
Chapter 2167 Resolved

Chapter 2167 Resolved
When Daoist Taliu entered the space barrier in the cabin, his fate was already doomed. Here is the space formation formed by Yi Tian using the formation plate.Speaking of which, although the Taiqing Pavilion's supernatural power 'Close to the End of the World' is only a part of the castrated version of Luo Tianxian Palace's magical power 'Space Retracing', it is definitely not something that ordinary monks from the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm can easily break.

In this opened space, Yi Tian can manipulate any space through supernatural powers.No matter how fast Daoist Taliu used his escapism, he couldn't get out of the absolute space of Sumeru, unless he had also practiced the corresponding space magical powers before he could get out of the predicament.

Moreover, Yi Tian's strength is two levels higher than his, so naturally he won't be given any chance to escape.

I saw Taliu Daoist turning his head and flying desperately towards the direction he came from, but there was no sign of a hatch there.The spirit weapon in his hand shot out into the pitch-black void after being sacrificed, but the spirit weapon in his hand was swallowed directly after being shot into the pitch-black space, and lost contact with the spirit weapon in an instant.

After three breaths, Taliu Daoist only felt a little starlight flashing on the right side, and then he pulled away and glanced over to find that it was actually his sacrificed spirit sword.After stretching out his hand to retract the spirit sword, Taliu Daoist did not show any joy on his face, instead showing an unprecedented seriousness.He must be aware of the power of his own moves, but even so, when he uses them in this space, he can't stir up any storms in the slightest.

On the other hand, facing the pitch-black space, Taliu Daoist's heart turned yellow with boredom. In this space, his moves and supernatural powers were completely unable to exert their due power.At this time, a cyan light flashed again in the pitch-black space in front of him, and then those rays of light exploded and disintegrated into dots of cyan starlight. yes.

The sound of "Ziz" was endless, and these blue light spots were rapidly enlarged in the eyes of Daoist Taliu. After he saw them clearly, he found that they were all blue sword threads, but the number was far beyond his expectation.

Before he had time to dodge, Taliu Daoist hastily took out a defensive shield-like spiritual weapon and put it in front of him, and at the same time opened the protective cover to its strongest state.

Just after doing these, I only heard the sound of 'jingling', which was the crisp sound of the blue sword wire hitting the defensive spiritual weapon.The defensive shield brand in his hand shook rapidly, and then the protective cover also became bright and dark.Taliu Daoist only felt that the spiritual power in his body flowed out from the meridians and poured into the spiritual weapon like a flood of determination, and the rapid consumption made him feel extremely strenuous in an instant.

It's just that Taliu Daoist didn't dare to relax in the slightest during this period, he took out a handful of elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and then swallowed it.The spiritual power released after these elixirs entered the belly could make up for the consumed spiritual power to the greatest extent possible, but even so, the light on the defensive spiritual weapon in front of him gradually dimmed.

This time Daoist Taliu remembers shouting: "You Daoist Yi is serving, please let me go, I can give away all the quotas after Liuyang's appearance this time."

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, didn't change his face, and said with disdain: "Your quota was originally obtained by a fox pretending to be a tiger, and I took it away today, which is justified. Besides, you are notorious It has long caused dissatisfaction among the major races in the hell world, and now without you and the sea crocodile dragon, I am afraid that other races will not say anything in private."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and sealed his seals to count points on Daliu Taliu without hesitation.The blue sword threads all around coincidentally fell towards his direction rapidly and suddenly.

With a scream of 'Ah', Taliu Daoist's body was tied up like a hedgehog, a golden aura escaped from his forehead, and he flew to the other side holding a storage ring in his fingers.

Just a ripple flashed in the dark air, his Nascent Soul spirit body shot out and escaped from the other side of Yi Tian, ​​flying straight towards where he was standing.

When Taliu Daoist's Nascent Soul spirit body realized something was wrong and wanted to turn around and retreat again, a cyan sword thread flashed above his head.Immediately after falling down instantly, his Nascent Soul spirit body was split into two halves.

Reaching out his hand, he brought back the dropped storage ring, Yi Tian reached out to take it, and then gently wiped off the mark on it.Then the divine sense stretched out and went in to check, the color changed slightly after three breaths.Unexpectedly, this Taliu real person is really a little perverted, and his storage ring even opened up a special space to collect women's clothes.

However, there are not a few other elixirs and material treasures left. Yi Tian roughly counted them and estimated that they could be worth two-thirds of Xinglinmen's property.

These are all the properties Taliu Daoist has collected and accumulated for thousands of years, but they are still far behind him.In addition, Yi Tian also found a copy of the jade slip exercise method in his storage ring, on which there is a prohibition seal that he personally placed.

After taking out the jade slip and breaking the restriction on it, Yi Tian looked at it carefully and saw the words 'Secret Code of Acacia' written on the jade slip.After opening it, Shen Nian browsed quickly and found that this should be the main practice method of Taliu Daoist. Unfortunately, this set of exercises was originally only for two people to practice together to exert their greatest power.

When I got to him, I don't know why I didn't find a like-minded Taoist partner according to the exercises, otherwise I might not be able to win so easily even in a one-on-two situation.The superposition of Gein's exercises is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. It's a pity that he has practiced such a good Taoist orthodox exercise, which is very sad.

Looking down, Yi Tian's face showed a little understanding. It turned out that this Taliu Daoist did not have a matching Taoist partner, so he could only constantly look for high-level female cultivators as furnaces to improve his cultivation.This approach is like killing a chicken and picking its eggs. Those distracted female cultivators who are used as furnaces will naturally be seriously injured after a tonic.And if you want to match the cultivation base of Daoist Taliu, you have to find seven or eight furnaces to replenish them non-stop.

It is estimated that if Wan Jiaolan did not meet her, her fate would be self-evident. After practicing the "Secret Code of Acacia", the female cultivators who have been recruited will have a heart of extreme attachment in their hearts, and as time goes on, they will become entangled with others. Driven **.For this point, Yi Tian is very disdainful of the style of real people.

At this time, Wan Jiaolan who was behind hurriedly flew forward, and when she was about to speak, her eyes glanced at the jade slip in her hand, and her face flushed red just after looking at the name, but her mouth was He spat and said: "I didn't expect that my lord would look like this. The martial arts of Taoliu Daoist are the most disdainful for female cultivators. If my lord has any excessive demands on my concubine, I will naturally not violate it. Use this method."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and then realized what she meant.After coughing lightly to cover up his embarrassment, Yi Tian reached out and took a blank jade slip, engraved this set of exercises and handed them over, saying: "Actually, every exercise has its merits. , I just want to extract the essence and discard the dross.”

"Cut, who would believe the nonsense of you stinky men?" Wan Jiaolan blushed and said, "But since it is the Lord's intention, I will naturally not refuse to accept this exercise for the time being. If you have the opportunity, please invite the Lord to take the school examination."

Yi Tian who said this also felt a burst of heat on his face, and his original intention was to give her the double cultivation method, so that she could learn more about it.I didn't expect to be misunderstood by her, but how to refute at this time is getting darker and darker.Then he shook his head helplessly, and then took out a large amount of supplies from the storage ring, put them in a storage bag and handed them to Wan Jiaolan.

Then he said solemnly: "These resources are enough for you to cultivate to the peak in the late stage of breaking up. It would be the best if you have a chance in this life to glimpse the realm of the fusion period. At that time, I will also find a way to gather enough resources for you to try to make an impact The bottleneck of the integration period."

It is extremely difficult for Wanjiaolan to cultivate to the peak of the distraction stage, not to mention that there is only one integrated stage monk in the entire Manjiao tribe.

But she is also a very thoughtful person. Now that she is attached to herself, she certainly has more thoughts about cultivation.After putting away these things, Wan Jiaolan made up her mind and leaned forward to peck Yi Tian's face again, then stepped back and said: "Thank you, Lord Lord, for tempering, I will never forget your teeth in this life, so I won't let down your great love .”

Seeing that she didn't intentionally stop her actions, Wan Jiaolan also became a little bit presumptuous.Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, and stretched out his hand to put away the remnant body of Daoist Taliu.There were also several spiritual weapons on his remnant body that were pulled off together. These spiritual weapons were not of low quality but he would not be able to use them for the time being.Afterwards, he took the defensive spirit weapon and handed it over to Wan Jiaolan directly, which could be regarded as an extra insurance for her.

And Wan Jiaolan also knew what she meant now, and put it away after taking the spirit weapon.Then Yi Tian took out some treasures and ordered her to hand them over to Yan Wenxiong.

After finishing all this, Yi Yi stretched out his hand and put away the space magic power, and the two of them returned to the cabin where they were before in an instant, but there was no trace of the fight just now.

After standing still, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly asked: "Now that Taliu has been executed, I don't know how the lord is going to deal with the people here?"

"The female cultivators on this ship have also suffered from the pain of Daoist Taliu, and they are all victims." Yi Tian pouted and said, "I don't have time to deal with them, so let you deal with them. "

"It's just that these people's cultivation base is not low, and it may not be feasible to let them stay and obey orders," Wan Jiaolan said with a slight frown.

"What should come will come, and those who want to go can't be stopped," Yi Tian said: "You can handle this matter at your own discretion, and I have to think about how to deal with other monks in the integration stage, such as those who have already met Wan Gang, who reached the agreement through Taliu, probably never dreamed that this deal would be nothing."

Wan Jiaolan's face was slightly angry when she heard the words: "It's a pity that Wan Gang's experience is only so much. Dealing with such a gangster is bound to not have any good results."

Knowing that she felt a little resentful in her heart, Yi Tian calmed down and said: "I will also negotiate with Wan Gang on this matter, but this time there are two people missing suddenly, I believe the rest will get more .”

"Then, has your lord ever thought about taking the shares of Sea Crocodile Dragon and Taliu Daoist directly?" Wan Jiaolan said.

"Wouldn't that be cheaper for the Xinglin Sect," Yi Tian wanted to say, "This is inappropriate, and it would not be a good thing for the Xinglin Sect to suddenly increase in strength because of me."

Wan Jiaolan smiled when she heard the words: "I know in my heart what the lord is worried about, but it is not impossible to handle this matter. I will come forward as a concubine to negotiate with other forces on behalf of the lord. I believe that with my ability must be able to exchange these quotas to the maximum benefit."

Yi Tian stared at her for a while, then smiled and said: "Okay, you are the one to come forward in this matter, but do you still need me to do something for you?"

"Lord Emotional Lord, just give me an identity certificate," Wan Jiaolan said directly without thinking.

Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "The imprint on your forehead is the best proof. I believe that Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and even Shi Jinming will recognize it after seeing them."

"That's good," Wan Jiaolan said with a smile: "Then I would like to ask my lord to accompany me to the main cabin of this ship. After I have subdued all the people, I can proceed to the next step."

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also knew that Wan Jiaolan was afraid that he would not be able to deter these people when he took power at the beginning. With him sitting there, I am afraid that no one would dare to disagree.

Later, the two of them walked together through the passage in the ship, and when they arrived at the main cabin, they broke through the door directly.Those casual cultivators who were originally staying in the cabin were shocked by such a sudden situation.After scanning the spiritual sense, he found that the spiritual pressure fluctuation of the person in front of him was more than twice as strong as that of the original master Ta Liu.

Yi Tian glanced over and faintly released the spiritual pressure, and after a snort, a coercion made everyone present dizzy.Those whose cultivation bases were below the distraction period were immediately shaken to the ground and struggled.And the distracted monks present were all so shocked that they could only do their best to resist.

In the face of absolute strength, they knew that no matter how much they resisted, it would be futile, so Yi Tian threw the remnant body of Taliu Daoist on the ground with a wave of his hand.

Several screams of 'Ah' rang out, and then those who screamed were directly shocked by a wave of spiritual pressure, so that they vomited blood and passed out to death.After Yi Tian waved his hand, he said to Wan Jiaolan who was beside him: "You can handle the next thing." After speaking, he strode forward to the main seat where Ta Liu was originally sitting, lowered his head and glanced, and immediately Clear this seat directly.

Although I don't have any cleanliness fetishes, I still have some taboos about the seat that this old lady sat on.As for Wan Jiaolan, her face was filled with joy, and she stepped forward and said, "Sisters, Ta Liu has been executed, and you will all be free from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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