
Chapter 2184 Secret Palace Brocade Box

Chapter 2184 Secret Palace Ten Brocade Boxes
Outside the library door, Yi Tian managed to decipher the mirror image sacrificed by the 'Phantom Mirror', and then rashly refined the mirror, only to find that the Sumeru space also collapsed.

Quickly escaped from it and returned to the library room, but at this time Yi Tian found that the spiritual weapon in his hand had turned into a piece of scrap iron.Oh no, it's better than scrap iron, at least the spirit weapon itself is refined from fairy world treasures 'Xianming Stone' and 'Scorching Glazed Glass', and you can use them to refine the spirit weapon again.

But for Yi Tian, ​​this shot was really not worth the candle, and he made a wedding dress for Bi Luo Yao Ji by himself.Thinking that she must have gained a lot by breaking into the library just now, she must have looted all the valuable things.

After thinking so in his heart, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his hand to inject spiritual power into his palms, and pushed open the stone door in front of him.After withdrawing his left hand, a purple flame of thunder flame was raised at the fingertips, and the bright white light instantly illuminated the surrounding ten feet.Taking a step and walking in slowly, Yi Tian's divine sense came out and began to sweep back and forth in the library.

The library here is much smaller than the outside world, only about ten feet square.Layers of bookshelves were lined up neatly on the surrounding walls, but there was not a single scroll of jade slips left on them.In the middle is a stone table, which is covered with dust, but two marks are left on the stone table.

Apparently, the previous Biluo Yaoji had taken away the two boxes above, and Yi Tian sighed helplessly with a look of regret on his face when he saw it.Then he began to investigate other situations in the library from the depths of his spiritual sense.

Obviously, Biluo Yaoji searched it once after she came in, and there were many traces left on the bookshelves at the corners of the walls.Thinking about it, Biluo Yaoji didn't hold back, she just wiped out everything that could be taken away.

His complexion gradually sank, Yi Tian snorted coldly, and took out the Demon Sword to strike the stone table in front of him. The sound of 'cha' sounded, and the black demon blade left an inch-deep mark on the stone table and could no longer penetrate half a point.

Yi Tian frowned slightly and hurriedly put away the Heavenly Demon Knife. After all, Wan Qingshan was still attached to the Heavenly Demon Knife, and some things were not beautiful for him to see.Later, he turned his head and stared at the stone table in front of him to look at it. Naturally, he was very clear about the power of the Heavenly Demon Blade he used.To say that the walls of the outside stone chamber would have been beaten to pieces long ago without the blessing of formations and barriers, and the fact that his own tricks could only leave a shallow trace on the stone table itself shows that there is a problem here.

Yitian's face finally eased with joy in his heart, and he looked at the square stone table carefully in the depths of his mind.I saw that it was only one foot long and five feet wide, and there were no gaps on all sides connected to the four tables below.At first glance, it should look like a rough stone, but Yi Tian naturally didn't think that the former Nether Emperor would place this square stone here so simply.

After scanning the surroundings, he found that the formation pattern left on it was connected to the ground, and then followed the runes engraved on the ground to explore and found that it extended all the way to the back of the surrounding bookshelves.

Reaching out his hand, Yi Tian directly removed the surrounding bookshelves one by one, and then he could see that the stone walls behind the bookshelves were also carved with pattern patterns, which connected to the stone platform in the middle of the library.In the end, these patterns all converged on the beam of the gate, Yi Tian turned around and looked up, and the next moment his eyelids trembled slightly.

It was a flame similar to the emblem of his own sect, but more complicated.Moreover, Yi Tian naturally knew that such an emblem was the emblem of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the fairy world, so the formation here should be the formation left by the former Emperor Youming imitating the Luotian Immortal Palace.

Needless to say, the emblem of Luo Tianxian Palace should be the activated node position in the formation here.Yi Tian was overjoyed, stretched out his right hand to sacrifice the aura, and then hit the emblem upwards.

After the spiritual force hit the emblem, it immediately activated the surrounding spirit patterns. The activated spirit patterns in the room quickly extended along the surrounding walls, and soon extended from the top to the ground, and finally reached the middle of the stone platform on the countertop.

The sound of '咔咔咚' can be heard endlessly, but in Yitian, it has become a sound of joy and joy.After all the formation patterns on the stone platform in front of him were activated, they slowly split open, and inside was a one-chi-sized jade brocade box.Even after tens of thousands of years, the brocade box is still intact, coupled with the blessing of the formation around it, Yi Tian concluded that there must be hidden secrets in the brocade box.

Carefully stepped forward to gently open the brocade box, glanced over and found two jade slips inside.One of the covers says 'Nirvana Reincarnation Gong'.Needless to say, the ex-Emperor Youming's undying heart was most likely the result of practicing the kung fu in which he lost his soul and reincarnated.

Gently took the jade slip and spread it out in his palm, Yi Tian opened it and glanced at ten lines.The first half of this jade slip tells the story of how the Great Emperor Youming met the Mahayana monks of the upper three realms and besieged him when he continued to expand after taking charge of the lower three realms.Naturally, there are several names that I am familiar with, including Mahayana monks from the demon world, the asura world, and the spirit world.

Among them, it tells about the relationship between Emperor Youming and Master Huisheng, a Buddhist monk in the Mahayana period.His Nirvana reincarnation method is also modified on the basis of the Buddha's reincarnation technique. Speaking of which, no one has really practiced this technique before.Master Huisheng's transmission of the Buddha's practice is also concerned with the belief that everyone can become a Buddha.It's just that Emperor Youming chose the method of soul reincarnation simply because he wanted to retain the top ten cultivation base and strength to the maximum extent, and at the same time he was afraid that the concentration of the soul would be taken away by others.

Although it is an improved technique, it is difficult to predict what the consequences will be without anyone experimenting.In the second half of the jade slip, there is an extra paragraph of description. After Yi Tian stared at it carefully, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.This is to clearly describe the possible disadvantages and problems of the Nirvana reincarnation practice.At this point, Yi Tian slowed down the reading speed of his spiritual sense, and after careful inspection, his face showed a cloudy and uncertain look.

After putting away the jade slips, he sank slightly and said in his heart, "If it is really according to the description in this "Nirvana Reincarnation Technique", then the current Emperor Youming is indeed a monk in the Mahayana period, but this will also be Temporarily, after he has fully integrated his body and spirit, he is still [-]% sure that his cultivation will return to the state of the initial stage of Mahayana. '

His eyes glanced at another jade slip in the brocade box, but on it was written the words, "Records of the Fragments of the Immortal World".

(End of this chapter)

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