
Chapter 2193 The Guardian

Chapter 2193 The Guardian
In the "Mingjing Lake" in the west of the "Wanlong Swamp", Yi Tian searched several small islands and finally found the building wreckage left by the Manhorns.In the depths of these wreckages, Yi Tian found that there was a damaged stone tablet with the words of the Manjiao tribe on it, which recorded a lot of information about the Manjiao tribe back then.It turned out that the Manjiao tribe was the overlord of the hell world back then, and the Huangquan tribe was the protagonist who caused disasters. Unfortunately, they were all taken away by the Nether Emperor in the end.

As for the Stone Clan, the Black Winged Dragon Clan, and the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan, they were all implicated, and were subdued by the Nether Emperor one by one in this storm of integration in the hell world.The reign of chaos in the hell world in the Middle Ages finally came to an end after the arrival of the Nether Emperor, but unfortunately the good times did not last long.Then it attracted the vigilance of the Mahayana monks in the other six realms, and finally joined forces to kill him.

Seeing that the bottom of the stele seemed to be the information carved on it by the descendants of the Barbarian tribe after the Nether Emperor was destroyed, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking about it.This place should obviously be an abandoned forbidden area of ​​the Manjiao Clan, and it was taken over by the Black Winged Dragon Clan afterward due to the weakening of the clan's power.

At that time, Wan Qingshan didn't seem to have time to explain the information hidden here, but was forcibly extracted by the Nether Emperor and suppressed into the stone statues of the four spirits guarding the formation.Therefore, the top and bottom of the Manjiao Clan could not know that the original clan still had a huge legacy left here.

However, a thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind. It is quite meaningful that Wan Qingshan didn't tell Wan Gang this time but directly revealed it to himself.I'm afraid he also sees that Wan Gang's strength may not be able to bear it, and it doesn't hurt to let an outsider come to fight against the Black Winged Dragon Clan, and his own strength is enough.In addition, he must have learned about his character from Wan Gang to make this decision, and he will definitely pay back after gaining the benefits of the barbarian tribe with his own way of dealing with the world.

At the same time, Wan Qingshan's move kills two birds with one stone. It can not only repay his favor, but also bring real benefits to the Manjiao tribe, and narrow the relationship between the two sides.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also looks at these ten thousand year old monsters with admiration, it's amazing that he can make such a layout even at the moment before escaping into reincarnation.

Fortunately, this time I am the ultimate beneficiary, and I don't suffer after much deliberation.Then Yi Tian opened his mind again and looked around.Soon, a well-preserved quaint stone pavilion was found on the other side of the ruins, but around the stone pavilion, there was obviously a strong evil spirit left behind.Judging from the strength of these auras, it seems that they are as strong as the ninth-level elementary level. Yi Tian smiled slightly, and then he jumped up and flashed to the stone pavilion ruins.

After probing out with divine sense again, I found that under the stone platform in the middle of the pavilion, there seems to be a monster aura slowly overflowing, needless to say, there must be a secret passage underground.Nine out of ten of the secret treasures of the Manjiao people who are hidden here will also be stored in it.Going forward, I glanced slightly and found that the stone table in the middle of the pavilion seemed to have traces of pattern inscriptions.He stretched out his hand and lightly sacrificed some spiritual power to the center of the stone platform, and a green light injected into it activated the pattern here.

'Kakaka' The stone platform cracked and exposed the dark passage below. Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that the passage was about three feet wide and eight feet high.Stretching into it, one can find dark green slime left on the stone wall of the passage, needless to say, it should be left by the monsters hiding in the passage.The mucus exudes a foul smell, and it looks like it should be poisonous.

He reached out and patted the beast-controlling bag on his waist, and a red aura escaped and landed on his shoulder, showing the figure of a croaking immortal.Yi Tian asked in a deep voice: "Look at the venom in this channel, can you tell what kind of poison is in it?"

Immortal Guagua glanced at his face with a surprised expression and said: "This is the venom of the 'Chilian King Snake', which is a great tonic for me, but it seems that I still feel the power of the dragon from these venoms. There must be more than one 'Chilian King Snake' in it, there should be a flood dragon."

"You think too much," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I guess there should be only one monster in it, and it's a sub-dragon product of the hybrid of the Black Pterodactylosaurus and the Chilian King Snake, but it's a bit difficult to deal with. It's tricky, after all, I don't want to make too much noise so that other people will not notice the situation here."

"But the other party is at least a ninth-level monster. It's not difficult to deal with it with your strength, but it seems that it takes some tricks to do it quietly," said the immortal.

"So I need your help this time," Yi Tian inadvertently showed a playful smile on his face.

But this expression was seen by the Immortal Guagua, who shivered a few times in succession, and then said, "I have a bit of a cold recently, it's better to go back and recuperate first," before turning his head and wanting to run away.

It's just that when Immortal Guagua saw Yi Tian's eyes, he stopped, thought for a while, and said helplessly, "All the venom on those passages belongs to me, and you have to look at me."

Hearing this, Yi Tian smiled slowly and said: "Don't worry, I have left a flying thunder mark on you, and I will definitely be able to keep you safe and sound."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out the set of formations, held it in his palm, and poured spiritual power into it after silently reciting the mantra.After three breaths, he pressed the formation disk directly towards the ground under his feet with his palm, and there was a sound of '噗嗤' when the formation disk sank into the ground, and instantly aroused several white mist.

It didn't take a moment for the fog to cover the island in a radius of [-] miles, so Yi Tian smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I'll be on the side first, and you go to lure the monsters deep in the passage to show up. Just get out of the passage. I have set up a psychedelic array around here, and we can't be aware of how we are tossing around inside."

The Great Immortal Guagua nodded when he heard the words, and then turned into a red aura and rushed directly into the passage.Before leaving, he still didn't forget to take a big gulp of the viscous green venom and swallow part of the venom directly into his stomach.

Yi Tian hastily took out several Ghost Face Flower Seeds and sacrificed them in his palm, activated them after infusing spiritual power, flicked them with ten fingers, and then directly punched them into the surrounding mud.After three breaths, several cyan vines broke through the ground and rolled towards the entrance of the stone pavilion.In an instant, the entire stone pavilion was covered with emerald green vines, and at the ends of several vines, there were ghost-faced buds slowly opening, waiting for an opportunity.

Shaoqing Yitian was keenly aware that there was a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation in the passage, and then several flames sprang up from it, and then flew out with a red escape light, which was the great immortal.

At this time, a black mist was closely following behind him, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it was estimated that he could catch up within ten breaths.

I only heard the great fairy croaking and shouting while flying: "Hurry up and save me, it's a red-trained king snake with the power of dragon blood."

Yi Tian heard the words and scanned with his divine sense and found a black-red halo in the black mist. He fixed his eyes and saw that in the black-red halo was a red-snake king snake with the thickness of a bucket and a length of ten feet.But this fang has two long horns on its forehead, and two claws on its abdomen. It seems that it contains a lot of dragon blood in its body, and it is already a huajiao.

After stretching out his hand to form the imprint, Yi Tian came to the side of the Great Immortal Guqua in an instant, reached out to catch him and put him on the right shoulder.Pointing with his left hand, the cyan vines around him swarmed up and directly sealed the exit of the passage.

The body of the Scarlet Lian Wang Snake has not yet come out completely, so it is directly stuck in the middle.About half of the body jumped out of the passage, and a small half was tightly sealed by green vines.Just listen to it say: "Where is the monster dare to trespass into my cave, do you know that I am a relative of the Black Winged Pocket Dragon Clan, aren't you afraid of offending Mo Feihong?"

Yi Tian stared at the Chilian King Snake and carefully sized it up, then twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "Don't use Mo Feihong's name to scare people. I have only mediocre strength in fighting against him."

The Chilian King Snake trembled when he heard the words, looked at the person in front of him, and then blurted out: "The late-stage demon cultivator, when did someone like you appear in the hell world?"

Yi Tian also stared at the Chilian King Snake for a while, and saw that he was ten feet long, and the spiritual power emanating from his surroundings was about nine-level elementary.The snake scales on the body are about three inches in size, and the front abdomen has grown sharp claws, which should be almost like a morphing dragon.But the back half of the body is still like that of the Chilian King Snake, as if it hasn't fully evolved.Then he said lightly: "How do you know the outside world when you are cultivating here? Speaking of which, Mo Feihong also tried to get me bad luck, so today I will use you to see how powerful the Black Winged Pocket Dragon Clan is. "

After finishing speaking, he didn't allow it to do anything else, and reached out and took out the Heavenly Demon Sword Sacrifice in his hand.The magic thoughts in his mouth cast a magic spell, and after waving the Heavenly Demon Knife, he immediately sacrificed hundreds of black magic blades to aim at the head of the Scarlet Lian King Snake and slam it away.

The other party seemed to realize that the magic blade was powerful these days, so he coiled up and curled up into a ball to defend. After the sound of 'ping ping pong pong' sounded, the black Heavenly Demon Blade slammed into the head of the Chilian King Snake.Several streaks of red blood splattered out and immediately dyed the ghost face flowers all around red. After breaking through the scales of the snake, the Demon Blade slammed its head violently, so that several streaks of blood were drawn on the two horns. .

"Don't bully me too much," Chilian King Snake hissed, "Although I'm not as strong as you, you'd be wrong if you thought you could beat me."

After all, he opened his bloody mouth and protruded a large amount of green venom from it, attacking Yi Tian like this.

If he knew it was a poisonous creature, how could Yi Tian not be prepared.After making seals with both hands, he pointed at the surrounding blue vines, and saw that the ghost-faced flower vines that were lurking around were all crazily growing at this time. 'Papapa' The ghost-faced buds at the end of the vines opened directly, and a thick wall of petals was erected in front of the Chilian King Snake.

A large amount of green venom hit the petal defense wall, corroding fist-sized holes on it.But there are too many ghost-faced flower buds around it, and a wall of petals is erected in front of it to defend it, which is more than one foot thick. The venom will stop silently after corroding to a depth of five or six inches.

Seeing that the opponent did not have enough energy to make another move after one move, Yi Tian's face darkened and he said coldly: "You are so presumptuous in front of me, and Mo Feihong dare not attack easily. Compared with him, you are more courageous. Too bad."

After saying that, he made another shot, and now Yi Tian once again sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Dao to the midair, and stretched out the three-foot-long Heavenly Demon Sword against the wind, soaring to a length of ten feet.Then a phantom rose behind Yi Tian, ​​and the phantom of Youdao's magic body appeared and turned into a three-foot-tall Balrog.I saw that the Yan magic body stretched out his hand to take the Heavenly Demon Sword, and then lightly shook the black flame prison demon fire to wrap the whole body of the Demon Sword.

'Huhu' the sound of the wind blew through the demon sword in the hand of Yan Magic Xiangshen, and it hit the head of the scarlet king snake directly. There was a 'crash', and there was a dark green blood spurting out, which was its blood. Mixed with a lot of venom splashed.

The surrounding ghost-faced flower vines once again swarmed up and covered its body.The blood and venom that were originally splashed were all enveloped together and contained.There was a little bit of contamination on his Sky Demon Knife, but nothing flew out.

After taking back the supernatural power, Yi Tian glanced at the Heavenly Demon Knife and found that the halo on the magic weapon had become extremely dim at this time, which was what it looked like after being polluted by green snake venom.But Immortal Guagua on the right shoulder said, "Don't rush me to clean the snake venom from your spirit weapon and you will be back to normal."

After speaking, he jumped forward and landed on the Heavenly Demon Knife, and the long tongue in the depths rolled towards the places stained with green venom.After ten breaths, he turned around and said, "This time I cooperate so much, can you give me all the true blood on this red king snake?"

Yi Tian thought for a while and then smiled: "Leave the body, I am useful, its true blood and venom can be given to you, it can be regarded as compensation for you."

After speaking, he stepped forward and reached out to take the Heavenly Demon Saber and hit the Chilian King Snake on the head.Wherever Daomang went, he took out his poison sac and handed it directly to the Great Immortal Guagua.Then he took out a jade brocade box and put the fist-sized demon pill in it, and took out a few jade bottles to collect the remaining spiritual blood one by one.

After doing all this, Yi Tian took out an empty storage bracelet and put the body of the Chilian King Snake in it. The whole body of the ninth-level treasure was taken by himself, at least he could refine several heavenly-level spiritual weapons, so naturally he couldn't make it cheaper for others.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian put away the surrounding wood and rattan techniques, revealing the passage in the stone pavilion again.After bowing his head and giving orders in a low voice, the Immortal Guagua jumped out of his shoulders lightly, then ran into the passage and began to clean up the green slime around him.

About half a moment later, the Great Immortal Guagua rushed back from the passage, circled in the air for a circle, turned into a spiritual light and flew back into the storage bag at his waist.He didn't forget to say: "I'll take a rest first, don't bother me if I don't have anything to do recently, it is estimated that I will advance to the ninth level soon."

"Okay, you can practice by yourself first," Yi Tian walked back and walked straight into the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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