
Chapter 2197

Chapter 2197
Flying in the high sky of the hell world This time, Yi Tian's trip to the Wanlong Swamp was just a side story, but fortunately, under his clever words and defenses, he dragged Wu Jue, the true fairy of the upper realm, into the water.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian originally had the mentality of fooling around in this matter. The true immortal Wu Jue from Yu Tian in the upper realm and the Changsun Ting from Guangming Ming were the most unstable factors in this realm.God knows what they came to the lower realm for, but there is one thing that Yi Tian can be sure of is that the relationship between the two must not be harmonious, and it should be that kind of relationship.

I want to make good use of their hostile relationship to disrupt this trip to the fragments of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Netherworld.

At the same time, during the conversation with Wu Jue, Yi Tian also noticed that his trip to the lower realm might be related to the fragments of the fairy world of Luotian Immortal Palace.Otherwise, it would not be as simple as sending the avatars to the lower realms easily by the two high-ranking true immortals in the fairy world.

To deal with the tyranny of the Nether Emperor under such a forceful effort has created a lot of variables. At least for now, it seems that I can still handle this relationship properly.However, after arriving at the fragment of the fairy world, he is not completely without opportunities. Now Yi Tian holds the identity of being the righteous successor of the Luotian Immortal Palace's orthodoxy.Moreover, they know a lot about the legacy of the sect, and this alone is not comparable to those of them.

There are many dangers in the fragments of the fairy world, but why not many opportunities.As long as it is handled properly, there may be unexpected gains.

After fooling around Wu Jue, Yi Tian still put his mind on Changsun Ting, how could a true immortal like him be absent from the grand event of exploring Luo Tianxian Palace.And maybe the purpose of their trip is also for this, and I am happy to see it.The more muddied the matter is, the better it will be for him, this is all obvious, and Yi Tian firmly believes in this.

After thinking about it, he took out Changsun Ting's communication jade talisman, and wrote all the information on it in detail, and even told all the things he had met Wu Jue without hiding anything.

To deal with these true immortals, the more they conceal the date and cause their suspicion, it is better to tell the whole story, anyway, with Changsun Ting's mind, he will definitely not sit idly by Wu Jue's whereabouts.

After sending out the Jade Talisman of Communication, Yi Tian felt relieved for no reason, since the matter has come to this point, they can think whatever they want.When the time comes, I can just see the tricks and dismantle them, but when it comes to facing the two real immortals from the lower realm, Yi Tian also has to cheer up 12 points.Although it is possible to have both sides, it is only possible under the circumstances that the two are hostile to each other.

If these two put aside their prejudices and join forces in the Fragment of the Immortal World, I am afraid that those who enter will have no good fruit.I also had to guard against this, thinking of this, Yi Tian still shifted his mind to the secret classics of Luo Tianxian Palace.After going through it in my mind, I found some unexpected information.

Although there is no detailed description of true immortals in the Zongmen Secret Code, the jade slips found in Qionghua Pavilion back then mentioned that after ascension, the soul had grown to several times its original size, and these were the true immortals and the lower realms. The most intuitive difference between Earth Immortals.

This time when Wu Jue and Changsun Ting came down to the spirit world, they were naturally suppressed by the power of the interface. They had a powerful soul baby but no power of immortal energy to mobilize, so they were not much stronger than people in the spirit world.

If a large amount of immortal energy is absorbed in the fragments of the fairy world, the strength will naturally double. Although this is a dangerous move, Yi Tian has to do this dangerous move.If these two people are allowed to mess around in the hell world, they may be able to improve their strength to the Mahayana stage in a few hundred years. Even if they advance, they may not be their opponents.

The only way is to plan ahead before they recover their strength, and I remember that the jade slip also mentioned that even if the cultivation base has reached the Mahayana stage, the power of the soul cannot reach the level of a true fairy, so the soul spells or The spirit weapon is the nemesis of such monks.

Although the body strength of the two true immortals is strong, they are still in the lower realm after all, so the strength of the soul will definitely not be as strong as the deity.Thinking of this, Yi Tian had a plan in mind, and the spiritual treasure "Haotian Mirror" sacrificed in his hand was the nemesis of these two people.It's just that at present, it seems that I have just refined a prototype of a treasure and has not yet completed the steps of imbuing the spirit.

After thinking about it, he moved slightly with his divine sense and directly poked into the animal breeding pouch on his waist, and found the beast king and Taoist.

A little later, a ray of divine sense flew into it and turned into his own appearance, and then he called out: "Dare to ask if the Beast Lord Daoist is safe, I have something to ask."

The beast-controlling sac was originally a mass of pitch-black chaos, but after hearing his question, the mirror image in front of him trembled slightly, and then a phantom of a spirit beast appeared in the void.After the white halo flashed, it gathered into a ball of light in front of him, and after three breaths, a miniature white tiger appeared.

After the halo fell to the ground, he shook slightly and turned into the deity of the beast king and Taoist. He opened his eyes, looked at himself, and asked, "Didn't I say before that if there is nothing important, don't bother me? What happened to you?" gone?"

"Fellow Beast Monarch, please forgive me. I really want to discuss something with you this time." After finishing speaking, Yi Tian slowly revealed his agreement with the two lower realm true immortals, emphasizing their The source and my worries are clearly explained.

After hearing this, the Taoist Beast Lord said disdainfully: "I didn't expect that Guangming and people from Yutian would pay attention to this world. It seems that the treasure left by Luotian Immortal Palace back then really made these true immortals jealous. gone."

"Oh, why did Fellow Daoist Beast Lord say that?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "As far as I know, the two deities in this lower realm have the cultivation level of true immortals. Could it be that they still want to spy on Luotian Immortal Palace? Is it your legacy?"

"Could it be that the Golden Immortal is so powerful?" The Taoist Beast Monarch smiled disdainfully: "You don't know, even in the Upper Immortal Realm, there are many layers of heavens. In the layer, compared with the Luotian Immortal Palace that exists above the 33rd heaven, it is naturally far behind. To put it bluntly, those who can cultivate to the level of golden immortals in Guangming and Yutian have almost reached the top. If you want to continue It is absolutely impossible to practice without any great opportunities.”

After hearing this, Yi Tiancai suddenly said: "No wonder, so these two people must have heard some news about Luotian Immortal Palace, so they lowered their avatars to explore, right?"

"Probably enough, you know that your sect, Luo Tianxian Palace, produced people of the level of Da Luo Tianxian in Luo Tianxian Realm back then, even though Luo Tianxian Realm is now falling apart, the Taoist blessings left behind are enough for ordinary Taiyi gold Immortals are peeping, let alone two real immortals," explained the Taoist Beast Monarch.

Unexpectedly, his own sect was such a powerful existence before, and Yi Tian felt chills behind when he thought about it deeply.Then why is such a powerful force completely disintegrated? The collapse of the Luotian Immortal Realm must have encountered some major event, or it could be said that after two figures of the Great Luo Celestial Immortal level fought, that realm was completely destroyed. collapsed.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a trace of surprise on his face, and then sighed: "Dare to ask the Taoist Beast Lord if he knows what happened in Luo Tianxian's world back then?"

"The memories about the fairy world in my mind are not detailed, and many of them are intermittent and fragmented memories," said the Beast Lord Taoist: "The information I can give you is also very limited, but one thing is very clear. The detached status in the fairy world is definitely not something you can imagine, if you are lucky enough to get the legacy of the sect and be able to ascend to the fairy world, you will definitely do something."

Yi Tian didn't show any joy when he heard the words, but frowned deeply: "As far as I know, there are at least four ancestors in the sect who have ascended to the fairy world, and they are all people who have inherited the complete orthodoxy. Why are there tens of thousands of people? I haven’t seen anyone come to the lower world as a clone in the past few years, is there any problem in this?”

"I don't know about this, but in the fairy world in the name of Luotian Immortal Palace, I am afraid that it is also a fragrant bun that everyone is vying for." The Taoist Beast Lord thought for a while before saying: "These ancestors of the soaring sect also need to have long-term skills. Only the precipitation of time can improve the cultivation level, if you expose your identity rashly, it may lead to the liquidation of the sect's old enemy."

The pupils in his eyes froze and Yi Tian cried out: "Could it be that Luotian Immortal Palace still has an old enemy of the sect, could it be that this is necessarily related to the collapse of Luotian Immortal Realm?"

"I can't tell," the Taoist Beast Lord also shook his head and replied, "Actually, the fairyland is not monolithic, and the remaining forces in the various layers of the heavenly realm are also independent. There will naturally be many hostile forces in the Luotian fairyland 33 days away. Power exists."

"So, it seems that even if I can ascend to the upper realm, I should not easily expose the background of the sect," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"That's true. As for the reason why Luotian Immortal Palace was beaten to pieces and fell to the spirit world, it can only be verified by you in the future," Taoist Beast Lord said solemnly.

After hearing this, Yi Tian changed the subject and said, "Then I don't know if it was right or wrong for me to involve the avatars of the two lower realm true immortals this time?"

"You did nothing wrong. It is the best policy to strike first and take the opportunity to eradicate their clones before they are fully adapted to this world," Beast Monarch Taoist hurriedly replied: "And with their minds, they can still do it now. If you make a deal, if you allow them to absorb enough immortal energy and improve their cultivation to the Mahayana stage, then the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit will be disturbed."

"Isn't it okay to invite my masters and masters who have cultivated in the Mahayana stage to take action?" Yi Tian asked: "Their cultivation bases have stayed in the Mahayana stage for tens of thousands of years, and they still have a bit of chakra. "

"This is just your wishful thinking," the Beast Lord said disdainfully: "First of all, the monks in the Mahayana period are thinking about how to ascend to the fairy world, so they don't really fight with others to fight to the death. Again, these two A true immortal from the lower realm must still have a backhand in his hands. I am afraid that he will have to wait for his cultivation base to be further improved before he can display his power. Your master may not be able to match these backgrounds alone. In the end, these Mahayana monks will also They will always do things on the sidelines, if they kill the avatar descended from the real immortal, how will they face their true deity when they come to the immortal world."

"I know, this should be the so-called being a human and staying on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future," Yi Tian smiled wryly and shook his head, "I'm afraid that I'm the only one who will go all out to deal with them in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. No wonder I reported the matter to the master before and received a reply just to let me play by ear."

"Then have you thought about how to deal with these two people?" The Taoist Beast Lord said: "If you kill these two people in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, maybe their deities can sense it, but the fragments in the Luotian Immortal Palace Not so inside."

"What Friends Beast Lord said is good, but it may be very difficult to face the two of them at the same time, so I can only use my strength to fight," Yi Tian said, slowly revealing his preliminary plan, among which He also stated that he planned to involve You Ming Boy and others.

After hearing the words, the Beast Lord and Taoist carefully analyzed the pros and cons, and pointed out what he needs to pay attention to.Later, Yi Tian took out the prototype of the "Haotian Mirror" Lingbao that he had newly refined, and handed it to the Beast Lord and Taoist for his review.

The latter also admired Yi Tian's refining skills after searching carefully, but frowned slightly after ten breaths and said: "The spirit treasure you refined is really extraordinary, but if you want to deal with these two real immortals from the lower realm The doppelgänger seems to be insufficient."

"I know that the aura of this treasure is not enough, so I want to go to Luotian Immortal Palace to find a sufficient amount of fairy power and put it into it, and then complete the last step of refining to deal with those two true immortals." Yi Tian explained.

"But collecting the power of fairy spirits is not that simple," said the Beast Monarch Taoist, "I'm afraid you think this matter is too simple."

"I don't know why the Beast Lord Daoist made such a statement?" Yi Tian asked inexplicably: "According to the description in the refining classics kept by the sect, I only started refining after collecting all the precious materials, and the operation The steps also operate as recorded in the classics."

"What you said is correct. There is a ready-made musical instrument, and there is no problem with the fairy power found in the fragments of the fairy world." The Taoist Beast Monarch said solemnly: "But you seem to have overlooked the most important issue."

Yi Tian woke up suddenly when he heard the words, and then there was an extremely dignified look in his eyes and said: "Does the Beast Monarch Daoist refer to the cultivation base of the refiner and the spirit treasure itself?"

"Lingbao is always a spiritual weapon, and its effect is more than enough to deal with the monks of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, but I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with the true immortals of the lower realm." Taoist Beast Monarch explained: "You have been immersed in the Dao of Qi for many years, naturally it should be early. Now that you have an insight into the reason, I don’t need to repeat this key point.”

Yi Tian's complexion turned ashen when he heard the words, and he had considered this issue before.The spirit treasures refined by myself as a monk in the fit stage are all super-heaven-level, which is more than enough to deal with monks in the Mahayana stage.But the true immortals of the lower realm are definitely stronger than the Mahayana monks, and it is not easy to deal with them calmly.After thinking about it, he asked: "Thank you for the reminder, and please ask the Beast Monarch Taoist to teach me how to deal with it."

"It is said that there is a method of 'Doushi Ziyan' in Luotian Immortal Palace. If you can cultivate it to great success and use it to sacrifice spirit treasures, you can upgrade it to the level of a quasi-immortal weapon, and then inject the spirit of the fairy At least it is more than enough to deal with the two real immortal clones," said the Taoist Beast Monarch.

(End of this chapter)

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