
Chapter 2194 Accident

Chapter 2194 Accident
After a fight outside the small island ruins, Yi Tian beat the Chilian King Snake and finally killed it. After cleaning up the battlefield, he turned and walked slowly towards the passage below the stone pavilion.He stretched out his hand to hold up a black flame prison demon fire, and flicked his finger lightly to control the flame to fly out.After falling on the stone walls around the passage, it "coaxed" and burned all the remaining venom on it.

Immediately, the flames of the Flame Prison flowed down, and the black flames burned straight along the passage, illuminating the dark passage.Yi Tian walked along the stone path under his feet, and after walking for about half a mile, he saw a bright light in front of him.Entering the inside is a large stone room, but at this time it has become the snake den of the red-trained king snake.There were blood-eating wrecks everywhere on the ground around, and directly in front of it was a pile of thatch with a radius of five feet, and there were still drops of green venom on it.

Needless to say, this is the place where the Scarlet Lian King Snake nestled. He stretched out his hand and raised a black flame of flame hell, and let it go out and landed directly on the pile of thatch.The black magic fire instantly ignited the snake's nest, and it took a little while to burn it completely.

Suddenly, Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a golden light flashing among the ashes burned by the flames of the flames.Going forward and looking it over carefully, he found that it was a yellow stone the size of a palm, but Yi Tian was secretly surprised that this object was not afraid of the fire of the flame hell.After thinking about it for a while, the divine sense stretched out and swept back and forth on the stone several times, and there was an uncertain divine light in his eyes.

This thing doesn't look like the treasures of the spiritual world that I have seen, and there is no match in my memory in my mind.After thinking for a while, he hurriedly called out to the Beast Monarch and Daoist, and after the divine thoughts arrived, he described the emotions seen here in detail.

After three breaths, the sound transmission of the Taoist Beast Lord replied in his mind: "This thing should be a 'Boundary Breaking Stone', and it should have fallen into this world unintentionally from other higher planes, or from those fragments of the fairy world. Treasures taken out of it."

"Oh, then what is the function of this 'Boundary Breaking Stone'?" Yi Tian asked: "It sounds like the name can be used to refine space treasures, right?"

"This thing is generally used to refine the boundary-breaking talisman. It can be used by monks if they need to go to the lower plane," the Taoist Beast Lord explained. Let's go, if you go to the lower realm, you can easily break through the interface channel with your cultivation base. Speaking of which, this thing is just a tasteless thing to you."

After finishing speaking, Beast Monarch and Daoist's voice fell silent, and then he fell into a deep sleep again.On the contrary, Yi Tian showed a dumbfounding expression on his face at this time, the precious material he finally found was completely useless to him.

Just like what the Beast Monarch Taoist said just now, although such precious materials are precious, they are useless.After thinking about it, Yi Tian reached out and put the 'Boundary Breaker Stone' into the storage ring. Although he hadn't thought about how to use it for a while, it might be useful in the future.

After doing this, Yi Tian walked slowly through the ruins of Snake's Nest to the back of the stone chamber, where he could see the emblem of the Horn tribe left on the stone wall behind.Needless to say, this place should be the secret hiding place that Wan Qingshan said.

After glancing at the emblem on the stone wall, Yi Tian stretched out his hand, and the spiritual light hit it lightly, and the spiritual pattern on it was slowly activated after the emblem absorbed the spiritual power.Driven by a large amount of spiritual power, the emblem began to slowly rotate clockwise, and did not stop until it had turned a full circle.

'Ka Ka Ka' only heard a sound coming from the ground below the original snake's nest, and then a hole was cracked on the flat ground.Seeing the joy in his heart, Yi Tian hurriedly extended his spiritual thoughts to investigate, but after three breaths, the joyful expression on his face slowly faded, replaced by suspicion.

As expected, there is a stone chamber below, but the things inside have already disintegrated.Also, it seems that someone has gone down here and searched the inside.

Shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian thought to himself: "I guess this place has already been searched by the Black Winged Pocket Dragon or these sub-dragon monsters, and I will be nothing but a bamboo basket."

But since you are here, don't miss it. Slowly walking down the stone room, Yi Tian glanced past here and found that almost no part of the stone room was intact.The person who came last time must have turned this place upside down, so Yi Tian thought that the 'Boundary Breaker Stone' that he got before might also be taken out from here.

When he raised his head, he found that there were still a lot of wild-horned characters engraved on the ceiling of the stone room. He stretched out his hand and wiped off the ashes on the ceiling. One recorded it.

When Shaoqing was recording by himself, Yi Tian suddenly felt a violent vibration coming from the ground, and the whole stone room trembled. "Not good, something must have happened," thought in his heart, and the speed of recording in his hand also accelerated, and he recorded all the words on the ceiling of the stone room here in a short time.

After putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and rushed straight towards the passage where he came, but he could feel a continuous shaking feeling under his feet.Either it was an earthquake, or there were high-level monks fighting so that it spread here.Although he thought so in his heart, Yi Tian was more inclined to judge the latter.

Coincidentally, in the vibrations that came from the ground, it was obvious that there were two extremely strong spiritual powers coherently fluctuating.To be able to display such an intensity of spiritual power fluctuations is almost in the middle and late stages of the fusion.It is expected that in this 'Wanlong Swamp' and it is still close to the residence of the Black Winged Dragon Clan, Mo Feihong must be the one who can fight.

It's just that I don't know what he will fight against at the door of his house, and this person must be very powerful just to bully him.

Running back to the ground from the underground passage, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and jumped into the air himself.Then he turned around and glanced to the west three thousand miles away, and saw two ray of light fighting fiercely above the nest of the Black Winged Puppet Dragon Clan.And after the supernatural powers in their hands fell in all directions, there were huge waves in the sea area that was stimulated.

Needless to say, the vibration under the ground here was directly caused by the supernatural powers of these two people.Seeing this, Yi Tian was also surprised. He didn't expect that someone would actually bully him into the residence of the Black Winged Pocket Dragon Clan.

Among the two people in the distance, there is a black escaping light that is Mo Feihong himself. In the previous "Six Suns in the World", I fought with him once in the space barrier, so I saw the other party's spiritual pressure fluctuation frequency record Living.It's just that after Yi Tian stared carefully, he found that Mo Feihong was firmly suppressed by the opponent.Mo Feihong also showed his true colors, showing all his supernatural powers and spells, but even so, he couldn't help the other party in the slightest.

On the other hand, the people who fought against him advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, and faced Mo Feihong who showed his true face, he seemed completely unconcerned.The power of the magical powers in his hands is even more astonishing, and every move can exert the spiritual power to the maximum.Even though the cultivation bases of the two were almost the same, after a short period of fierce battle, Mo Feihong clearly showed his weakness.

Suddenly the monk stopped, then turned and stared into the distance.Yi Tian found that the opponent's divine sense quickly extended to his position, and was locked by him after three breaths.

At this time, Mo Feihong got a chance to breathe and hurriedly retreated. After appearing in human form, he took a large amount of elixir and swallowed it into his stomach to replenish his spiritual power.

It seemed that his concealment technique was completely ineffective against that person, and this was the first time Yi Tian encountered such a situation.Immediately, he simply and generously took the appearance of his own deity and flew straight towards the position where the two were.

In about ten breaths, Yi Tian flew three thousand miles to the periphery of the battle circle between the two, then stabilized his figure in the air and looked at the two in front of him.Mo Feihong naturally needless to say, I saw that his spiritual energy was in disorder all over his body at this time, and the rapid bullying in his chest seemed to be a large amount of spiritual energy consumption.On the other hand, the person on the other side looked calm and calm, and seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

It's just that when he saw himself, he was also slightly taken aback, and after seeing his cultivation level, his face slowly revealed a dignified expression.

Yi Tian's mind quickly passed the list of high-level monks in this world, and those monks in the integration period including the nether world also checked and compared them one by one.But after thinking about it for a while, he really couldn't find a matching person, so he went ahead and said: "Dare to ask where you come from, it seems that you are not from this world."

"Boy, don't try to trick me," the man snorted coldly, "Your status is not worthy of such a conversation with me."

Hearing this, Yitian's face remained unchanged, but his mind thought that there were several layers of meaning in his words, and there was a lot to read in detail.Immediately a trace of uneasiness flashed through my mind, and I blurted out with a slight shock in my heart: "Could it be that Your Excellency is Senior Wu Jue from 'Zi Yu Tian' from the Upper Immortal Realm?"

Unexpectedly, the man's face changed slightly after hearing this, and after staring at Yi Tian for a while, he asked in a deep voice: "You know my name, have you seen Changsun Pavilion?"

Sure enough, the person in front of him was the person mentioned by the real immortal Changsun Ting who descended tomorrow. Yi Tian knew that he had hit the iron plate this time.After thinking about it, he smiled lightly and said, "That's true. I have seen Senior Eldest Sun and learned about Senior Wu from him."

"Hmph, is that so?" Wu Jue said with disdain on his face, "I didn't expect Changsun Ting to chase him so closely."

"I don't know why Senior Wu fought with Mo Fei Hongda about today's matter. Both of them are top monks in this world. If a war is stirred up here, I'm afraid it will cause the entire hell world to be uneasy," Yi Tian said.

After seeing the situation clearly in the distance, Mo Feihong turned around and flew directly towards the old nest. After three breaths, a spiritual light lit up and enveloped the residence of the Black Winged Dragon Clan.

Unexpectedly, he would slip away like this, Yi Tian was also taken aback, and at the same time, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.Since Mo Feihong slipped away from the opposite real immortal clone, Wu Jue, he had no choice but to find himself in trouble.

Sure enough, Wu Jue saw that Mo Feihong lost interest in him like this, turned around and looked at Yi Tian in front of him, and then asked: "Do you know that there are Mahayana monks in this world?"

"Among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, there is only one Mahayana monk in the Three Realms of the Lower Realm," Yi Tian replied calmly, but in fact he began to estimate Wu Jue's strength in his heart.

With him and Changsun Ting as the avatars of the upper realm true immortals in the lower realm, but their strength only fell to the middle stage of fusion, maybe it was because they were suppressed too much by the power of the interface when they were in the lower realm.I remember Taoist Youxuan's avatar in the lower realm back then had a Mahayana stage cultivation base, and he was no match for the same Mahayana stage monk Miao Dizi Patriarch.

Is it true that the strength of these true immortals is so different? There are many doubts in his heart, but Yi Tian didn't ask directly, but carefully scrutinized the other party's reaction.Obviously, with Wu Jue's strength, if he wants to run rampant in the Nine Realms of the Spirit, he is afraid that his strength has not yet reached that level.At least those Mahayana monks will not let him do whatever he wants.

Later, I saw him ask again: "When did you meet Changsun Ting?"

"It's been about ten years," Yi Tian didn't hide anything, and replied directly: "However, I have some doubts, why are you high-ranking true immortals interested in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and you all fell into the Hell Realm? In the plane."

"It seems like I'm the one asking questions now?" Wu Jue said with a grim expression.

"Senior, I've got a picture," Yi Tian said unhurriedly: "I don't have any obligation to answer senior's questions, but it's okay for everyone to exchange with each other. Anyway, I'm also quite interested in the affairs of the fairy world. If It is naturally a happy thing for seniors to exchange information with me."

Wu Jue heard a glimmer of disdain flashing in his eyes, and then he raised his hand and waved a golden aura in his hand, saying: "If you want to exchange information with me, you have to see if you are worthy enough. Let's talk about it after I have a trick." Said After sacrificing the spiritual light in his hand, he directly hit Yi Tian's position.

Facing the attack of a real immortal for the first time, even if it is just a clone Yi Tian, ​​he dare not be careless.And judging from the supernatural powers he sacrificed in his hands, the power and unique skills are not weak. Since his ability is overwhelming Mo Feihong, his strength is naturally not as much as his own.Naturally, Yi Tian would not make the mistake of determining his strength according to his cultivation base. The real strength of Wu Jue, the real immortal avatar in front of him, should not be much different from his own.

From the supernatural spell in his hand, one can clearly feel that there is a trace of immortal power, which is completely different from when he fought Mo Feihong before.Obviously, the other party is also testing his own strength. If he can't handle even one move, then he is not qualified to talk about the following matters.

In this way, Yi Tian hurriedly sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Knife with his right hand and drew a ten-foot-sized magic blade in front of him. With a light flick of his left hand, a trace of flame hell magic fire was shot out and incorporated into the Heavenly Demon Blade.

He said softly: "Go," the black-red Sky Demon Blade went straight towards the other party's magical power with the sound of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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