you have the ability, wait until my elder brother comes to practice."

After Yi Tian heard this, he couldn't help laughing. The eldest brother in Taliu's real words was probably the quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile.Only a monster of that strength can make him so confident.

After a faint smile, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out a piece of bright red flesh from the storage ring, and then said: "To be honest, I didn't have time to deal with this piece of blood. I believe Taoist Taliu will recognize it."

As soon as this remark came out, Taliu Daoist swept his mind and stared at the piece of flesh and blood several times, but then he had an incredulous look on his face and said, "Where did you get this thing from?"

"Of course it was cut from the tail of the sea crocodile dragon," Yi Tian said in a flat tone, but it was like a thunder in the ears of Daoist Ta Liu.

I saw that the opponent didn't turn his head around and flew away towards this other place. After raising the aura in his hand, he hit with all his strength to break the space barrier here.

(End of this chapter)

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