
Chapter 2191 Go to

Chapter 2191 Go to
Calculating the time, I was very close to the time when Wan Gang and the others went to the Netherworld and the time when the five people declined on the day of the madness. If they said that the two things happened at about the same time, I would be convinced.

From the current point of view, I have to deal with the Nether boy in the fragment of the fairy world first, and then I have to face the savage deity directly after I escaped.But this is also a helpless move, if this clone does not eliminate the difficulty of facing the madness, it will naturally be greatly enhanced.

But to say that it is not easy to completely kill the Nether boy, he also has Yan Qiu and the Black Feather Clan monk Wuheng old ghost by his side.Under a one-on-three situation, I still can't run away, so I can only rely on Wan Gang and Shi Jinming to let them try to lure Yan Qiu and Wu Heng away, so that I have a chance to make a move.

However, this is just an ideal state that I like, but in fact, no one can tell what will happen.For the current plan, Yi Tian can only take one step at a time, and he has never felt so powerless in his mind.

Yi Tian bid farewell to Qiu Mingzi after the two agreed on the details of the cooperation in Kuilao Mountain, took out the map in his hand after flying to the sky, and looked it up.The 'Wanlong Swamp' is a few days' journey away from here, and it would take three days to fly at my own escape speed.

Immediately, Yi Tian urged the escape speed to choose the right direction, and then flew straight towards that place under the bright light all over his body.Along the way, the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the high-altitude flight also subsided, and the whole body turned into a blue ray of light, galloping away at the high altitude of the hell world.

After fleeing for about two and a half days, Mo Fei saw a gray sky in front of his eyes. This situation lasted for hundreds of thousands of miles, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Yitian paused, stabilized his figure in the air, and looked carefully. The gray sky in front of him was obviously formed by the gathering of soaring monster aura.After the purple light flashed in his eyes, he stared into the distance and looked around. Wherever he looked, he could see swamps and wetlands everywhere on the ground below.

In these wetlands, there are many large and small sub-dragons haunting them, and the soaring demonic aura comes from these sub-dragon monsters.In my mind, I am convinced that I should be at the edge of the 'Wanlong Swamp' at this time.

After carefully inspecting these sub-dragon monsters on the edge of the swamp, there are all kinds of strange things, but more or less they all have the blood of the black pterodactyl.It is estimated that they are all side monsters with thin blood, and it is rare to be able to display the strength of the Black Winged Pocket Dragon.

Soon, I saw a lot of low-level foreign monks flying to the edge of the swamp with the escape light, and they were not polite. Three or four people went out in groups to hunt down these sub-dragon monsters, and quickly cleaned them up after they succeeded. fled the scene after taking possession.After the divine mind opened up, it covered the plain and swamp thousands of miles in front of it, and found that this kind of hunting happened not only in one place in front of it, but these hunters hurriedly retreated after they succeeded, without any intention of staying long.Moreover, these people are only five hundred miles deep into the 'Wanlong Swamp' at most, and if they fly forward, there will be no signs of the existence of low-level monks.

According to the clues Wan Qingshan left for him before, his private secret cave is in the depths of the 'Wanlong Swamp', and I'm afraid that he will have some clues after he has traveled thousands of miles.

After flying thousands of miles, Yi Tian found that the number of sub-dragons here has decreased significantly, but they are all at the seventh level, and the territory they divide is at least thousands of miles away.Flying forward, I saw a small village in the air. Those who can set up a village here must be high-level monsters in the sub-dragon species.Yi Tian's divine sense passed by quietly and found that the village was only about [-] miles in radius, but there were dozens of seven-level transformation demon cultivators inside, and there were still a few outside the cave in the middle of the village. The breath of the eighth-level metamorphosis monster.

Since these monsters occupy this place, it should be a treasure land of geomantic omen, at least enough spiritual power should be the node position of the spiritual vein.But Yi Tian took a closer look in the air and found that it doesn't seem like there are spiritual cultivators or monks of the Horn tribe who once built secret caves.

Moreover, Wan Qingshan was already a person 5 years ago, and the private collection he left behind should be built according to the architectural style of the Manjiao tribe or the architectural style of the Nether Dynasty 5 years ago.

After flying in the air for half a day, Yi Tian found in his divine sense that there were two powerful auras in the direction he was going.They should almost all look like level nine monsters, but in terms of strength, they are all about level nine elementary level.

One of them is thousands of miles away on his right side, which is obviously mixed with evil spirits, and it should be the strongest sub-dragon species in the 'Wanlong Swamp'.But at a position close to eight thousand miles away on the left side is a pure black-winged dragon spirit power.I have met Mo Dou in the demon world, and I have met Mo Feihong in the hell world, so I am quite familiar with this breath.

Needless to say, eight thousand miles away on the left should be the nest of the Black Winged Dragon Clan.Yi Tian took out the jade slip of the map and searched it, only to find that he had gone in the wrong direction.Immediately after adjusting, he swept towards the position of the breath on the right.

After flying 5 miles in the air, Yi Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and Yi Tian actually discovered that there were still some dilapidated stone buildings in the 'Wanlong Swamp'.The style of these buildings is very similar to the ones I saw on the jade slips in the travel notes of the hell world, and they should be the remains of the Nether Dynasty left over [-] years ago.

After performing the concealment technique, Yi Tian quietly lowered the cloud head into the air, and then flew to the top of those buildings to look around.

Unsurprisingly, these buildings, as I guessed, have almost been destroyed after 5 years, and only some ruins are left.

But in these ruins, Yi Tian saw the clan emblems of the Manhorn Clan. Needless to say, these are the things left by Wan Qingshan.It's just that Yi Tian didn't find any clues after passing by with his divine sense, or the traces left after too long have long been dilapidated.

At this time, the divine mind opened up and scanned the surroundings, and then quietly fell into the ruins after confirming that there was no one around.Shaoqing found some words left on the stone building with the emblem of the Horn tribe.Going forward, I glanced over and found that the words 'Biyuetan' were written on it in the characters of the Manjiao tribe.

Taking out the map, Yitian did not find such a place name on it.After remembering these three words in his heart, Yi Tian jumped into the air and continued to investigate forward.

Half an hour later, when he found another relic with the emblem of the Manjiao tribe, Yi Tian found the same word "Biyuetan" in the same Manjiao tribe record.

There is no doubt that this 'Biyuetan' should be the destination of my trip, but I don't know where it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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