
Chapter 2177 Secret Palace 3 Guards

Chapter 2177
Yi Tian and Po Yu took action to subdue Mo Fantai, the patriarch of the Black Dragon Clan in the "Black Dragon Demon Blood Formation", and then Yi Tian simply sacrificed a spiritual weapon to bring this spirit to the soul Take it away, so that without the blessing of the formation spirit, the entire formation can be easily cracked like paper in front of the two.

But Yi Tian didn't want to do too much, if he broke the formation with brute force, it would definitely alarm the remaining monks in the Huangquan clan.

After cleaning up Mo Fantai, the surrounding formations slowly stopped, and Yi Tian glanced over and found that the two had returned to the previous courtyard.Not far in front of them are the ruins of the palaces. There is a three-foot-high stone wall standing there, engraved with the emblem of the previous Nether Dynasty and the portrait of the Nether Emperor.

Seeing this, Po Yu looked overjoyed and hurried forward, then reached out and took out a spiritual artifact in his hand.Yi Tian glanced over and found that the spiritual weapon in his hand was exactly the same as the emblem of the Nether Dynasty on the stone wall.

Immediately after injecting spiritual power, he muttered words for three breaths, lifted the spiritual weapon emblem, and shot a white halo on the stone wall.In an instant, the portrait above seemed to have changed a bit, and a dark gap slowly opened in the middle.

With a happy expression on Po Yu's face, he stepped forward and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi, please come with me," and then jumped into it.

Yi Tian behind him naturally didn't pull down, his figure instantly turned into a phantom, and the main body followed Poyu and entered the secret storage space.

After entering the passage, Yi Tian only felt that his eyes were dark, and there was nothingness around him. Looking up, there was a white spot of light flickering in the distance.Needless to say, it should be the exit of the passage, and the broken domain in front of him was already flying towards there, and he followed closely behind.After ten breaths, the two came to the white light spot, and Yi Tian stared at it and found that this was the exit of the Dao Xumi space.The two looked at each other, then the fish passed through the light gate, and after exiting the passage, they noticed that the surrounding temperature had risen sharply, at least twice as high as the outside world.

After his feet landed, Yi Tian raised his head and glanced around, and found that this place is like an underground space, and there will be a lot of sulfur and fire erupting from the surrounding ground from time to time.To put it bluntly, the harsh environment here is several times stronger than the "sword body fire sea" where the "six suns are alive".At this time, the two are at a fork in the road. It seems that there are five forks here and they don't know which one to take.

After stabilizing his figure, Poyu hurriedly took out the animal skin map to confirm his location, and then pointed to the second road on the left: "Friend Daoist Yi, let's go here, we should be able to go here very quickly." We will soon be able to reach the place where the beast control collar is stored."

"Lead the way ahead," Yi Tian replied lightly.In fact, I quietly stretched out my divine sense to investigate, and then found that the divine mind seemed to be restricted here, and it could only extend half a mile away at most, and was blocked by the spiritual power in the air here, so I couldn't continue to investigate. .

As for the fact that I didn't find any traces left by Biluo Yaoji and Mo Feihong here, Yi Tian felt at ease when he thought of this, since he didn't find the other party's whereabouts, then the other party must not have found his aura.Next, as long as you restrain your breath and act carefully, you can avoid the possibility of being noticed to the greatest extent.

After the spiritual power on his body converged, Yi Tian's figure slowly flew into the midair, and then he turned around and said, "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, we must be careful when we come here, God knows if there will be any secret guards left by the Nether King here." Yes. It would not be a good thing if you accidentally touched the mechanism and caused them to show up."

Hearing the words, Po Yu hurriedly suppressed the aura on his body, and then replied solemnly: "You Daoist Yi is right, there must be guards left behind in the place where these three treasures are collected, and I don't know there will be any." What happened, but at that time, I would like to ask my fellow Taoists to help me."

"Okay, let's act quickly," Yi Tian nodded.

After listening to Poyu, he jumped directly into the second passage on the left selected in front of him, and Yi Tian stretched out his hand to break up the aura left by the two of them here before turning around and following in.

After flying in the middle of the inner sky for a little while, he didn't see the exit, but Yi Tian found that the passage seemed to be getting narrower and narrower.After flying several miles in the passage, the two had to fall to the ground and start to shuttle through the passage.Yi Tian found that there was a scorching high temperature coming from under his feet, as if he was stepping on freshly condensed lava.

After a short walk, they seemed to have seen the exit from a distance, and then the two hurried through and rushed out from the passage.After going out of the passage, the two found that they were in a temple at the moment, and there was a stone statue about Zhang Xu on both sides.Yi Tian observed carefully and found that these stone statues turned out to look like three-headed hell dogs.

There is a stone door on the front, but the stone door is tightly closed and there are many runes engraved on it. It is not easy to open it at a glance.Yi Tian stopped and asked in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, do you think this place should be Hedijie?"

Poyu also stretched out his divine sense and looked at the stone statue in front of him, then said with a dark face: "This is the statue of our ancestors, and the two statues on the left and right are the patriarchs 'Po Wuhen' and 'Po Liu' from ten thousand years ago. ’, Yi Daoyou can see the nameplates on their necks.”

Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and looked at the two stone statues, and he found that there were two stone nameplates on their necks, which were engraved with the words "no trace" and "flow" in the characters of hell respectively.

After walking forward for a few steps until it was three feet away from the stone gate, Yi Tian suddenly found that the eyes of the two stone statues were shining with strange red lights.Then he hurriedly pushed it away, and when Yi Tian's divine sense passed by again, he found that the original red light on the stone statue's eyes gradually dimmed.

It is estimated that this reaction will only come after entering their side, and Po Yu on the side also noticed it, and then hurriedly asked: "It seems that if you want to get close to the stone gate, you will touch the statues of the two seniors."

"Hmph, it's nothing more than a statue," Yi Tian said with a serious expression, "If I'm not mistaken, one of the two stone statues should have been forcibly infused with the soul of the hell three-headed dog by Emperor Nether. In this way, we It is bound to face the seniors of your clan."

Poyu's eyelids trembled slightly, his face showed helplessness, he looked at him and sighed: "It seems that it is not so easy to get in. I don't know if Daoist Yi has any countermeasures?"

Lowering his head and thinking for a while, Yi Tian said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, let's do it together. You only need to wrap around the one on the left for half a moment, and I will cast a spell to trap them."

"I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to try to release the spirits of the two ancestors from the stone statues," Po Yu hurriedly said, "I will thank you very much after this is done."

"It's up to people, I don't know how strong they are, let's try it out," Yi Tian reached out and took out several ghost face flower seeds to sacrifice in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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