
Chapter 2170

Chapter 2170
On the day of the 'Six Suns' coming to the world', the great races in the hell world distributed the 'Brimstone and Fire Source'. Unexpectedly, this time Yan Qiu of the Huangquan tribe came together with two middle-stage monks.

And among these two people is the second savage clone of the Nether Emperor, the actual ruler of the Nether Realm, Biluo Yaoji.Yi Tian also didn't expect her appearance, and he didn't expect to meet her under such circumstances.

From Shi Jinming's mouth, I learned that the Biluo Yaoji is usually not easily found in the capital of Naluo, which is located in the Netherworld. It is conceivable that her visit today must have a huge problem. Yan Qiu would also have some shady deals in private.

After entering the distribution link of the conference, Yi Tian inadvertently revealed that he is now the elder of the Keqing of the Xinglin faction and collects their quota on behalf of Daliu Daoist and Sea Crocodile Dragon.Many of the monks present were also aware of the problem, but no one dared to really be the first bird. Just looking at the difference in cultivation level already made them want to retreat.

But in the next distribution process, Mo Feihong, a monk of the Black Dragon Clan, stepped in horizontally, and Yan Qiu directly added an extra quota to this distribution under the sidelines.

That's not counting. According to the previous rules, those who are ranked lower can naturally challenge the people in front first. If the challenge is successful, the rankings of the two parties will be reversed, and then the challenge will start from the next ranking.

Although Mo Feihong was ranked eighth, he jumped directly to the third position after two challenges.Speaking of it, he also committed a big taboo, but the situation is stronger than others, even Wan Gang of the Horn tribe can only bear it.

As a result, in the entire ranking, except for the first, second, and fourth places that have not changed, the rest have more or less dropped their rankings.But facing Yan Qiu and the Biluo Yaoji sitting next to him, all the monks in hell did not dare to attack.

In the end, Mo Feihong turned his attention to the No. [-] sea crocodile.Although Yi Tian had declared that he had accepted the quota for Sea Crocodile at this time, everyone present naturally knew what was going on.

Yi Tian's approach will naturally be recognized by those with vested interests, such as Wan Gang from the Horn Clan, Shi Jinming from the Stone Clan, and Poyu from the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan.They all had more or less information in advance, anyway, these quotas will eventually be allocated to them, it is nothing more than paying a little more to exchange.

As for Ao Jingming of the Dark Beast Sea Clan, he knew that his strength was weak, and he didn't directly express his opinion on this.As for Yan Qiu of the Huangquan tribe, he was naturally dissatisfied with this, but because of Yi Tian's power, he didn't dare to do anything wrong.

It was Mo Feihong from the Black Dragon Clan who jumped out first and wanted to try the water. After all, his strength should not be weaker than Yan Qiu's, so he is naturally qualified to challenge.

Immediately, Yi Tian and Mo Feihong directly turned into two rays of light and flew to the high sky above the VIP room, and they were one mile away from each other to stabilize their figures.After carefully sizing up the opponent, Yi Tian stretched out his hand without hesitation, took out a black magic knife sacrifice in his hand, and said in his mouth: "Friend Daoist Mo, we don't need to delay too long in today's battle. No matter what the burden is, it will save the fellow Taoists below from waiting for a long time."

Hearing his proposal, Mo Feihong stared blankly at the magic knife in his hand and sized it up, and then replied: "If you can enjoy the three tricks to the fullest, there is nothing you can do. I hope that the strength shown by Yi Daoyou can make me feel better." It’s good to be bright.”

Seeing that the other party was not afraid of Yi Tian, ​​he just curled his lips and stopped talking, but in fact, he didn't take Mo Feihong seriously in his heart.At present, the most difficult thing to deal with is the Biluo Yaoji, she is the second clone of the madness and the actual controller in the netherworld, her strength is definitely not simple.And I don't want to reveal too much of my hole cards under the demonized real body, so I made this three-stroke agreement with Mo Feihong.

But it seems that Mo Feihong is not too impressed with his proposal, and if he falls into a stalemate, it is definitely not what he wants to see.

Then Yi Tian sacrificed the black magic knife in his hand, and mobilized the evil spirit all over his body. In the hell world, the kung fu performed by the real demon cultivator was slightly stronger than the real spiritual cultivator.Yi Tian has made a research and judgment on this a long time ago, mainly because most of the spiritual power in the hell world is dominated by yellow energy, and the tricks of coordinating with the magic cultivator can naturally increase the power of supernatural powers by more than [-]%.

After three breaths, the spiritual power in the surrounding area seemed to be drawn by the magic knife in his hand, and then swarmed rapidly.Above the high altitude, with the magic knife as the center, a huge wind of spiritual power faintly gathered.

Mo Feihong in front of him was disdainful at first when he saw it, but after three breaths, the color fusion changed, and then he stretched out his hands, and immediately sacrificed two black spiritual powers to melt the two hands back into the claws of the dragon.

Immediately, a large amount of spiritual power gathered on the hands to cover them, and two solid halos appeared on the hands in one breath.

Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across, naturally taking in all the opponent's movements. After secretly making a comparison in his heart, the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "Friend Daoist Mo, be careful, take me to use the Heavenly Demon Sword."

After finishing speaking, he waved the magic knife in his hand and hit Mo Feihong head-on in front of him. With a sound of 'swish', the magic knife turned into a three-foot-sized black knife light and flew out.

I saw that the place where the black sword light passed through the air had obviously changed. The position where the two fought was thousands of meters away from the ground, and ordinary tricks naturally couldn't reach the bottom.It's just that all the monks in the combined body stage sitting in the VIP room at this time can clearly feel the strong wind blowing above their heads, making a buzzing sound from the restraint outside.

It can be affected from such a long distance, so one can imagine the pressure that Mo Feihong, who is in the center of the Gangfeng vortex, is under pressure at this time.Ever since she came here, Biluo Yaoji has always looked leisurely and contented, but at this time, her complexion seems to have changed a little, and after looking up at the two people above the sky, her complexion became more and more dignified.

Naturally, her appearance couldn't be concealed from Yan Qiu who was sitting on the side, the latter lowered his head and moved the corners of his mouth a few times as if he was asking privately through voice transmission.After taking three breaths, his complexion also became extremely ugly, looking at the figures of the two above his head, he let out a soft sigh.

The landscape of the 'Six Suns' was originally very bright, but at this time it seemed that a large black cloud covered the light of the six 'suns' above the head.After the black blanket swept past, the low-level monks in the camps of the various races below all ran out in panic to check what happened.

Fortunately, the monks sitting in the VIP room hurriedly sent a message to the tribe to appease them.

At this time, two loud bangs of 'bang bang' came from the air, and two groups of black aura flashed in the black clouds, and they met the light of the demon blade head-on.In the space crossed by the Heavenly Demon Blade, it is obvious that the void is split into two distinct halves, and the end is exactly where Mo Feihong is standing.It's just that at this time he tried his best to take this move, but the huge blade of the Heavenly Demon Blade shook him back to a hundred feet away before he stabilized his figure.

After one move was successful, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to pursue the attack. He took back the magic knife in his hand, turned around, looked at the other party and said, "What do you think of my skills, fellow Daoist Mo? You might as well comment on it."

Mo Feihong's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words in the distance, and then he gritted his teeth and put away two auras of light, which enveloped his body.Mo Feihong yelled coldly: "It's not rude to come and not to go. I have learned that Yi Daoyou's brilliant move is really extraordinary, why don't you take my move too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Feihong's body changed. His body swelled several times and his wings protruded from his back, and his whole body returned to its original appearance as a dragon.Fortunately, Yi Tian had been acquainted with Mo Dou of the Demon Dragon Clan back then, and had seen such changes, but after looking over his eyes, he found that Mo Feihong's strength should be more than that of Mo Dou.

Just looking at the body shape, it is ten feet long from head to tail, and the four dragon claws waving in the air are also five feet in size. The black light shining on the body is the luster shining from the tile-sized dragon scales.After a dragon chant sounded from his mouth, Mo Feihong turned into a black light and flew straight towards Yi Tian's position.

The people sitting below naturally had a panoramic view of the situation above, and when they saw Mo Feihong appearing as his deity, everyone's expressions changed drastically.Among them, Wan Gang from the Manjiao tribe and Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe are the worst. They naturally know the strength of Mo Feihong from the Black Dragon tribe after showing his true colors.

After the two looked at each other, the corners of their mouths moved slightly, as if exchanging views with each other, but after three breaths, Yan Qiu's eyes flashed a hint of disappointment, he sighed and shook his head, then sat down helplessly.

The Biluo Yaoji who was sitting next to him spoke coldly for the first time: "Mo Feihong, an idiot, does he think he can turn the tide by showing his true colors? Sorry, but the opponent only has three successes and can kill you." He's pushed so hard."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone sitting in the VIP hall was also shocked, and they naturally knew the identity of Biluo Yaoji.The credibility of what she said was naturally extremely high, and at the same time, thinking of the content of the words, these people's expressions did not change, but their hearts were also agitated.

At this time, a magic light appeared in the sky again, and a huge figure of Dharma appeared from behind Yi Tian.The dharma figure rose to a full twenty feet before stopping its momentum. After three breaths, the form of the dharma figure became more and more clear, and soon a huge image of the Balrog appeared in the dharma figure.

This is Yi Tian's supernatural power after combining the flame prison demon clan's kung fu with the Buddhist patriarchal physiognomy.Reaching out and pushing, the magic knife in his hand was sacrificed, and after facing the wind, it turned into a shape of five feet long and two feet wide, and landed on Fa Xiangshen's hand.

Then Yan Magic Xiangshen waved the magic knife in his hand, and then fell down on Mo Feihong in front of him. The sound of 'coaxing rumbling' came from high above the sky, and after a strong wind blew, a round air wave emerged from the place where the two fought and spread towards the surroundings, instantly shaking all the clouds in the sky. Broken.

The protective barriers in the camps of the major races below were also affected by the air wave, and the protective shields became extremely dim under the blowing of the air wave, and some of them trembled rapidly.

The monks at the fusion stage who were present naturally sensed the problem, and they all stepped out immediately.After three breaths, the defensive barriers in the major races returned to normal again with high-level monks in charge.After Youdao Dunguang flew out from the camp of the Manjiao tribe, he went straight to the Xinglin faction, and it was Wan Gang who helped to appease the Xinglin faction.

He now knows that if he wants to show his favor, he needs to do it early, and now he takes advantage of Yi Tian's fight with Mo Feihong at the top, and he doesn't need to say much later, the disciples of the Xinglin Sect will report the situation.In this way, we can seize the opportunity and take advantage of a lot of advantages when we allocate.

Only after Shaoqing and those monks in the fusion period returned to the VIP room one after another, the wind in the sky gradually stopped.Above the sky, two black dots slowly fell and became bigger and bigger in front of everyone.Among them, Yi Tian still looked lazy, as if there was no major impact after the shot just now.As for Mo Feihong, his face was serious and he didn't say a word, and his clothes were a little messy, not as free and easy as before.

But a discerning person could tell at a glance that the two should have decided the outcome, but it was inconvenient to say it due to their power.

Back in the VIP hall, Yi Tian turned around and sat down before walking back to his seat, and then said, "I fought with fellow Daoist Mo, and there was no winner. Just now, the inability to control the supernatural power has slightly affected the station below. Please, everyone." Fellow Daoist, forgive me."

Speaking of it, Yi Tian was just being polite, and he also gave Mo Feihong enough face.The latter just snorted coldly and turned his head away and didn't say much. After seeing it, everyone naturally saw it in their eyes, and then they all opened their mouths to agree.As for Yan Qiu, the corner of his mouth moved slightly after having a private chat with Mo Feihong, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Then he stood up and said helplessly: "Since this is the case, Fellow Daoist Mo is still ranked third. As for the Huangquan clan, there will be no more challenges. Daoist Yi will take the first place quota for Sea Crocodile Dragon. So you don't have any objections."

After the words fell, the ranking assigned this time was finally settled, and naturally many monks present would not jump out and say anything more.Then according to the usual practice, Yan Qiu wrote all the proposed rankings on the reserved jade slips and handed them over to his subordinates for processing.

Those who collect the 'Brimstone and Fire Source' and redistribute the matter naturally don't need the people present to take action.And the next thing about exchanging quotas will naturally be handled by them together.

Yi Tian had already informed Man Chao and Wan Jiaolan that they would divide the share of Sea Crocodile Dragon in half. In addition, Wan Jiaolan accepted all the shares of Taliu Daoist on behalf of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.This can be regarded as a happy ending, and then we will find the Stone Clan, the Wild Horn Clan and the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan for the next exchange.

Although the ranking has been determined at this time, the monks in the fit period sitting in the VIP room did not relax in the slightest.Although Mo Feihong of the Black Dragon Clan in front of him had lost his spirit, there was still a Biluo enchantress present.If she doesn't provoke something today, I'm afraid it's not her style to come here.

 It is necessary to clarify that two chapters per day are small chapters, and one chapter is a big chapter, and there is no meaning of breaking chapters.It's okay to split the big chapter into two small chapters, but the continuity will be a little bit worse.

(End of this chapter)

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