
Chapter 2175 Secret Palace 1 Forbidden Formation

Chapter 2175
In the temporary cave, thousands of miles away from the residence of the Huangquan Clan, Yi Tian chatted with Po Yu for a while while he was free.From the animal skin handbook that Poyu took out, he learned that there are three treasures in the palace of the Nether Emperor that are absolutely worth buying.

One of them is the beast control collar that Poyu cares most about. If he doesn't take it back, his hell three-headed dog clan will have trouble sleeping and eating.The second item is the spirit weapon 'Evil Star' used by Emperor Youming. It is estimated that Biluo Yaoji also went for this item.According to Po Yu's point, there is a trace of the aura of the former Nether Emperor in this spirit treasure, which is naturally a great supplement to the madness who is now insane.If you can absorb all of them, your strength will definitely increase dramatically.

As for the third Tiger Talisman, it was the token of the former Nether Emperor's restraint of the 'Tiger Roaring Army', and Yi Tian didn't have much interest in it at first.But when they learned that the 'Tiger Roaring Army' was the predecessor of the current Huangquan Guards, they couldn't sit still.

This thing is of great significance to the guards of Huangquan. If you return the Tiger Talisman to Wan Zhongliu, I am afraid that the other party will owe him a huge favor.Even if you keep it for yourself, it doesn't matter, such tiger charms are usually sealed with monster spirits, and if they can be driven, they will naturally be amazingly powerful.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly thought about this matter in his heart, and if it is possible to enter the secret store, he should not miss it easily.

The two stayed in the temporary cave for three full days before they received Wan Gang's summoned jade talisman, and then they left the cave and set off directly towards the location of the Huangquan clan's residence.

Along the way, the two restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies, passed by the residence of the Huangquan tribe, and finally landed in the depths of the palace compound.Although Yi Tian came here for the first time, he had already quietly remembered the terrain below here in the air;After falling down, there was still Po Yu leading the way, but the two of them didn't meet any guards of the Huangquan clan along the way.

Even if it is a sentry post on the way, it can calmly pass by with its cultivation base without stirring up any movement.

After a while, Yi Tian and Po Yu came to a courtyard deep in the palace, and Po Yu, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and then said in private: "Friend Yi Daoist, we are here, be careful of the restrictions here Barriers. The ones laid down by the former Emperor Nether can still work, so we must treat them with caution."

Yi Tian swept his mind and found that there were two faint spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air here. Judging from the intensity, it should be Biluo Yaoji and Mo Feihong.In this way, the two of them did not go to the wrong place, but the restriction left outside the secret store mentioned by the broken domain made Yi Tian also cheer up 12 points.After the two sneaked into the other courtyard, they found that there were signs of desolation everywhere, and the buildings in the other garden were also dilapidated, and there was no hidden entrance at all.

On the contrary, Poyu looked happy, then pointed to a stone wall in the ruins in the other courtyard in front of him and said: "The entrance is there, but I don't know if there will be any restrictions on it."

As soon as he took a step forward, he saw a faint spiritual light glowing from the stone bricks under the courtyard, and then a white halo fell from the main entrance behind him, blocking the way back.

Poyu looked startled and was about to take out the spiritual weapon to forcefully break the ban, but Yi Tian said: "Fellow Taoist Poyu, wait a moment, let me see how I can walk to the hidden treasure without touching the inner prohibition mechanism." the entrance."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and made a seal, and then turned his head to look at the pattern nodes on the ground.After taking three breaths, the corner of his mouth smiled and said: "It turned out to be the 'Black Dragon Blood Fiend Formation'. It seems that when this formation was laid out, blood was sacrificed to the souls of high-level Black Dragon Clan monks and then sealed here."

Hearing the words, Po Yu's expression tightened and he said, "Does Fellow Daoist Yi know how to crack it?"

"Now we are at the tail of the dragon. If we go down without touching the formation prohibition and arrive at the entrance of the secret store without any accidents, we will definitely meet the black dragon soul who was detained by the formation," Yi Tian said, pointing to the black dragon soul in front of him. Lu went on to say: "Avoidance is inevitable, you have to go straight forward. You can follow my pace, and don't touch the prohibition of the big formation in advance."

After all, Yi Tian walked forward without looking back, but each step was more or less separated by a distance of one or two feet.But the foothold did not stir up any waves in the formation, and there was a gleam of admiration in the eyes of Poyu after seeing it.Such a perfect avoidance of the trigger points of prohibition everywhere in the 'Black Dragon Blood Fiend Formation'.

After ten breaths, when the two came to a distance of [-] feet in front of the stone wall, Yi Tian stopped suddenly, and Po Yu, who followed closely behind, also hurriedly stabilized his figure and asked, "Why did you stop, fellow Daoist Yi?" , what should I do next?"

"If you go any further, you will definitely touch the guardian spirits here, so it's inevitable to fight like this," Yi Tian said with a serious face, "It's just that we need to be careful not to make too much noise, and then we will be alarmed." Reporting to Yan Qiu from the Huangquan people will not be worth the loss."

Po Yu hurriedly nodded and said in agreement: "If so, please tell Fellow Daoist Yi what to do next, and I will do my best."

In this way, Yi Tian also took out the magic knife sacrifice in his hand, and took a step forward, and the surrounding environment began to change.The next moment, the two of them seemed to be in a vast white void, with only the stone wall hiding the entrance left in front of them.

After a ripple in the air, a black dragon quietly drilled out from the stone wall, circled down in front of it, and then turned into a human form.I only heard the black dragon shouting: "He Fangxiao dared to peep into the secret treasure of Emperor Youming. Today I told you to come in and not get out."

"I didn't expect your spirit to be so rampant," Yi Tian said disdainfully after hearing this: "It's just a black dragon spirit sealed in the formation that dares to be so presumptuous. It seems that there should be an unruly person in front of you." The tame generation. The guardian spirits in other people's formations usually let people go, but you want to kill them on the spot. It seems like a bluff, let's break the realm fellow daoist."

After finishing speaking, the magic knife in his hand swung in the air for a while, and the black demon blade that was sacrificed along the way split the void and hit the black dragon with a whistling sound.

When the black dragon true spirit saw it, it returned to its dragon form in a flash, showing the appearance of a ten-foot-long black dragon.It's just that there is a three-foot-long scar on the black dragon's forehead.

After seeing the broken domain, he cried out in a low voice: "I recognize that scar. You are Mo Fantai, the patriarch of the Black Dragon Clan 5 years ago. I didn't expect you to disappear suddenly for no reason. It turned out that you were defeated by the Nether Emperor, so that your soul was killed. It is pathetic to be imprisoned here."

Who knows that Mo Fantai said disdainfully: "You, a junior, recognize the old man's background, but unfortunately my spirit is imprisoned here and cannot extricate myself. Everything can only be maintained by formations, but I don't care about the spirits of you juniors." won't be lonely anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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