
Chapter 2183 Secret Palace 9 Breaking the Ban

Chapter 2183
In the library room deep in the palace of the Nether Emperor, Yi Tianlai was a step behind when he saw the Biluo Yaoji fighting fiercely with her mirror image.What I didn't expect was that this mirror image was originally derived from the mirror artifact hanging on the beam of the main entrance of the library.

But Qi Qi's strength is exactly the same as that of Biluo Yaoji, so I don't know how the two fought against each other before.But Yi Tian realized that the problem was not simple after only seeing them fight each other. Obviously, the mirror image transformed by the mirror spirit weapon was not much worse than Biluo Yaoji.After seeing the two fighting each other, Yi Tian also made an estimate in his heart. Just considering the obvious real body of Biluo Yaoji that he saw, he was already at a faint disadvantage.

But his own arrival made Biluo Yaoji a burst of joy, Yi Tian didn't realize what it was, and suddenly found that the mirror image of Biluo Yaoji was suddenly taken back by the spirit weapon.After I didn't realize anything, suddenly the spiritual light flashed on the mirror and shone on me.

At this moment, Biluo Yaoji's face was overjoyed, and a relaxed expression appeared on her face.The next moment, a mirror image of himself flew out of the mirror.

In the past, Yi Tian took advantage of others, but this time he became a scapegoat.Being stared at by the mirror image, Yi Tian showed a serious look on his face, and his mind locked on the mirror image and Biluo Yaoji in front of him at the same time.

I saw that the latter rushed directly to the bottom of the stone room regardless of his side, and then stretched out his hand and pushed open the stone door to enter.After ten breaths, Biluo Yaoji came back from the inside with a full load, but at this time Yi Tian was entangled by her own mirror image.

After a while, Biluo Yaoji left calmly, leaving only herself to face it alone.In the first half of this trip to secret palaces, Yi Tian still explored well, at least it can be regarded as a great harvest.But in the end, he blocked the gun for others, and the white dog stole the black dog as a disaster. At this time, Yi Tian felt too regretful.

But there is no good way right now, so Yi Tian took out the magic knife and began to test the strength of the mirror image.But what I didn't expect was that the other party would follow the example and make moves, the power of the moves was no worse than his own.

After the two Heavenly Demon Blades attacked together, they were completely evenly matched, and those scattered Heavenly Demon Blades were completely absorbed by the formation barriers on the surrounding walls.

After Biluo Yaoji took the first step to retreat, the mirror on the beam of the stone gate flashed a spiritual light again, and then the formation in the entire stone room was activated again. At this time, the exit on the back passage disappeared under the cover of the spiritual light of the formation without a trace.

Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense slightly and found that he had fallen into the Xumi space of the formation at this time, and there were only his own mirror image and that mirror in front of him.

This kind of formation is very similar to the trial space that I have seen in the secret code of Luo Tianxian Palace Zongmen.Originally, there was such a formation in the fairy world specially arranged for the disciples of the sect to test their skills, but speaking of power, it was even stronger than what I have seen now.

It's no wonder that the reason is because of the formation materials and the morality of the people who set up the formation, but Yi Tian thought about it for a while and didn't try to test the other party.After all, according to the information he knew, if he made a rash move in such a large formation, the mirror image would definitely fight back with the same means.

Moreover, the surrounding patterns can also absorb one's own spiritual power to replenish the mirror image. If you make another shot, it will be nothing more than a waste of strength.At the same time, the opponent will become more and more courageous after absorbing the spiritual power of his supernatural moves. Such refueling tactics are likely to consume himself to death in this space.

With the dragon tortoise armor shield held in his hand in front of him, Yi Tian glanced over and found that the key to breaking the formation was the mirror spirit weapon.But if he wanted to get that mirror, he had to go past the mirror image in front of him. After thinking about it, Yi Tian put away the magic knife in his hand and took out the Taiyuan wooden sword.After lightly raising the sword, he turned the spirit sword into thousands of filaments, weaved it into a sword net, and surrounded his body three feet apart to form a Dao sword net defense, and then walked slowly towards the position where the mirror image was.

Unexpectedly, the mirror image also put away the magic knife and took out the spirit sword. After forming the same seal in his hand, he sacrificed the spirit sword and turned it into black silk.However, his sword silk did not take a defensive posture, but circled in the air and then attacked directly according to his position.

Yi Tian didn't show any surprised expression on his face when he saw it, but gathered the spirit swords around his body in front of him, and after making seals with his hands, he combined the sword threads into a round white defensive net.Only the sound of 'ping ping pong pong' sounded, and the Lingyaohua Qianjiansi cast by the mirror image came to attack him fiercely.

It's just that the two same supernatural powers stuck together and aroused a wave of spiritual pressure between the two.As the sword silk continued to attack and crisscross, the spiritual pressure became stronger and stronger, and finally pushed Yi Tian's deity five feet away before he stabilized his figure.

But at this time, Yi Tian's face showed a tinge of joy for no reason. After the magic and secret technique he had just used, he found that the opponent was completely focused on attacking and neglecting defense.If I really exert my strength again, maybe I can flash behind him in a staggered manner to get the mirror.

At the same time, Yi Tian also found that the supernatural powers he displayed were obviously stronger than the opponent's. After some fights, the sword wires transformed by the Taiyuan wooden sword could always gather in front of him and turn into a sword net for protection.

On the other hand, after the mirror image cast God passed, those sword threads were disrupted and retracted again, but the spiritual power fluctuations on the sword threads have been weakened by more than three points, obviously consumed by their own moves.

A gleam of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and then he stretched out his hand and made a seal to take back the Taiyuan wooden sword in front of him.Then he reached out and took out the Buddha Sect's spiritual weapon, golden bowl and prayer beads.

A faint golden Buddha's light emanated from the two spiritual weapons, and Yi Tian also changed when he turned around.Under the operation of the inner body, the black and yellow qi were mixed together, and then slowly sacrificed and manipulated the golden bowl in the hand to slowly sacrifice it.

At the same time, the divine sense also locked onto the movement of the mirror image, and saw that the other party also took out the alms bowl and Buddhist beads by magic at this time, but the color of these two spiritual weapons was pitch black, not like the one in his hand at all. appearance.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly with joy in his heart, and he secretly said: "Emperor Youming never thought that there would be Buddhist monks coming to his palace for secret storage, and the attribute of spiritual power is not so easy to imitate. Before that, there were arrays around the room. Wen himself looked familiar, but now I think it is the way of absorbing spiritual power, after the spiritual power carried by the supernatural powers and mystical techniques I performed is absorbed by these patterns, the mirror can imitate the same spiritual power moves."

It's a pity that after seeing this point, I didn't rush to make a move. Naturally, the formation here has no chance to devour and absorb spiritual power again.And this time, he also used the Buddha sect's technique, which is exclusive to restraining the spiritual power of the hell world. As expected, this mirror couldn't imitate his own tricks again.Even the spiritual weapon held by the mirror image is completely in the style of the hell world, and there is no trace of any Buddhist power on it.

Immediately, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the golden bowl in his hand, and at the same time chanted the mantra, pointed the mouth of the golden bowl at the mirror image and said: "Now." A white light stretched out from it and swept towards the opponent's body.

The mirror image on the opposite side is like drawing a gourd, offering the black alms bowl in his hand, and shooting a black aura from it.The two beams of light made a 'zzzz' sound as soon as they struck in the air.

Yi Tian saw that the aura in the golden bowl in his hand was continuously purifying the opponent's black light, and within ten breaths, the white aura directly broke through the opponent's defense and hit the mirror image directly.At the same time, after a large amount of black spiritual power was continuously precipitated from the mirror image, the opponent's strength seemed to gradually decline.

Ke Yitian, who was originally a late-stage monk who was the same as himself, found that as the spiritual power on the mirror image was continuously purified, his cultivation base also began to plummet like a bank burst.

After sweeping his eyes, he stayed on the mirror behind the mirror again, and saw that the mirror was shaking slightly for no reason.A crisp buzzing sound came from the spirit weapon. Needless to say, the way I dealt with the mirror image in this way has already backfired on the spirit weapon itself.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Yi Tian will not be merciful to this, he held up the Buddhist bead with his left hand and lightly controlled it to turn it into a white aura and move towards the position of the mirror.

After three breaths, the white aura fell on the head of the mirror, and then a phantom of a Jingshi Hualian was transformed into a phantom, which suddenly fell backwards and quickly tightened to imprison it in it.

After doing this, Yi Tian suddenly found that the mirror image in front of him seemed to have suddenly lost his mind and became demented.After ten breaths, the mirror image seemed to have been summoned by something. After a flash of spiritual light flashed around him, it forcibly broke through the shroud of white Buddha light, and then flew directly towards the mirror.

With a 'whoosh' sound, the body of the mirror image disappeared without a trace after being submerged into the mirror, and at this moment the trembling beeping sound on the mirror spirit weapon seemed to have eased.Then a black aura flashed, and the mirror withstood the purification power of the Buddha beads and wanted to break through the defense and escape.Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly formed a seal with his hands and pointed towards the Jingshihualian in the distance a few times. The power of the surrounding white petals surged up again and then closed the mirror within a three-foot radius.

Just listen to the sound of '咚咚咚咚', which is the sound made by the mirror body hitting the besieged Jingshihualian leaf petals.It's a pity that no matter how rampant it is, it can't break through the siege of the white purification power.

Yi Tian had expected that the mirror was weird a long time ago, but he was wondering what kind of weapon spirit could imitate the mirror image of a monk in the fusion period.Speaking of it, if it wasn't for his special skills and the ability to change the mysterious energy at will, or it would be really difficult to deal with.

Flying forward, Yi Tian reached out to take the mirror from the Jingshi Hualian, and then felt his heart tremble, and his mind was suddenly in a trance.Unexpectedly, this spiritual weapon could still make him lose his mind, Yi Tian immediately calmed down, calmed his mind and at the same time silently recited the meditation mantra back and forth.

Immediately, he sacrificed a black flame of hell fire, held the mirror tightly in his hand and began to refine it.Yi Tian couldn't help being stunned as soon as his spiritual thoughts were inserted into the mirror. This treasure should obviously belong to the fairy world, but after tens of thousands of years of consumption, the remaining fairy energy on it has long been exhausted.

From the array pattern on this spiritual weapon, it can be seen that a lot of painstaking effort was spent on refining this treasure, and the coefficients on it are all inscribed with "golden script", and on the back of the mirror it says "phantom spirit 'Two words.Thinking about it, this mirror should be called the "Phantom Mirror", but after being refined by the former Nether Emperor, it was covered with Nether Qi and the spiritual power of hell, so it was far from being able to exert its due effect.

But Yi Tian was also delighted, it was precisely this that allowed him to be so powerful, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to get out of trouble if the spirit weapon only needs to exert ordinary power.

After being calcined by the demon fire of the flame hell, all the ghostly energy on the 'Phantom Spirit Mirror' was released, and even the spiritual power of the hell world was forcibly refined.Yi Tian suddenly found that the surrounding space began to collapse, and there was a flickering light spot in the distance.Unlike other flashes of spiritual light all over the body, the whole person flew hundreds of feet away in an instant and swept straight towards that shining point.

After ten breaths, the front suddenly lit up, and that spot of light was the opening from this space.Yi Tian's figure left an afterimage in the air and plunged into it. There was a "swoosh" sound, and Yi Tian's eyes lit up. Yi Tian returned to the secret stone room of the palace just now.Turning his head to look, he saw that he was standing at the door of the inner room at this time, and there was a black void above his head that slowly shrank until it disappeared without a trace.

Secretly rejoicing, Yi Tian also had lingering fears, he shouldn't have refined that spiritual weapon so easily.So much so that after the collapse of Xumi space, he was almost trapped to death in it.

Turning his head, he dispersed his spiritual thoughts and checked the formation patterns on the walls around the lower stone room, and then Yi Tian found that the formation patterns originally rubbed on the walls had disappeared.He lowered his head and glanced at the "Phantom Spirit Mirror" in his hand quickly, only to see that the aura of this mirror has completely dissipated after the collapse of the Sumeru Space, even if he forcibly sacrificed it just now, he couldn't stop it.

The reason why spiritual weapons or fairy weapons can be used by monks is that aura has been infused into them during refining, and one's own spiritual power can only become handy after a long period of warming up.If it's a spirit weapon after the aura has collapsed, there are only a bunch of materials left.Yi Tian stared at the 'Phantom Mirror' with some frustration, and then shook his head helplessly.

I thought that I could finally get a broken fairy weapon, and I could use it for myself after a sacrifice.But what I didn't expect was that the current situation would appear.Fortunately, the treasures on this 'Phantom Mirror' are still refined from the 'Xianming Stone' and 'Scorching Glazed Glass' from the fairy world. Used.Furthermore, after tens of thousands of years of consumption of this 'Phantom Mirror', the original aura has been consumed almost before the situation like today appears.

At this time, Yi Tian admired the vision of the former Emperor Youming, and he probably noticed this a long time ago, so he put this mirror on the door beam of the Xinggong Secret Library.

(End of this chapter)

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