
Chapter 2171 Invitation to Battle

Chapter 2171 Invitation to Battle

Although everyone didn't really see the result of the fight just now, judging from the situation when Yi Tian and Mo Feihong fell down, the outcome is naturally clear at a glance.

After returning to the VIP hall, the next thing will be a matter of course. Yan Qiu will handwrite the ranking and hand it over to the people below.And Yi Tian locked her divine sense on Biluo Yaoji who was sitting in the middle seat, so far she hasn't made any sound, she doesn't seem to be the crazy clone of the Nether Emperor at all

Shaoqing saw that she turned around and said to the right: "I didn't expect that the sea crocodile was defeated by you. It seems that there should be no one in hell to be your opponent."

Although the words were not named by name, everyone knew who they were addressing, and immediately everyone focused their eyes on these two people

"Why should Fellow Daoist Biluo stir up trouble for no reason?" Yi Tian replied indifferently: "You and I are both passers-by, and will not have any impact on the balance of power in the hell world. I believe everyone here knows it well. , " These words also calmed everyone's minds.

"Oh, that's true. I've heard that Yi Daoyou is so glib and likes to argue with clever words," Biluo Yaoji said with a smile: "But it's rare to meet such a powerful opponent today. I am also a little itchy and want to ask for advice. .”

Such a blatant provocation naturally made everyone present look scared. Among them, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming had a worried look in their eyes, and the others seemed to be watching a good show.

But Yi Tian stared at Biluo Yaoji without changing his expression, but he was a little puzzled.It is said that I have dealt with the two furious clones before, and Biluo Yaoji, as the furious second clone, should have some understanding of herself.To put it bluntly, she is the one who knows herself best among the people present.

With the cultivation base of the mid-stage peak of Bi Luo Yao Ji's fusion, even if he meets himself, there is absolutely no chance of winning. In terms of strength, even the Nether boy may not be able to defeat him.In this way, it is completely meaningless for her to provocate and force herself to take action.

Although I don't know what Biluo Yaoji's sudden invitation to fight means, but Yi Tian didn't directly agree, but asked: "Daoist Biluo came all the way from the Netherworld to come here to find me for a discussion, right? , not to mention that I have also met Nether Boy recently, I believe that there is an inevitable connection between the two of you appearing in this world together?"

A look of astonishment flashed in Biluo Yaoji's eyes when she heard the words, and then she said: "That's natural, but today I saw that Daoist friend's strength is extraordinary, so naturally I just want to measure it, why don't we just use one trick like this."

"I believe everyone has seen the situation just now. If you and I make a rash move, I'm afraid it will affect many low-level monks here," Yi Tian evaded.

"It's okay, I know that Daoist Yi has a supernatural power of space, why don't we go to the space you opened up to compete," Bi Luo Yaoji suddenly suggested: "And you can also invite everyone here to watch the battle from a distance, so it is natural You don’t need to worry about affecting others.”

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of Yan Qiu and others present also flashed a gleam. It would be inappropriate if Bi Luo Yaoji entered the Xumi space opened by Yi Tian alone, but it would be fine to let them enter together.In front of so many people, if I thought about it, I wouldn't be able to fool them all.

Although I don't know why Biluo Yaoji persists in this way, it can be imagined that Yitian has no objection to the trick in her own Xumi space.Then his eyes glanced and found that none of the people present had any objection. Even Mo Feihong, who was defeated just now, turned around and looked at the two of them. After that, his expression became excited again. He probably wanted to see what happened next. What is the result of this battle between dragons and tigers?

Smiling faintly, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and waved, instantly a halo enveloped everyone present.The surroundings became dim, and at this time everyone had come to a Xumi space.Yi Tian stood up and flew out slowly, and at the same time said: "Fellow Daoist Bi Luo, please come with me." After speaking, the spiritual light flashed all over his body and flew straight ahead.

At the same time, Biluo Yaoji also followed after a flash of light flashed all over her body, and the two of them flew one after the other about ten thousand miles away before stopping.

Yi Tian slowly turned around and stared at Biluo Yaoji in front of him for a while, then said: "What do you have to say to me, is it possible that your body can't detect it when you talk here?"

"I didn't expect you to find out the problem so quickly," Biluo Yaoji said with a faint smile, "You deserve to be the tricky person who killed the No. [-] and No. [-] clones."

"You should know how I made the shot before," Yi Tian asked solemnly: "In this case, you still have to fight me alone, of course there are other important things."

"Oh, given that you and I are currently in such a hostile relationship, what else can I talk about when I find you?" Biluo Yaoji said, she reached out and took out a one-foot-long black flag to hold in her hand.

After Yi Tian saw it, he took out the Demon Knife Sacrifice in his hand, then stared at Biluo Yaoji for a while, and then asked with a smile: "I guess you are looking for me to deal with your madness, right?"

"Oh, why do you say that?" Biluo Yaoji said with a slightly stunned expression, "Could it be that I still have some misconceptions about the main body?"

"I don't want to say more about the other things, but since you proposed to fight in the Xumi space I opened up, I have become suspicious," Yi Tian said solemnly: "And you are not a pure clone like the compassionate old man , I guess that even though you are the furious avatar of the Nether Emperor, you have long wanted to get rid of the shackles of the main body."

"Sure enough, you can make such a judgment in just a few words. It is worthy of being No. 1 in the Mahayana period in the spiritual world," Bi Luo Yaoji praised: "But it is necessary to do it."

"Acting?" Yi Tian replied indifferently with a twitch of the corner of his mouth: "The audience can't keep them waiting any longer."

After all, the black magic knife in his hand was sacrificed and turned into a three-foot-sized sky demon knife and flew towards the Biluo Yaoji in the distance in front of him, but the other party did not show any weakness. After the black banner in his hand was sacrificed, several black mist flew from it It condensed into a thick fog defense not far in front of him.

With a 'puchi' sound, the Heavenly Demon Knife plunged into the black mist for an instant, and the variable went off the mark. The next moment, it flew out again from the direction it entered, this time flying towards the position where its own deity was.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't have much to do. Under the seal of both hands, he directly retracted the Heavenly Demon Knife and shrunk it to the normal size of the magic knife, and put it in his pocket again.But at this time, he heard Biluo Yaoji's voice transmission, and Yi Tian moved his mouth a few times to reply.After three breaths, he opened his mouth and said: "Daoist Bi Luo's brilliant move, I have learned from you, this time it will be considered a tie, everyone will end peacefully."

"That's fine," Biluo Yaoji replied with a gleam in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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