
Chapter 2190 Planning

Chapter 2190 Planning
After coming to the 'Killing Mountain', Yi Tian found that this place is a three-way zone, which is outside the jurisdiction of the three major races in the hell world.The strongest monks in this 'City of Hard Work' are only those in the late stage of transformation, but such a comprehension city has not been incorporated by the three major races.Being able to survive in such a crack shows that it has some truth in itself.

After entering the 'Kilao Mountain', Yi Tian directly found the strongest man in the city, who was the monk named 'Qiu Mingzi' that Biluo Yaoji said before.

After the meeting, Yi Tian quickly discovered a lot of clues from the other party's body. This Qiu Mingzi turned out to be the body where the main soul of Biluo Yaoji lived temporarily.It was only after talking with her that she understood the whole story clearly. The current Biluo Yaoji is just the second clone of the savage, and it was formed by forcibly occupying the soul of the soul.Naturally, there are many problems like this. The main soul of Biluo Yaoji has long been aware of this and planned in advance to divide the soul. After the main soul escaped directly and seized the body of the family junior.

But in this way, because the strength of the soul and the physical body cannot match, it can only maintain a lifespan of two to three thousand years at most.The Qiu Mingzi seen now in Tianfudi of Gonglao Cave is actually the temporary body of the main soul of Biluo Yaoji who took her home for the third time.

Yi Tian knows that performing such exercises is not a once-and-for-all matter, and there are naturally many disadvantages during the period.Not to mention that the power of the soul has weakened a lot after several times of seizures. If it has not returned to the main body for a long time, the strength of the soul and the physical body will not be able to match again after returning in the future.

After the conversation with Qiu Mingzi, Yi Tian also knew that he already knew what he was doing in hell.Although he didn't say everything, he was generally able to explain his intentions clearly, and he even had his own identity and background, which is why he had today's appointment.

Moreover, Qiu Mingzi also took out a crucial jade slip, which contained information about the location of the furious body.For Yi Tian now, in order to deal with Rage, he must first determine the location of his body. I am afraid that only Rage's avatar can know it in this world.I have inquired several times, but none of the monks in the hell world have ever seen its body.

Even the elders guarded by Huang Quan don't know the exact location of his body, so it is really not a good thing for Yi Tian.

Fortunately, I met Bi Luo Yaoji this time, and then followed the clues to find Qiu Mingzi.After taking the jade slip, Yi Tian spread it out in his palm and scanned it quickly with his divine sense.After ten breaths, instead of showing any joy on his face, his brows were slightly frowned.

After reading the contents of the entire jade slip, he turned around and asked: "This jade slip, fellow daoist, doesn't clearly describe the location of the furious body, why?"

Qiu Mingzi sighed and said, "You must know that even I don't believe that Luan Kuang will not reveal the exact location of his body to anyone. Even if you catch the Nether boy, you probably won't be able to pass the soul search." The way to find the savage deity."

"That's true," Yi Tian nodded and said: "But if I can't find its body, I can't think of any countermeasures. It seems that it is difficult for us to reach a consensus in cooperation."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, don't worry," Qiu Mingzi said with a smile, "I mentioned in this jade slip that there are two places where the ferocious deity is most likely to hide in the Netherworld. Within the ten thousand miles of land in the 'Thunder Cloud Area', the second is the underground of Naraku's capital."

"Fellow Daoist is just doubting based on his own speculation," Yi Tian said with a curl of his lips, "Actually, you are not fully sure which is the hiding place of the savage deity."

Qiu Mingzi thought for a while before saying: "At first I guessed that the 'thunder cloud and fog area' is the ten thousand li boundary. After all, it is the most secret place in the nether world, and I have never even entered it to investigate it."

"Oh, yes, what do you think now?" Yi Tian asked.

"After thousands of years of being trapped in the imperial capital of Naluo, I found that there is at least a [-]% possibility of Luankuang hiding under the imperial capital, so I am more inclined to the second judgment," Qiu Mingzi explained.

"Why did fellow Taoist say that?" Yi Tian asked.

"I have checked the ancient books of Emperor Youming," Qiu Mingzi said: "His physical body needs to be recast to fit with the fused soul, and refining the physical body is not an easy task, so he should find another way to use other The way is."

"Other methods?" Yi Tian was puzzled, "What could it be?"

"Blood eats devouring, or the physical body cultivates and continuously absorbs other physical body essences and other such exercises," Qiu Mingzi said.

"This is somewhat similar to the fusion of flesh and blood in the Dao of Blood technique," Yi Tian replied with a serious expression.

"Basically," Qiu Mingzi said, "I've noticed that for thousands of years, the monks in the capital of Naraku have been fighting constantly, and the bodies of these monks will disappear for no reason after death. From the Golden Core Stage to the Transformation Stage There are monks, and this situation is becoming more and more, but the scenes of fighting in Naraku City happen from time to time, so everyone thinks it is commonplace."

"That's right, then how could the bodies of these dead monks disappear innocently?" Yi Tian asked: "Could it be that your body, as a mid-stage monk, can't detect any problems?"

However, Qiu Mingzi shook his head and said: "The divine thoughts that can be hidden from my main body can only be done by the violent deity, not to mention that the souls I keep in the main body are usually in a dormant state, this is also to avoid The mad man will only awaken when he enters the private Xumi space."

Hearing this, Yi Tian lowered his head and thought about it. The two places that Qiu Mingzi said were suspicious, at least in Naluo Imperial Capital, he could be more sure.After thinking for a while, he sighed slowly and said, "Okay, I know the news you gave, so tell me where you can give me real help."

"You will definitely go to the Nether Realm, and then you will meet the Nether Boy," Qiu Mingzi said, with a look of sternness in his eyes, and then continued: "I want you to help kill the Nether Boy, only in this way can I force you The savage self appeared."

"It's not easy to kill the Nether boy," Yi Tian didn't agree directly, but looked at Qiu Mingzi and said: "I can understand your thoughts, if there are no three clones, just rely on Bi Luo Yaoji's words Luankuang naturally cannot be completely trusted, so it is only logical to force him to show up under such circumstances."

"Indeed," Qiu Mingzi said, "this is only the first step. His real body has never collected all the scattered souls, so there are great flaws above the soul. So you should be able to find a way to deal with him, let alone There are also Huangquan guards who can assist you."

Speaking of Huangquan guard Yi Tian, ​​he thought of the Great Elder Yan Yunjing, who was another clone of Luan Kuang.Although he must have used the secret technique to force Luan Kuang not to use his strength, but it is still a hidden danger.Maybe he was assassinated that day, and then absorbed by Luan Kuang.Thinking of this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "Do you know Yan Yunjing who is guarding Huang Quan?"

"Who doesn't know that Old Ghost Yan is an old immortal who has lived for thousands of years," Qiu Mingzi replied, "and his real identity is one of the scattered souls of the former Emperor Youming just like Luan Kuang."

"Oh, you also know at this time?" Yi Tian said in surprise.

"Speaking of which, Yan Yunjing was not born at the right time. His spiritual charm was awakened thousands of years later than Luankuang. If it was the initial state, the power of the two people's spirits and souls were almost the same, but now Yukuang is absorbing a lot of scattered souls. Later, it was obviously stronger than Yan Yunjing by many," Qiu Mingzi explained.

"That is to say, now Yan Yunjing can only barely maintain his share. If he is negligent, he will be absorbed by Luan Kuang," Yi Tian joked.

"Yan Yunjing's lifespan is almost close to the signs of a monk in the late stage of fusion, but if he dies, his soul will definitely be taken away by ferocious prying eyes," Qiu Mingzi said: "But I believe that Yan Yunjing will never sit still. According to legend, Huang Quan The guards have not seen his true self for thousands of years. If his soul lamp is not still on, they might really think that he has passed away."

"Really, it is estimated that even Wan Zhongliu may not know the whereabouts of Yan Yunjing?" Yi Tian sighed.

"It should be," Qiu Mingzi said, "I am afraid that only the ferocious body can detect Yan Yunjing's whereabouts, and they have spent thousands of years maintaining the peace in the Netherworld, but sooner or later this state of balance will come to an end." If it is broken, there will be earth-shaking changes in the Netherworld at that time."

"Maybe that's also a good time for you to regain your deity," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I don't think Yan Yunjing will compromise peacefully, at least he will struggle desperately on this matter."

"You're right. I believe the time is not too far away," Qiu Mingzi said, "Actually, even if I seize my soul a few more times, I won't be able to, but if the power of the soul continues to weaken, I'm afraid it may not be able to re-integrate in the future." The real body."

Yi Tian turned to look at it and then asked: "There is one thing that I can't figure out all the time, so please ask fellow Taoist to clarify?"

"I can guess what you want to say, why am I so obsessed with taking back my deity," Qiu Mingzi smiled helplessly before replying: "It would be great if taking other people's bodies can improve their cultivation. However, because of the limitations of my practice, even if I use the body of a descendant of blood, I can only cultivate to the peak state of the late stage of transformation, and I cannot break through to the next level."

"So that's the case, no wonder fellow daoists would ask me to cooperate, it seems that you are also unwilling," Yi Tian said.

"That's true, that's why I will contact people who can help me at all costs," Qiu Mingzi said: "Actually, Yan Yunjing and I are also related, but now it's better for you to connect with him, after all, we are dealing with the violent In this matter, I am powerless and can only rely on your breath."

"Fellow Daoist, you don't need to be overly modest," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "The clues you provided have saved me a lot of detours, and I almost have a general idea in my mind on how to deal with the madness. But everything still depends on me. The journey to explore the fragments of the fairy world with the Nether Boy begins."

"Do you have any other ideas besides forcing out the frenzied deity?" Qiu Mingzi said, "I can reveal one more important thing to you."

"I don't know what's going on?" Yi Tian asked. Hearing what Qiu Mingzi said, the key point should not be simple, and it might be the opportunity to deal with Luan Kuang.

"Every millennium, there will be a hurdle in the five declines of heaven and man in the violent body, and his strength will be greatly weakened at this time," Qiu Mingzi said: "This is also what my body has detected after thousands of years of induction. The strength is very weak, but it is obvious that in those few days, the control over the clone is the weakest."

It turns out that there is still this matter, and Yi Tian is also excited to listen to this meeting.If the savage deity really entered the realm of the five declines of heaven and man, those few days would be his weakest time.It stands to reason that his control of the avatar can be regarded as extremely attentive. If Biluo Yaoji's body can detect the weakening of control, it must be a fake.

"Will his cultivation be weakened at that time?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's for sure," Qiu Mingzi said: "His cultivation has never really reached the early stage of Mahayana, and he can only be regarded as a fake Mahayana monk."

"So what's the comparison?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, don't overestimate yourself. Although your strength is strong, you haven't touched the hurdle of the advanced Mahayana stage." Qiu Mingzi looked at his eyes and said bluntly: "With you now, you can deal with the madness. There is absolutely no chance of winning, not to mention that he is still in the Netherworld, and his strength can be increased by more than three points due to his advantageous location. Only during the period when he is in decline, you have a chance to defeat him in the Netherworld."

"Well, it's about the same as my estimate," Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I don't know how long the period of the five decays of heaven and man is, I need a precise time period."

"It's estimated to be some day after 30 years. If I didn't miscalculate, it should be not long after you entered the fairyland fragments, so you have to plan carefully," Qiu Mingzi counted solemnly: "The details I can't be sure which day it will be, but there are three days before and after, and I can sense it to send you a message at least half a day in advance."

It turns out that the five declines of heaven and man will last for three days, but since Qiu Mingzi can sense it half a day in advance, it will be of great help to his actions.I believe that this trip to explore the fragments of the fairy world in the nether world must be extremely intense.

Later, Yi Tian exchanged contact information with Qiu Mingzi, so that he could contact him as soon as possible after sensing.

After doing this, Yi Tian asked again: "I don't know if you know the Wanlong Swamp in this world, I still want to go there."

"What are you going to do in that ghostly place?" Qiu Mingzi said with a surprised expression, "That's where the sub-dragons gather, and the black-winged dragon's lair is also in the middle of the Wanlong swamp. Gao Qiang, but don't mess with these sub-dragons, otherwise they will have no peace once they come out of hell."

(End of this chapter)

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