
Chapter 2168

Chapter 2168
In the camp area of ​​the 'Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire', the transport ship that originally belonged to Taliu Daoist suddenly departed and slowly moved to the side of the camp of the Xinglin faction.Taliu Daoist's behavior naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding clans, and many unknown clans sent their disciples to visit and consult.

However, these people were all blocked by Wan Jiaolan. As for the female cultivators who were originally paid by Daliu Daliu, they also behaved differently after learning that they had regained their freedom.Some people chose to leave directly after returning to freedom. They also had clan origins before, and now they can return to their hometowns, so naturally they will not stay for a while.

As for the rest of them, who were deeply injured by the trampling and could not return to their homes, these people have nowhere to go.It just so happened that Wan Jiaolan obeyed her talisman order to gather a large number of casual cultivators to strengthen the strength of the casual cultivator alliance, so she directly took them under her command.

And Yi Tian himself can't appear in front of the stage clearly, and many things can make these people come forward.

At the same time, regardless of the speculations of the major races outside, Yi Tian recruited Man Chao, the deacon elder of the Xinglin Sect, and explained the current situation in detail.After hearing this, Man Chao had a look of surprise on his face, and it took a long time for him to return to normal after he had finished speaking.

Immediately, his face turned serious and he said: "The structure and power of this conference has been broken. It seems that the resource allocation we can get at this conference will definitely greatly exceed the previous share."

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking, and immediately ordered: "Except for the share I promised the hell three-headed dog clan to break the domain, you can handle the rest as you like."

As soon as this remark came out, Man Chao looked overjoyed, and he naturally knew the meaning of these words.After a rough calculation, this time it can at least double the previous amount, but this time, facing such a large piece of fat full of nests, I feel a little worried.After all, this time it was all thanks to the Elder Ke Qing that he could get such a harvest. If the Poison Sage comes next time, I am afraid that the previous ranking will be restored.

Immediately, Man Nest also asked very tactfully: "I don't know if Elder Yi has any other orders, but this junior will definitely help within the scope of his ability."

Looking at his face, Yi Tian knew that he was voting for Li Baoxiao, and he was just the elder of Ke Qing. He, the Xinglin faction, could obtain such a large favorable position this time, so naturally he had to scramble to curry favor with him.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out the jade slip that he had prepared earlier and handed it over, "Just take a look at the information in it, and if you have any questions, just ask me. If there is something you can't do yourself, you can find Consult your master Poison Master."

Respectfully took this jade slip and spread it out in the palm of his hand, his eyes flashed with surprise. This jade slip was written about the need to form an offensive and defensive alliance with the Xinglin faction after forming the casual cultivator alliance .

This is the big deal. My actions like this are equivalent to causing another disturbance in the hell world. After all, the emergence of a new big force is bound to have an impact on other races.

Moreover, this is still based on the territory of the Xinglin faction. Now it is an offensive and defensive alliance, but in the future, once the casual cultivator alliance grows bigger, there will be no guarantee that a dove will occupy the magpie's nest.

After these things flashed through Man Chao's mind quickly, he saw beads of sweat oozing faintly all over his forehead. At this time, he was also very entangled in his heart and didn't know how to deal with Gao.

As Yi Tian said before, these things are definitely not something he can decide with a single word. This matter has already affected the foundation of the Xinglin Sect, so Manchao still prefers to make a decision after contacting Master Poison Master.

After thinking about it, Man Chao directly took out a communication talisman, wrote a paragraph on it, and directly inspired it to send it out.Yi Tian naturally recognizes that this is a cracking communication talisman, and he will not use it lightly unless there is an emergency.

It seems that Man Chao still needs to ask the Poison Master for instructions. Yi Tian has long been able to guess that the result is only to convince Man Chao in front of him, and of course the exact reply from the Poison Master is required.

He closed his eyes and waited silently for half a moment, then suddenly ripples appeared in the void in front of him, a black gap appeared in the air, and after three breaths, it opened to the size of a fist.Then there was a sound of 'swish' and a golden halo flew out of it and landed on Man Chao's hand. After he had finished reading all the information on the Jade Talisman of Communication, he heard him say: " Master said that what Elder Yi decides is his intention, so the juniors should not go against it, and I will set aside a territory for the Loose Cultivation Alliance to use after returning to the sect after this matter is over."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Poison Master really has a long-term vision." Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "Actually, you don't have to worry, the components of the Loose Cultivation Alliance naturally have their uses, and the main target is hell The big races in the world. As for the formation of an offensive and defensive alliance between the two parties, it is of course beneficial and harmless. In the future, with everyone's mutual support, it will naturally make the big races dare not despise the sect forces in the hell world."

After hearing this, Man Chao hastily echoed, after all, with the permission of the Poison Master, he can rest easy.

Shaoqing heard Yi Tian ask again: "The sudden absence of two people this time is naturally good for the Xinglin faction. I also informed Wan Gang and Shi Jinming and asked them to speak out to help when the time comes. Breaking the domain will also echo us from afar, I am afraid that Yan Qiu of the Huangquan tribe will naturally be unable to support himself."

As soon as this remark came out of the nest, he was stunned and said: "Elder Yi's remark is a bit too early. As far as I know, Yan Qiu of the Huangquan clan will definitely do something this time."

"Oh, why do you say that?" Yi Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

Such a full nest directly replied: "It is reasonable to say that it has been a few days since our major races came to the alliance, but during this period, the patriarch of the Huangquan clan did not show up. And I have also visited the only one of the major forces. I haven't seen Yan Qiu alone."

"Why hasn't he come yet?" Yi Tian also asked suspiciously.

"Yes, that's why this meeting has been delayed again and again. If it had been in the past, it should have started long ago," Man Chao explained: "The only explanation is that Yan Qiu, the patriarch of the Huangquan clan, was entangled in something, and Or he will find someone to come to help."

"Why do you have to find someone to help you even in the meeting to allocate resources?" Yi Tian asked, "I don't know what Yan Qiu is thinking?"

"I hope my guess is inaccurate, but the situation this time is definitely different from the past," Man Chao also said worriedly: "Actually, the longer the delay, the less at ease we feel."

After listening, Yi Tian was about to speak, and suddenly frowned slightly. His divine sense protruded and scanned Yuan Wanli below, and then said in a deep voice: "Your guess may become a reality."

"What did Elder Yi say?" Man Chao asked in surprise.

"I noticed that there are at least three powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations flying towards here rapidly, and they will arrive in about half a quarter," Yi Tian said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "One of them is the breath I am familiar with, it should be Yan Qiu. The other two auras are not weaker than him, but they are very strange. In the hell realm, besides the monks who have already visited, are there any middle-stage monks who are combined?"

Man Chao also straightened his expression and then replied: "The middle-stage monks in this realm include Wan Gang from the Horn Clan, Shi Jinming from the Stone Clan, and the sea emperor 'One-Horned Ice Dragon King' from the Dark Beast Sea Clan. Arrived at the camp site early."

"It would be interesting to have two more," Yi Tian said with a serious look on his face.

Manchao hurriedly said: "There are also people from the Mohist family of the Black Dragon Clan, but they usually live in the depths of the hell world and will not appear easily. I have not seen them appearing in the past few times when the 'Liuyang is present'. I don’t know why this muddy water came here.”

"According to what you said, I can confirm that one of them is somewhat similar to the black dragon monks I saw back then," Yi Tian pouted and said, "But there is another aura that is really weird, and it is obviously stronger than Yan Qiu. The strongest of the three."

"I don't know why Yan Qiu recruited so many helpers this time?" Man Chao asked with a slightly changed expression.

"It's nothing more than using power to suppress people," Yi Tian said indifferently, "I'm afraid that Wan Gang and Shi Jinming have already noticed it at this moment, and I believe they are more anxious than me."

"Then I'm afraid there will be another sudden change in this conference," Man Chao said with a sigh.

After hearing this, Yi Tian said disapprovingly: "Okay, you can use my greeting card to inform the Manhorn, Stone and Hell Three-Headed Dogs. I believe they will know it in their hearts after reading it."

After speaking, he reached out and took out three bronzing greeting cards and handed them to Man Chao. Among them, the three major clans, Nei Wangang and Shi Jinming, were just pretending.The two of them and I have long been bound together by interests, and the three-headed dog clan's broken domain is only the first time to negotiate, and I don't know how firm his position is.

With this kind of contact, it is also possible for Man Chao to come forward and get acquainted with these races, and he doesn't need to come forward to talk to them about these trivial matters.

Then he specifically asked: "You take Wan Jiaolan with you, she is now the spokesperson of the casual cultivator alliance, and it is necessary to let her show her face."

"Isn't she a monk of the Horn tribe?" Man Chao asked suspiciously.

"It used to be, but it's no longer from today," Yi Tian replied meaningfully.

A look of surprise flashed across Man Chao's eyes, then he nodded in agreement, and then he left directly.

At the same time, Yi Tian found in his mind that the three spiritual forces had already flown over the camp, and after landing, they all entered the camp of the Huangquan tribe.Needless to say, Yan Qiu must have had a lot of intentions to make such a big commotion this time. It is estimated that he should be targeting the quasi-level ten monster sea crocodile dragon, but this time it has become a constraint on himself.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also slowly closed his eyes. Anyway, the situation is pressing now, so he doesn't need to worry.It is expected that Wan Gang, Shi Jinming and others are more anxious than himself at this time. Anyway, he has already sent someone to summon them to give them a reassurance, and then it depends on their decision.And thinking that Yan Qiu won't be idle after he arrives, he will definitely make troubles in many ways, and then we will see how he will continue to operate.

The entire resident did not change much because of the sudden arrival of three high-ranking monks, but the private communication between the major races became extremely frequent.It wasn't until the sun rose again the next day that the personnel of the major forces came out one after another and surrounded a meeting platform in the middle of the station.

It was Ri Yitian who appeared in the conference with the appearance of the demon cultivator himself. Not many people have seen him in such an image. Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have been restrained, he can be surrounded by a group of distracted monks. The natural status of entering the venue is self-evident, and many monks from the other races naturally looked sideways at them.

Those who came forward to negotiate in the venue were all distracted monks among the forces, and those like Yi Tian could go to the exclusive VIP seats.

Speaking of which, the VIP seat is not very big, there are only ten chairs. After Yi Tian arrived, Wan Gang, Shi Jinming and Po Yu had all arrived.There was another person sitting not far from the right side of Poyu, his whole body was full of water vapor, and he could tell at a glance that he was the 'One-horned Ice Dragon King' of the Dark Beast Sea Clan.But what surprised Yi Tian was that this 'One-horned Ice Dragon King' turned out to be a female cultivator, whose strength was at the peak of the early ninth level.

After seeing him enter the VIP seat, Wan Gang, Shi Jinming and Po Yu all stood up and saluted.Yi Tian naturally returned the gift, then glanced at the 'One-horned Ice Dragon King' and saw her staring at him for a while, but her eyes were full of doubts.

After a few words of introduction from Poyu on the side, she nodded slightly, then stood up and said: "Ao Jing, the Dark Beast Sea Clan, has met fellow Daoist Yi."

"You Daoist Ao, you are being polite. Yi Tian is a friend of the Poison Master who came here this time because he has no time to clone, so he can only reluctantly come to help if he has no time to avatar," Yi Tian said lightly.

After hearing that, Ao Jing also nodded knowingly, in her opinion, she didn't expect that an outsider who came to disrupt the situation would be so talkative.

And Yi Tian also saw that everyone had sat down safely at this time, leaving two empty seats in the middle, and Wan Gang and Shi Jinming sat down on the left and right sides of the empty seats.Obviously, that seat was still reserved for quasi-tenth-level monsters Sea Crocodile Dragon and Yan Qiu, and as for himself, he sat on the lower head of Shi Jinming, opposite to that of Ao Jing.

Poyu is next to his right side, as for Ao Jing's seat, it should be reserved for Taliu Daoist.

In addition, there are still a few vacant seats in the entire VIP table, but when Yi Tian was thinking about it, he found that everyone present frowned slightly.

With a slight movement of his mind, he found that there were three strong auras walking towards this place, and one of them was Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe.

After ten breaths, Yan Qiu led a man and a woman into the VIP seat.Yi Tian glanced over and saw that the man's skin was a little bit black, and there was a faint dragon power on his body.The face is all spiritual and looks the same, except that there are two short horns on the forehead, which can be seen as a monk of the Black Dragon Clan.

As for the female cultivator, she was wearing a red robe in palace attire, with a ruddy face, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her body made Yi Tian feel very familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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