
Chapter 2176 Secret Palace 2 Juling

Chapter 2176
Entering the depths of the Nether Emperor's Palace in the hinterland of the Huangquan Clan, Yi Tian and Po Yu walked together and broke into the formation barrier here.At the end of the walk, they met the guards of the spirits who were included in the formation.

The 'Black Dragon Blood Fiend Formation' is deployed here, so the spirits of the formation will naturally use the true spirits of the Black Dragon Clan to guard it.What surprised Yi Tian was that the array spirit here turned out to be Mo Fantai, the number one powerhouse of the Black Dragon Clan 5 years ago.The Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan's Poyu naturally recognized the other party's identity at a glance, and then realized that even if the other party was trapped here, it would not be easy to dismiss the character.

After the eyes of the two crossed, they withdrew and dodged away, and the moves in their hands directly greeted Mo Fantai in front of him.

The Heavenly Demon Blade used by Yi Tian is an improved trick after comprehending the Heavenly Demon Clan's skills and adding his own.In addition to the original Heavenly Demon Blade skills, it also incorporates the flame prison real fire of the flame prison demon clan.

After flying through the air, the black blade drew an arc and circled behind Mo Fantai, cutting off his back.And Yi Tian also changed the imprint in his hand and said "change" to those huge demon blades.

The Heavenly Demon Blade, which was originally three feet in size, disintegrated into a one-foot-wide blade in an instant, and hit Mo Fantai's body directly along with the sound of the wind.The latter also did not show any weakness, and red blood energy emerged from the surface of the dragon scales all over his body to protect himself, and there were endless figures of those sky demon blades who only emitted "puff puff puff" when they hit the red blood aura.After three breaths, when all the small Heavenly Demon Blades around were hit, streaks of blood flashed all over Mo Fantai's body, forcibly draining all the spiritual power from these Heavenly Demon Blades.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly stretched out his hand to take back the magic knife, and stared at Mo Fantai with a dignified look before asking: "The spiritual power on his body seems to be quite restrained against my flame hell demon fire. function, I don’t know why?”

On one side, Poyu said with a bitter expression: "The Wannianli Black Dragon Clan can restrain each other with our Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan simply because of their natural Yin-Cold Water attribute spiritual power, so as to restrain our special skill Brimstone Fire. "

As he was talking, he saw Mo Fantai opened his mouth and spit out several ice arrows to attack Yi Tian and Po Yu respectively.

Speaking of which, the strength of Mo Fantai's spiritual power has increased to that of the middle and late stages of the fusion at this time, but Yi Tian noticed that his aura was unstable.What's more, after using the kung fu method, there is still his own spiritual power mixed with the moves, obviously he absorbed the spiritual power from his moves just now and used them instead.

After raising the magic knife in his hand, he slashed out a ten-foot-sized solid knife light to meet the ice arrow and hit it head-on. With a 'bang', the two major magic spells immediately cracked the opponent's Frostbolt supernatural power.Looking back at Poyu on one side, two identical heads grew from his neck and shoulders after his hands were sealed, and then the demon body returned to the dog's head of a three-headed dog in a flash.

After the three mouths opened at the same time, three clusters of yellow brimstone flames protruded from the mouths, resisting the incoming Frostbolt head-on.

It's just that once the supernatural powers of the two sides came into contact, the strength and weakness were judged, and the yellow sulfur fire was completely suppressed by the other side.Among them, in addition to the attributes being restrained, those who also broke the domain have cultivation bases are slightly inferior, so Yi Tian has to rush to help, otherwise, if there is any mistake in breaking the domain, he can't go on exploring.

With the knife in his hand, he aimed at Mo Fantai's real body and swung the Heavenly Demon Blade again, but this time Yi Tian also learned his lesson, restraining the power of the technique, and only compressed the size of the Heavenly Demon Blade to half a foot Around, but the degree of solidification is far more than before.

There was a sound of 'whoosh', and after the Heavenly Demon Blade split Mo Fantai's Frost Arrow, he felt the pressure drop immediately, and then Yi Tian controlled the Heavenly Demon Blade to hit Mo Fantai's face.This time, the trick was aimed at the three-foot-long scar on his face and forehead. Unexpectedly, when Mo Fantai realized it, he was furious and said, "You dare to bully my old scar, it's really hateful." He opened his mouth and spit out a thick water column, which flew through the air and turned into an ice wall to protect his head.

On the other side, Poyu looked overjoyed and exclaimed: "That's his gate of life, probably the weakness left after he was defeated by the former Emperor Youming back then."

Yi Tian replied with a faint smile: "I have suspected it for a long time, and I will know if I try it out."

Immediately, the hand seal changed again, pointed at the Demon Blade, and said, "Here."

The Heavenly Demon Blade shrank again in response, and the half-foot-sized blade instantly shrank to a cursor that was half an inch wide and one inch long. With a 'Puff Chi' sound, the solid Heavenly Demon blade broke through the ice wall and hit the scar on Mo Fantai's forehead.

I saw the black magic light break through the white ice and plunge into Mo Fantai's forehead. After a breath, a strange black-red light flashed on the scar, and Mo Fantai's whole body trembled violently. Blood energy suddenly tilted out desperately.

"Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, why don't you act now," Yi Tian hurriedly reminded.

Poyu's face moved slightly, the two heads retracted instantly, and he returned to his human form.The palms stretched out and turned into two sharp black claws, and then leaned forward to bully Mo Fantai's position.

After dropping his hands, two streaks of yellow sulfurous fire suddenly appeared in his palms, splitting the red blood aura on Mo Fantai's body.

After a scream of 'Ah' came out of his mouth, Mo Fantai refrained from pain and retreated, only to see two red wounds on his body.There is still sulfur and raging fire constantly eroding its demon spirit itself.

Under the attack of the two, Mo Fantai's body retreated in a hurry and fled towards the stone wall of the secret entrance.But before he rushed onto the stone wall, a black figure suddenly teleported in front of the stone wall and blocked his way forward.

It was Yi Tian himself who came here, swung the Heavenly Demon Blade in his hand again, and then sacrificed a large number of Heavenly Demon Blades to hit Mo Fantai hard on the front.

"Ping Ping Pong Pong" After a burst of slashing, Mo Fantai's body was shaken back ten feet, but he didn't stabilize his figure, and his body fell from the air weakly.At this moment, he no longer had the arrogance he had just now, and his figure had shrunk to less than half of his original size.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hastily took out a sealed bottle and pointed it at Mo Fantai's true spirit, but muttered in his mouth: "Take it."

Under Mo Fantai's extreme reluctance, Yi Tian forcibly put his true spirit body into the bottle, then put the lid on and put the banning talisman on it and threw it directly into the storage ring.

Without the formation spirit guarding the entire 'Black Dragon Blood Fiend Formation', it immediately lost its power, and the two returned to their original courtyard once again.

Yi Tian opened his mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, please lead the way. I'm afraid Biluo Yaoji and Mo Feihong should have been deep in the secret store for a while at this time."

(End of this chapter)

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